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Betrayal Page 18

by A. S. Fenichel

  Kissing the swell of her breast, he drove her desire higher. He sucked her nipple, and madness raced up her legs, throbbing at the juncture and driving her to wantonness. But she did not crave the lust of all young men, only this one. She wanted Reece Foxjohn with a terrifying ferocity stronger than anything else, stronger than her desire to join the master.

  She stilled.

  “What’s wrong?” His breath puffed out short and erratic but a wicked smile spread across his face.

  “Nothing. Everything is perfect, but I need you inside me, Reece. I need you now.” She reached between them, gripped his cock, and massaged the taught flesh.

  Eyes closed, he moaned her name.

  Nothing had ever sounded so wonderful, nothing else ever could. She guided him home and the lunacy ignited. Every thrust seemed deeper than the last and brought her more joy. Her legs gripped his hips and clutched and released with the cadence he set.

  She trembled with the oncoming rapture as it spread through her and became her. Bliss tightened to a point and exploded. Her core tightened around him, bringing him with her over the edge.

  Their cries mingled, muffled only by a kiss.

  “I love you.” Those words muted as well.

  He leaned on his elbows. “Then do not let the master rule our lives. Marry me now. I will get a special license, and we can be married this week.”

  Brushing his wild locks from his sweat-dampened cheek revealed his tight jaw.

  She hated the demon that made her doubt herself. “What will you do if your wife runs into the arms of a demon? It would be better to wait, Reece.”

  He rolled to the side and pulled her to lie on top of him. “I do not believe you will leave me. I know you, Lizzy. Maybe better than you know yourself.”

  “Then why the rush? If you truly believe I will choose you over the master, why must we marry immediately?”

  “So you will believe it too. Marriage is a holy bond. Our union will live inside you no matter what comes.”

  “Are you marrying me to protect me, Reece?”

  “I’m marrying you because I love you. If in addition the covenant protects you, I see no shame in that.”

  How had he managed to manipulate the situation so thoroughly? She shook her head and laughed. “Get the license.”

  Chapter 11

  She had agreed to marry him. Not only that, she had said she would allow a special license. Reece gushed with elation, and he struggled to form a coherent thought. The woman lying beside him would be his wife. His wife. He treasured the sound of it rolling around in his head.

  The dim light of dawn filtered through the window. He kissed her shoulder.

  She murmured incoherent words and snuggled closer.

  “My dearest, we have a busy day, and you should go back to your own room before the house awakens.”

  The most satisfied grin spread across her face. “Are you worried about my reputation?”

  “It would be unseemly for you to be found in my bed.”

  Her sigh lifted her breasts in the most delicious way. “I suppose that is true.”

  “If you do not go soon, I will be forced to ravage you again.”

  “Mmm. Tempting.”

  He grabbed her waist, tickling her into a fit of laughter. Imagining listening to that musical sound for the rest of his life, warmth spread down to his soul.

  She sprinted, naked from the bed. “I hope this will not be the way you always wake me.”

  With her hands on her hips and those pert nipples pointing at him, she reminded him of a wood nymph from mythology, magnificent, fierce, and brimming with amusement. “I will think of a thousand different ways to rouse you from our bed.”

  She grabbed her nightgown and pulled it over her head. “I will look forward to how clever you can be.”

  He wrapped his arms around her. “No regrets then?”

  “No regrets.” She cupped his cheek and lifted on tiptoe to kiss him.

  Every inch of her seduced and delighted him even when she wasn’t trying. He wrapped his arms around her and plunged his tongue into her willing mouth.

  She made love to his mouth.

  His hands slid down, gripped her backside, and pulled her tight against his hard shaft.

  She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his hips. Did she know what she did to him? She clung to his neck, devoured his lips, all while her slick folds teased him.

  He wrapped one hand around her bottom and the other around her back. The wall stood only a few steps away, and he pressed her against it. “I warned you.”

  Bright-eyed, she grinned at him. “You most certainly did.” She wiggled her hips until he hovered at her center.

  He had to close his eyes to steady his desire.

  She loosened her grip and eased down, engulfing the head of his cock.

  “Dear god, Lizzy.” He pressed deep inside her.

  A low moan puffed from her lips. “More.”

  Reece held back the madness that assaulted him when she was in his arms, but she pushed and pulled against him, demanding more. He kissed her throat and pressed deeper, kissed her chin and pulled back. He slammed forward.

  “Yes.” She clawed his shoulders.

  He smothered her cries with kisses and pumped harder and faster until his orgasm tightened.

  Her canal pulsed around him, and he spilled his seed deep inside her.

  With his forehead pressed to hers, he stilled until his breathing steadied. “You are amazing.”

  “That was exciting, Reece. Are there other ways of doing this?”

  He kissed her nose and eased away from the wall. “Yes, my love, many other ways.”

  She tightened her grip around his hips. “Mmm. I cannot wait to try them all.”

  “You have to go back to your own room before we are discovered.” Even though his words were stern, his own body would not comply. He grew hard again.

  She smiled. “You say one thing, but at least part of you has no care about being discovered.”

  He lifted her away from him and tossed her on the bed.

