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Saving Cassilia

Page 2

by Liz Thomas

  He moaned, his way of begging her to stop teasing him and to take him in her mouth. She giggled seductively, smiling as her tongue made its way to the right side of his cock and raced up and down. Cody couldn’t stand it, feeling as though the second she took him in her mouth he would explode, filling her with all he had. And she would take it, too, drinking down every last bit of his semen, relishing the climax just as much as he did.

  But only when she was ready, and clearly, she wasn’t.

  She began to tease him with what was to come as she ran her tongue beneath his head, taking only the knob of his cock into her mouth as she slowly began to stroke his shaft, flicking her tongue stud on the head of his cock. He wanted to thrust his entire cock down her throat, fuck her face like the whore she loved pretending to be, but he held back, forcing himself to enjoy the moment.

  Her slow, rhythmic strokes began to increase in frequency and strength, her hand tightening around his cock as she began to suck hard on the head of his cock. Again, he moaned as his body grew warm, his cock throbbed as the inevitable buildup began. She felt him tense, too, as she moved her hand and took her entire cock into her mouth, planting her face in his stomach as he felt his number enter her throat. She quickly drew back, only keeping the head in her mouth before slamming it back into her throat, and then repeated, over and over and over again until he began to quake.

  “I—I’m cumming….”

  “Mmmm.” Was her only response.

  And then his back arched as he drove his cock into her mouth, cumming with a force he’d never known before. He clenched his teeth as the ecstasy racked his body, doing everything in his power to keep from screaming out. Again, he felt her smile, her heard swallow as she kept his cock buried in her throat, licking away the last drips after four powerful ejaculations. She pulled off slowly, purring, jerking his cock gingerly and taking in the aftermath.

  When it was done, he lay there, unable to move, and the girl laughed, sitting beside him on the black leather seat. “You were good today.” She finally said.

  “Yeah, well…” Cody said as his vision became less blurry, “…you’ve gotten better too.”

  “Thanks!” She said gleefully, cuddling up to his shoulder, “What time is your game?”

  Uncomfortable with the closeness, Cody scooted away and then began to pull up his slacks, which were down around his ankles. “In about four hours.”

  “Plenty of time.” The girl replied cheerfully, scooting closer, “I can charge you back up, you can take my ass again…”

  Cody chuckled. “I really can’t.” He said, “Once is enough, especially before a game.” He paused and said, “Especially before a playoff game.”

  The girl shrugged and once again, lay into his shoulder. “I don’t see what the big deal is, Cody. I mean, it’s just a game. Isn’t there someone to replace you if you don’t show up?”

  Cody rolled his eyes, not wanting to have this conversation again. “Sure, but that’s not the point, Alyssa, and I’ve told you that. There are scouts coming to this game. I keep playing like this and I can go pro next year.”

  Alyssa sat up, frowned, and shook her head. “So what? Is that such a big deal? I mean, what’s the worst that could happen if you didn’t go pro?”

  Cody nearly slapped her, but he’d been here with her before. He wished they could limit their relationship to strictly sexual encounters. He had yet to find a way to end their relationship tactfully. Alyssa was great in bed, but she was a selfish, spoiled little heiress who had never worked a day in her life. Plus, there were grave consequences for crossing a member of the Moreno family. One didn’t simply piss off the heir to a trillionaire without repercussions.

  Occasionally, she bragged about what her father had done to those who tried to usurp him or worse, crossed his family. Cody knew that if he’d had any sense, he’d have run for his life the first time she’d told him of a poor soul destroyed by the Moreno family. But she was so, so good when her clothes came off, and he hadn’t been thinking with the proper head.

  But he was trapped now, and he knew it. It was best to ride it out until he was outside the reach of this family. He hoped the money he’d make as a pro quarterback would solve that problem.

  “I dunno,” Cody finally answered, his mind racing for answers. He’d never imagined doing anything but playing football, “I don’t really wanna do anything else. I guess I’d go into coaching.”

