The Journey To Become The Perfect Werewolf

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The Journey To Become The Perfect Werewolf Page 25

by Olive P. Farley

  “Wow. I'm not really sure what to say. I've never had a sister.” I smiled.

  “Well, I've never had a brother. Now I have two. Guess we will have to figure it out together.” I said, winking. Thomas laughed.

  “Mother said you are having a pup too.” Michael stated. I nodded.

  “Yes. I am a few months along. Still early.” I replied. Both boys smiled. An awkward silence fell as none of us were sure what to say. Thankfully the kitchen announced that the meal was ready at that moment.

  The Alpha and his family ate first. We all walked up to a buffet like set up and took a tray. The meal was amazing. A delicious and hearty beef stew with carrots and onions. There was also corn bread and yeast rolls as well as a simple salad. Everything was well seasoned and delicious. I hadn't even realized how hungry I was until I started eating. To my surprise, Thomas came and sat down beside me. I looked up from my meal and he smiled at me before starting to eat. I looked around at my new found family. My Father and Libby were sitting next to each other. I could tell they really loved each other. I wished, in that moment, that I could have seen my Mother and Father together. Suddenly my vision fogged. I saw my Mother in a car. I instantly knew it was her. The windows were open and her long honey brown hair was flying in the wind. She laughed. I could see how happy she was. She looked over at the driver and I saw my Father as a young man. He looked so much like Thomas. He was happy too. He smiled a dazzling smile at my Mother and took her hand.

  I was jolted out of my vision by Gabriel. Michael had been asking me something but I had been in a trance for a second, seeing my vision. I opened my eyes to see concerned faces. I would have tried to assure them I was fine, but I wasn't. Without saying a word, I ran outside.

  I hadn't expected that vision. Seeing my Mother had been amazing but also made me miss her in a way I hadn't before. Once I walked outside, the cold air hit me. The nights were getting colder and colder but I was too lost in my thoughts to care. I sat down, tears already streaming down my face and buried my head in my knees. A few minutes later, I heard someone approaching. I expected it to be Gabriel but it was my Father.

  “Are you okay?” He asked. I wiped off my face, trying to calm down.

  “I am okay.” I lied. “I just…. Just had a thought.” I said.

  “No, you didn't. You had a vision.” He said. I stared at him in shock and he winked at me. “Runs in the family. Your Grandma had them all the time. I knew the second you went into the trance what was happening.” He finished. I blushed, feeling guilty for lying.

  “I'm sorry. I wasn't sure how to tell you. People have thought me crazy before. I didn't want you to.” I said. Patrick came over and helped me up, pulling me into his arms.

  “Not crazy. Not even a little. You are gifted. More proof you are mine.” He said. It felt weird, being hugged like he was hugging me. But also warm (literally and figuratively) and very comforting.

  “Do any other abilities run in the family?” I asked, pulling away to talk.

  “Yes, I can throw out a field and throw anyone in about a 20 foot radius. So can Thomas but he is still learning to control it. The abilities came from your Grandma's side of the family. She had visions of the past and future, like you. Her brothers and sisters had abilities too. I think one could move at an accelerated speed and another could control the elements but her ability didn't work very well. She never had much control over it.” He said.

  “I can throw out the field too.” I told him proudly. “I can also access mindlinks. As long as I have a connection to someone. Also, I can't be blocked out. Gabriel has tried. If I look into his mind through our link, he can't stop me. I've even been able to use our link to hear others linked to him, but that was an accident.” I finished. He looked surprised.

  “Wow. I think your Great Grandma could read minds too. We didn't know the link was involved though. But she stayed with her pack so she would have been linked with them all.” He seemed like he was a little lost in thought. “I don't know if I ever heard of anyone having three abilities. Two maybe but not three. You must be a strong wolf.” He said smiling proudly at me.

  “I am still learning but Gabriel says I am very strong. The visions and the field make me pretty much unbeatable.” I said. He smiled.

  “Well, after you have the baby, we will have to train together. You might find it more challenging to fight other wolves with abilities.” He said. “Michael will be eighteen in 6 months or so too. So he will also need to train though we aren't sure what abilities he may have. Right now it seems to be the ability to avoid training and find a book instead.” He said. It was clear he did not approve of Michael being bookish.

  “Maybe Michael would like to go to school. If Thomas will be the next Alpha, would Michael be a better support to him if he was educated and could help advise.” I offered.

  “Maybe. I don't know. He is smart but I am not sure that a human college is going to make him more valuable to the pack.” He said.

  “Maybe you should ask him what he wants.” I said. “It is his life. If learning and reading are his passions, maybe those are his path.” I said. He seemed to consider my words.

  “Maybe. Maybe I will talk to Libby. She has always said I was too hard on Michael. I love him, of course. I just want him to be strong. He will need to be.” He said. I smiled. It was so strange to be having this conversation with my Dad. Advocating for my brother who I had only met hours ago.

  Suddenly, I felt the hairs on my neck stand up. I had a bad feeling. I looked to my Father, alarmed.

  “Rogues.” I said.

