Fae Rose Academy: Year Two (For The Purely Divine Book 2)

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Fae Rose Academy: Year Two (For The Purely Divine Book 2) Page 19

by Quinn Ashwood


  The booming command held my ball of protection in place. The shield burst into tiny shards before my hand was caught in Seraphine’s grasp. She tugged me right into her hold, just as her phoenix dipped in time to avoid the next set of attacks.

  "I have her! Retreat!" Sera ordered, and I looked up to see Rainer and the phoenix pull up from their dive. Rainer's relief washed through me, which moved my heart because of his immense worry, but we'd have to focus on comforting each other later, once we’d gotten out of this situation.

  His phoenix flew ahead, her body smaller than the queen's as we seemed to race back to the cliffs.

  "What was that?" I finally asked as Sera let me go and the two of us were standing while the guards were reporting the attack.

  "Dark meteorites. They're created by Shadow Fae. Forbidden ones not amongst our kind within the kingdom."

  "Why are they attacking us?!" I questioned with shock. "Even if these lands are outside the kingdom, they're still a part of Rosadette Kingdom lands.”

  "You're correct," she replied as her eyes scanned our surroundings. "However, some beings of darkness believe they can trespass. They normally do and we've never minded because no one has gotten hurt, but all bets are off if someone gets injured."

  "So they're basically doing this on purpose?" I concluded. "They're trespassing on our land during an exhibit that happens once a year and we can't fight them?!"

  It didn't even make common sense to me as Sera sighed and nodded.

  "Fae politics," she stated like that was the true answer to everything that didn't make sense. "We're almost at the cliffs. Though, I'm sure Emmanuel isn't going to be too pleased. We'll have to meet with Alicia and have a talk with their leader. This doesn't look to be a coordinated plan."

  "You believe it's a job?" I inquired. "As in, one of their peeps plotted this?"

  "Maybe." She didn't seem so sure as she looked to her guards. "Has the incident been reported?!"

  "Yes, Your Majesty!" they both declared.

  "Reinforcements are heading to the cliff as we speak and all those who cannot defend themselves, including children, have been evacuated!" the second guard elaborated.

  "The leader of the Forbidden Shadow Fae has been notified. He's arriving to retrieve the criminals! He states no harm should be done to them as long as we're all in one piece!"

  "At least he's taking matters into his own hands," Seraphine huffed. "Let us speed up!"

  "Rainer and the baby phoenix have landed, your majesty," the guard declared. "Speed up, n-"

  An ear-piercing noise cut him off. All of us cringed and slapped our hands over our ears in an attempt to block out the sound.


  Ow. Ow. Ow! What is this noise?!

  It was making my whole body grow hot and tingle literally everywhere, the prickling pain almost debilitating. The phoenix screamed and came to a dramatic stop, all of us falling onto her flaming body.

  I groaned and forced myself up, the noise still going on and only worsening with my hands not covering my ears. Seraphine was trying to figure out where the noise was coming from, but my attention was on the five approaching meteors that were exactly on our path.

  "INCOMING!" I screamed as loudly as I could and immediately moved so Seraphine was now behind me as I lifted my hands up. "PROTECT EVERYTHING OF VALUE! PESTRONDA!"

  The rush of jolting magic pushed through my hands, flames of orange and red swiftly creating a shield big enough to cover one side of the phoenix.

  No one else had a chance to complete a spell as the three of the meteors hit the shield directly, the impact pushing us back before the remaining two meteors soared passed us but exploded the next second.

  The flaming shield rushed to protect us on the other side from the aftershock effect, but the phoenix screeched in pain as she tilted to one side.

  I shrieked and immediately reached for the throne before I caught onto Seraphine's hand. The two of us dangled while the screams of her guards caught our attention. Our gazes dropped down to see they had fallen right off the phoenix.

  "Oh no!" I screamed and tried to think of something, but Seraphine raised her hand as her entire body glowed tremendously.


  The command echoed around us as their bodies suddenly disappeared.

