Protecting Lyndley

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Protecting Lyndley Page 9

by Amanda Bennett

  “That’s amazing. No wonder you’re in such great shape.” His head whipped over in my direction. “I mean…”

  “It’s okay, Ky. You can compliment me.” I laughed as I took off jogging past him. I turned and ran backwards for a second so I could see the look on his face. “You should see me in a tutu.” I turned around and picked up the pace as I made my way around the first bend on the path.

  “Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about.” I should’ve known Ky would keep up with me for a little bit, but I guess I was more surprised at the fact that he didn’t hang back a bit to see if Lorenzo would appear. I was still amazed at how good of a runner he was. I guess years of track and field will do that to you.

  “Hey, Ky?”

  “Yes, dear.”

  “Ha ha, you’re funny. What was your childhood like?” Ky’s smile faded the minute I asked, and I knew I had just hit a wall with him.

  “You know, your normal childhood. Happy family and all that shit. I’m gonna fall back a little bit. Don’t worry I will always have my eyes on you.” He gave me a halfhearted smile, and then he was gone.

  “Is that a promise?” I knew he wasn’t around to hear me, but it put a smile on my face.

  Honestly, everything about Ky usually put a smile on my face. With everything that has happened, he was the only face that could manage to make me happy these days. He had made the last week seem so easy and seamless, well except for when he was drinking. Maybe one day, he would give that up too.

  I stuck my earbuds in my ears and turned the volume up as loud as it would go. With the music blaring in my ears and a smile on my face, I pushed myself and started running at a faster pace. Almost instantly, I was in the zone. My heart was racing, my adrenaline was pumping, and my body felt the best it had ever felt in the longest time, and then I reached the bridge and Lorenzo’s face came into view.

  I slowed my pace just barely, but made sure to not let him know that he intimidated me. He still hadn’t seen me, so I continued on my set course and ended up jogging right past him without saying a word. As much as I wanted to turn around and see if he had started following me, I willed myself to keep going and not worry about it. Ky promised me that he wouldn’t be too far behind, so I knew I was safe.

  I came to a fork in the path and slowed substantially trying to decide which way I should go. Ky and I had mapped out the course we would take today, but for some reason something inside of me was telling me to go to the left and not the right like we had previously discussed. As much as I wanted to go left, I knew that losing Ky wouldn’t be the best idea. So I made a quick turn and headed right.

  I was through my eleventh song when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I took in a deep breath, preparing myself for the worst when I finally turned around and came face to face with Lorenzo. I gave a small smile but continued running.

  I could hear a voice trying to break through my music, but it was up far too loud for me to hear anything. I pulled out my earbuds and glanced over at Lorenzo. “What was that?”

  “Sorry, I was just asking if you were gonna talk to me?”

  “Oh, sorry I usually run with headphones in. It’s the only way I can keep track of time without looking at my iPod.”

  “No worries. You’re a fast runner.”

  I gave him a quick smile but didn’t respond. Needing to put my heart at ease, I took the opportunity to glance around the park, trying to catch a glimpse of Ky. When I didn’t see him, I almost tripped over my own two feet. I started to stumble, but Lorenzo grabbed onto my arm and held me steady.


  “Anytime. So, are you working today?” He was starting to become rather inquisitive and Ky and I didn’t have time this morning to go over what I should say when people asked me certain questions, so I was forced to wing it.

  “I am. I’m actually going to be late if I don’t get going soon.”

  “Maybe I’ll come back by and grab another dress or two for my wife. She really liked the blue one you picked out. Thanks again.”

  “Of course. All right, well this is my turnoff. I’ll see ya around.” I veered right and started heading back towards the entrance that Ky and I came through earlier. When I didn’t see him anywhere, I just kept running in the direction of our house.

  When I was about a block away, I heard footsteps mimicking mine and I knew exactly who it was. I was in a good mood this morning, so I decided to mess with Ky just a bit. I darted off in the direction of our brownstone and didn’t slow down until I almost ran right past it. I was bent over trying to catch my breath when a familiar woman’s voice broke through my panting.

