The Journey To Become The Perfect Werewolf

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The Journey To Become The Perfect Werewolf Page 7

by Olive P. Farley

  “Mom, this is Carrie, my mate. Carrie, this is my Mom Debra.” She came up and hugged me tight.

  “I'm just so glad to meet you. You have no idea. We worried Gabriel would never find his mate and now here you are. Oh, I can't wait to have some grandbabies.” At this point I wasn't sure whose eyes bugged out more, mine or Gabriel's. “No rush!” She added when she saw our faces.

  “I'm Chuck, Gabriel's Dad. Pay no mind to chatterbox over here. She means no harm.” He said with the same playful grin as Gabriel.

  He put his hand out to shake my hand.

  “Oh Chuck! Don't give me a hard time. I'm just excited.” She swatted his arm and he chuckled.

  “Oh, let me see the mark!” She said and I was immediately confused. Mark? What mark? Did she mean my wounds from the attack? I looked at Gabriel and he looked uncomfortable.

  “Uhhh, we haven't marked each other yet, Mom.” He said. Marked each other? What the hell was that?

  “What!? I thought you found her days ago? What are you waiting for?” She seemed outraged, like this was a big deal and I was even more curious what a marking meant.

  “Debra! Leave the poor kids alone. I'm sure there's a reason they are waiting.” Chuck tried to rein Gabriel's mom in but she wasn't having it.

  “What reason? No one waits! You marked me the day we met! Gabriel!” She looked to Gabriel basically demanding an explanation.

  “Mom, Carrie doesn't know our ways.” Her eyes darted to me confused and I flushed.

  “She was adopted and raised with human parents. She really doesn't know much about being a wolf yet.” I hung my head low. I was sure in their eyes I wasn't going to be good enough for Gabriel and the sad truth was, they were probably right. But instead of disgust and contempt like I expected, Gabriel's Mom came and hugged me again.

  “Oh, you poor dear!! Don't worry! We'll teach you all you need to know! Most of it is instinct anyways.” She said encouragingly. I smiled.

  “Do your parents know? How did they take it?” She pried.

  “Ummmm, they don't know. We don't really….talk.” I finished.

  “Oh, that's a shame.” She looked around as if she was unsure of what to say next. “Well, we will let you guys get back to whatever you were doing.” She said and I almost burst out laughing but stopped myself, blushing instead.

  “I'll expect you both over for dinner tomorrow!” She announced as she started heading for the door.

  “It was very nice to meet you, Carrie.” Chuck said as he followed his wife.

  Gabriel and I stood there awkwardly for a moment after they left. I was feeling a little overwhelmed and not really sure what to say. I peeked at Gabriel and he was looking at me.

  “So…….” He started “those are my parents.” He said and I laughed.

  “Really? I would have never known.” I said sarcastically. Gabriel smiled.

  “Sorry for my Mom. She can be a bit much sometimes.” I laughed.

  “You're fine. Though I do have a question.” I responded.

  “Go on.” He said

  “What is a mark?” I inquired. He looked at me shocked. Then he seemed like he was trying to figure out how to explain it.

  “When we complete our mating, we mark each other.” He said.

  “Complete our mating? Is that sex?”

  “No, not necessarily. Marking is a big part of the process. It means we fully accept each other as our mates and we mark each as a way of completing the link.” Huh? Now I had more questions.

  “What do you mean, complete the link?” I felt so clueless. This all seemed normal and mundane details to Gabriel and his family but I had no idea what all of this meant.

  “When we mark each other, we become mates in every sense of the word. We will be able to mind link, which is speaking to each other telepathically. You'll also be able to do that once you're officially part of the pack. We'll also be able to feel each other's emotions. Marking makes us connected, body and soul.” He explained it all so patiently. I thought for a moment, deciding to sit down while I absorbed this new info.

  “Ok. I think I get that. How is someone marked? Is it like a tattoo? What if a couple breaks up?” I looked at him, waiting for the answers.

  “It's not a tattoo.” He said, slightly amused it seemed. “To mark your mate, you bite them, here.” He lowered himself down and kissed my neck below my ear and I felt a shiver run down my spine. My wolf got excited, inwardly begging him to mark me. I wasn't as sure about the whole thing.