  Chapter 68

  I looked at my Father and saw his eyes darken. His wolf was trying to get out. Aeliana was too. I could smell the rogues. There wasn't just one. No, there were many.

  “Do rogues usually group together?” I asked in hushed tones. Patrick shook his head.

  “No, they are packless. This isn't normal.” He said. I had questions but now wasn't the time. I saw Patrick's eyes glaze over and knew he was alerting his pack. I realized I needed to let Gabriel know what was happening.

  “Gabriel, there are rogues surrounding the village. Get outside.” I said to him. Seconds later, all the adult wolves had come outside and started shifting. The rogues were slowly advancing. It was clear they had coordinated this attack.

  I threw off my shirt, getting ready to shift when Gabriel came to my side.

  “Go inside with the children. They have a bunker they are hiding in.” He said.

  “No.” I said. “I am not running away. I will be careful. But I have to help.” Gabriel looked mad and I felt bad for that but I couldn't walk away and not help.

  “Fine, stay close to me then. We will have each other's backs. Please.” He finished. I nodded and we finished shifting.

  I looked around and saw my Father's wolf. He was larger than me but the same golden color. Next to him was a smaller brown wolf who had to be Libby and another large wolf that was brown with gold patches. That had to be Thomas. All the pack surrounded the pack house. Keeping the children and weaker wolves safe was the priority.

  The rogues started to emerge from the woods. There had to be at least twenty rogues. I wasn't worried though. The pack had at least fifty wolves out and ready to fight. The rogues were outnumbered.

  My Father's wolf led the attack. He didn't wait for the rogues to advance, charging them instead. He let out a piercing roar as he neared the woods throwing out his field, throwing a few rogues into the air.

  The rogues had to know they had made a mistake. They were outnumbered by a strong pack. But if they did, they didn't show it. Like the rabid beasts they were, they attacked anyways. Gabriel and I joined the charge. Aelaina was taking control, excited for a real fight at last. I made contact with a scraggly gray wolf that was snarling. I took him down easily, getting him by the throat and jerking my head, snapping his neck. I threw his body to the side as another rogue advanced. Gabriel was fighting with a brown rogue that was missing patches of fur.
The rogue was dodging, trying to avoid Gabriel's attack but I knew Gabriel would win. I focused my attention at the wolf approaching me. I had a vision and knew this wolf would charge me, so I waited. When the wolf charged I moved to the side, jumping up and biting into the animal's side. I heard the rogue whimper as the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth.

  A moment later and it was all over. The rogues were all dead. The village was safe. We made our way back to the pack house as we all shifted back. I walked over to where my clothes were and put them on.

  “See? Easy peazy.” I said to Gabriel as he finished dressing. He gave me a dirty look and didn't say a word. My heart contracted, knowing he was mad at me.

  “Gabriel, I had to help.” I started but he cut me off.

  “No, you wanted to. Dammit Carrie, they aren't the same. There were plenty of wolves to take care of this. You didn't need to put yourself and our daughter in danger!” He said, nearly yelling. I wasn't used to Gabriel getting mad but I also wasn't backing down.

  “ You wouldn't sit out a fight. Why? Because you feel a responsibility to help! So do I! This is MY family. I can't just hide and hope! I won't!” I yelled back.

  “I would sit out a fight if it kept you or the baby safe. You have a responsibility to us too.” He said softly, looking me in the eye. I could see the worry he was feeling and started to feel guilty.

  “I am sorry. I promise I won't take any more unnecessary risks.” I said. He took my hands and pressed his forehead to my own.

  “If anything happened to you, I don't know what I would do. I need you Carrie.” He said. I wasn't sure what to say so I just gave him a kiss.

  “Get a room!” Thomas said jokingly, heading back into the pack house. Gabriel and I laughed and the mood shifted.

  “Thank you both for your help.” Patrick said. “Carrie, I noticed you have a golden wolf too.” He said, clearly happy to see how much my wolf resembled his.

  “Yes, I do!” I said, smiling back. Patrick winked at me.

  “We need to address the pack. It's starting to get late. Would you stay for the night?” He asked. Part of me wanted to say yes. I was exhausted and laying down sounded amazing. But something told me we needed to go home. A gut instinct.

  “No, thank you.” I started. “We aren't too far and I really want my own bed tonight. We will be back to visit though.” I promised. My Dad nodded, seemingly disappointed.

  “Okay, I understand. Just please come back soon. I really want to get to know you honey.” My Dad said. I smiled as tears pooled in my eyes.

  “I want to know you too!” I said. My Dad hugged me warmly and I headed inside the pack house to say goodbye to Libby and my brothers.

  A little while later, Gabriel and I got into the car and started to head home. I was so tired, I couldn't keep my eyes open. I quickly fell asleep. Then I started to dream.

  Chapter 69

  In my dream I was a wolf but it wasn't my wolf. I could see my dark paws as I weaved through the woods. I looked around and saw that I was not alone. Other wolves were traveling with me. Rough looking wolves. It took me a moment before I realized these wolves were a group of rogues. The group made its way through the heavily wooded area. Then we hit an incline and started to head up a steep hill or mountain. I wasn't sure which. I kept trying to figure out why I was dreaming this. Were these the wolves who had attacked my Father's pack? Was I somehow seeing what happened through their eyes?

