Protecting Lyndley

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Protecting Lyndley Page 17

by Amanda Bennett

“Anytime, sweetheart.” He gave me a sly grin as he reached for my things and headed for the truck that he was loading up outside.

  I stood there leaning against the doorframe admiring the firm backside that was Ruger’s ass. I had to admit, he was definitely something worth looking at. Maybe I had gotten it wrong from the start. Maybe I was supposed to fall for Ruger instead of Ky. If only I felt the way I did with Ky, with Ruger. Unfortunately my heart belonged to someone else, someone who was completely unwilling to take any chances when it came to love.

  A short while later, we were headed back home. That was the funny thing, home no longer felt like it. I didn’t feel like I was going back to something that I cherished so deeply that I just couldn’t stand to be away from it any longer. It had only been a couple of months, but those months felt like years when I think back on all the things I had been through since Ky Wakely walked into my life.

  I spent most of the drive staring out the side window watching the world whip past me. My entire life I had been kept in a somewhat upscale bubble, never really getting a chance to get out and find myself. That’s exactly what these last few months let me do. Sure we were constantly running away from people who would rather see me dead than alive, but I found myself along the chaotic way.

  I was just about to doze off when Ruger’s phone started blaring through the car. I sat straight up in my seat and turned towards Ruger. He seemed rather calm while he spoke to whoever was on the other end, and not once did he look in my direction. It was killing me knowing that it very well could’ve been Ky that he was speaking to. Before I could ask who it was, Ruger was hanging up. I sat there, waiting for him to say anything at all, but he just reached for the stereo and turned up the horrible music that was playing.

  “It’s killing you isn’t it?” He laughed.

  “Just a little.” I smiled.

  “It wasn’t him. It was my boss. I’m sorry, love.”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “It’s okay. I should’ve known better than to think he cared enough to see how I was doing.” I slumped down in my seat and sulked for the remainder of the ride. I knew there was no way in hell we were to my house yet, so I was completely confused when Ruger pulled over a few hours later.

  “It’s getting late. We should probably stop for the night and get a room. You okay with that?”

  I really wasn’t, but only because given the current state I was in, I almost didn’t trust myself enough to be alone with him. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “I would get us two separate rooms, but, well you know I’m not supposed to leave you alone. So two beds?”

  I nodded and sat back in the seat while Ruger went inside to get us our room. I bent forward to grab something out of my bag when Ruger’s cell phone caught my eye. It was just sitting there, calling my name, begging for me to use it. As much as I knew it wasn’t safe, at this point I was beyond caring. I grabbed the phone and immediately checked to see who the last call was. Of course I didn’t know anybody’s number, but lucky for me I didn’t need to. Right there in my hand, Ky’s name was lit up across the screen.

  I glanced out the window to see if Ruger was still inside, and sure enough he was still standing at the front desk. I quickly turned my attention back to the phone and before I knew it, my finger was touching the screen where it said Ky’s name and putting it up to my ear. The phone rang a few times, and I could only assume that he wasn’t around or that he wasn’t supposed to answer, but then I heard his voice.

  His deep velvety voice wrapped around me like a warm blanket. It was comforting and soothing, and I couldn’t bear the thought of never hearing his voice again. I opened my mouth at least a million times to say something, anything, but something inside of me wouldn’t allow me to.

  “Ruger? Ruger. Man, answer me.”

  I knew I should hang up, but I just couldn’t tear the phone away from my ear. A stray tear slid down my heated cheek and I quickly swiped it away with my finger. I was just about to hang up, but then he said my name.

  “Lyndley, is that you?”

  I still couldn’t bring myself to speak.

  “Lyndley, please answer me.” There was a long pause before he spoke again. “Lyndley, you can’t do this.”

  With those four little words, I hung up. I didn’t need him to say anything more than what he already said. I finally got it. I finally understood that he was really done. This thing between him and I was over, and if his tone of voice was any indication, then he was most definitely not holding a torch for me.

  I quickly placed Ruger’s phone back on his seat where I found it, and tried my damndest to not let the remaining tears escape. I didn’t say a single word to Ruger as we parked and walked to our room. I tuned out the rest of the world around me as I robotically went about doing the usual mundane things people do before they go to bed. I gathered a pair of pajamas and my toiletries and went to take a shower.

  As I stood back looking at my worn appearance, the tears began to flow once again. I slid down the closed door as my body was overcome with sadness. I could still feel my shattered heart breaking, and every breath I took reminded me that I was still alive without him. I covered my face with my hands as I let the sobs rack through my body. I just wanted the pain to subside, even if for only a minute. Just long enough for me to take a single cleansing breath.

