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The Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica

Page 18

by Barbara Cardy

  Cherry shuddered, Nan’s tongue lunging out, licking the slick material that clung to her damp pussy. Nan tongue-stroked Cherry all the way from the narrow crotch in between her legs up to her waistband, over and over, long and hard. She painted the satin mound with her wet, dragging tongue, drinking in the intoxicating scent of the girl, reveling in it.

  “You’ll get what you want,” she murmured. “And you’ll forget all about those fraudulent expense reports, won’t you?”

  Cherry yanked the woman’s head away from her sodden panties. Nan stared up at her, tongue hanging out. “Don’t take anything for granted, bitch!” Cherry warned.

  Nan smiled. Then she shook Cherry’s hands free and pulled the girl’s panties down. She gripped Cherry’s clenched butt cheeks and without hesitation stuck her face into the damp, dark jungle of the girl’s pussy.

  “Oh!” Cherry yelped.

  Nan dug her tongue into the girl’s thatch, finding pussy lips and licking them. She lapped at Cherry’s hairy snatch.

  “Mmm!” Cherry moaned, little body vibrating, hands riding Nan’s bobbing blonde head.

  Nan licked and licked the girl’s juicy slit, tasting, teasing, tonguing. Then she released Cherry’s buttocks and dove her fingers into Cherry’s fur, spreading the girl’s pussy open. Wet, shiny pink was exposed, and Nan blew on it. Cherry jerked. Nan slurped the pink, chewed on the succulent cunt meat. Then she hardened her tongue into a blade and jabbed it into Cherry’s opening, fucking the girl with her tongue. Cherry groaned with delight.

  Nan withdrew her tongue and popped Cherry’s swollen, cotton-candy clit out into the open with her fingers, jammed three more fingers deep into the girl’s slit. She flogged Cherry’s button with her tongue, fucked Cherry’s twat with her fingers. Cherry clawed at Nan’s hair, her body jumping, wet, wicked, unstoppable orgasm rising up from her worked-over pussy and engulfing her.

  “Oh, God, yes!” Cherry wailed, riding the older woman’s experienced tongue and fingers to ecstasy.

  Nan quickly yanked her digits out of Cherry’s gushing pussy and plugged her tongue in, throat working, swallowing the girl’s hot, tangy juices. She only stopped when Cherry finally collapsed to her knees, too weak to stand any more. And then Nan devoured Cherry’s mouth, swarming her tongue inside so that the girl could taste what Nan had done to her.

  Nan stood up, licking her sticky lips with satisfaction, looking down at the cute, little woman still shaking with the aftershocks of her joy. Cherry clung to Nan’s long, silky legs, the one in need of support now.

  “Satisfied?” Nan asked rhetorically. “If you’re a good girl – behave yourself – maybe I’ll give you a little more every now and then. Maybe.” She kneed Cherry in the chest, knocking the girl over onto her back. “Now get out of my office!”

  Cherry rose to her feet, steadied herself. Then she grabbed the arrogant woman in her arms and mashed her mouth against Nan’s open mouth. They kissed fiercely, tongues entwining, fighting an erotic duel.

  Until Cherry licked the last of her come off the other woman’s lips and shoved her backwards. “Thanks for the tongue-lashing,” she said, grinning. “It’ll be good practice for where you’re going.”

  Nan stared into the girl’s shining eyes, not understanding.

  “I don’t work here,” Cherry explained. “But Mr Fielder just happens to be my great-grandfather. The sweet, slightly-confused old man who built this company from the ground up fifty years ago. The man I’d never let be taken advantage of by some scheming, conniving bitch like you.

  “So when I heard rumours about all the extravagant business trips you were taking, from some people who work here, I decided to look into it. The records were sketchy, allright – you’d seen to that – so I decided my best bet was to confront you. With the hidden camera I’m wearing as a brooch rolling away.” She tapped the diamond spider on her chest.

  Nan’s face went deathly pale, her eyes wide.

  “I’ll be turning the video of you confessing to your fraud, attempting to bribe me to cover things up, over to the District Attorney.” Cherry smiled. “Well, not all of the video, of course.” Her smile froze cold on her pretty face. “Now get out of this office! And consider yourself terminated, effective immediately.”

