Falcon (Trinity Academy Book 1)

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Falcon (Trinity Academy Book 1) Page 13

by Michelle Heard

  “A rainbow?”

  He shakes his head. “First, the clouds and then the rainbow.”

  Turning my head, I grin at him. Wrapping my arms over his, I link our fingers.

  “Are you a night or morning person?” I ask.

  He thinks before he answers, “I’d say a mixture of both. And you?”

  “Both, but God helps the person who wakes me up while I’m sleeping.” After a couple of minutes passes, I ask, “Are Mason and Lake your only friends?”

  Nodding, he says, “They’re my family.”

  “Don’t you get along with your parents?”


  I can’t imagine something like that. I’ve never even had a fight with my parents.

  “My father spends all his time at work. He’s actually just a stranger.” I keep quiet, hoping he will tell me more and eventually he does. “Clare Reyes only cares about one thing, her status. I used to get along with Julian, my older brother, but things have become so competitive between us. I sometimes wonder whether the memories I have of us aren’t all just wishful thinking.”

  “And Lake’s parents? Do you get along with them?”

  Falcon nods. “Lake has the best parents out of the three of us.”

  It makes me happy to hear that.

  “And Mason? Is he in a similar situation as you?”

  Falcon shakes his head, and minutes pass before he says, “They were like Lake’s family, but after Jennifer, Mason’s older sister, died in a car accident, the Chargills fell apart. Mr. Chargill works until he falls asleep at the desk. He seldom goes home.”

  “And Mason’s mom?”

  “She’s in and out of rehab.”

  I close my eyes as empathy for Mason fills my heart.

  “How old was he when the accident happened?”

  “Seventeen. Jennifer collided with a tree. She died when West’s car crashed into her from behind. Mason blames West.”

  “Is that why they fight a lot?”

  Falcon nods again, and I wonder if there isn’t a way to help Mason. All that anger and hurt is destructive, and he might end up doing something bad.

  “Tell me about you,” he murmurs.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Who are your friends? Are any of them guys?”

  I let out a chuckle. “Kingsley is my first real friend.”

  Falcon shifts me to the right so he can look at me. “Why?”

  “I had a lot of acquaintances, but I don’t think any of us kept in contact after school ended. We only used to spend our breaks together.”

  For a couple of minutes, we watch the sun setting, then I ask, “Are you joining CRC when you’re done with your studies?”


  I’m getting used to Falcon pausing before he answers.

  “The three of us made a deal with our parents. Mason will join CRC, and I will start a new company. My father is still trying to get me to join CRC, but that won’t happen.”

  “Because of your brother?”

  “Yeah, besides, Julian has the majority shares for our family.”

  “Does that bother you?”

  He shakes his head. “I have Mason and Lake. Our shares combined out votes everyone else.”

  “So Lake will join CRC as well?”

  Falcon doesn’t answer the question and instead says, “Lake deserves someone like you more than I do.”

  I glance back at Falcon.

  “Lake’s already engaged. The wedding is set for next summer.”

  “Don’t you like his fiancé?” I try to remember if any of them have ever mentioned her, but there’s nothing.

  “I’ve never met her,” Falcon admits. “It’s an arranged marriage.”

  “What?” I sit forward and turn so I can face Falcon. “Why?”

  “One of us has to marry her.” Falcon’s words send shock rippling through me. “We talked about it a lot before we made our decision. Mason would be the best person to work alongside Julian. I made my first million when I was nineteen, and because of it, it’s my job to get our company off the ground.”

  “And that left Lake,” I whisper.

  Falcon nods and tries to smile. “He seems okay with it. I’ve overheard them talking on the phone, and it didn’t sound awkward. I’ll only know for sure when I see them together.”

  “You and Mason are both very protective of Lake,” I mention. “I understand why, though. I want to protect him, and I’ve only known him a couple of weeks.”

  “I’d kill for Lake and Mason.”

  The statement sounds harsh, but I hear the loyalty behind it. They have an unbreakable bond, and it makes me feel better that they have each other.

