Aquamarine (Awakened Sea Dragons Book 3)

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Aquamarine (Awakened Sea Dragons Book 3) Page 12

by Terry Bolryder

  She could swear she heard him mutter, “So beautiful,” to himself. But the feel of his finger against her clit and the sound of rushing water in her ears made it hard to focus on anything right now.

  Then, when it seemed she couldn’t wait a second more, he stroked her with the entirety of his finger, making her come apart so hard everything went upside down. For interminably long moments, fierce release rocked through her like a storm, and in the middle of it, Mercury had the audacity to flick her center one more time, only further intensifying it.

  By the time she came to, she wasn’t even aware of what was around her. The garden, Drakkaris, the challenge, everything was melting away, leaving just her and Mercury.

  Mate, her dragon said. But she didn’t need to be told the obvious. Her heart had known all along.

  But no matter what she knew, Mercury was going to go at Mercury’s pace. And she just needed to show him she was going to be here with him no matter what.

  Mercury pulled off the pants she’d been wearing, his fingers ticklish along her legs. He then pulled off the silvery tunic he’d been wearing, greeting her with the sensual sight of his incredibly ripped muscles, and put it underneath her before finally taking her panties off. But he did it slowly, intentionally, devouring her with his gaze so intensely she couldn’t even try to hide the blush Marina felt everywhere on her body.

  But that was nothing compared to the feel of his tongue on her center as he spread her legs and lowered himself. Her vision blurred from the sensation, again so powerful it could have made her come, yet barely not enough to do so. And then, as he had with his finger but a hundred times more intense, he moved into an unhurried rhythm that drew the attention of every nerve, every muscle inside her.

  His tongue was so deft, so firm and wet as he made love to her. His hair fell to one side, partially covering his face, while his hands found her hips, holding her captive to his pleasure. With nowhere to go, Marina’s own hands wandered, and she bit down on her knuckle, trying to hold back the building tidal wave of release that was seconds away from crashing.

  But she couldn’t retreat, couldn’t back down from Mercury’s touch. And as his tongue covered her, sliding up her clit then back down, she orgasmed to the sound of her heart beating in her own chest.

  She tried to not cry out, but her voice wasn’t her own anymore. Before any sound could escape, Mercury’s lips were over hers, catching her breath and kissing her senseless as rippling waves of pleasure coursed through her.

  When she finally relaxed, she couldn’t think of anything else but the deep want within her. The want to be filled, to be one with Mercury. But unlike before, where it had been rushed and hot and sexy, she wanted to really connect with him. Wanted to touch her soul to his.

  “I… I want you inside me, Mercury. I can’t stand to wait another second,” Marina said, the sound of her own voice foreign to her.


  Somehow, hearing him say her name like that, reverently, like an oath, almost broke her. Who was this Mercury that could make love to her as though she were more precious than life itself? Who could be so selfless a lover yet still have so much conflict tearing them up inside?

  Marina could only hope time and love truly could heal even the deepest of wounds.

  Eagerly, she tried to help him with the belt he wore that seemed made of a leather unlike she’d ever seen before. But he took care of it himself, standing and kicking his shoes to the side before pulling off his pants.

  This time Marina took in as much of him as she could. His broad shoulders. Trim hips that led to muscled thighs and calves. Defined Ken doll lines that trailed down to a hard, thick member she couldn’t wait to feel.

  “No mating, though,” he said as he positioned himself between her hips.

  “Of course,” Marina replied, assuming he was just stating the obvious for both their sakes and the sake of the still-ongoing challenge but still slightly disappointed it had to be this way.

  But as his thick length slid into her, reminding her of just how wonderfully mind-blowing this felt, there was no disappointment or worry or second thoughts in her mind about all of this.

  It just felt… right.

  And though there was something conflicted in Mercury’s demeanor, something he was hiding, she could tell he felt it, too. Maybe just opening up about his past had given him a lot to think about.

  Then again, as he pulled away and thrust into her with an agonizingly long motion, she remembered there were times to talk and think, and there were times when you just wanted to feel.

  And based on the smile she saw on his lips as he pushed into her once more, that was probably how he felt.

  Marina grabbed Mercury by the shoulder and pulled him closer to her, wanting to be nearer as he moved into a slick, delicious tempo. Each time he left her, they came together a little more quickly, a little more intensely.

  And this time, as she beckoned him to go faster, he relented, joining with her as she wrapped her legs around his back to receive him deeper and deeper.

  Her fingers were going numb. The sensation was so hot, so overwhelming. But Marina held on, closing her eyes against the intense pressure coiling in her like a spring.

  Mercury was close, too, his breaths getting deeper and huskier, his pace getting so fast Marina didn’t know how they could possibly last another second. The only noise around them was the sound of their bodies coming together, noonday heat and a gentle breeze the only thing permeating the invisible bubble they alone shared. A space where the only two people that existed were herself and Mercury.

  He thrust into her, hard, so impossibly long and deep Marina didn’t know how they fit, and it pushed her past the edge of her limitations. And as the blinding sensation of it coursed through her like lightning, she felt Mercury pull out of her, overtaken by his own release.