  Alyssa’s eyes narrowed and she smiled predatorily, crawling up to him so she could bring her breasts together between her arms. “No.” She purred, “You don’t have to go into coaching. You could stay with me and be my little boy toy. I love the way you fuck, Cody. That’s gotta be worth six figures on its own.”

  The thought made him shudder. “No thanks, Alyssa.” He smiled, trying to conceal his apprehension. He buttoned his shirt and prepared to exit the limousine, which was secluded on a side road behind some bushes. “Tell you what, how about I catch up to you after the game?”

  “What’re you gonna do, walk?” She asked, frowning, “The college has to be ten miles from here.”

  He smiled, grabbing his backpack from the floor at his feet. “That’s okay; I’ll call it a warmup.”

  He kissed her on the cheek before she could object and then exited the vehicle, closing the door and turning to walk in the wrong direction in one simultaneous motion. He was relieved when the limo pulled away after a moment.

  After it disappeared to the right down the canyon road, Cody dropped his bag, placed his hands on his knees, and caught his breath. Alyssa really was the most awesome sex in the world, but this was a situation he had to find his way out of, and fast.

  After catching his breath, he picked up his backpack, threw it over his right shoulder, and began walking towards the college in the morning sunlight.

  He remembered the ‘man-to-man’ chat he’d had with Alyssa’s father when they’d started dating, before Cody had realized what she really was. He remembered the cold look in his eyes and the soulless tone of his voice as the man threatened not his life, nor the lives of his loved ones, but the destruction of all he held dear if he hurt his little girl. He said he’d done it before, and he’d happily do it again.

  Of course, Cody hadn’t taken him seriously back then, but he’d had no intention of leaving Alyssa, either. Alyssa, who did things in bed he’d only seen in the movies.

  Jokingly, he looked down at his crotch. “This is all your fault, you know.”

  Contemplating how best to extract himself from the situation, Cody continued his long journey back towards the college.

  His left leg buckled slightly as he began walking, his knee threatening to give out. He winced, clutching his knee and massaging gently. Smiling to himself, he resolved not to lock his knee out the next time he was in that situation.

  Victoria University was one of the top five most prestigious academies in the country, so prestigious that the board had successfully lobbied to keep all public transportation from coming within five miles of the campus. Thanks to her mother being alumni, as well as a generous donor, Cassilia was basically attending the school for free. Still, she had to take three buses and walk almost six miles to get there.

  The college resembled an old castle, complete with majestic, towering steeples and large, winding corridors that led to various classrooms. It was tucked away at the top of a hill, secluded inside of a small forest. Those who could afford to go here wishing to study academics usually wound up in agriculturally-related fields. The school had produced fifteen Secretaries of Agriculture since its first graduating class, two hundred years ago.

  By the time Cassilia finally reached the school, she was ravenous, wishing she’d been able to finish what she started last night. She hoped that she’d arrived at school early enough, so she could finish herself off in the shower.

  She’d gotten off the bus and taken a long way to school, hoping to avoid the crowd. She’d abandoned the main road and the growing stream of tra
ffic as rush hour for a clandestine trail that led into the forest behind the school. She took her time, enjoying the fresh air and tall trees as she eventually made her way to the football field. It would be hours before the team would be out here warming up, so she was able to stroll through in blissful solitude. Beyond the athletic fields were the locker rooms.

  The locker rooms were well-maintained, but cold. While wall with pale blue tile, the floors and walls were scrubbed regularly to prevent grime from building up. She first peered into the locker rooms, not wanting to discover—or be discovered—by someone who may have been trying to get away with something. The locker rooms were silent, but the lights were on, indicating that someone had been there.

  “Hello?” She called, but the only response was her own echo.

  She’d been fooled before. Often, girls who’re smoking stayed quiet to avoid punishment. So she stepped into the locker room and looked down each of the ten aisles to ensure she was alone. Upon seeing them vacant, she smiled. Her lower half grew warm. She had to hurry.

  She dashed quickly down the vacant aisle moving between two rows of lockers, moving towards the showers at the end of the room. There were four rows of twenty independent, private shower rooms, meant to accommodate entire teams at once. Cassilia made her way to the row tucked against the wall and chose the leftmost shower. After a quick, final, cursory glance to confirm she was alone, she disappeared into the shower.

