Eraser Lilac

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Eraser Lilac Page 5

by Keith, Megan

  Mackenzie was shocked when the brazen woman pushed the curtain wide open. She was standing in a half done up corset and heels, nothing else, and she’d just been thoroughly fucked. She was mortified. But the older woman was all business, turning her this way and that, she didn’t even blink at the fact that Mackenzie had a bare ass. She used her tape measure, fired Mackenzie a few quick questions and hastily left. Mackenzie caught a glimpse of a grinning Sir seated opposite the change room just before the woman pulled the curtain closed behind her. She smiled to herself wondering how on earth this day was going to continue.

  Twenty-five minutes later, they were standing at the sales counter, the assistant ringing up a bucket load of lingerie. Mackenzie wanted to walk away, or block her ears. She did not want to know what the total bill would be – quite possibly as much as she makes in a month of wages. When she saw Sir pull his wallet from his pocket, however, she took a step closer instead. She tried not to be obvious, looking from the corner of her eye to see his driver’s licence or credit card, any sort of evidence of who the man was, but he was onto her in a flash.

  “I know what you’re trying to do,” he said smugly, nudging her with his elbow. She batted her eyes at him and smiled as innocently as she could manage. “How about you collect those bags,” he nodded toward the armchair he had just vacated, “and I’ll meet you out front.”

  She didn’t move straight away. She wanted to hold her ground but the intensity in his eyes warned her that would be a mistake. So with an audible huff, she said, “Yes, Sir,” walked to the chair and started picking up all of the shopping bags. When she left the store the assistant was still running items up.

  She stood in the sunshine on the busy street in shock. Her arms were laden with more clothes than she would even buy in a year and he had just bought her every conceivable piece of lingerie she could ever want. She didn’t know how she would ever thank him. Maybe that’s the point. He’s trying to buy me. Make sure that I owe him so I won’t leave. It saddened her to think that he felt it was a necessity, she had no intention of going anywhere and it had nothing to do with money.

  The sun suddenly disappeared and she felt a chill when a large shadow covered her.

  “Let me take those for you,” a deep voice spoke.

  She squinted to focus on the man in front of her. It was Simon. Where the hell did he come from? He started pulling things from her arms before she could speak. She watched him pile everything into the boot of the car, that happened to be parked directly in front of her, she hadn’t even noticed.

  Sir appeared a moment later with more bags. The two men filled the boot to the brim and Mackenzie shook her head. I can’t believe all of that is for me! She couldn’t help the grin that came to her face. It was like all of her Christmases had come at once. So many beautiful things, and though she wasn’t entirely comfortable with the thought that Sir was trying to buy her affections, or whatever he was doing, she couldn’t stop the overwhelming feeling of gratitude. It made her eyes water.

  When Simon closed the boot of the car Mackenzie walked to the door. Sir grabbed her hand before she could reach for the handle.

  “Let’s walk.”


  They were walking hand in hand, down a busy street on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Surrounded by couples all doing pretty much the same. It felt surreal to Mackenzie. She couldn’t grasp what was going on. It was one of those ‘pinch me I’m dreaming’ moments. The thought struck her that, just last night, she was on a date. One date with a promise of some great sex. And now, here she was, shopping with a man that suddenly seemed like a … boyfriend. She’d never been in any real relationships and yet this had quickly become very real. Her thoughts went back to the Dominant/submissive stuff Sir had brought up earlier. She had read a bit on the subject, mainly sexy romantic novels, but still, she couldn’t help wondering if that’s really what this was, because it felt like more than just some sexual ‘arrangement’ between the two of them.

  “Hot dog?” he asked, but didn’t get a reply. She was distracted. He squeezed her hand gently and she looked up at him with a smile to melt his heart. “Are you hungry?”


  “Good.” He pulled her toward the hot dog vendor. “Two please. Ketchup or mustard?” He turned to Mackenzie, an unreadable look on her face. “What?” he asked with a chuckle when she scrunched up her nose.