  Different Takes on a Shop Assistant’s Uniform

  Kay Jaybee

  Take One

  As uniforms went it was not the most attractive Mandie had come across. The pale blue blouse was stiff and shiny. It was made from such a cheap material that it reminded her of those worn by travel agents twenty years ago. The skirt was a navy A-line, with a short no-nonsense slit at the back, showing barely a glimpse of the regulation honey beige tights. Taking the shop assistant’s job in the local bookshop and newsagents was definitely only a stop gap, but it would help keep a roof over her head and pay for what Mandie considered to be her real uniform: her large collection of expensive lingerie.

  The shop manager, Martin, was very tall, very blonde, and very earnest. Mandie tried hard to concentrate as he showed her where the pens, paper, and folders were displayed. Plastering a willing to please smile on her face, she listened dully to the importance of customer service, pricing regulations and the layout of the shop.

  It wasn’t until she was shown into the store room that Mandie felt the first flicker of interest. One of her duties was to restock the books; a number of which were erotica. So here was the silver lining. Mandie silently vowed that she would ensure that this particular area of the shop would be thoroughly investigated and cared for.

  As a present to herself for sticking out her new job for a whole week, Mandie bought an addition to her uniform that, although not regulation, made her feel much better, and far more confident. The honey beige tights had been replaced by honey cream stockings, secured by a beautiful ecru basque and knickers. Slipping them on under her drab clothes made Mandie feel as if she was living with a delicious secret. Now all she needed was someone to share it with.

  Lost in a fantasy world as she stocked the selves, Mandie jumped suddenly as Martin tapped her on the shoulder. She was treating him to the “can I help you?” expression she had recently perfected, when she spotted the girl next to him. Mandie was vaguely aware that Martin was introducing her to a new member of staff, but she hardly heard him. Her eyes were fixed on the girl. The bloody uniform actually looked good on her; she even managed to look sexy. Definitely sexy.

  Although she was nodding and smiling in all the right places, Mandie realized that she’d been operating entirely on autopilot and hadn’t heard a word that Martin had said. She snapped to the present just in time to hear her boss say, “. . . so I hope you don’t feel it’s too soon for you to teach Harriet the ropes?”

  “Of course not, no problem,” Mandie spoke to his retreating back.

  Harriet stood in front of her, a broad grin across her face. “Everyone calls me Harry, by the way.”

  “Oh, right.” Mandie was robbed of her voice as she observed her new helper. She had bobbed shoulder-length red hair, remarkably pale green eyes, and a neatly shaped figure that even the nasty blue material couldn’t disguise.

  “Mandie, are you all right?”

  “What? Oh, sorry, urn, Harry. Right, well, I was just sorting these books out. What was I supposed to show you? I’m afraid I wasn’t really listening.”

  “I bet this place does that to you. Don’t worry, I’ll liven things up a bit.” Harry smiled with the flirtiest mouth Mandie had ever seen. If only she could engineer a situation where she could “accidentally” bump into Harry at a time when she wasn’t wearing this hideous outfit. “You are supposed to be teaching me to use the till.”

  Gathering herself together, Mandie talked Harry through the finer points of till training. She had to dig her fingernails into her palms to stop herself putting her own hand over Harry’s to guide her around the unfamiliar keyboard.

  It was a relief when Martin came to take Harriet away for a tour of the stationery department.
Mandie escaped to the sweet store, and took some deep breaths. This was ridiculous. No one had ever had such an immediate impact on her. Never before had she wanted to get a woman alone so badly.

  As she hid in the ladies room with a suitably shaped chocolate bar and the latest erotic classic, Mandie realized that even her deliciously secret masturbation sessions suddenly felt like a consolation prize. Adjusting her suspenders and straightening her stockings, Mandie sighed out loud as she looked in the mirror. Even if Harry liked her when she wore her normal clothes, she’d probably read the signs wrong. Mandie touched up her dusky pink lipstick, pushed her shoulders back, pulled her stomach in, and headed to the store room.