  Where the locker room was sterile, the showers were inviting; each was a circular design with a pleasant beige tile interior, featuring detachable showerheads and sitting room. They were tall enough to ensure that no one could peer over at the other.

  Hooking her thumbs into her sweats she grinned and blushed with anticipation as she slid her pants down her legs, allowing her fingers and palms to caress her thighs as she did. She removed her top and bra, setting them neatly outside the shower before drawing the curtain across. She eagerly turned the silver handle beneath the showerhead to the right and let the warm water flow.

  Naked, she raised her head to the showerhead as the water grew warmer. She could never take hot showers at her home, so these were refreshing.

  She took pleasure in the streams of water running over her bare breasts and the warmth of the water accompanying the growing sensation between her legs. She raised her arms slowly and ran her hands through her hair, closing her eyes, opening her mouth to savor the steam rising throughout the shower chamber. If she’d had her way, she’d have made this last at least an hour, but with classes starting and the ever-present threat of intrusion, Cassilia quickly reached for the showerhead and placed her right foot on the shower seat, exposing her waiting genitalia.

  She shivered, moaning as the jettisoned stream of water pressed against her clitoris. Desperate for a release, she sat down and slouched, opening her legs and holding the showerhead a few inches from her throbbing pussy, letting the water do its job.

  She began to arch her back as the water rhythmically pulsed against her clit, resting her chin on her left shoulder as the waves of pleasure began to cascade through her. Almost involuntarily, she took the showerhead in her left hand, careful not to reposition it as her right hand quickly slid down her flat stomach and her fingers found her pussy. She quickly slid index and middle fingers inside and began to thrust quickly. Her nipples hardened, pleading for attention but she just didn’t have the time. She needed to get off now—

  “Who is that?!” Someone called, “Who’s in here?!”

  Mortified, Cassilia almost broke her neck as she staggered to her feet, dropping the showerhead and letting it clack against the hard tile. She stumbled, taking a few deep breaths to compose herself quickly as she took the showerhead and replaced it with shaky hands.

  Someone yanked the shower curtain open and upon seeing Cassilia, looked her up and down like a leper. “Oh.” The girl said derisively, “It’s just you. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”

  Despite the intrusion, Cassilia was relieved when she saw who it was. The girl had lost at she’d at least a hundred pounds over the past year, mostly due to tummy-tucks and plastic surgery rather than hard work. Cassilia hadn’t really noticed until she saw the girls’s flattened stomach, revealed by an unseasonable white halter-top. Her jeans were too small on purpose, barely suspended by gaudy black belt. Her face was caked in makeup and her hair had been bleached. Although she suppressed the emotion, Cassilia was sad to see her friend complete an abhorrent transformation. There was no mistaking the eyes, though.

  “…Hello, Ashlynn.” Cassilia managed after a moment, her embarrassment fading. “…would you mind drawing the curtain, please?”

  Ashlynn smirked coldly and said, “In a minute.”

  Cassilia was a bit put off, wondering why Ashlynn would want to look upon her nude body, but said nothing. Uncomfortable, Cassilia smiled, nodded, and turned back into the shower.

  “You know, it’s none of my business,” Ashynn spoke up after a moment, “But don’t you think you ought a do that kinda thing at home?”

  Cassilia chuckled and turned her head to look at Ashlynn, who was braced by her raised arm on the entrance to the shower. “Come on, Ashlynn.” Cassilia replied jokingly, “You know I can’t. Every time I try, either Roger or Trina interrupt. It’s like they know when I’m trying to have fun.”

  “And how’re they doing?” Ashlynn pressed immediately, barely waiting for Cassilia to finish her sentence.

  Turned back into the shower, Cassilia frowned. She and Ashlynn went back twelve years, and her friend had never asked about her step-family. “They’re fine.” Cassilia answered in a hollow tone. She paused, listening; she could’ve sworn she heard someone else enter the bathroom…

  You’re being paranoid. It’s Ashlynn. You can trust her.