  Chapter 18


  “It just took on a life of its own.” Mason, Lake, and I are sitting in our lounge, catching up before we head to bed. “The one second I was still realizing I like Layla and the next…”

  “She became important to you,” Lake completes my sentence.

  I nod while staring at all our feet, resting on the coffee table. “This isn’t very comfortable, yet we do it every time we sit here.”

  Mason frowns and glances up from his phone. “What?”

  “Our feet on the coffee table. The damn thing is hard,” I explain.

  “We should get something softer,” Lake agrees.

  “Kingsley will be lying there if I have my way,” Mason growls before he tosses his phone to the side.

  Lake coughs to cover up a laugh, and I chuckle and ask, “Is she ignoring your texts?”

  Mason shakes his head, a dark frown on his face. “It’s only a matter of time before I kill her.”

  Silent laughter escapes me. “I remember thinking the exact same thing about Layla.”

  “Now you’re killing her with –” I throw my phone at Mason because it’s the only thing I had nearby.

  “Shut up,” I growl.

  Picking up my phone, Mason unlocks it.

  “There’s nothing in there,” I warn him.

  “I’m texting Kingsley and God help that woman if she reads your message.”

  Lake starts to laugh, giving up on trying to hide it.

  “She fucking read it,” Mason exclaims. He dials her number and puts the phone on speaker.

  “Hey, Falcon,” Kingsley answers. “Layla’s in the shower. Are you looking for her?”

  Taking my feet off the table, I sit forward. “She’s in the shower?”

  Lake begins to laugh again.

  “Getting Layla’s shower schedule can wait,” Mason snaps. “Hunt! What the fuck? How dare you ignore my messages?”

  A loud sigh comes over the phone. “Mason, we aren’t sleeping together and you sure as hell aren’t paying me, so seeing as you’re not my sugar-daddy, I’ll read your messages when I have some spare time.”

  I cover my face and fall back against the couch as I crack up because that’s the best comeback I’ve ever heard. When Lake grabs his stomach and falls off the couch, I practically start crying.

  Even Mason has a smile on his face. “You want me to be your sugar-daddy, Kingsley?”

  “Oh, God,” Lake wheezes. “Can’t… breathe.”

  “Layla, heeelllppp,” Kingsley yells.

  “What’s going on? If it’s another spider I’m burning this place down,” Layla’s voice comes over the line.

  She must hear us laughing because soon her soft chuckle drifts over the phone, then she asks, “Are y’all picking on Kingsley?”

  “No, just Mason,” I quickly answer.

  “Hold up,” Mason says. “Kingsley still needs to answer me.”

  “What did he want?” Layla asks.

  “Whether I want him to be my sugar-daddy,” Kingsley grumbles.

  Layla sounds stunned when she says, “Oh… wow… I so did not see that coming.”

  “I’d rather drown myself in the bathtub,” Kingsley mutters.

  “I left clean towels in the bathroom for you.”r />
  “Kingsley is going to bathe now?” Mason asks as he gets up which has Lake scrambling up from the floor and me darting up.

  “Yes, so you guys –” Mason cuts the call, and when he runs to the door, we set after him.

  He ignores the elevator and takes the stairs which has Lake groaning, “Why am I even running after him?”

  “To see what he does next,” I answer.

  Mason gets to Layla’s door first and bangs on it. Lake tries to stop but begins to slide because the idiot’s wearing socks.

  He slams into Mason as Layla opens the door and they both go tumbling into her room which has me sinking to my knees with laughter.

  “Did you hang-up on me?” Layla tries to scowl, but when she looks at me, she covers her mouth and turns away, laughter bursting from her.

  Mason climbs to his feet and walks into Layla’s room.

  “What the hell, Mason!” Kingsley yells and then a shriek echoes through the suite.

  When Mason comes stalking out of the room with Kingsley tossed over his shoulder, I claw at the wall to get to my feet.

