Falcon (Trinity Academy Book 1)

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Falcon (Trinity Academy Book 1) Page 2

by Michelle Heard

  “Cool, then I’ll go on.” Kingsley immediately proceeds by pointing at the guy next to Lake. “That’s Mason Chargill.”

  The second I look at Mason, a shiver slithers down my spine, and every one of my alarms begin to go off. The guy looks like trouble with a capital T. There’s a condescending smirk on his face, only adding to the menacing look courtesy of features which might as well have been carved from stone. Handsome… but the indifference and contempt rolling off his shoulders make him look threatening.

  I’ll be sure to avoid him at all costs.

  “Mason’s father is the president of the company. I heard Mason, Falcon, and Lake are studying to take over from their fathers, which makes sense seeing as the three of them are the heirs to CRC Holdings.”

  When Kingsley doesn’t continue, I ask, “So the third guy is Falcon Reyes?” Mom told me to be on my best behavior because Mr. Reyes’ youngest son is a senior here at the academy, but I’ve never met any of them in person. Now that I know what the heirs look like, it will make it easier to avoid them.

  “Oh, yeah. Sorry, I got stuck on Mason,” she admits with a grin. “I could stare at him all day long.”

  My eyes drift over the guys before stopping at Falcon. My first impression of Falcon is no better than the one I have of Mason. With a sharp, intelligent look, he reeks of arrogance wrapped in an icy layer of indifference.

  He lifts his chin and glances in my direction as if he can feel my eyes on him. From across the auditorium, our eyes lock and every muscle in my body tenses as an unnerving feeling ripples over me. There are easily ten rows of chairs between Falcon and me, yet his cold gaze has the power to make me feel like I’ve just been singled out. His shoulders are set square, commanding and formidable, giving me the impression he’s the leader of the three.

  Breaking eye-contact, I slide down in my chair and hide behind the guy sitting right in front of me.

  Yeah, definitely gonna stay away from Falcon.

  “Falcon’s father is the CEO and chairman of CRC Holdings.” Kingsley lets out a sigh. “With the kind of wealth they come from, they might be gorgeous to look at but deadly to play with.”

  “That, my friend, I one hundred percent agree with.”

  The introduction begins, and all the students quiet down. I usually pride myself in paying attention, but today, I find myself zoning out as my eyes get stuck on the three men sitting up front.

  Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have such wealth – not having to worry about your bank account ever running on fumes.

  Deep in thought, my eyes leave them only to jump from one student to the next. Most are wearing watches I’ve never seen before, making my TAG Heuer look like a pavement special. It’s not like I’m into the latest fashion and luxury brands, but coming to this college, you quickly notice it’s what sets you apart from the rest of the students.

  Once the introduction is over, we all file out of the auditorium and into the bright California sunlight.

  “Which building are you staying in?” Kingsley asks as we walk over the well-maintained green lawn toward the residence section.

  I scrunch my nose because I think the names for the buildings are lame. “I’m staying in the Hope Diamond. What’s with the weird names for the buildings?” I ask, hoping Kingsley will be able to tell me more.

  Instead, her eyes widen, and she grabs my arm. “You’re so lucky! How did you manage to get a room in their building?”

  “Their building?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

  “The penthouse belongs to Falcon, Mason, and Lake. Usually, only other business partners can get a suite in The Hope Diamond.”

  I blink as she rambles overly excited, and once I find my bearings, I mumble, “It makes no difference to me where I stay.”

  I hope she doesn’t ask about my family because I’d hate to lie to her, but there’s no way I’m trusting her with my secret only minutes after meeting her.

  “Well, you’re lucky. Your family must be business partners with CRC then?” Kingsley asks the question I’ve been dreading most.

  “Something like that,” I skirt around the truth hoping it won’t come back to bite me in the ass.

  I know for a fact Mom being Mr. Reyes’ personal assistant won’t mean shit to the other students and might make me a target which is the last thing I need.

  We walk toward the dorms which look like five-star hotels instead of student housing.