  Marina mustered what strength she could, pulling Mercury in close to her, their bodies together but apart as both rode out their individual releases. White-hot heat melted her from the inside out, then cooled to a gentle warmth as Mercury’s gaze pierced her heart, watching her with wonder for the long moments of her orgasm.

  And then as quickly as it had seemed to start, it was over, leaving them both breathless and satisfied, at least for now.

  She pulled her tunic back over her as she waited for her heart rate to return to normal. Mercury lay next to her, looking up to the canopy, to the evening sky above them.

  “Tomorrow is the last day,” he said.

  Her heart nearly stopped as she listened for his next words.

  “I picked you and Lead as my final two,” she said. “Tomorrow after the fight, I want to choose you.”

  He was silent for a long moment, staring up at the sky, but his gaze looked oddly hopeless.

  “Marina,” he said. “You’ve come to mean everything to me. I care for you. I truly do. But—”

  “But you don’t want to be with me.”

  “It’s the opposite,” he said, rolling onto his side and looking into her eyes. “I want to be with you very much, but that doesn’t erase everything else. I want you to be safe, happy. I’m still too messed up. I have baggage. There’s nowhere I fit in, and with the difficulties on this planet and on Earth, that’s a liability.” He reached a hand up to touch her face. “You are too precious to take risks for someone like me.”

  She shook her head, feeling tears threaten her eyes as she tried to keep them away. “No. Don’t do this. Mercury, what about what I want? What if I want to take the risk.”

  He got to his knees, putting his clothes on and helping her with hers. Her heart felt empty and hollow, while her body was still warm with traitorous arousal.

  “Marina, you gave me the chance to be a better person. Now I’m finally going to be one.” When he was satisfied she was covered, he stood, helping her to her feet.

  Whatever magical bubble they’d been encapsulated in while in the garden, it had broken now.

I don’t care what you’ve done. We can work all of that out. All that matters is—”

  “Your safety,” he said, catching her hands in his and bringing them to his lips for a kiss. “And you’ll be safer with Lead.” Then he released her hands sadly and walked away from her, leaving her to follow him in from the garden.

  As she walked, her mind raced, trying to think of what to say to him. But despite what had just happened between them, there was a wall up, and it felt impossible for her to get over it.

  “So what now?” she asked. “I just try to forget you?”

  He stopped and turned slightly, looking at her over his shoulder, a dark glint in his eyes. “Now you find someone who isn’t a monster. You wake up from a bad dream and walk into the light.”

  She wanted to stop him, wanted to tell him that was stupid, that she’d chosen him and that mattered. That people could change and that mattered, too.

  That he was strong and people would need him, whether here or on Earth, as long as he was willing to be a better person.

  But she just stood there, heart too tired to fight with him, as he walked away down the corridor.

  She just didn’t have the strength to go after him anymore.

  Chapter 16

  That night, they were holding a final dinner before the last fight the next day. Marina had already narrowed her choices down to her final two contestants, and she knew who was supposed to be her final pick.

  Why was Mercury so adamant that it couldn’t be him?

  Now that she knew what he’d been through in his life, she only felt more bonded to him. If he had things to answer for, she wanted to be there by his side, helping him try and make it right.

  But she couldn’t do anything for him if he didn’t want to fight for himself. Despite the incredible strength inside him, the fight had seemed to go out.

  Tonight she was a wearing a shimmery silver and lavender dress that flashed a turquoise blue in certain angles. She’d put her hair in a loose braid and tossed it over her shoulder.

  She didn’t mind going to see the men who’d been fighting for her, who she’d been getting to know day by day, but she also didn’t know if anything mattered anymore.

  A life without Mercury, a life mated to someone else, seemed totally empty and sad. How could she communicate that to him, though, without putting on pressure?

  Maybe she should put on pressure, but then again, she’d always felt if they got together, he would have to be the one to come to her. It had to be his choice, too. It couldn’t only be hers.

  But regardless, she would pay her dues, keep her promise to mate one of the dragons from the challenge, and do her best to be happy.

  Still, a little part of her heart hoped it could be Mercury, that sometime between today and the end of tomorrow, he would change his mind, see reason, and realize they would be great together.

  That they were meant to be together, if her dragon could be trusted. And she’d always been able to trust her dragon before.

  She’d visited Zinc before the dinner to give him her final two choices, and they were partway through dinner when he stood up to make the announcement.

  He lifted a crystal goblet and tapped it with his spoon. “I would like to announce that Marina has chosen her final two.” He looked around the table where all the dragons were seated.

  There was silence as all the men looked up, interested.

  “Marina has chosen Mercury and Lead as the final combatants. Tomorrow, she will choose one of them as mate.”

  Lead’s shocked eyes met hers, and she saw a slight flush on his cheeks. He was happy. That was good. He was a good friend, a handsome, strong man. Any woman could love him. Perhaps with time, she could, too.

  Mercury was avoiding her gaze, staring at his plate with a dark expression. When the announcement was over, he stood abruptly, his silverware landing with a clang, and set his napkin on the table.

  With a slight bow, he left the room, striding out with hunched shoulders that told her he wasn’t feeling any better about the situation than she was.