  “Hot dogs? Really?”

  “What’s wrong with them? Do you want something else?” There was a string of cafes in the vicinity but he felt like a hot dog.

  “No, I love hot dogs.” She smiled. “Ketchup on mine, please… Sir.”

  He paid the man, took the dogs and handed one to Mackenzie.

  “What are you smirking at?” He laughed. Her smile made him giddy.

  “You. You’re so full of surprises. I love that you would choose a hot dog over any of these other places.” She swept her arm out to the cafés on the other side of the street and looked up to him as she took a bite.

  “You don’t know how much that pleases me, Mackenzie,” he admitted, in a moment of honesty.

  He was so sick of women that expected too much from him. Women he had dated in the past would have scoffed at being offered a hot dog from a street side vendor. They would expect to be taken to the best restaurants because of who he was, because he had money. But Mackenzie wasn’t like other women. Maybe that’s because she doesn’t know who you are yet.

  “Can we sit?” Mackenzie motioned toward a nearby bench seat. She wasn’t sure what he had meant by his statement but she was glad that she was pleasing him somehow. She had an overwhelming urge to always please him.

  They sat down on the chair at the edge of the park and ate.

  “Why won’t you tell me your name?” Mackenzie asked, after a time. She desperately wanted to know his reasoning behind hiding his identity from her.

  Because I don’t want you to label me, he thought. He hated dishonesty and it was tearing him apart keeping his identity a secret from her, he wanted her to really know him. At the same time, the cost of her thinking of him differently far outweighed his discomfort of being secretive, so he fought the urge to come clean right then. “I will, eventually.”

  He smiled and she couldn’t help but smile back. “You’re so frustrating.” She shook her head in mock annoyance. “And another thing, I appreciate all the gifts you bought me today, I do, but you need to get one thing straight. I’m not Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. I don’t need rescuing. I don’t need you to spend all your money on me.”

  “It wasn’t much.” He shrugged. It really wasn’t, she has no idea how little a dent today’s spending spree would make.

  “Well it was to me. And it’s not necessary, or expected. You don’t need to try to buy me,” she said sincerely.

  “That wasn’t my intention.”

  She gave him a pointed look before continuing to eat her lunch. He felt a little awkward after that. It’s like she could see right through him. It was unnerving just how perceptive she was. And though he’d never thought of it that way, maybe that had been part of his problem all along. He’d fallen into a rut where he felt it necessary to buy things for the people in his life. He finished his hot dog and wiped his mouth with his napkin.

  “You missed a bit,” Mackenzie said. He wiped again. He hadn’t missed a thing; she lied. “Nope, you still missed it,” she said anyway. It was an excuse. She desperately wanted to touch him in some way. “Here let me.” Using her own napkin she leaned forward and wiped at nothing, allowing her hand to linger on his cheek for a moment. His eyes met hers and he bobbed his head to kiss her softly, and quickly, on the lips. She inhaled his cologne before righting herself. “That’s better.”

  She was smiling self-assuredly, but she wasn’t fooling him. He was onto her. He knew from the moment he’d met her that he wanted to have control over her, and yet he had no problem allowing her to trick him into a kiss. It was new to him, giving into a woman,
but he was more than willing to give up control, to her, again.

  When Mackenzie had finished eating her lunch she wiped her mouth then screwed her napkin into a ball and tossed it into the nearby bin.

  “Score!” she called and pumped her fist in victory. He had to laugh, she looked so very youthful and joyous, and so very different to the women he usually associated with. “Your turn,” she said, facing him.

  “Alright.” He wadded his napkin into a ball and threw it toward the bin across the path. He missed. It caused Mackenzie to laugh loudly. “Do over,” he said. He stood, shook his head grumpily, then picked it up and sat back beside her. Raising his arm he concentrated carefully but just as he went to let go Mackenzie distracted him.

  “Miss it,” she said quickly, under her breath, and miss it he did.

  “You cheater!”