  “I’m in the Pink Star, which is the building opposite yours. The Oppenheimer Blue is the third building.”

  “Why the names?” I repeat my question from earlier.

  “They’re ranked according to the most expensive stones. Depending on where your family falls on the wealth ladder, you get assigned to a room in the appropriate building. The Oppenheimer Blue is where you’ll find the millionaires next door or the capitalist class. If you’re from one of the ruling fifteen thousand families in the States or glittering rich like my family, you’re in the Pink Star. Only those on the Forbes 400 list make it past the doors of The Hope Diamond.”

  Shaking my head, I let out a sigh, “Ridiculous if you ask me. I’m going to have to research all these things, so I don’t step on any toes.”

  “I’ll make you a list of the important stuff,” Kingsley offers.

  “That would be great.”

  We part ways at the entrance to the Hope Diamond, agreeing to meet in an hour for an early dinner.

  Walking into the luxurious building, the marble floors gleam under extravagant chandeliers. My shoulders sag, and I lose a little of the excitement from being able to study here.

  My dad is a gypsy at heart, and since the divorce, he’s never stayed in one place for long. I love both my parents, but I take after Dad. Material things have never mattered to me, and now I’m in a college with people who only care about status, power, and money.

  Damn, it sucks. I should’ve insisted on attending a regular college, but Mom was so excited I couldn’t let her down.

  Sliding the card through the electronic lock, I step into my suite. I glance around the space then look out the window at the perfect view of the hills. I love the Ojai Valley where Trinity Academy is situated. The hills surrounding the campus are gorgeous.

  “You can fool everyone for four years,” I mumble, not quite believing the words myself. “Just don’t stand out in any way and no one will notice you.”

  Chapter 2


  Having to attend all the introduction ceremonies on the first day is mind-numbingly boring.

  “I miss the waves already,” Lake mumbles, not happy about being back at the academy. “The gap year we took after school was the best. We had no worries back then. Shit, it feels like a lifetime ago.”

  “Yeah, waking up whenever we wanted. No nagging parents. None of this shit at the academy,” Mason reminisces. “Only us and the ocean.”

  “Those were good times,” I agree, feeling a little nostalgic myself. After graduating, we spent the entire year traveling while searching for the biggest and best waves to surf. Leaving the heavy burden of our family names behind, there was no set schedule to follow.

  “Remind me again why we’re here?” Lake grumbles.

  Mason lets out a deep chuckle. “My father threatened to freeze our accounts if we didn’t get our asses back to reality.”

  “Right. I can’t wait until you take over from him.” Lake wags his eyebrows playfully at Mason.

  “Yeah? You think I won’t freeze your ass if you don’t work?” Mason kids with him.

  “And you call yourself my friend,” Lake huffs but then adds. “Falcon will take care of me.” He catches up to where I’m walking a step ahead of them and throws his arm around my shoulders. “Right? You’d never let me starve.”

  I grin at their bantering and shrug Lake’s arm off. “I’d go bankrupt if I have to feed you. You’re a bottomless-fucking-pit.”

  Pretending to look hurt, Lake places a hand over his heart. �
�Damn. So cold, brother.” He shakes his head at me then glances in the direction of the restaurant we’re headed toward. “Can’t help I have a healthy appetite.”

  “There’s nothing healthy about the amount of pizza you can consume,” Mason gives his opinion as we step into the restaurant.

  Some students instantly scatter out of our way. Around here, the top one percent is made up of the three founding families, which is Mason, Lake, and myself. I have to admit, in the beginning having this kind of power was both incredible and addictive, but as the years passed, it became tedious, leaving a stale taste in my mouth.

  The academy is structured so we’ll build connections and get a taste of what the real business world will be like. Everyone here has an agenda and befriending the three of us is at the top of their lists. With us being in our final year, we each get to pick an assistant. It’s a huge thing being chosen as one of our assistants. It means you’re good enough to be singled out by us, which gives you an automatic rise in status. It’s a known fact that if you have one of us as a connection, you’ll be set for life which makes us practically gods.