  "Where did they go?!" I asked.

  "They should be with Emmanuel on the cliff," she declared. "Amber! We must reach the land! Hurry!" The phoenix screeched a reply, which told me she was Amber. Her body corrected itself from the tilted position.

  We fell back to the feathered surface, and I scrambled up and tried to make another barrier just in case, but nothing happened.

  "Huh? Where's my magic?!"

  Seraphine gave me a confused look before her eyes widened as she snapped her fingers.

  "Dammit!" She was up again and swiftly looking around. "Amber!"

  The phoenix screeched and suddenly she was turning around. The jerky action had us falling onto our butts, and I looked to Seraphine in confusion.

  "What's happening?"

  "She's being summoned to go another way with dark magic," Seraphine answered, looking worried as she bit her lip hard. "The sound wasn't ordinary. It cancels out all magic in the area but takes a few seconds to reinforce itself."

  I gawked in horror. "W-What are we going to do? Where is Amber taking us?" I scrambled up once more and looked back to see we were truly moving away from the cliff. We'd been so close, and the sudden change in direction was making those who stood on the cliff point our way and wave in worry.

  "Rosadette! Why are you guys going back?! The two guards are here!"

  It looked as though Seraphine was trying to explain the problem through her connection with Emmanuel, giving me the opportunity to reply back to Rainer.

  Big problem! The sound canceled our magic and now someone is summoning Amber! She can't ignore it and we can't do anything to stop her with no magic!

  "Grab one of her feathers, Rosadette!"

  What? Wh-"

  "Just do it, Rosadette!"

  I dropped to the floor and reached for the first feather that caught my attention. I tugged it with ease, the single feather coming into my possession without any resistance.

  "We have to get off Amber," Seraphine announced.

  "And die?" I commented. "Are we getting reinforcements?"

  "They can't get off the cliff. The moment they do and enter this area, their magic will be canceled out and they'll be sitting ducks."

  "What happens if we stay on Amber?" I questioned and watched her eyes darken.

  "Then we'll be screwed," she firmly declared. "No one survives captivity by Forbidden Fae. They were cast out for a reason and their desire for revenge against our kind is centuries deep. Only those who forbid them would know the reasoning why. One of those individuals is your mother."

  She took off her heels and I slipped out of my shoes. We were currently over an ocean so if we jumped right this instant, we'd have a chance of falling into the waters.

  Whether we survived the drop was the current problem.

  "Didn't the leader say he's coming?!"

  "Yes, but whether or not he can stop his own people without killing them is a problem. He's the first and only one to ever survive being turned into a Forbidden Fae, and I'd rather we not test that theory on ourselves," she declared and reached for my hand.

  "I may have enough eternal magic to potentially cut through the disabling spell, but I can only teleport you."

  "Oh, no, no, no. Seraphine, we can't lose you! Rainer would lose it! Emmanuel would cause war!"

  "You're not wrong, Rosadette, but we can't lose you either. You're the kingdom's future."

  I already noticed the difference in my body, and my eyes widened when I realized she was trying to conduct the spell.

  "Sera! No!" I tugged my hand out of hers, noticing my body was beginning to fade. "No, no, no! Seraphine!"

/>   She gave me a hopeless look, her eyes suddenly side-glancing the opposite way. I followed her gaze and suddenly gasped as three new black meteors were heading our way.

  She won't survive! No. This...this can't happen!

  Seraphine turned away as my body continued to fade.

  "I'll be fine, Rosadette. If anything, make sure you take care of Rainer for me. He may have a hard time with this, and that darker side of him won't be very pleased, but he knows I'd sacrifice myself again and again if it meant he's happy."

  Tears formed in my eyes as I looked at the feather in my hand.

  Call upon the phoenix essence. What if I use Amber's essence?

  I couldn't allow myself to think as I rushed to hug Seraphine with my body that was almost transparent. She didn't move, but I heard the slight sniff of a sob, and it only made me push against every bit of restraint inside me as the suddenly tingling from before returned with force.