  “Marina, can I talk to you?” Lead said, standing and looking over at her as the other dragons gawked in curiosity. None of them looked particularly upset, and she supposed Zinc had been right when he’d told her none of them would be terribly surprised. They all liked her, but they could tell her affections were elsewhere from nearly the first day.

  She’d been willing to give her life for Mercury, after all.

  Hope sprung eternal, so they were willing to compete just in case, but they’d known that Mercury and Lead both had a head start.

  She gave them all a smile as she followed Lead to the veranda. He leaned on the railing, looking out at the kingdom.

  “I love it here,” he said, glancing back at her. “I love Drakkaris, with its rolling hills and mountains. The purple trees and the lakes. But you know… Earth might not be so terrible.”

  She raised an eyebrow at him. “What do you mean?”

  “I know you’re going to choose Mercury,” Lead said quietly. His golden eyes were serious. “I know nothing I say could change your mind. So I was thinking maybe I’ll go to Earth. Wait for another female dragon to awaken there. Sure, it’s against the rules, but maybe they’d make an exception. It’d be worth it to meet someone like you.”

  She frowned, knowing there were even fewer of her kind on Earth (as far as she knew) than there were here.

  Tomorrow, after the competition was over, she would get in touch with the oracle about the possibility of the dragons here mating human females. See if she would be willing to break the treaty and bring them over.

  They couldn’t just let them die.

  She couldn’t make any promises yet either, and besides, Lead didn’t need to worry about it. At least for now.

  She walked over and leaned on the balcony, letting out a weary sigh and thinking about the way Mercury had held her. Made love to her. Told her everything in a way she was sure he had never told any other person.

  “You’re wrong, Lead. Mercury won’t let me choose him.” She eyed him cautiously. “I’m going to choose you.”

  He looked at her askance, and she could see he was taken off guard. “What?”

  “I know it’s not ideal. You know where my heart is, but well, as we’ve seen with Mercury, hearts can change. He is unselfish enough to think he can’t be with me, and he used to think only of himself. If only he would now.”

  Lead frowned seriously at her, and she gave him a weak smile.

  “But it’s fine. I mean, maybe I can change, too. Maybe I was just supposed to come here and save him. Maybe I didn’t do everything I needed to in order for more to happen. Maybe…”

  She felt a single tear run down her cheek. Lead’s expression darkened, and he quickly reached forward, pulling Marina into his strong, safe arms.

  “Shh,” he said. “You did everything right. You were perfect. Are perfect. Mercury’s an idiot.”

  Her hands dug into Lead’s back as she let the tears fall, grateful they were out on the veranda and he was hiding her from anyone’s sight.

  She didn’t want anyone to see her cry. She was always the happy one, upbeat and strong. But she didn’t feel strong right now. She felt like her heart was breaking.

  Why had she allowed herself to fall in love with such a complicated, difficult, damaged man?

  Perhaps because she hadn’t had any choice from the beginning. She’d taken one look, and her heart just wanted him.

  She felt Lead’s hand in her hair, stroking softly. He wasn’t making a move on her, and she felt utterly safe with him. Comforted.

  “It’s not over, Marina. It’s not. I have seen changes in Mercury. I have seen him treat you differently than anyone else here. And he hasn’t acted in line with the rumors about him on Earth. Perhaps he is changing. Perhaps he still can.”

  “He is determined that we can’t be together,” she said hopelessly. “And I’m tired of hoping. I’m ready to just let go. I h
ave to. I’ve been holding on to Mercury for too long. Even if he is changing, maybe he’s right. Maybe it’s time to let him go.”

  Lead pulled back and looked down at her. He cupped her face in his hands, brushing the tears away from under her eyes. “Let’s see how things go tomorrow. It’s not over, dragon princess.”

  “I hate that name,” she said, fighting back a smile.

  “But you know,” Lead said, leaning back against the railing, resting his hands on her hips to keep her steady in front of him, “It’s kind of suitable because Mercury was once a prince. If you end up with him—”

  She shook her head. “Stop it. Don’t talk like that. You don’t know him like I do.”

  “I don’t know,” Lead said. “But I know you. And I don’t see how any dragon can resist you. Perhaps he just needs some sense beat into him.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “What?”

  “Perhaps I know just the dragon to do it.” His gaze was meaningful.

  “Lead,” she said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Just stop. You can’t help me like this, and besides, don’t you want me for yourself? Don’t try to help me with Mercury. Don’t try and give me hope. Shouldn’t we both just try to get along?”

  He grumbled something, avoiding her eyes, then finally nodded. His eyes met hers. “If that’s what you really want.”

  “It is.”

  He sighed, standing up to escort her back into the dinner. “All right, Marina. I won’t push it anymore.”

  “And tomorrow?”

  “Don’t worry about it,” he said. “I won’t meddle. I’ll stick to the plan and focus on winning you for myself.” He gave her a dazzling smile, one that she was sure would have made any other woman go weak in the knees.

  “Thank you, Lead,” she said, giving him a hug again. “I really appreciate it.”

  He nodded, and they walked back into dinner, where she was determined to sit and talk to all of the dragons who had become her friends in the past few days and just relax.


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