  I wasn’t sure how long I had been in the bathroom, but I was startled when I heard a knock on the door. I knew it was Ruger, but I just didn’t have it in me to answer, or even speak to anybody. In all actuality, if I died at this very moment it would be much easier to bear than Ruger asking me how I was doing one more time. I know he was only trying to help, but in his efforts to try and make me feel whole again, he had actually done the opposite.

  “Leave me alone, Ruger.”

  “I wish I could, Lyndley but you know I can’t do that.” I snarled at the sound of his voice coming from the other side of the door.

  “What do you want?” I growled.

  “I just wanted to let you know that we need to get some sleep. We need to be out of here early as to not be noticed.”

  Seriously? I swear he was trying to kill me. I just wanted to sleep as long as I possibly could and forget everything that had been going on. “Okay, I’ll be done shortly.” He never responded, but I could hear him walking away. I waited a few minutes, and then took a quick shower.

  When I finally emerged from the bathroom, Ruger was fast asleep on his bed. I tiptoed past him as to not wake him up, and slid under the blankets on my own bed. I half expected to cry myself to sleep, but to my surprise I drifted off before I could even think about Ky Wakely.

  Thirty Eight


  It was daunting pulling up to Lyndley’s childhood home. I wasn’t sure what to expect from her family, and I really wasn’t prepared for the reactions I may get when I told them their daughter was still alive. No amount of training could have prepared me for this, and I was silently cursing Tom for making me do this instead of him. Granted he wasn’t privy to what exactly had been going on with Lyndley and myself, but this just seemed plain cruel.

  I pulled up to the gated community and nearly lost my breath. I knew that Lyndley’s family was well off, but this took being rich to a whole new level. Every house that lined the streets was large and intimidating. After a few turns I came face to face with a large two story, red brick house, although mansion would have described it better. I suddenly became extremely nervous and I almost turned around and left.

  I exited my car and straightened my signature black t-shirt and ran my hands down the front of my jeans trying to rid them of any wrinkles. I slowly made my way up the path that led to the front door, taking in a deep cleansing breath before I rang the doorbell. There was no answer at first and I almost figured they weren’t home, but then I remembered that it probably took a few minutes to even get to the door from wherever they were at in the house. I rang the bell one more time and when still no one came to answer it, I turned ar
ound to leave.

  “Can I help you?” A small voice that sounded almost exactly like Lyndley’s suddenly spoke and I quickly turned around.

  Wow. Lyndley wasn’t exaggerating when she said her and her sister looked alike. The girl standing in front of me was a spitting image of Lyndley. If I didn’t know the age difference I would’ve assumed they were twins. It was uncanny. “Hi, I’m Ky Wakely.” I held my hand out for her to shake it, and she did without a second thought.

  “Am I supposed to know who you are, Ky Wakely?”

  I let out a small laugh. “I suppose not. I’m sorry. I’m with the United States Marshal Service. You must be Carson?”

  A smile spread across her sweet face. “I suppose I am. What can I do for you, Mr. Wakely?”

  “Please, call me Ky. Are your parents home by chance?”

  “MOM. DAD!” She shouted behind her. “Come on in.” She held the door open for me to enter and I did but with hesitation.

  The outside of this place did not do it justice. The inside was huge and you could tell that it was professionally decorated. It was absolutely beautiful, just like Lyndley. Everywhere I looked I could picture her. Her blonde hair flying up behind her as she ran down the stairs to answer the door, her doing ballet in the kitchen as she made herself something to eat, and her walking towards me to wrap her arms around my neck to say hello. Even though I could imagine all of it, I knew it would never be our reality.

  “Hi there, I’m Mrs. Caverly.” Mrs. Caverly’s voice brought me back to the present moment and I let out an audible sigh as I took her hand to shake it.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Caverly. I’m Ky Wakely with the United States Marshal service. Is your husband around by chance?”

  “He sure is. He is on his way down as we speak. I have to say, I’m a little confused as to why a U.S. Marshal is at my home.”

  “I really would prefer to speak with all of you at once, if that’s okay?”

  “Of course, Mr. Wakely. Please, come in. Feel free to take a seat wherever and make yourself comfortable. Can I get you something to drink?”

  “No, no I’m fine. Thank you for the offer though.”

  “Of course.”

  Lyndley’s mother was striking. She was just a tad bit shorter than Lyndley, but petite just like her daughter. She wore her blonde hair shoulder length and very polished. I could tell that from the minute this woman woke up every morning she made sure she looked perfect before ever leaving her bedroom. When I looked up her emerald green eyes were on me, and I’m pretty sure they never left. I’m almost positive that she was sizing me up for one or maybe both of her daughters. Who knows with people like this.