  Mandie had been up and down the paint-spattered ladder for over an hour, and her legs were beginning to ache. Why the excess novels had to be filed on the top shelf of the store room was anybody’s guess. She had just got to the middle rung with a pile of chick-lits when she heard the squeak of the door. Unable to look down safely, Mandie called out, “Hi there. Can’t move, I’m balancing books. Who’s there?”

  There was no reply, but Mandie could hear footsteps coming towards her. “Who’s there?” Mandie nervously began jamming the remaining books in anywhere she could, before taking a step down the ladder.

  A soft hand touched her ankle as it descended onto the next rung. Mandie stood stock still as an electric charge shot up her legs. Now she didn’t want to look down, just in case it wasn’t who she desperately hoped it was. The hand was stroking the back of her calf, slowly, methodically, as if it needed to discover every toned contour. A draught wafted over her arse, telling Mandie that the edge of her skirt had been lifted slightly, giving her silent companion the perfect view of her large firm arse encased in flimsy cream knickers.

  Mandie held her breath as a finger traced the line from her heel up the back of her leg to the clip of her suspender belt. The touch was so gentle it was almost as if it wasn’t really there, just a deliciously intoxicating daydream. Still she didn’t look down as two small strong hands gently encouraged her to take one step further down the ladder. Mandie gripped the sides tightly to stop herself falling back against the head, which now held the skirt fully away from her legs. Someone was literally getting an eyeful.

  Harry had known Mandie fancied her from the second they’d laid eyes on each other. She couldn’t believe her luck in finding her, and longed to see what lay under that wildly unflattering uniform. As Martin had dragged her through the routine of the day, Harry’s mind had been full of stocking tops, lace, and sweet-smelling sweat. Now she really was examining at close range the delicately patterned tops of Mandie’s stockings, she couldn’t hide her delight.

  “You’re just so . . . well, you’re fucking beautiful.” She pulled her head away from the navy material to look up at her colleague.

  Mandie blushed, “I didn’t think you were interested.”

  “Are you kidding? You’re bloody gorgeous.” Harry’s eyes shone as she commanded, “You stay there, young lady.” Man-die watched in disbelief as Harry pushed a large stack of empty book crates against the door. “Just in case someone tries to come in, we’ll have some warning.”

  Despite her rising excitement, Mandie paled slightly, “We can’t! Not in here.”

  Harry’s mouth twitched into a cheeky smile. “Why not? You’ve thought about it haven’t you?”

  “Well, yes, but you know . . .”Mandie’s half hearted protests were cut short by Harry’s return to the bottom of the ladder. Waiting, just as she had been instructed, Mandie shivered with desire as two hands ran up the back of her legs and over the round of her buttocks.

  Each caress was like a kiss. Mandie feared she would come instantly under the gentle ministrations, and risk missing out on further delights, so she did her best to concentrate on making this experience last. When Harry finally pulled down the flimsy knickers, yanking them over the sensible shoes shop work demanded, Mandie trembled so violently that a single flick against her exposed clit broke her resolve, and sent her into preliminary rapture.

  “What a hotty you are,” Harry teased her as she ran a single sharp finger nail down Mandie’s spine. “What do you think it will feel like in a minute when I run my wet tongue over your beautiful pussy?”

  Mandie couldn’t manage a coherent reply and simply moaned into the shelves of erotic fantasy, her eyes focusing on a suitably enticing photograph of a PVC-clad, whip-welding dominatrix. Her arms ached from the effort of not falling off the ladder as Harry kissed the exposed skin between her stockings and her arse. Mandie couldn’t help but squirm, earning herself a hard smack from her new lover.

  “Keep still, sweetheart. I’m going to treat you so good,” Harry whispered as she pushed her neat head back up Mandie’s skirt, grasped her thighs, and steadying herself on the bottom rung, took a long lingering lick from her clit to her velvety arsehole.

  This time yesterday she’d never even heard of Harry. An hour ago she’d just been an exquisite fantasy. Mandie wasn’t sure this was real. She felt faint; the throbbing need between her legs was being echoed by a feeling of neglect across her tingling breasts.