  Little do they know Lake and I aren’t sure whether we’ll be joining the family business. Right now, Mason is the only one of the three of us who will be working at the company. Lake mentioned he’d like to open up a café in Europe. He’s been looking into studying as a barista in Italy once he’s finished studying Law.

  I’ve been playing around on the stock market and have been pretty lucky. With the funds I’ve managed to make on my own, I’m thinking of opening a business where I can help inventors bring their creations to life. That way my degree in Intellectual Property LLB will come in handy.

  Nudging me with his arm, Lake draws my attention. “Isn’t that Stephanie’s daughter?”

  I glance at the girl Lake is looking at, and from the inexpensive labeled capris, sandals, and plain blue t-shirt, it’s clear she doesn’t belong here. She stands out like a sore thumb amongst all the other girls with their exclusive brand clothing and accessories.

  “Since when does Trinity give scholarships?” Mason asks, his gaze filled with boredom as he spares the table Layla is seated at a glance.

  Not just anyone can get into Trinity. Every single student here comes from a wealthy background.

  “She’s my father’s latest charity case,” I answer. She has guts coming here because once the other students realize she’s not from a wealthy family the shit will hit the fan. For a split-second, I feel a twinge of worry, but it quickly fades.

  Murmurs fill the air as we walk to our table. I take my usual seat and glancing to my left I watch as Serena stops at the table where Layla is seated with a group of first-year students.

  I frown as I take a closer look at Layla. I expected her to have black hair like Stephanie, but she must take after her father’s side. Silky blonde hair is caught in a ponytail, and she’s not wearing much makeup. Her fair complexion makes her look feminine and flawless.

  Yeah, even I will admit she’s beautiful, which means she’s going to attract a lot of unwanted attention.

  They’re gonna see right through her. She doesn’t stand a chance.

  “She’s not going to last long,” Mason gives his opinion while looking over the menu.

  A waitress comes to our table, and while Lake orders an obscene amount of food, my eyes drift back to where Serena is talking to Layla.

  Just then Grayson and West enter the restaurant and spotting Serena, they make their way over to her.

  “Serena, introduce me to your new friend,” Grayson says loud enough for half the restaurant to hear.

  “I was just greeting Kingsley,” Serena quickly corrects Grayson. “I couldn’t be bothered with the other freshmen.”

  Grayson grins at Serena. “Yeah, you better keep Kingsley close. You wouldn’t want her father’s hand to slip while he’s working on your face.”

  “Layla, let’s go grab dinner off-campus. I suddenly lost my appetite,” Kingsley says as she gets up from her chair.

  Layla stands up, but Grayson takes a couple of steps closer and blocks her way.

  “Don’t run off before we’ve had a chance to meet.” He smiles broadly, and interest flickers across his features.

  “I’m Grayson Stateman.”

  Layla ignores the hand stretched out to her. “Layla Shepard. It’s nice meeting you but if you’ll excuse…”

  Slowly, Grayson shakes his head, not getting out of her way. “You’re not excused. Sit down.”

  “She’s not at your beck and call, Grayson,” Kingsley snaps, which makes a slow grin form around my lips.

  Gotta give Kingsley points for standing up for Layla.

  Seeing an opportunity to remind Grayson I hold all the power here at Trinity, I slowly rise from my seat. There’s also the fact that the bastard always had a hard time understanding the word no, so I’ll be doing the girl a favor for which she’ll owe me.

  Hearing Mason and Lake get up behind me, I know they have my back as I walk over to Layla. I come up behind her and meeting Grayson’s eyes over the top of her head, the corner of my mouth lifts.

  I let out a sigh. “Grovelling for attention again?”

  The smile fades from Grayson’s face, and his mouth sets in a grim line.

  “Interfering in other people’s business again?”

  Layla glances over her shoulder, and when her eyes land on me, they widen, and she quickly takes a step to the side so she can see both Grayson and me.

  I watch as her shoulders stiffen before she wets her lips, and for some reason, it bugs the hell out of me when the movement catches Grayson’s eye.