  “Well aren’t we sporty.”

  The sound of her voice made my clench me teeth, but I turned trying to be as nice as possible. “Hey there, Sheena. How are you this morning?”

  She came strutting down her steps in one of the world’s smallest mini skirts just as she saw Ky coming up the street. “I’m fantastic today. So you run, huh?”

  No shit, Sherlock. It was what I wanted to say to her, but I decided to play nice. I opened my mouth to answer her, but was pleasantly surprised when Ky’s voice cut me off.

  “Yes, we do.” His arm snaked around my waist, pulling me extremely close to him.

  I closed my eyes relishing in his touch. The mixture of sweat and his distinctive deodorant had me wanting more of what we were doing last night. Because we weren’t behind closed doors and given the fact that I wasn’t even sure if he even wanted me in that way anymore, I decided to play it up a bit for Sheena’s sake.

  I wrapped both arms around Ky’s waist and kissed his cheek. “We’ve been running together for years. I take it you don’t like to be active?”

  “I like to be active, just not in a way that is suitable for outdoors.” She winked at Ky and for whatever reason jealousy began to flow through my veins.

  “I bet your husband loves that.” I chided.

  “Who said I liked to be active with him?” Her bitchy head fell back in laughter and I wanted to lunge over the small brick wall that separated our houses, and rearrange her face.

  “Well although it has been a blast chatting, I really need to get ready for work. I’ll see ya later, Sheena. Have a good day.”

  “Oh don’t you worry, Ky and I always have a good day. Don’t we, Ky?”

  My arms tightened around Ky’s waist before I finally pried them from around him, and started making my way up the rest of the steps and inside. I sat on the recliner and untied my shoes. When Ky came walking in a few seconds later, I was far beyond irritated. I knew it was irrational for me to be so upset, but for some idiotic reason I thought Ky and I were getting somewhere. Apparently I was wrong.

  “Lyndley, let me explain please.”

  I turned as I started walking upstairs to shower, “Ky, don’t even worry about it. It’s not like we’re a real couple. Remember, this is all make believe.” I held my arms out at everything around us. “Don’t give it another thought, seriously.”

  I could tell by the look on his face that he knew my words held more meaning than what they were. There were always going to be Sheenas in this world, and unfortunately all of us average girls just had to deal with it. Fortunately for me, I would eventually be rid of her and Ky, and then hopefully be able to have a life after all of this.


  “Is it seriously only three o’clock?” Kristy came in this morning to help me out and I had to admit it was nice having someone here with me.

  “Yes. Man this day is dragging.”

  “Right. I’m starving. Are you wanting to have lunch soon?” I was cleaning up the fitting rooms waiting for Kristy to answer me, but she never did. I stuck my head out of one of the rooms and found her at the front on the phone. Funny, I never even heard it ring. I slowly started making my way over to her trying to eavesdrop just a bit, but she quickly hung up as I got within an earshot.

  “Sorry love, what did ya say?”

  “I was just wondering if you
wanted to have lunch soon? I can run up the block real quick to that sandwich shop.”

  “That sounds perfect. Here, let me pay.” As Kristy dug through her purse for money, I took a second to glance around outside and make sure I didn’t see anybody suspicious. “Okay, here ya go. I just want a turkey on rye.”

  “Okay, I’ll be back in just a minute. If my husband calls, can you just lie and say I’m in the bathroom or something? I hate to ask, but he worries far too much.”

  “Of course. See ya in a few.”

  Stepping out onto the sidewalk in the light of day had me feeling high on freedom. I knew I wasn’t supposed to leave the store, but come on; it was literally only two minutes away. What could possibly happen in two minutes?



  “Are you sure there isn’t anything I can do for you?” Sheena was perched on the edge of my desk trying to get my attention.