  The wolves continued their journey until we reached the top of the incline. There they seemed to group, waiting for the others to catch up. The wolf I was seeing though walked to the edge of a cliff and my heart started to beat wildly. They were by Gabriel's spot!

  I woke up to my heart racing. I gasped as my mind desperately tried to piece together what just happened in my dream. One thing I was sure of, that wasn't a dream, it was a vision.

  “Gabriel, pull over!” I nearly screamed. The car came to a screeching halt as he pulled off to the side of the road.

  “What!? What's going on? Are you okay?” He asked. I nodded.

  “ I am. I had a vision. You have to warn Jon. Another group of rogues is heading to the village.” I saw the shock and anger register on Gabriel's face. “They are near our spot! They are getting close!” I warned. Gabriel's eyes glazed as he mind linked Jon.

  “How far are we?” I asked.

  “Not far. A few miles. Carrie, I need to go help.” He said. I nodded.

  “I am coming with you.” I said.

  “Dammit, didn't we just talk about this. No, Carrie. Go home and stay safe.” He pleaded.

  “Gabriel, I am coming. I will stay in the village. I won't join the fight. I just want to make sure the village is safe.” I said. “I promise not to fight unless I have to.”

  “Fine. We will split up at the village. Go to the diner and make sure anyone there stays there.” He said. I nodded. We shifted, not even bothering to take our clothes off. I felt them tear and fall away as my bones cracked and fur covered my body. As soon as we finished shifting, we set off. We ran as fast as our wolves were capable of. It only took us a few minutes before we reached the village. We split up, Gabriel meeting Jon and the patrol at the training center, while I went to the diner.

  Gabriel and Jon had the ten wolves from patrol and had summoned all the wolves able to fight. They were a hundred strong. They would take the rogues out easily.

  I reached the diner and shifted back, knocking on the door. An elderly wolf came to the door and let me in, quickly locking the door behind me. Another wolf handed me a plain T-shirt and I quickly threw it on. It still felt weird to be nude in front of people so I was grateful. Especially since everyone here was either elderly or a child. All the other wolves had gone to help. Everyone was huddled in the back of the diner and the lights were out. I could tell the children were scared and tried to reassure them.

  “Don't worry. The rogues are heavily outnumbered. It will all be over soon.” I said. The children nodded but I could tell they were still scared. I sat in front of them unsure if they were scared for themselves or their loved ones. Probably both.

  I decided to check in with Gabriel and see what was happening.

  “We are heading up the mountain, tracking their scent. We split up so we can try to surround them.” He said. Truth be told, I wasn't very worried. We had taken the rogues out easily at my Father's pack and had only half the number of wolves. I sat there with the children and elderly wolves. The silence was deafening.

  “We got them. Will be over soon.” Gabriel updated me one last time. The fight was about to begin. Only a few moments later and Gabriel linked me again.

  “Almost over. Just a few that are trying to escape. We are taking them out now.” He said. Just then, a scent caught my attention. My head snapped up and my heart started to race.

  “Gabriel, a rogue is here. It's right in front of the diner. I am sorry. I HAVE to protect the children. There is no one else.” I could sense he was unhappy. I knew he would come or send help though and I could handle a single rogue easily. I turned to the old man who had let me into the diner.

  “I need you to let me out. Lock the door behind me.” I said and he nodded. I got up and took off the shirt and walked to the front door, exiting the diner. This rogue was bigger than others I had seen. He was black and gray and didn't seem as rough as the others. He seemed strangely familiar and I realized this was the wolf from my dream. He snarled at me as I prepared to shift. I heard the door lock click behind me and moved away from the door.

  “What do you rogues want?” I said. “Why are you attacking?” The wolf just growled in response. Apparently I wasn't getting answers. I saw the wolf start to charge and quickly shifted.

  My paws came down on his back and I raked my claws down making him yelp in surprise. He turned, angry that I had managed to hurt him. He started to charge again so I threw my field down, throwing him into the air. He hit the ground and jumped up, clearly surprised by my ability. If I could have smiled
tauntingly, I would have. He charged me again, going for my neck but I dodged his attack easily, my claw grazing his side. I tried to bite him but he moved, making me miss. Now we were face to face, growling and circling one another. I waited, letting him make the first move. He lunged again and managed to bite his leg but his claws lashed out, digging deep into my arm/leg.

  I yelped and released his leg, moving back for a moment. Just then, Gabriel showed up. The rogue didn't even know he was there. I growled at the rogue again and lunged, clawing at him, trying to keep him distracted. Gabriel came from behind and, taking the rogue by surprise, bit right into his neck. I heard the loud crunch of bones as the monster's eyes went lifeless. Gabriel threw the body aside, coming over and checking on me. My arm hurt and was bleeding badly. The punctures were deep. My body was trying to heal but I was losing a lot of blood. I shifted back and fell to my knees as the world started to spin before darkness took me.


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