  Her pretty bottom bounced on the mattress, and she filled the room with laughter.

  “You are trying to lead me astray.” He covered her sweet curves with his bulk.

  “I have no idea what you mean. You are the great Reece Foxjohn. However could I lead you anywhere?” She widened those big brown eyes.

  He never stood a chance against her. He pressed her to the bed and trailed kisses down her chest, licked and sucked her nipples until she panted and squirmed.

  She bit her lip and gripped the sheets.

  He knelt on the floor next to the bed and tugged her to the edge. Her thighs hung over his shoulders, and he buried his face into her sweet folds. He sucked her most sensitive bud until she thrashed wildly. Tiny sounds puffed from her lips as she bucked against him. Never stopping in his ultimate goal of bringing her to a glorious climax, he thrust his fingers inside her and circled her bud with his tongue.

  Elizabeth let out a squeal as he pushed her over the edge. Clutching at his finger, she quivered with the orgasm. She pulled away from his mouth and rolled to her side while the shuddering passed.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, he pulled her onto his lap and cradled her through the orgasm. He kissed her forehead, eyes and cheek telling her how wonderful she was. “You make me very happy, Lizzy. I intend to watch you come every day for the rest of our lives.”

  “What a lovely reason to live a long life.”

  Dawn had given way to full daylight. “The house will be awake by now.”

  She sighed, got off his lap, and pulled her nightgown over her head. “I will go and dress.”

  He wrapped his robe around himself and pulled her into a hug. At the door, he took her hand before checking the hallway. “I think you are safe to return to your room.”

  She kissed him and ran down the hall.

  * * * *

/>   Before breakfast, the butler informed Reece a footman and two maids from his father’s home had arrived.

  Reece met them in the parlor.

  One woman wept and the other stared at the rug. The footman shuffled from foot to foot.

  “Can I assume my father dismissed all three of you?”

  The footman said, “Yes, sir. He gave no reason and refused to give any of us references. Maggie has been with your family for almost ten years. I can understand why he would refuse Gretta or me, but Maggie.”

  Maggie was the older of the two maids. She worked hard and had indeed served his family a long time. Gretta trained and had great potential for an excellent maid, and Bert, the footman, had never given him a moment’s trouble. He was efficient and could double as a valet when needed.

  “No fault lies with any of you. I have made arrangements for you to stay here until I find a new house here in London. However, if you would like a letter of reference, I will write you one. I know it will not have the same impact as one in my father’s hand, but it is all I can offer.”

  Maggie met his gaze. “Do you want us to go, sir?”

  “No, Maggie, but I will understand if you prefer to get as far away from the Foxjohn name as you can.”

  She stood taller. “If you don’t mind, sir, I will wait for you to find a home. I can help the staff here until then.”

  “Thank you.”

  Bert and Gretta also agreed to stay on until a new house could be obtained.

  Lizzy rushed into the parlor. “What on earth is going on?”

  “My father has begun to release the staff.”

  “Already! Oh no. Maggie, are you all right?”

  “I’m fine, miss.”

  “Gretta, Bert?”

  Bert answered, “It’s been a trying morning, but we’re all fine, miss.”

  Of course, she knew all their names. It shouldn’t have surprised him. “The three of you should get settled in. I will keep you informed about my house-hunting progress, and you’re pay will continue. Do not worry about a thing.”

  They thanked him and left the room.

  “Why would your father toss them so soon after taking over the house?”

  “Because he intends to close the house, and he does not give a fig for anyone beneath his station.”

  “I do not know what to say. I owe you an apology.”

  “Oh? What for?” He ran his finger along the soft skin of her jaw.

  “I thought you were exaggerating about your father.”

  “I wish I had been.”

  “I know he’s your father, but he’s horrible.”

  “I agree, but he is no longer relevant to us. I will find us all a new home within the week, and as he releases the staff, they will come to us. All will be well in a month or so.” Reece took her elbow and led her toward the door.

  “I hope you are right.”

  “Of course I am.”

  Lillian’s voice shot down the hallway. “I will join the residents for breakfast.”

  “As you wish, my lady. They are congregating now,” Black, The Company butler said.

  Elizabeth stepped away, but he took her hand and pulled her back beside him.

  Lillian’s boots pounded out her coming. She looked at them, then down at their clasped hands. Eyebrow raised, she stepped closer. “Good morning.” She kissed his cheek and offered her hand to Elizabeth.

  The women shook and Reece took Elizabeth’s hand back. Nothing would come between them, not even Lillian.

  “What brings you out so early, Lilly?”

  She frowned. “I have orders to question your ward.”

  Elizabeth stepped forward, craned her neck, and looked Lillian in the eye. “Tally? You have orders to question, Tally? Whatever for?”

  Lillian’s voice softened. “I’m not really sure. Drake sent me orders to question Miss Tally and find out exactly what she saw while in the master’s custody.”

  Reece could have stepped between the women, but whatever animosity hung between them, they had to work it out on their own. He let go of Elizabeth’s hand. “Why did he not ask one of us to question her? She is much more comfortable with us.”