  He collected the napkin again and placed it in the bin. She was beautiful to watch. Her perfect mouth open wide, her mesmerizing eyes squinting just so, as she laughed, her dark hair glistening with reddish highlights in the sun and the sound, god that sound! Soon he found himself laughing too, but it was short lived as he wanted nothing more at that moment than to take her somewhere private. He shot Simon a quick text instructing him to meet them at the next street corner.

  “Let’s go,” he said brusquely, holding out his hand for Mackenzie to take.

  Mackenzie allowed him to pull her up from the bench seat, wondering why the abrupt end to their laughter, until she saw the intense look on his face. He wanted her. She was coming to be familiar with that look. He wanted her right then and she was thrilled that she had no idea just how, when or where, he was going to take her next. All she knew was he was going to take her and she couldn’t wait. I might just become a sex addict with this man.

  They weren’t walking long before Mackenzie spotted Simon getting out of the car. How does he just appear like that? Sir pushed her into the vehicle, following closely behind. His hand didn’t rest on her thigh for long before it glided up and under her new blue dress. They moaned in unison when his finger reached her center.

  He leaned in, whispering gruffly in her ear, “How the fuck did I not know you weren’t wearing underwear?” He sucked in a sharp breath and pressed his finger against her again. “Lucky for you, or I would have had you back there on that damn bench seat.” He nipped her ear and it was Mackenzie’s turn to suck in a sharp breath. Her eyes flicked to the rear view mirror. She couldn’t tell if Simon had heard Sir, or if he knew what was going on in the back seat, but her cheeks heated regardless. She squeezed her legs together, trapping Sir’s hand in place. His eyes shot to hers, they held such heat in them that her thighs automatically released their hold. She wanted him too and she couldn’t deny him.

  He pushed against her clit again, his cock throbbing. He had to have her. He glanced out the window to see they were only a street away from their destination. He could at least hold out a few minutes more.

  The car pulled to a stop and Mackenzie was disappointed to find they were outside her apartment building. Surely this wasn’t the end of her ‘date’, not when they were both so revved up for each other.

  “You’re dropping me home?” she asked.

  “I’m doing nothing of the sort.”

  Sir pulled her from the car to the building, pulling open the door. Simon followed with his arms full of their purchases. All three were silent as they climbed the stairs. When they passed Andrea’s door Mackenzie’s heart rate sped up. She didn’t want her friend to see them together and start asking questions. Questions Mackenzie had no idea how to answer, most importantly, who was the man standing beside her, his hand holding hers?

  When Mackenzie unlocked the door she was hit with a scent of flowers, many, many, flowers. She had temporarily forgotten about them. She looked around her small apartment in awe, it was beautiful. She watched Simon place the shopping bags on the floor near the entrance, then glance around at all the flowers.

  “I’ll be back in a moment with the rest,” he said to Sir, with a shake of his head and a smile on his face before he left.

  “You’re right. I may have gone a little overboard on the flowers,” Sir said with a chuckle.

  “I told you,” she said with a smile.

  It really was like a florist in her apartment. Where she lived was a lot smaller than he had imagined. There was only one living area – it was a kitchen, dining and living room, all in one. And right now, every surface was covered in flowers. It was quite a sight but not as stunning as the woman in front of him. He pulled Mackenzie against him and teased her mouth open with his tongue. His arms were forced to hold her up when she became pliable in them. Putty in my hands, he thought with amusement and smiled against her lips.

  He found himself pushing her up against the wall a second later, his hands under her dress, squeezing her bare ass, Mackenzie’s arms wound around his neck. He chuckled when he had to pry her off him because he heard Simon re-enter the room, she had no idea. The look on her face showing him just how aroused and oblivious she had been. He held a hand on each of her hips and turned his head toward Simon.

  “Get Hilda to sort me some work clothes for the morning and drop them by at eight a.m.” he instructed. He felt Mackenzie’s body stiffen beside him. “Thanks, Simon.”

  “No worries. See you then.” The big man nodded and backed out the door of the apartment.

