Fae Rose Academy: Year Two (For The Purely Divine Book 2)

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Fae Rose Academy: Year Two (For The Purely Divine Book 2) Page 7

by Quinn Ashwood

  I didn't want to end being trained by her. Far from it. Her training was something I loved because it was hands-on, and out of all the other possible professors, she's the one person who’d had immense hope in my capabilities from the moment I arrived here.

  I still couldn't understand how Xavier could be related to her. He was polar opposite to the king and queen. I may have not seen the king as much, but he seemed so calm and collected compared to Xavier, who always appeared bitter, cold-hearted, and the pure definition of an asshole that deserved a beating.

  To think Xavier was now locked up under their castle in some sort of dungeon made to isolate him, I could only imagine the boiling anger forming inside him.

  Those fuming emotions that would be aimed at me.

  I shivered at the thought, and before I knew it, a blanket was being put upon my shoulders. My head turned back to see Rainer had gotten up and had laid the soft white fabric onto my shoulders.

  "Cold?" he whispered, though his eyes told me more.

  He knows what I'm thinking about and wants to comfort me in a way that doesn't make it quite so obvious.

  "Yes. Thank you, Rainer," I replied with a comforting smile. He nodded and walked around the golden velvet couch to sit next to me once more. As he put an arm around my shoulders to bring me closer to him, Camilla took my empty teacup and saucer and placed them upon the coffee table at our feet.

  "We should make sure to run some diagnostic tests on Rosadette," she brought up. "To make sure the ice spell doesn't leave any lingering effects."

  Alicia nodded in agreement, though she didn't further comment.

  I could only imagine what was running through her head.

  Does she know her son could have potentially frozen my mom, who was her best friend?

  It all seemed rather impossible, especially since Xavier was the same age as Camilla and Rainer. How could he possibly have frozen my mother and if he had, where was she left?

  Could he be that cruel of a person from as early as a baby?

  Rainer squeezed my shoulder just slightly, and his deep voice flowed into my head.

  "Ease your mind, Sweet Rose. The answers you seek are about to be revealed."

  His reassurance was comforting, and our attention turned to the doors as they opened from the aid of two guards in red armor.

  Two individuals walked into the private royal lounge room, and my eyes couldn't help but take their appearances in because their very auras demanded it.


  I knew Alicia was beautiful when I first saw her, and this woman was no different as she walked with pure confidence.

  Even the word confidence lacked in defining just how much sass and grace this majestic being of perfection carried as she walked with her arm hooked around a large, tall man.

  The woman had to be the same height as Alicia, her figure cloaked with a long, flowing gown of white that sparkled with gold. The theme continued with the gloves that cloaked her arms like we'd entered a ballroom. Her flowing hair moved gracefully with her movement.

  The lower half of those lavender strands were left down while her roots and the majority of the top half of her hair was put up and pinned down by the crown that sat on her head.

  Her lips were cloaked with red lipstick, and her eyes were changing color as she took in the view. She had many similarities to Rainer, especially with her eyes shifting to various colors like his eyes did on the regular.

  Her white heels completed the look as her slightly tanned skin was smooth and healthy.

  The man she held onto wore a black silk dress shirt and white dress pants. He could have been wearing a suit jacket earlier, but that was nowhere in sight. His skin was far tanner than the woman next to him, and his blond locks were put up in a man bun that could make headlines down in the human world if anyone focused long and hard on it.

  He wore black dress shoes, and his cufflinks were made of what surely was pure gold. It looked as if they had just arrived from a ball, instead of talking with security.

  Alicia rose up as did Camilla, but when I tried to rise, Rainer kept me sitting next to him.

  "They're aware of the situation. Rest. I don't want you to blackout like you did before dinner."


  I forgot about the five steps leading to a drop that had happened the moment I left the room to go into the grand hall. It could have been the sight of how luxurious the castle was or the fact I hadn't eaten, but I literally only lasted five steps before I was wiped out and woke up in Rainer's arms with Camilla and Alicia looking down at me.