  Remarkably, Lillian stepped back. “I think that might be the point. Though, I would not presume to understand all the motives of our leader.”

  Elizabeth drew her shoulders back. “I insist on being in the room.”

  Lillian nodded. “I’m sure that will not be a problem. Let’s go and break our fast, Lizzy. I did not come here for a fight, and this is as awkward for me as it is for you.”

  That took the fire out of Elizabeth. She bobbed her head in a half-nod and stormed down the hall toward the breakfast room.

  Once they were alone, Lillian leaned in. “Have I missed some important changes in your relationship status, Reece?”

  “I have asked Lizzy to marry me and she has agreed.” He held his breath.

  “How interesting.” She stared down the hall in the direction Elizabeth had gone.

  “Interesting? Is that all you have to say, my sweet.”

  She took his arm, and they strolled toward the breakfast room. “I have no idea what to say. To be frank, I’m stunned. I never thought you would marry. I would believe you might have a flirtation or perhaps an affair, but promising the rest of your life to someone? Never.”

  He halted their progress. “I seem to remember offering for you all those years ago.”

  She smiled. “But you never meant it. Of course you would have married me out of some crazy sense of duty, but we would have been miserable.”

  “I would have married you because I wanted to protect you. I do not know if we would have been happy or not, but I assure you I was earnest in my proposal.”

  She faced him and took his hands. “Of course you were. I apologize. I only meant to say we were not suited to that type of relationship. Forgive me for asking, but why did you propose to Lizzy? Are you trying to protect her too?”

  His chest tightened. “I’m in love with her, Lilly. Loving you like a sister is as close as I’ve ever come to loving anyone until I met her. I cannot live without her.”

  Lillian beamed and grabbed him in a tight hug. “I’m so happy for you both. I wish you great joy.”

  He returned the hug. “If we do not go in soon, she will return with a weapon drawn.”

  Their laughter filled the hallway. They broke the embrace and entered the breakfast room.

  “It took you two long enough.” Elizabeth filled her plate at the sideboard.

  Lillian joined her. “Old friends sometimes demand new news, Miss Elizabeth. Forgive me for detaining him.”

  Wide-eyed, Elizabeth looked from her to Reece.

  He shrugged. “It is impossible to keep secrets from Lilly.”

  “For you perhaps.” Elizabeth finished filling her plate and walked to the table.

  “What secrets?” Tad bounded into the room.

  “Nothing.” Elizabeth sat with a flourish, and her skirts ballooned around her.

  He shrugged. “How are you, Lillian? I heard you were here. I quite like having a full house.”

  “I am well, thank you. I have been ordered to question Miss Tally.”


  Matilda followed closely behind Tally.

  Reece put his plate down and escorted Tally the rest of the way. “It is merely a formality. Lilly will ask you what happened and you will tell her. That is all. Lizzy and I will be with you the entire time.”

  Her dark eyes shifted from one spot on the floor to another, and she wrapped her arms around her middle. “If you say so, sir.”

  “Let’s just break our fast then we can discuss business,” Elizabeth said.

  Reece finally managed to sit down next to his fiancée with a plate of food.

  Elizabeth reached for him beneath the table. He took her hand and squeezed it. He’d told Tally everything would be all right, but wit
h Lizzy beside him, he believed it.

  His footman, John, rushed in carrying a small tray. “Sir, I’m sorry to bother you, but a message just arrived.”

  Reece took the note from the tray. “It’s from my solicitor. It seems he’s located a townhouse he believes will suit my needs.”

  “It’s about time you moved out of your father’s house.” Lillian pulled a face.

  “I agree.” Elizabeth stuffed a piece of sausage in her mouth.

  Lord how he loved her. “Will you accompany me to view the property today?”

  She nodded, since her mouth was still full.

  Jamie joined them. “Busy morning here, I see.”

  Reece laughed. “You’ll have to put up with us for a few days more, Jamie.”

  Frowning, Jamie only shrugged.

  “Long night?”


  Head cocked, she took another bite and watched Jamie go to the sideboard and shovel food onto his plate.

  Tad said, “I come from a big family. I quite enjoy a busy morning.”

  “Did you grow up in England or Scotland?” Lillian asked.

  The rest of the meal plodded on with light conversation and a few laughs.

  * * * *

  Reece stood at the back of the room. They didn’t need him, but he had promised to be present and would keep his word.

  Lillian sat across from the girl. She had a way of putting people at ease, though it didn’t work on Elizabeth who hovered like a worried mother. “Can you tell us about the day you were captured?”

  Tally worried her hands. “I went to buy chickens for the cook.”

  “And did you buy the chickens?” Lillian’s voice resounded low and musical. She leaned against the high back of the overstuffed chair.

  “I bought two chickens.”

  “What happened after you made your purchase?”

  “I started for home. It was late, and I knew cook would be cross because I had taken so long.”

  “Did it take you longer than it should have?”

  Tally fiddled with a piece of ribbon on her skirt. “I made a stop on the way to the shop, my lady.”

  Lillian sat forward. “Where did you stop?”

  She pulled a thread from her skirt, and her eyes stayed downcast.


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