  “Did you just invite yourself to stay here overnight?” Mackenzie asked, as soon as the door was closed. The look of shock on her face was delightful, and her frustrated tone of voice was more than arousing. He crowded her against the wall again, an arm either side of her head, his palms flat against the surface.

  “No, Mackenzie, I didn’t invite myself.”

  “I didn’t invite you either.” She scowled at him.

  “And your point is?” He leaned his face closer to hers. He could almost taste her lips.

  “What gives you the right to decide you’re staying here?” She licked her lips and took a shaky breath, yearning for him overtaking her senses. “What if I don’t want you to?” she whispered.

  He chuckled and pressed his body against hers. Her breath hitched and she made an inviting little sound from the back of her throat.

  “Here’s the thing, Mackenzie, you do want me to stay. You want me to do all sorts of nasty things to your sexy little body. You want me to fuck you. You want to feel my hard cock inside your tight pussy as much as I want to put it there.” Her breath started coming heavy and fast against his cheek. “I can see it in your eyes, feel it in your breath. There’s no denying it. You want me.” He pulled back to stare at her eyes, willing her to see what he saw reflected there – desire. He wanted her to see that he was just as affected by her. “I have decided to spend the night, there is no need for an invitation when we both know what we want.”

  She opened her mouth to argue but he stopped her by thrusting his tongue inside. Their mouths collided with force and his hands moved back under her dress, cupping her ass. He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around him. Her arms wound around his shoulders as he deepened the kiss and pushed her harder against the wall. He squeezed her ass and stole a moan from her before prying his mouth from hers. He looked over his shoulder and spotted the sofa. Taking a couple of easy strides, he eased himself onto it, Mackenzie straddling him. Their lips locked passionately, tongues exploring. He gripped her neck pushing her closer. She started gyrating against him. Her hands pushed under his shirt, nails scraping along his skin, he pulled back so Mackenzie could remove it. He looked down to see her tight dress had ridden up, revealing her thighs and just a hint of her bare pussy. He groaned, tugging her hair so that she arched backwards and he could nibble on her throat while she continued to rub against him.

  “Can I see what you bought?” he asked, suddenly pulling his lips from her skin.

  “What?” she grumbled in confusion, her breath leaving her in heavy pants.

  “You bought me a tie… plea
se get it.”

  Mackenzie suddenly remembered the feeling of Sir’s tie bound to her wrists on their first time together and got his meaning. She jumped from his lap excitedly, pulled her dress down to a respectable level and started hunting through the bags by the door. It didn’t take her long to spot the lone small bag amongst all the larger, overflowing ones. She pulled the item out and returned to him.

  “Why would you buy me this? You knew that I detested the color.” His face scrunched in annoyance.

  “You liked it when I was wearing your shirt,” she stated, convinced he was just being over-dramatic.

  “Yes. On you, Mackenzie, I said I liked that shirt on you. I told you I wasn’t a fan of that color on me.”

  “I know.” She smirked at him, loving his look of exasperation. She got back on his lap and wound the tie loosely around his neck. “This color looks exquisite on you,” she said, throwing his words from last night back at him. God, was that only last night? It seems so long ago. “Your mother is a smart woman,” she added, remembering that she had been the one to give him the lilac shirt.

  It thrilled him to hear Mackenzie speak of his mother. He wasn’t sure why. But it also doused the flame in his loins a little. Your mother is not what you want to think about at a time like this. Mackenzie rubbed against him, instantly re-igniting that fire though.

  “Well, I have another use for this hideous tie,” he said, pulling it from his neck. “Close your eyes.”

  Mackenzie had been expecting to feel the material wrap around her wrists and was surprised to instead feel it around her head. Sir tied it swiftly and then his lips were back on hers and she was suddenly airborne for a moment before landing with her back against the soft fabric of her sofa. It wasn’t an overly large piece of furniture and she had no idea how Sir was managing to cover her body without falling off. She didn’t care either, not when he pushed the material of her dress up past her waist and buried his head in her thighs.


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