  A side effect of this whole awakening process, I guess, but the tea we had just finished drinking would give me a bit more of a boost before I'd officially retire for the night.

  I didn't need anyone to tell me that this was going to be our new place to stay until I knew all the facts, which was a relief because I couldn't see myself in the castle or even on Fae Rose property after everything that occurred.

  I needed a break, and this was somehow becoming the separation my soul craved as I healed from the traumatic experience.

  The two of them stopped and looked around before the woman spoke. "Good evening, everyone," she greeted and looked over her shoulder to signal the guards to leave.

  They bowed and turned around to close the doors. Once they were sealed shut, she snapped her fingers and the red wallpaper shifted to gold as red rose designs merged like a pattern throughout the gold surface.

  The woman moved her arm from her husband's arm to clap her hands and smile a beaming grin.

  "Ah! Much better! I'm so tired," she whined with exaggeration that seemed to get rid of the seriousness I’d expected. She skipped - literally skipped with heels on - to hug Alicia.

  "Alicia! I've missed your cute little face!"

  Camilla couldn't help looking over at me, her expression telling me she wasn't expecting that at all. I didn't blame her as I glanced over to Rainer to see his smirking lips.

  "Mom's like that," he declared and looked over to the bulky man. "Dad? Why do you two look like you went to a damn ball and came back?"

  The man sighed and tugged at his white tie to loosen its hold.

  "It's because we did." He seemed irritated by the very fact. "Your mother forgot she made arrangements to briefly see one of the Fae Courts. We had to teleport and make a brief appearance to show that we hadn't forgotten. You know how fae are when you make last-minute excuses as to why you didn't attend a silly event like a garden brunch."

  "You can't blame our culture for holding grudges," Rainer admitted with a shrug. "At least you two look swell."

  "For a five-minute dress up, they should be glad I left with clothes, period," he replied, and his attention moved to me. I seemed to tense up at his gaze, which made Rainer chuckle as he rubbed my shoulder.

  "Rosadette. That's my dad, King Emmanuel."

  "H-Hello," I squeaked my greeting which made Camilla giggle. "Rose. Stop being so nervous."

  "I-I can't help it," I admitted and looked back to him as he nodded his head.

  "You're the woman my son's gaga about," he replied and looked back at Rainer. "Am I correct?"

  "Yes, Dad," Rainer replied. "And I'm not gaga about her."

  "Are too," he replied.

  "Totally are," Camilla side commented.

  "Hey." Rainer gave her a look that didn't frighten her in the slightest.

  "No point in lying, right?" Camilla countered and sat back down.


  We all looked to Rainer's mother as she pointed to me. "You're Rosadette!"

  "Y-Yes." I sat up like I was being picked out of a large crowd to answer a tough question.

  "Wow," she commented with the biggest smile on her face, her white teeth practically twinkling as if a beam of light was bouncing off them.

  "You look just like your mother," she whispered in awe.

  All I could do was give a small smile, fighting hard not to show any bit of my own weakness. I didn't even have
a picture of this woman, yet many in these lands seemed to know some aspect of her beauty and my similarities to her.

  She moved away from hugging Alicia to give me her full attention.

  "My name is Seraphine. Feel free to simply call me Sera. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Rosadette. My son is head-over-heels in love with you!"

  I looked over to Rainer to see his whole face was red, an intriguing look to see in his fae form.

  "Mom," he grumbled, sounding like his dad. "You're embarrassing me."

  "Sure, sure," she brushed his comment away and looked at Camilla. "Ah. Chamomile Goldstone. It's been far too long since I've last seen you."

  Camilla looked confused and Sera elaborated, "I saw you when you were much younger. Before you and your family moved down to the lower lands," she explained.

  "Ah," Camilla replied and bowed her head. "I apologize for my lack of memory. That was indeed a long time ago," she answered with respect.

  "No apologies needed," Sera assured her. King Emmanuel walked over where Sera stood, the two of them lowering to sit down as Alicia returned to her seat.

  "Would you like anything to drink?" Camilla offered.