  Mandie’s juice leaked freely across the probing tongue. Her hands were weakening, and she knew she would have to come down the ladder soon. Harry withdrew her tongue and replaced it with two dainty fingers, one gently swirling inside Mandie’s pussy, the other teasing her bud. It was too much.

  Mandie let go of the ladder as her body rocked for the second time in five minutes. She fell, landing in a pleasingly undignified heap on top of Harry, who still had her head caught inside her skirt.

  They burst out laughing, their hair strewn across their faces. Then, suddenly remembering the possibility of discovery, Harry stifled any sound by pressing her sticky lips against Mandie’s mouth. As they lay there exploring each other, Man-die slid her hand beneath Harry’s nylon blouse and gasped with pleasure to find that her tight little chest was already bare. Mandie delighted in trailing her fingers around Harry’s neat tips, moving in a steady circular motion until she was rewarded with a deep groan from Harry’s throat.

  Mandie pulled her face away, smiling with joy, before plunging her free hand under Harry’s skirt. “You dirty girl. Where are your knickers?”

  “I didn’t think I would need them!” Harry looked overwhelmingly endearing as she confessed, “I left them off when I popped to the bathroom earlier. I thought the wait to catch you out here alone was going to drive me mad.”

  “Oh, sweetie, why didn’t you let me know? We could have gone home together after work.”

  “I wanted you here. You look so yummy in that uniform; I just had to have you in it. Well, for the first time, at least.”

  “So confident there will be a second!” Mandie nipped Harry’s ear as she teased her. “Anyway, these uniforms are foul. I am very much looking forward to seeing you out of yours . . .”

  Take Two

  The look Harry gave her as she entered the shop made the heat rise within Mandie, filling her head with exotic possibilities. Just the mere thought of Harry’s sweet nimble fingers holding her, her tongue flicking its way over her rounded body, sent jets of excitement down Mandie’s spine.

  When break time finally arrived, Harry’s eyes twinkled wickedly. “I fancy a bar of chocolate. How about you?”

  “Why not?” Mandie smiled as she recalled how these regular trips used to be conducted alone. They left the shop floor and headed through the sweet store. Harry grabbed a Flake, as they hurried on to the ladies’ room.

  “We have got to stop doing this,” Mandie said with absolutely no conviction in her voice whatsoever, as Harry manoeuvred them into a cramped cubicle.

  Mandie’s skirt was already rucked up around her waist, her knickerless pussy exposed to Harry’s skilful fingers. “Why, sweetie, you’re wet. Perhaps there’s no need to moisten you further?”

  Mandie grabbed a handful of her lover’s hair, and pushed her head down. “Oh, yes, there is.”

Harry whispered, “Are you going to beg me?”

  “I don’t need to you, whore. You want to anyway.”

  Mandie shuddered with want as Harry silenced further comment by covering her mouth with her own, before sliding the unwrapped chocolate bar deep into her waiting cunt.

  Coming swiftly, panting into Harry’s shoulder, Mandie pulled out the sticky chocolate. Forcing it between Harry’s lips, Mandie began to feed it to her, whilst teasing skilful fingers across her clit, bringing Harry to her own release.

  Availing themselves of the facilities, the girls quickly smoothed down their uniforms, adjusted their lipstick and returned to the shop floor. Only three hours and they could go home.

  Take Three

  Mandie had prepared as carefully as she could. Slipping back into the toilets after her shift, she put on a pair of new, very delicate, plum-coloured French knickers, and a matching lace-up, which neatly encased her heavy chest. After replacing her stockings with clear hold ups, Mandie checked inside her bag to make sure the present she’d brought for Harry was still there. Her heart fluttered in her chest as she anticipated the evening ahead.

  Harry’s flat was only small, but it was neither cramped nor cluttered like Mandie’s bedsit.

  Together in the tiny kitchen they kissed long and hard before Harry broke away. “Will you do something for me?”

  “Of course.”

  “Sit in the living room and wait. I won’t be long, but I need to get something ready.”

  “Can’t I help you?”

  “No. This is for you. Please, just sit.”

  “Can’t I at least change out of this foul outfit?”

  “No,” Harry shouted from the kitchen, “I like you in that. It’s like taking off horrid wrapping paper and finding a pearl of a present inside.”


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