  “What if I was undressing?” she shrieks at him.

  “Then I’d be carrying your naked ass out of this suite,” Mason growls.

  “Layla, help!”

  Mason stalks out of the suite, and when Kingsley sees us all laughing, she scowls. “Some friends you all are!”

  Lake, Layla, and I have to jog to catch up to Mason as he heads in the direction of the pool house.

  When Kingsley realizes where they’re headed, she begins to slap his back. “Put me down! Mason, don’t you dare throw me in.”

  Nearing the pool, Mason starts to run and then he jumps, taking Kingsley with him.

  The second their heads break through the water, Mason growls, “You’d rather drown, right?”

  Kingsley sputters and tries to doggy paddle away from him which has Mason tilting his head, and asking, “Can’t you swim?”

  “Fuck off,” Kingsley snaps before she goes under which has Lake diving in before I can even react.

  “Why the fuck are you all panicking? She’s in the shallow end,” Mason exclaims.

  Lake gets to Kingsley and helps her to stand then he scowls at Mason, “Not cool.”

  Placing an arm around Kingsley, he checks if she’s okay.

  “Get Mason out of the pool so I can kill him,” Kingsley growls. She sounds fine, which has me relaxing.

  “My heart almost stopped,” Layla whispers next to me.

  Glancing down at her, I see she’s still staring at the three in the pool with wide eyes. I place an arm around her and draw her into my side. “Cute PJ’s.”

  “Right? I got them on sale.” She looks down at the yellow outfit that’s covered with green UFOs.

  “What are you all doing?” Serena’s voice echoes through the pool house.

  “Fuck,” I mutter.

  Layla sighs while Lake and Kingsley freeze.

  Mason, on the other hand, throws his arms in the air. “There goes the fucking night.”

  Layla snorts and quickly tries to hide it by burying her face against my chest. I press my lips together, and my eyes begin to tear up.

  Mason’s laughter explodes through the room. “Falcon’s crying.”

  “Seriously, you all need to grow up,” Serena sneers.

  “It looks like they’re having fun,” someone else says, and glancing over my shoulder, I see Serena standing amongst a group of girls.

  “No, it doesn’t,” Serena snaps.

  “Right,” the girl quickly agrees, looking chagrined.

  Serena focuses her glare on me. “Falcon, we need to talk.”

  Will this woman ever give up? “Make an appointment with my assistant.”

  “Seriously?” she snaps. Walking toward us, she crosses her arms. With a look of disdain on her face, she glares at Layla. “I actually have something to say to your assistant.”

  Layla turns around to face Serena, which has me clenching my teeth.

  “Do you really think sleeping your way to the top will work?” Serena’s eyes turn icy. “Once a whore, always a whore.”

  “One… two… three… four…” Layla whispers, then nods and says, “I tried counting to ten. It didn’t work.”

  When she slaps Serena, my mouth drops open. Gasps sound up like a damn chorus to the right of me where Serena’s group is.

  Layla takes a step closer to one hell of stunned Serena who brings a trembling hand to her cheek.

  “I’m not the violent type but don’t you dare talk to me like that.”

  “You slapped me?” Serena asks, then her face transforms from looking incredulous to murderous. “You made a big mistake tonight.”

  “That’s enough,” I growl, stepping between them.

  Serena’s eyes flick up to mine, and the hatred in them actually worries me. Her breathing speeds up as she whines, “You degraded me and offended my parents in front of the entire nation.”

  Shaking my head, I ask, “How did I do that?”

  “Our families were in the middle of talks about a marriage, and we had to learn from the press you’re dating that…” Serena points a finger at Layla, “that woman.”

  Bringing a hand to my face, I pinch the bridge of my nose. “For the last time, I never made any promise of commitment to you.”

  “Our families were discussing the terms!” she shouts at me, her cheeks flushing red.

  “I. Never. Made. Any. Promise. Of. Commitment. To. You,” I enunciate each fucking word.

  Clenching her jaw, she glares at me until I feel a shiver crawl down my spine.