  "We're both fine," Sera replied as she looked at the three of us. "We have a lot to discuss so it may be best to tackle it early so we can all retire for bed at a reasonable hour."

  The three of us nodded and prepared for the important discussion that I was positive would change my life.

  "Why don't we discuss what occurred on the last day of your classes at Fae Rose Academy?" Her suggestion made everyone look at me, leaving me feeling as though I stood center stage.

  Rainer still had his arm around me, giving me a bit of support while Camilla laid her hand on my knee to remind me that she was here too.

  With a deep inhale, I let it out and looked at Sera, King Emmanuel, and Alicia.

  Beginning to explain the events in as much detail as possible, I reached the last part of my confrontation with Xavier that led to me teleporting here.

  "I told him I hated him. I said it with so much rage as I vowed that we'd never be together. I deserved better. I knew within my soul that we just wouldn't be compatible because he never saw me as someone who could be on the same level as him. As an equal comrade, let alone a lover." I paused to control the deep-rooted anger I hadn't realized I carried with the bringing up of this topic.

  Swallowing it down, I carried on with, "I declared that I, Rosadette Campbell, would see the fae world as it truly was. I asked for the truth to be delivered to me and that my heart be connected with the person who adores me. Someone who would cherish me like a plant receiving care from its owner. I then thought of Prince Rainer as my body was sealed by the last bit of ice, and I wished he'd steal me away from the darkness. Suddenly, I was crashing into steaming waters and I realized I wasn't trapped in the ice any longer."

  Everyone remained silent as my words slowly sank in. Alicia lowered her head in shame as she sighed.

  "Rosadette, I can't even express how sorry I am for such a terrifying experience. None of that should have occurred or be tolerated. Xavier is receiving his punishment as we speak, but I'm not sure if that's enough for me," she confessed.

  "Is Xavier going to be attending next year?" Camilla brought up with a stern voice. "He's going to be expelled, right?"

  When the three of them didn't answer, Rainer's body tensed, and he looked at Alicia.

  "How can he still be allowed to attend after what he did to Rosadette?" he snapped.

  "Rainer," King Emmanuel warned but Rainer didn't seem bothered by his dad's warning.

  "Rosadette could have died! Or better yet, he could have kept her trapped in that block of ice with how obsessed with power he is! Just to use her for some evil plot later on. Who cares if he's receiving a punishment? No type of discipline should dismiss what he did to Rosadette, let alone the pain she's endured throughout the year," he argued. "All her suffering was because of him. She was mocked, disgraced, and almost kicked out of our world before she was given a chance. The only thing that saved her was Alicia's presence. Even with the change in circumstance and her proving herself, he still fought hard to make her feel inadequate, and was even forcing her to do Year Two and Three spells!"

  "Huh?" Camilla and Alicia declared and looked at me.

  "He was forcing you to do spells outside of the year requirement?" Camilla clarified.

  I'd never really told her or even complained to Alicia about the extent of his training. With a small nod, I mumbled, "Our training sessions would be one to one and a half hours long, and he'd test me with various spells from this book that he stated would make me stronger. If I couldn't do it, he'd scold me. As the weeks progressed, and I was able to accomplish the spells given to me, it still wasn't enough to satisfy him. It was frustrating because nothing would please him, and I wouldn't have enough time to recover from the spells. The higher spells like the ones designated for Year Three would drain me really bad."

  "Though I'm impressed with your ability to harness spells at the third-year level of your school curriculum," King Emmanuel spoke up, "that is absurd and dangerous."

  Sera nodded in agreement. "Surpassing your magic can lead to great consequences,” she added.

  "Which is exactly my point," Rainer emphasized and returned his attention to Alicia. "He was doing everything in his power to destroy Rosadette, yet he gets to return to school as if he didn't try to kill her? That's like sending a victim back to the same place where she was almost killed and telling her the killer will be in the same class as her!"

  "It's not my decision," she announced, which caught our attention as she continued, "If I were headmaster, I'd be able to kick him out. However, my husband doesn't agree. He thinks Xavier should have a second chance but with restrictions in place so he can't be near Rosadette."