  “Doesn't it hurt? To be bitten?” It seemed like that would be painful. Why biting? It sounded so animalistic.

  “No, it's not. I've heard it's actually quite pleasurable.” He purred at me, his eyes showing that he still wanted me. But I still had too many questions.

  “Have you ever marked anyone before?” I didn't like the idea but I had to know.

  “No. You only mark your mate. You are my only mate. You can find your mate at 18 so I've been waiting a while to find you.” He said. He finally took a seat by me on the couch. My mind couldn't help but think about what we had been doing on the couch earlier. Why did Gabriel have this affect on me?

  “Am I so drawn to you because we are mates?” He nodded.

  “That's part of it, yes. The sparks when we touch. Our wolves want each other too. Mine has been hounding me to mark you, make love to you, anything that gets me close to you really.” I blushed.

  “My wolf too.” I said shyly. “You didn't answer my earlier question. What happens if people break up?” Was there a way to un-mate? Kinda like a divorce?

  “They don't. A wolf can reject their mate, it's not common but it happens. But that is very painful for both parties. Wolves have been known to die of a broken heart from being rejected. But once a pair is mated, they are mated for life. I have heard of some wolves who have lost their mate, finding a second one, but it's rare.” Mates were for life. That was a lot to take in. I had strong feelings for Gabriel and I definitely desired him but still, I wasn't sure I was ready for a lifelong commitment. Still, it sounded nice to have someone who would stick by me no matter what.

  I was overwhelmed. I had so much to learn. Now I at least knew a little bit about mates but that really wasn't much. I put my head on my hands. Could I learn it all? It was all so different. I wasn't sure. I just didn't want to disappoint Gabriel.

  “I don't know if I can learn it all, Gabriel.” I voiced my concern. “I feel so clueless. Like Jon said, I'm barely a wolf at all.” This was hopeless “ I don't even know how to shift.”

  Gabriel looked at me in surprised.

  “But you were shifted when you first got here?”

  “I know but I shifted because Paul was attacking me, I didn't do it on purpose. And I was stuck after that. I couldn't shift back. I tried and tried.” He nodded seeming to finally understand.

  “Well, only one thing to do.” He stood up and extended his hand. “Time to learn how to shift.”

  Chapter 18

  Gabriel took my hand and led me through the french doors into the backyard. It was so pretty out here. I realized it was the first time I had actually been in the backyard. Before now, I had only seen through a window. It was sunset at this point and the sky was painted varying hues of pink, orange and yellow. With the pond and all the wildflowers, it was breathtaking.

  ”Ok, wolf lesson one.” Gabriel joked and I laughed. “When you want to shift into your wolf, you need to be one with your wolf.” I looked at him like he had three heads.

  “And how do I do that?” I asked.

  “You have to trust your wolf, you have to give yourself over. You have to let go.” He explained.

  “Ok. I guess I can try.” I said, not really sure this was going to work. Ok, just let go, I thought. Gabriel saw me trying.

  “Uhhhhh. You may want to do one more thing before you start trying to shift.” He said, seeming kinda awkward about it.

  “What?” I said warily.

  “You may want to take off
your clothes.” He looked away, clearly worried how I would respond to this.

  “Why do I need to take off my clothes?” I asked, narrowing my eyes. “Is this just a ploy to see me naked?” I wasn't sure about this. Trying to do this fully clothed sounded hard enough. Being completely nude in front of Gabriel would be nerve wracking to say the least.

  “Well, if you don't take your clothes off, then when you shift, you'll rip your clothes to shreds. Seeing as these are brand new clothes, I didn't think you'd want to ruin them.” He explained. Then I saw his face light up with that playful smile I was beginning to know all too well. He started walking towards me. “As for seeing you naked, well, that's just an added bonus.” He was only inches from me. His scent filled my nostrils and my wolf was aching for him nearly as bad as I was.

  “As much as it pains me,” he said dramatically “I will attempt to behave myself.” I laughed and pushed him away.

  “Can you just turn around at least?” I was so uncomfortable with this but I really wanted to learn.