  For a moment, the two, and the bathroom, were silent.

  “Could you please draw the curtain across now, Ash?” Cassilia said softly, using the name she’d called Ashlynn for years, “I’d like some privacy.”

  “Yeah, well, since when has anyone given a damn what you liked?”

  Cassilia whirled, in disbelief at the sheer hatred with which Ashlynn had spoken those words. Upon locking eyes with her old friend, Cassilia could not deny the burning malice being radiated at her.

  And then, all at once, it vanished. Ashlynn raised her hands, smiling, and stepped out of the shower. “Hey, I’m just kidding, Cassie.” Ashlynn giggled darkly. “Sure, ill close the curtain for ya.”

  Cassilia studied Ashkynn for a moment and then turned. “…thank you.” She was momentarily relieved when she heard Ashlynn draw the curtain across. “…you know, even for a joke, that was mean…”

  Cassilia trailed off when she swore she heard rapid, hushed whispering, like rats scurrying along the corners of the room. She thought about peering out quickly, but fearing she’d look like a fool, dismissed the notion.

  “Comes with the new look!” Ashlynn exclaimed proudly, “I couldn’t say all this stuff when I was all mousy and junk, but now, shit, look at me! I can tell every jock in this school to go to hell and they still wanna take me out! I may never pay for a meal again!”

  Cassilia forced a smile and repressed remorse. Ashlynn had once been so much…more real. “Ashlynn,” Cassilia began hesitantly, “Why didn’t you get in touch with me while you were in Europe?”

  “How was I supposed to do it, flying pigeon?!” Ashlynn shot back, hostility settling back into her voice, “Roger would’ve shot it down. Plus it’s not like you check your phone or anything.”

  “You could’ve emailed me.” Cassilia gently offered, “I still check my school mail, you know. And if Trina isn’t stealing my phone then Roger’s always going through it.”

  “Oh.” Ashlynn appeared genuinely surprised by that. Once again, for a moment, she was silent. “Well…I spent a lot of time recovering, you know? And hiking. And meeting boys.”

  That last part sounded like a barb.

  “So are you still study
ing agriculture?” Ashlynn asked, her voice pleasant again.

  “Yes.” Cassilia replied, as she began washing her body, “I’m in advanced classes now so I may get my bachelor’s a year early.”

  “Good. Maybe then you can tell us what kind of grass is growing on your mom’s grave.”

  The words were like a punch in the stomach. Irate, Cassilia stormed over to the shower curtain and threw the curtain open. She was about to yell at Ashlynn, who’d known her mom, when she stopped cold.

  Ashlynn was no longer alone.

  With a sinking depression, Cassilia realized that she’d been right all along, when she’d sworn she’d heard someone in the bathroom. Ashlynn had been setting her up.

  Although the dark, hateful look had returned to Ashlynn’s eyes, Cassilia was more focused on the girl behind her; Michelle, tall, curvy, with full red lips and light blond hair, current head of the cheerleading squad. She looked upon Cassilia as prey.

  She’d been they’re prey since she’d first started school a few years ago.

  Feeling betrayed, Cassilia gave Ashlynn a hurt, lingering look, to which her former friend only gave a half-sneer, half-smirk.

  “I think I’m done.” Cassilia said, trying to keep the hurt out of her voice as she pushed her way out of the shower. The moment she stepped out and looked down, she realized what they’d done.

  Her clothes and backpack were gone.

  “Damn right you’re done.” Michelle snapped coldly. “I thought your mom’s gift ran out last year.”

  Cassilia had been through this too many times and knew the futility of her words even as she asked the question. “Where are my clothes?”

  Michelle and Ashlynn snickered, and Michelle shot a quick, subversive look to the left.

  “Answer my damn question, rat.” Michelle growled, her eyes returning to Cassilia, “Why are you still here?”

  Cassilia remembered what her mother had taught her about bullies and took a breath to compose herself. “My mother’s endowment means I get to stay as long as I want.” Cassilia said patiently, “Now would you please tell me where my clothes are?”


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