  "Reverse what's been done and send Seraphine back to her love! TELANDRA!"

  The sudden burst of magic crashed into Seraphine’s, which sent me flying back with a shriek before I crashed back into the feathered surface. I sat up to realize my body was back, but Seraphine swiftly turned around with wide, teary eyes to lock onto mine.

  "Rosad-" She couldn't finish as her body suddenly vanished like the guards had, and my eyes grew massive at the incoming meteors that were seconds away.

  "BREEE!" Amber suddenly rose up and spread her flaming wings to full capacity. I fell back right into the throne chair and held it with all my might before Amber took a direct hit. Her shriek was heartbreaking as I screamed at the deafening explosion that hit us from three angles.

  We were falling the next second, and I opened my eyes and watched Amber begin to fade into ashes.

  "Amber! AMBER!" I hopped off the throne, quickly plucking another feather that seemed to stop it from disappearing like the rest of them.

  In seconds, she was nothing but ashes, and I was falling downward. Screams left my lips as I tried to call upon my magic once more, but to no avail as I continued to plunge downward. My head looked up, only for me to gasp as one final meteor seemed to head my way.

  You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!

  "ROSADETTE!" Rainer's voice was filled with anger, which actually made me roll my eyes.

  Hey. Don't go using that damn tone on me when I'm about to die, okay?!

  "Why aren't you here?! You're going to die!"

  No shit, Sherlock. You think I'm gonna let your mom, the current queen, die?! Are you stupid?!

  "Move away from the damn meteor!"

  I can't, dammit!

  My teeth bit hard against my lips as I tried to move or do anything to avoid a direct hit, but no type of hand movement was helping me.

  "Rosadette!" Rainer's calls were now desperate, and through the anger, I could feel the fear. The choking fear that suddenly made tears form in my eyes as I realized I was about to die and never get to see him again.

  Never get to hug, laugh, or kiss him. No more training sessions or walks through the courtyard. No more evening talks on the patio, and steamy nights in the bedroom.

  I was literally about to die, and we were arguing moments earlier. I'd never get to find my mom and introduce him as the one who somehow saved me from the darkness within myself.

  I love you, Rainer.

  His devastation was the most painful sensation to endure, but at least I wouldn't be filled with regret. Lifting my hands up in a crossed position, I braced for the impact while both of my hands clenched.

  "I won't lose you."

  Something burned around my right ring finger, enough to make me hiss and my eyes dart open to watch a golden ring begin to form in that very place. A chain emerged and soon I was watching the prism crystal of my pendulum begin to spin its body in a circle in front of me.

  The chain extended swiftly, all while the meteor was only inches from hitting me.

  "Near or far, I'll never let my Sweet Rose die alone! DEVERANTO!"

  The spell echoed into my mind, and I watched in amazement as an outlined figure burst out of the Pendulum of ElaRasoda. The figure pulled out a sword, one that cut right through the gigantic meteor.

  The two pieces exploded. The blast hit me, but my body remained in place. I could feel the cuts from the tiny bits of rock slice through my flesh, but I was far too stunned at the outlined silhouette before me to care.

  The bulky man was tall, taller than anyone I'd seen with my own eyes, as he slid the sword back into its place. He floated in the sky, and I suddenly noticed the black outlined wings that kept him afloat.

  My body remained as my pendulum continued to spin as if its spiraling movement projected the image before me. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I took in the familiar qualities. A part of the man's image reminded me of Rainer, and yet those eyes. Striking eyes that didn't need color to remind me of my own.

  The word left me without a second thought.


  Even with the mere outlined image of this figure before me, I could see how his lips curled with loving devotion and his colorless eyes brightened immensely at the word.

  His body began to fade right there and then as he bowed his head.

  "My duty has been fulfilled. Farewell, my daughter."

  He faded away, leaving black sprinkles of dust to fall in his place. My pendulum finally slowed, dropping against my palm and moving left to right until it stayed completely still. Lifting my hand to view the weapon itself, I noticed the new addition of the ring, noticing the tiny cursive writing that had my name and Rainer's name written along the golden surface.