  “Of course.” He agreed. “I'll go to the side of the house. That way you can have some privacy.” He walked around to the side but before he disappeared from my sight he turned around and winked at me. I shaked my head. He was incorrigible.

  I quickly stripped off my clothes and folded them neatly, setting them down in a nearby chair. I was down to my underwear and took a deep breath as I removed them too.

  I closed my eyes and started trying to shift. I tried to let go but nothing happened. Wolf? Come on! I thought. Still nothing. Dammit. I opened my eyes, getting frustrated. Then I saw a huge silver wolf peek its head out from the side of the house. My first instinct was to cover up since I knew it was Gabriel but I was really curious and wanted to see Gabriel's wolf.

  “Go ahead and come out. I guess I will have to get used to all this but I want to see you.” I said.

  Gabriel's wolf came out stopping suddenly, and staring at me. I turned beet red. This was the first time anyone aside from a doctor or my parents had seen me nude. Gabriel let out a little howl and I could only guess he approved. I was mesmerized by Gabriel's wolf. Here was this gigantic silver wolf but those blue/gray eyes I knew so well were still staring back at me. I started walking closer, I wanted to know what his fur felt like. Gabriel held still. I think he was shocked by my actions. I was shocked by my actions, but something about Gabriel made me bold. I ran my hand through his fur loving how soft it was. Then I smelled him. This seemed to drive my wolf wild. I felt it trying to break free and closed my eyes. I tried to let go, let my wolf break free like it wanted and then I felt it. It was like I had opened a floodgate, and my wolf's power flowed through me. I felt the painful but pleasurable feeling of my body shifting. Gabriel must have realized what was happening because he had backed away. Then it was over and in my place now stood my golden wolf.

  I got excited that I had done it and started to jump around. I startled myself when I barked. I was inwardly laughing. This was amazing. Gabriel came up to me and nuzzled me. I decided to playfully nip at him before running away and the chase ensued.

  I took off through the wild flowers and made my way to the wooded area. I ran as fast as I could. It felt so good to be back in my wolf form, able to shift at will. I weaved through the woods dodging trees. Gabriel was right on my heels though. If I thought I was fast, I was wrong. Gabriel had more experience and could outrun me easy. He caught up to me and we ran through the woods side by side.

  When we hit a little clearing in the woods Gabriel jumped and tackled me. We both rolled together, getting twigs and leaves stuck in our fur. When we stopped, I was pinned under Gabriel's wolf, inwardly laughing. Then he licked me and I playfully nipped at him again. With Gabriel on top of me, I had the strong urge to kiss him, my wolf wanted him so bad and so did I. Without thinking I suddenly shifted back to my human form. I gasped, surprised by my sudden and unintended change but also because Gabriel's massive wolf was on top of me. Before I could adjust Gabriel shifted as well. I became very aware that we were nude and that Gabriel was on top of me.

  Gabriel let out a low but possessive growl as his lips claimed mine. This was no gentle kiss. I was immediately aroused as the kiss intensified and I felt Gabriel's hardness pressing against my leg but this time I had more control over myself. I pulled away and was met with the sight of Gabriel's eyes dark and almost black with lust.

  “Gabriel, not here. I want you too, but I don't want my first time to be on the ground in the woods.” I saw a flash of disappointment flash across his face quickly followed with shock as he absorbed my words.

  “First time? You're a virgin?” He asked, as if I just told him something astonishing. I nodded, too embarrassed to answer. He sat up and scratched his head.

  “I'm sorry. I had no idea. I would have taken things a lot slower if I had known.” He seemed embarrassed too and I felt guilty for making him feel that way.

  “I don't feel rushed Gabriel. If anything you've been nothing but kind to me. I'm trying to trust you. This is all just so new to me. Please try to understand.” I explained. He looked at me and smiled, taking my hand in his.

  “We have all the time in the world Carrie. I can wait. But if I have to sit here looking at your naked body for much longer, I may break my own promise.” He smirked looking me up and down and then gave me a quick kiss while playfully cupping my breast. I laughed and swatted his hand away. I stood up and started walking away knowing I was giving Gabriel a show. I turned around and winked at him and his eyes narrowed as he got up to chase after me. I ran off squealing and laughing, shifting a moment later and running as fast as I could back to the house. It was dark outside now. I shifted back and ran inside, Gabriel right behind me. He caught up to me in the hallway and pinned me to the wall.

