Forbidden (The Djinn Wars Book 6)

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Forbidden (The Djinn Wars Book 6) Page 25

by Christine Pope

  But all those details melted away as she realized Aldair sat in a wood-framed chair that he’d pulled up to her bedside. The expression of worry he wore faded as their eyes met.

  “How are you, my darling?”

  “I — ” How was she? Her chest and back ached as if someone had beaten her with a stick, but as far as she could tell, she seemed to be otherwise intact. Anyway, she knew she would heal quickly enough, thanks to the connection she and Aldair shared. “I’m fine.”

  “That was very brave of you,” he said as he reached for her hand. His flesh felt warm and welcoming, and so wonderfully real.

  “But….” Jillian glanced around again. The room was beautiful, but she halfway expected to see Murrah and Aziz still playing guard, standing off to one side as they watched their captive to make sure he couldn’t get away. “You’re here alone,” she said flatly.

  “Yes.” His mouth twitched in a smile. “Would you have preferred more company?”

  “No, of course not. But — ”

  “You’re wondering where the guards are.”

  “Yes.” How could he be so calm, so relaxed? She’d jumped into the middle of his battle with Jasreel because she hadn’t known what else to do. Clearly, the forces the two djinn had been hurling at one another had also taken their toll on her, even though she was already beginning to feel better. But that didn’t explain why they’d allowed Aldair to come in here unaccompanied.

  “There will be no guards, because Jasreel and I have made our peace with one another.”

  “You…what?” Had she banged her head against the ground when she fainted? That would explain why Aldair didn’t seem to be making any sense.

  “Your self-sacrifice moved him, it seems.” Aldair’s fingers tightened on hers, and he rose from his chair so he might go to her, then bend and lay the lightest of kisses on her mouth. “He does not wish to fight me anymore.”

  Was this all a dream? It had to be, with the man she loved at her side, and the unbelievable news that his centuries-old feud had finally been put to rest. Somehow she managed to find her voice. “Well, good.”

  ‘“Good’?” Aldair repeated, chuckling. “Is that all you have to say?”

  “No, but I guess I’m feeling a little out of it right now.” She gazed up into his face. He appeared improved as well, the shadows gone from under his eyes, color returned to his face. “And how are you?”

  “Much better, now that I know you are safe. And the effects from the device are wearing off more quickly than I had hoped.” He winced then, as if he remembered all too well what it had done to him during those hours it had been operating. “Although perhaps not quickly enough.”

  Jillian gently released his hand so she could push herself up against the pillows. The room wavered a little bit, but then the balance centers in her brain seemed to take over, making everything reassuringly solid again. “So what happens now?”

  “Well,” he replied. “You will get better, first and foremost. Miguel thinks you should stay in bed for at least tonight.”

  “Oh, really?” she returned, then cast a significant glance at the empty space in the king-sized bed next to her.

  “To sleep,” Aldair said in mock-severe tones. “After that, we will have to look for a house.”

  “Here in Santa Fe.” Once upon a time, she would have been thrilled at the prospect. She had always loved visiting here with Jack. But current circumstances might make hers and Aldair’s residence in the former capitol a touch problematic.

  “Yes, of course. Those are the rules. You are my Chosen, and we must reside with the community here.”

  “And everyone’s okay with that?”

  Once again he bent and kissed her, the caress much more lingering this time. Her body ached for him, nerve endings coming alive with need, but she knew that would have to wait. Not long, that was for sure. But probably this night, just to be safe.

  “‘Okay’ might be slightly optimistic. I think they will grow used to the idea. And they will love you.” He brushed a lock of wayward hair away from her face. “I will not lie — I think it will help that Jasreel and Jessica live outside Santa Fe proper, and do not venture much into town, according to what Zahrias has told me. It will not be that difficult to keep our paths from crossing, at least not until my brother has had more time to become used to the idea.”

  “You’re probably right.” And maybe with time, she and Aldair could become true members of the community here, just as tightly woven into its fabric as any of those who had been here from the beginning. It would be good, she thought, to not feel like an outsider, to truly be a part of things, rather than observing from the sidelines. That had been her own fault in Los Alamos, she knew. They’d tried to welcome her, but she would have none of it.

  Things would be different here, solely because of the man who stood next to her and gazed down at her with all the love in the world in his eyes. She blessed the accident that had brought them together. The hand of God? She wasn’t so conceited as to think she merited such special attention.

  But if it had been…well, she would have to do her very best to prove she was worthy of such regard.

  She smiled up at Aldair. “It will need to be a big house. You know, for those six or seven children.”

  He laughed then and bent to kiss her, his arms going around her so he might hold her close. And she clung to him, breathing his warmth into her, knowing the years to come would be filled with more warmth, more laughter.

  And love. Oh, yes…always love.

  The End

  Also by Christine Pope


  (Paranormal Romance)

  Falling Dark

  Dead of Night

  Rising Dawn


  (Paranormal Romance)




  Sympathetic Magic



  A Cleopatra Hill Christmas

  Impractical Magic

  Strange Magic

  The Arrangement


  Bad Blood (August 2017)

  Deep Magic (October 2017)

  Books 1-3 and Books 4-6 of this series are also available in two separate omnibus editions at special boxed set prices.


  (Paranormal Romance)








  Illuminated (December 2017)

  The first three books of this series are also available in an omnibus edition at a special low price!


  (Paranormal Romance)

  Bad Vibrations

  Desert Hearts

  Angel Fire

  Star Crossed

  Falling Angels

  Enemy Mine

  The first three books of this series are also available in an omnibus edition at a special low price!


  (Fantasy Romance)

  All Fall Down

  Dragon Rose

  Binding Spell

  Ashes of Roses

  One Thousand Nights

  Threads of Gold

  The Wolf of Harrow Hall

  Moon Dance

  The Song of the Thrush (November 2017)

  Books 1-3 and Books 4-6 of this series are also available in two separate omnibus editions at special boxed set prices.


  (Science Fiction Romance)

  Blood Will Tell

  Breath of Life

  The Gaia Gambit

  The Mandala Maneuver

  The Titan Trap

  The Zhore Deception

  Refugees (September 2017)

  About the Author

  Christine Pope has been writing stories ever since she commandeered
her family’s Smith-Corona typewriter back in the sixth grade. Her work includes paranormal romance, fantasy romance, and science fiction/space opera romance. The Land of Enchantment cast its spell on her while she was researching her Djinn Wars series, and she now makes her home in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

  To be notified of new releases by Christine Pope, please sign up here.

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