  “Sheena, you seriously have to start backing off. Your husband has already warned me.” I was amazed at my persistence in pushing her away. Usually I would be all over someone like her.

  Sheena pushed herself angrily off of my desk and scowled down at me. “Are you sure you’re not gay?”

  I let out a loud thunderous laugh. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? Just because a happily married man doesn’t want to sleep with you, doesn’t mean they’re gay.”

  “Well in my opinion they are, and happily married, my ass.” She started making her way over to the door and I let out a sigh of relief.

  I annoyingly rolled my eyes in her direction when I thought it was time to actually stand up for my “fake” wife. “And for your information Sheena, yeah we are actually happily married. Just because you and your husband aren’t, doesn’t mean everyone else is just as miserable.”


  I turned back around in my chair and decided to call and check on Lyndley. I knew she was probably busy, but something inside of me felt the need to hear her voice. The phone rang a few times and just when I was about to hang up, someone answered. Someone who wasn’t, Lyndley.

  “Fashionably Yours, this is Kristy. How may I help you?”

  Seriously, again? “Hey Kristy, it’s Ky. Is Sarah-“ She ended up cutting me off before I could even finish my sentence.

  “She’s indisposed at the moment. You want me to have her call you as soon as she is available?”

  I wasn’t positive, but something about Kristy’s tone of voice had me on edge. “Yeah, that’s fine. Thanks.”

  “Of course.”

  I sat there staring at my work phone perplexed. I knew the more overbearing I got with Lyndley the more she would push me away. I needed to find a way to handle this situation with finesse. I knew good and well that she wasn’t in the damn store. The fact that she thought I was that stupid was extremely irritating.

  I sat back and took in a deep cleansing breath, when I heard my office door open. I assumed it was Sheena coming back for round two. “Sheena, I’m really not in the mood right now.” I pulled my hands down my face and glanced over at the open door when she didn’t answer me back.

  “Not in the mood for what, may I ask?”

  Shit! Of course it would be my boss. “Sorry, Mr. Moore. It’s not what it sounded like. She was in here asking me about a billion questions earlier, and I wasn’t ready for another round of them.” I could tell by the look on his face that he was having a hard time buying what I was saying.

  “At this point, I really don’t care. I needed to remind you about the company gala tonight.”

  “Remind me? You never even told me about it in the first place.” I scowled.

  “Look, either way I need you to be there.” He turned and started walking away. “Oh, and I need you to bring your wife with you as well. We will be announcing you as a new partner and it looks better when your significant other is there. Be downstairs at eight o’clock.”

  Without another word, he slammed my door and I was left alone. I sat there silently cursing Ron and his dickheadedness. He new damn good and well that he never told me about the stupid company party. I threw my pen across the room and quickly got to work planning out how I was going to break the news to Lyndley.

  The rest of the day passed by surprisingly fast. I had made the decision to not try and call Lyndley back in an effort to show her that I was trying to give her some space. As much as I tried not to think about it, it was slowly driving me insane that she hadn’t even made an attempt to call and check in. I glanced at the small clock on my desk and noticed it was almost five. I knew she wouldn’t be done for at least another few hours, but unfortunately I needed her home sooner than that.

  I picked up the phone and dialed the boutique, in hopes that Kristy would answer and not Lyndley.

  “Fashionably Yours, this is Kristy.”

  I quickly cut her off before she could even finish her greeting. “Kristy, I need a huge favor from you tonight.”

  “Who is this?”

  “It’s Ky.” I swear sometimes this job wasn’t worth the effort. “I need you to close up the store for Sarah tonight, can you do that?”

  “I suppose. Any particular reason?”

  “No. Thanks.”

  I hung up the phone and made a mad dash for the elevators. When I passed by Sheena’s desk, I gave a small wave and kept moving. I didn’t have the time or the patience to deal with her at the moment. As I made my way down to the parking garage, I knew exactly where I needed to go. This was definitely going to be a surprise that she would never forget.