  What? How...

  My thoughts trailed off as a groan echoed against the walls of my mind. A feeling of exhaustion and dread trickled through me, which made me realize it wasn't me.


  I tried to look back at the cliff, but I was too far away to even get a glimpse of the cliff, let alone my love. My body suddenly began to drop, which only ignited another array of screams as I plunged downward, but something told me to look upward.

  Seven beings on dark flaming horses were heading my way, bows in their hands with their arrows positioned in a striking position. They pulled back on them, their hands cloaked in darkness like the rest of their bodies.

  Only their glowing eyes had color - a bloody red that was focused solely on me.

  The sight of them sent thrilling fear through me, but as they let go of their arrows, I watched the thin black weapons begin to morph into the circular meteors that were attacking us.

  They're the culprits behind the meteors? The Forbidden Fae?

  The realization angered me. No, it infuriated me that they not only worked hard to take down the current queen of the lands, but they also hurt Amber and were now deliberately trying to kill me for no reason.

  Their first attempt was stopped thanks to my pendulum and what seemed to be Rainer's interference, but now there was no one to save me from their combined attack. If the meteors that were going to hit me any second now didn't kill me due to their smaller size, they were racing after me to make sure they finished the deed.

  How. Dare. They.

  None of this was fair. This was supposed to be a celebration before we got lost in the weeks of classes. This was supposed to be my moment to prove to Xavier and all those who belittled me that I was a somebody. That I deserved to enter the second year of Fae Rose Academy, and specifically show Xavier that he fucked up.

  This was my time to enjoy being happy. To be surrounded by a loving boyfriend who treated me like his wife, a best friend who put her life on hold for my sake, and mentors who wished to see me rise to the throne.

  Was that all going to perish because of these random forbidden tycoons who were trespassing on OUR land? Beings of darkness who were forbidden by Mom and now sought revenge like I'd cause their problems.

  I was nearing the ocean when the meteors suddenly exploded unexpectedly, which pushed me swift
ly downward, injuring my arms and legs, which felt like they were on fire. My body went from burning to plunging into the coldest body of water I'd ever experienced, leaving me gasping water before I was suddenly drifting further into the body of icy waters.

  None of this is fair.

  My life can't end like this.

  I'm the heir of these very lands.

  The spirt of my father came out of nowhere to save me at the brink of death.

  My mother is the reason why I even breathe!

  The Universe herself aimed to protect me even during the harshest times and climates.

  All for me to die here? Now? With nothing to prove?

  Life is not fair...yet I should be able to control that! Control this body of waters, control the flames of these creatures, control the very oxygen we breathe.

  My body stopped sinking like I'd frozen myself in place, and my vision seemed to be clouded by darkness, but I was still wide awake.

  I was livid. My body burned with so much energy it begged for release, and I could feel myself tremble. All the energy needed was an exit, and those seven Forbidden creatures were the perfect targets to feel my stormy wrath.

  The scream that left me felt like a sonic blast; the water spiraled swiftly around me to the point where I somehow created a tornado in the middle of the ocean. My brief look to the ground down below made me realize I could breathe again, but it only reinforced what I was about to do as my stinging eyes filled with pulsating power. I looked up to see the Forbidden Fae tugging on the reins of the horses to try and stop them.

  I suddenly noticed the feathers that were grasped in my left hand, and I looked to see both Amber's second feather and her child’s were present. My grasp tightened on their delicate bodies and I watched as they glowed until fire burst through them and wrapped around my body.

  My short gold dress was barely alive from the assault of attacks, but it didn't matter to me as the wounds on my flesh seemed to be the perfect indicator that the ball of this unexpected fight was in my court.

  My body was glowing with various markings, black lines covering more and more of my flesh as magic symbols emerged in gold and red light. The flames that ignited from the feathers suddenly wrapped around me until they sprouted outward from my back.


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