  Her brown eyes dart to Grayson before coming back to my face. Our eyes lock, and I’m caught off guard when I see the uneasy look in them. “Falcon.”

  She looks uncomfortable being in my presence, and it makes me wonder how much Stephanie told her daughter about me.

  “Mother said you’d be joining Trinity,” I say and a second later shocked gasps fill the air from the students watching us. I’m fully aware it’s because everyone now thinks I know Layla on a personal level.

  Fuck, I have no idea why I just did that.

  “You know each other?” I hear Serena’s voice as it hits a high pitch. Ignoring her shocked reaction, I look back to Grayson.

  He lets out a chuckle, lightly shaking his head. “Am I supposed to read between the lines?”

  Glad he took the bait, I shrug. “Make of it what you want.”

  “Uhm…” Layla fidgets, tucking some hair behind her ear. “It was nice meeting everyone, but I’m just going to squeeze past and be on my way.”

  I take a step to the right so she can get by me, but Grayson’s hand shoots out, and he grabs hold of her arm.

  “Why the hurry? We were getting to know each other before we were so rudely interrupted.”

  He pulls Layla back toward him, which makes her stumble, but before I can react, she manages to regain her balance.

  A frown forms on her forehead, and her eyes fill with a defiant look.

  As much as I’d like to see whether she can stand up for herself, I’m not willing to pass on the opportunity to put Grayson in his place.

  The words are low and carry a silent threat when I demand, “Let go of her arm.”

  “Why? It’s not like she’s your property. You don’t own everything at Trinity,” Grayson taunts. He widens his eyes, pretending to be shocked as he mocks me. “Wow, can you believe that? There’s actually something you don’t have.”


  Before I can think things through, the words leave my mind. “I’ve chosen her as my assistant.”

  Layla’s head snaps to me, and the defiant look in her eyes darkens. “Excuse me?”

  Gasps fill the air around us, followed by more shocked murmurs. I feel the wave of disappointment as it spreads through the students who all had hopes to get the coveted position.

  Layla yanks her arm free from Grayson’s hold and scowls a
t me. “I’m not interested in being your assistant.” Her words are bold and fearless, and it actually makes me admire her a little.

  Mason chuckles behind me, clearly enjoying the show.

  “It’s not your choice to make,” I say, and needing to put Layla in her place, I take a step closer to her. I lean in until our cheeks brush, and whisper so only she will hear, “I’m sure you learned a thing or two from your mother, so don’t disappoint me, Shepard. You have some big shoes to fill, and I’d hate for your mother’s image to suffer because of you.”

  She inhales sharply as I pull back, and sparing her a don’t-fuck-with-me smile, I direct my attention back to Grayson.

  “It’s settled then,” I state, bringing this conversation to a close now that I’ve reminded Grayson of how powerless he is.

  “If you think just because she’s your assistant she’s off-limits to me, you’re mistaken. It will only make it so much sweeter when I win.”

  I let out a burst of laughter. “Stateman, are you actually trying to compete with me right now?”

  Whispers spread out around us, which only makes my smile widen.

  ‘Does Grayson have a death wish?’

  ‘Oh my God, I can’t believe what I’m seeing.’

  ‘Falcon’s going to destroy him.’

  ‘Idiot. It’s his funeral.’

  Grayson must also hear them because his face turns red with embarrassment and anger.

  “I’ve heard enough,” Layla almost grinds the words out, clearly not impressed by the showdown between Grayson and me.

  Before Grayson can do anything stupid, or at least more idiotic than he already has, Lake moves past me.

  “Chill, guys. You’re going to give me an ulcer if you carry on like this the entire year.” Lake takes Layla’s hand, and he pulls her away from us.

  Now that Layla is out of the way, my eyes rest cold on Grayson.

  “Lucky for you Lake stepped in,” Grayson sneers. His eyes dart past me to where Mason is before he takes a step back. “Let’s go,” he says to West and Serena who’s been silently watching.


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