  This woman is unstable.

  I don’t break eye contact with her, not willing to be the first to back down.

  ‘I’m going to ruin you,’ her eyes spit at me.

  ‘Give me your best shot, but be prepared for the consequences,’ I silently warn her.

  After Serena crashed our party, we all decided to call it a night. When I get back to the suite, and I pick up my phone, it starts to ring.


  I’ve been avoiding her calls the past two days, and I know she’ll just keep phoning until I answer.

  I take a deep breath and accept the call. “Mother.”

  “Come home right this instant!”


  “Why?” she gasps and lets out a burst of disbelieving laughter. “Why?” she yells. “How could you do that to us? The photos are everywhere. PR can’t take them all down.”

  I remain quiet and wave at Lake and Mason before walking to my room.

  “You have disgraced us all!”

  I shut the door behind me.

  “And… and..” she sputters through her anger, “With the PA’s daughter? Honestly, Falcon. Is this your way of rebelling?”

  I sit down on the bed and lie back.

  “You will put an end to that ridiculous affair and make a public announcement which Stephanie will have ready tomorrow.”

  I dart back up. “You had Stephanie write an apology?”

  “It’s her job, and she knows her place, unlike that daughter of hers.”

  I hang up on my mother and search for Stephanie’s number. When I dial it, I get an engaged tone. I yank my bedroom door open which has Lake lifting his head from where he’s lying on the couch.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “My fucking mother,” I growl. Leaving the suite, I take the stairs down again. When I get to Layla’s room, I bang on the door.

  She opens it and puts her finger in front of her mouth then points at her ear.

  “I know, Mom.”


  I hold my hand out to her so she’ll give me the phone, but instead, she shakes her head.

  “Let me deal with this,” I snap and grab the phone from her. I press it to my ear and begin to apologize, “Stephanie, I’m so sorry. Please don’t write the apology. I won’t be making any announcements. And again, I apologize for my mother’s behavior.”

>   “Falcon,” her voice is calm and smooth as always, “As I was telling Layla, you’re both adults. If you want to date my daughter, all I ask is that you treat her well. I have already communicated to Mr. Reyes that I won’t be writing an apology on your behalf.”

  I let out a breath of relief and walking to the couch, I sit down. “Thank you.”

  “Can I ask one question?”

  “Please,” I reply quickly.

  “Are you serious about Layla?” Stephanie has always been calm and collected, and hearing the tone of worry in her voice, tells me just how concerned she is.

  “I am.” Glancing up, I lock eyes with Layla, “I’m very much in love with your daughter. I have no intention of ending things between us.”

  “Your father will not remain silent. You know this, right?”

  “I do. I’m prepared to accept all the consequences, whatever they may be.”

  “I have to warn you. I will not hesitate to remove Layla from the Academy if I feel her life is being upset in any way.”

  “I’ll protect her. I promise.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that, Falcon. I love Layla more than anything and anyone. Please keep her safe.”

  “I will, Stephanie.”

  We end the call, and I suck in a deep breath of air. Looking at my watch, I see it’s already past midnight. I stand up and reaching for Layla’s hand, I pull her to the bedroom. I pull my shirt off and lay down, holding my arm open for her. She gets on the bed, crawls over and snuggles against me.

  Wrapping my arms around her, I press a kiss to her hair. “I’m sorry this happened.”

  “It’s not your fault,” she whispers. “Your parents seem really upset from what my mom told me.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” I reassure her.

  She lifts her head and looks up at me. “It does, Falcon.”

  I bring a hand to her face and brush my thumb over the swell of her cheek. “Don’t worry about any of it. I’ll handle my parents.”

  She stares at me for a little while, then says, “Thank you for apologizing to my mom. You didn’t have to, but it means a lot to me.”

  A smile tugs at my mouth. “Sleep my rainbow.”

  A huge smile splits across her face. “I like that.”

  I press another kiss to her forehead then guide her back to my chest.


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