  Kristy had been acting strange ever since I got back from grabbing us lunch. I wasn’t sure what exactly was going on with her, but she was definitely off and it was putting me on edge. I was grabbing some clothes from the dressing rooms, when I heard her calling my name. I quickly made my way up front and was shocked when I saw Ky standing at the front desk.

  “Hey you. What are you doing here so early?” I would never get over how good he looked in a suit, and today was no exception.

  “Hey. Well, it’s a surprise.” He smirked.

  His smile literally had me stuck in place. “I’m not sure I like the sound of that.” I laughed.

  “I promise it’s not bad.”

  I glanced in Kristy’s direction to see if she had any clue as to what he was planning. She just shrugged her shoulders and let out a small giggle. “Are you going to be okay here by yourself?” I knew she could take care of herself, but I wanted to make sure she didn’t have other plans.

  “I’m fine. You two have a great night. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

  “Okay. Have a good night then.” I sat the armful of clothes that I had, on the counter and reached for my purse from behind the desk.

  When we got out to the car, I noticed a small blue Tiffany box on the seat as Ky opened the door for me. I turned quickly, almost slamming my face right into his broad chest.

  “You can’t be serious?”

  “Oh, but I am.” He smiled down at me, and I knew my face must’ve turned at least five shades of red.

  I gently picked up the box and sat down in the soft leather seat as he ran around the front. I was in complete shock at what sat in my hands. I mean the only presents I had ever received from a guy were flowers, and a teddy bear once when I was seventeen. Needless to say, I wasn’t exactly sure how to react.

  “You gonna open it?” His voice was low and smooth and it sent goose bumps down my arms and legs.

  I looked over at him and smiled. “Sure.” I replied as I untied the silver satin ribbon wrapped around it. When I got the ribbon off, I practically ripped the lid off to see what the box held inside of it. I could see my reflection in the white gold diamond pendant. My mouth fell open in shock.

  “Do you not like it?” Ky inquired.

  I could tell by the look on his face that he was worried that I may not like what he probably spent hours picking out. “No.” I stuttered. “I abso
lutely love it, but what is it for?” I instantly felt horrible asking. He was trying to make a nice gesture and I was all but questioning his motives.

  “It’s only part one.”

  “There’s more? Ky, this is more than enough.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Lyndley.” His words melted my heart, and then his hand came to rest on my knee. My skin was scorching beneath his touch.

  Moments later, we were pulling up out front of our house and I was over the moon excited to see what he could possibly have planned next. Luckily I didn’t have to wait long. The minute we walked inside, there was another gift. This time the box sat on our coffee table, practically taking up the entire surface. I couldn’t imagine what it held inside.

  “Go ahead.” He responded as I looked at him to make sure it was really for me.

  I timidly reached for the black satin bow wrapped around the large white box. I carefully pulled up the lid and pulled back the pink tissue paper, exposing a large chunk of black and silver. I reached for the soft fabric, pulling it up realizing that it was a long gown. Not just any gown though, it was an Oscar De La Renta.

  It was absolutely beautiful and I instantly fell in love. I held it up to my small frame in awe. It was a deep black with a silver overlay, giving it a metallic look. It had a deep v in the front and back, and a very small slit in the front. I glanced up at Ky from where I stood in the living room, noticing a wide grin plastered across his face.

  “I’m gonna guess you like it?”

  “Oh, I more than like. I’m in love.” My gaze never wavered away from his as I spoke and I knew he could tell what I was really saying without having to actually say it. “Although it is breathtakingly beautiful, I have to ask. What is it for?”

  “Ah, well how about you go put it on along with this, and then I’ll let ya know.”

  I shook my head in disbelief, but grabbed the Tiffany box from his hands and ran all the way up the stairs and into my room. Once inside, I quickly disrobed and pulled my new designer gown over my hips, securely positioning it where it needed to be. As I reached for the blue box on my bed, I noticed another box sitting right next to it. I rolled my eyes at all the extravagant presents Ky was showering me with.


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