  "And how is he going to ensure that?" Camilla pressed. "With all due respect, Alicia, the king shouldn't have a say in this when he has barely kept track of the many mistakes his son has made to not only Rosadette but other classmates. Yes, his grades on paper are nice and dandy but so are Rosadette's and Rainer’s! She even beat Xavier with everything she'd gone through last year. Why is it fair to have him continue to attend?"

  "Not to forget that I'm sure if the tables were turned, Rosadette would be expelled," Rainer muttered.

  Sera and King Emmanuel were silent as they looked at Alicia, who seemed rather hopeless with her conflicted expression.

  "I agree with all your points. He's just being a stubborn fool in regard to this. He's always been closer to Xavier and thinks it's just some sort of phase or a bipolar breakdown. He wants proper assessments to be done and to give Xavier one more chance to prove himself, or he's officially cut off."

  "What does ‘officially cut off’ pertain to?" Camilla questioned.

  "Cut off from everything," Alicia stressed. "That was the agreement I formed with him and have an official, signed document stating that if Xavier betrays our trust and final chance we've given him, he'll lose the spot to the throne and all the benefits of being a royal."

  "Doesn't that basically mean you're disowning him?" King Emmanuel concluded.

  "That's exactly it," Alicia replied and looked over at me. "Rosadette, I would have done things differently if I could, but just as my husband respects me ruling our kingdom, I must respect his decision in the school he has leadership of."

  I knew she wasn't lying but it upset me.

  "So what if he killed me?" I tossed the question into the air. "Would he just receive some sort of punishment and get off scot free?"

  When no one replied, I shrugged. "I just need a moment," I replied and rose up. "I'm going to use the restroom."

  "I can take you there," Rainer offered. I was going to deny his aid, but I sighed and allowed it with a brief nod. We were out of the tense room in a few long strides, and as we entered the large washroom, I walked to the sink and took a deep breath and let it out.

  "I should
n't be pissed, right?" I quietly whispered and fought hard to not allow myself to cry. I sensed Rainer's presence behind me, seconds before he turned me around to look at him.

  One glance and I was in his arms, which only prompted my submission, as I began to cry against him.

  "Shh, Sweet Rose," he pleaded. "You have every right to be frustrated. I'm just as upset. That's fucking bull! My parents would never agree to such terms."

  "Rainer...I...maybe I'll just dr-"

  "No," he declared and pulled back to cup my cheeks as he shook his head firmly. "You will not drop out of Fae Rose Academy over a cold-hearted bastard of a man who tried every damn avenue to get rid of you before you could grasp the truth!"

  "B-But...I don't know what the truth is!" I reasoned. "Why would he go above and beyond to get rid of me?"

  Rainer sighed and kissed me gently. "You're about to find out, but you have to swear to me you will not drop out because of him, Rosadette Campbell. You didn't enter this school to please him or anyone else, for that matter. You craved knowledge, to learn more about the magic talents you possessed, and most importantly, to learn more about your heritage, the birthplace you never got the opportunity to learn and grow in. Don't let that sick mental case take that away from you! Don't let him suppress you with the fear he left behind.

  He pulled me into his grasp before he kissed me firmly with those loving lips. "Don't allow him to let you abandon this."

  I knew he was right, and I felt like a coward for even thinking so negatively. I simply needed some time to recover from the experience, and maybe figure out a way to heal and move forward from it.

  He's right. I shouldn't drop out without learning everything.

  I looked up at him once more and he whispered, "Let this summer be where you find out the truth of your heritage and get a taste of what you can do with me supporting you. If we reach the end of summer and you wish to not attend, we'll drop out together."

  My eyes widened at his declaration and he merely bobbed his head in confirmation.

  "I promised to protect you. To be there for you as the holder of your rose. Your happiness has always mattered to me, and if Fae Rose brings you far too much stress and unhappiness for you to enjoy the remaining three years, we'll stop, and I'll let the best in my kingdom teach you."


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