  “I think you should pay a penance for teasing me.” He said. I giggled.

  “What did you have in mind?” I said, wondering what he'd want. He put his finger to his chin as if he was thinking.

  “How about a bath? Together? I promise not to get too frisky.” He smiled at me and I could tell he desperately wanted me to say yes. I thought for a moment. I was starting to become more comfortable being nude in front of Gabriel. He had seen me a few times now and had managed to control himself. Could I control myself was the question. It had only been a few hours since we had our hot and heavy moment. I was pretty sure if we hadn't been interrupted I would have had sex with Gabriel. That wasn't a horrible prospect or anything but I just wasn't quite ready for that yet.

  As if reading my mind, Gabriel looked at me and said “Carrie, we will take things slower. I didn't know you were so innocent. I just want to be close to you. Having you here with me means everything to me. Getting to touch you is mind numbingly amazing. All I want is you Carrie.” He kissed me softly. “ I promise, if you take a bath with me, we will not have sex. Not today at least.” He smiled and I couldn't resist him.

  “Ok.” I agreed. “No sex. Just a bath.”

  “Agreed. No sex. No matter how much you beg me.” He winked and I laughed. He held my hand and led me down the hall.

  Chapter 19

  Hand in hand, Gabriel led me to his room. When we got there he got the bath ready and started running the water.

  “Do you like a hot bath?” He asked and I nodded.

  “Yes, skin tingling hot please.” I chirped. There was no need to undress as we were both still nude. I looked at the mirror briefly and had to do a double take. There were sticks in my hair. I laughed as I started picking them out, running my hands through my hair. Gabriel saw me struggling with a particularly stubborn stick and came to my rescue. By the time I had removed all the twigs, the bath was ready. Gabriel helped me in first and I let out a little sigh as I descended into the steaming hot water. Then Gabriel got in behind me. The bath was huge and even with both of us in we still had room. Gabriel looped his arm around my waist and pulled me back to him. I sighed as I felt the sparks on my back and leaned my head back against his c
hest. With his other hand he grabbed my hand. We sat there contentedly for a while, just enjoying the hot water and the feel of each other. Then Gabriel grabbed the soap and started lathering a washcloth.

  “Can I wash you?” He asked hopefully. I considered saying no, thinking this would lead to other things but then I remembered Gabriel's promise.

  “Ok.” I agreed. Gabriel started out washing my chest and shoulder in a circular motion. I had to admit that it felt good. Then he moved down and started to wash my breasts, perhaps washing my nipples a little more than they needed. My nipples hardened in response which only encouraged him. Then he started washing my abdomen and I started to get really turned on realizing where he was heading. His hand dipped under the water and I felt him start to rub my lips with the soapy washcloth and let out a low moan and my eyes closed. He continued the motion rubbing up and down, teasing me by only washing the outside. Then he let go of the washcloth and I felt his hand slip into my folds and continue his sweet torture. He rubbed me softly at first, back and forth, back and forth. Every now and then I would gasp as the sensations washed over me. Then he picked up his rhythm and I cried out as the tension was building. My hips started moving seemingly on their own and my body was begging for release. He continued to rub focusing on my most sensitive part until I climaxed, moaning loudly as my legs grew shaky and I felt a sense of euphoria wash over me. Gabriel started to kiss my neck.

  “You're so beautiful.” He said and I smiled. We quickly finished washing ourselves after that. As we finished, I stood up, blushing as I realized my rear end was right in Gabriel's face. He swatted it playfully and I laughed as I stepped out and grabbed a towel wrapping it around myself.

  Gabriel got out too and I turned around in time to see his chiseled physique with water dripping off him. I looked him up and down and blushed when my eyes zeroed in on his lower body. I didn't have much experience with men but Gabriel seemed to be very large and I wondered about the logistics of how that would work when we did finally make love. Would it fit? I blushed when I looked up and saw Gabriel smirking at me while I studied him.


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