  But nonetheless, the kindness behind them reminded me entirely too much of Lyndley, painstakingly so. And once again all memories and thoughts of Lyndley consumed my brain, clouding my judgment and making it nearly impossible to do the job that I was sent here to do.

  “Oh, here he is.” Lyndley’s mother stood and reached out for her husband. “Mr. Wakely, this is my husband Greg Caverly.”

  I stood and reached out for his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Caverly.”

  “Please, call me Greg. I’m not a fan of formalities.”

  I breathed a silent sigh of relief that her father was far more personable than her mother had been. I motioned for both of them to take a seat, and I scanned the room for Lyndley’s younger sister. “Is Carson available to come back and sit with us?” Mrs. Caverly’s head shot up and she immediately began shooting daggers at me. Of course she thought I was here for her younger daughter.

  “Carson, honey. Can you please come back in here for a minute?”

  Carson came skipping into the living room where we all sat and took the chair next to mine. I tried not to notice the glare her mother was giving her. “Well, like I said, my name is Ky Wakely and I am a U.S. Marshal. I’m actually here to talk about your daughter.” I glanced between the three of them as I spoke trying to gauge their reactions.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Wakely but our daughter is no longer with us.” I could see the unshed tears in Mrs. Caverly’s eyes begin to well up and I instantly felt bad.

  “Let me start again. I’m here on Lyndley’s behalf. Your daughter is still alive.” The room filled with gasps of disbelief.

  “Get.Out.Of.My.House.” Her mother was now standing over me, fear and anger exuding from every pore. “Do you think it’s funny to come to someone’s house and play this sick joke on them? How dare you. Now I won’t ask you again.” She pointed at the door, and I put my hands up in mock surrender.

  I stood from my chair and made my way towards the front door, when Mr. Caverly’s deep voice caught my attention.

  “Sit down, son. You must excuse my wife. Since Lyndley’s death, she’s been having quite a time, to say the least. Now, please elaborate on what you were saying.”

  “Thank you, Sir. Like I said, Lyndley is still alive.” Mrs. Caverly began making snide comments under her breath as I spoke, but I paid her no mind and continued. “I was the Marshal assigned to her protective duty. I was actually with her up until yesterday.” I was about to tell them the whole story when Lyndley’s younger sister cut me off.

  “I’m sorry, are you saying that Lyndley really is alive?” She was now facing me and I quickly caught the stray tear that began to fall from her eye.

  “Yes, Carson. You’re sister is very much alive. She’s brunette now, but still alive.” I figured if anyone was open to a bit of humor in this situation, it would be Carson, and I was right. She let out a small laugh and it made me smile.

  Carson’s arms were instantly wrapped around my neck, squeezing me tight enough to cut off my airway. I let out a strangled laugh and tried to pry her off of me. I didn’t need her mom giving me anymore dirty looks today.

  “I can only imagine what you all must be feeling and going through, but just know that your daughter is safe and will be home very soon.”

  “Oh my god, she’s coming home? She’s really coming home?” Mrs. Caverly was starting to get all choked up and Mr. Caverly was already at her side consoling her.

  “Wait, Mr. Wakely. You said she was with you? Why isn’t she with you now?”

  I slowly hung my head in shame remembering how things had ended with Lyndley. I caught Mrs. Caverly watching me intently, so I quickly sat up straight and started at the beginning. “Your daughter’s law firm was putting together a case with the FBI to take down one of the biggest crime lords in Chicago. Unfortunately, Lyndley’s life was put at risk. I was assigned to take her into witness protection after she witnessed her friend Reese getting shot.” I quickly scanned the room, not wanting to worry them any further. “He’s okay. It was all a big setup to try to keep Lyndley safe. After we were relocated, some of the men that were coming after her ended up finding us. We then had to move again, but this time we moved in with another Marshal just to be safe. That’s who your daughter is currently with.”

  “It all seems so movielike.” Her mother spoke through broken tears. “That’s why she never told us about what she was working on.”

  “She was bound under a gag order. I know this is a lot to take in, so I’ll give you all your space to process all of this. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me.” I stood and started making my way to the door. I didn’t want to have to be around her family longer than necessary, or I’m sure I would end up falling in love with them also.

  “Mr. Wakely?”

  I turned and came face to face with Mr. Caverly. “Yes, Sir?”

  “Would you like to join us for a late lunch? Anna was just about to take a roast out of the oven for sandwiches, and we would very much like it if you would join us.”

  Everything inside of me told me to run, run as far away as I could. Nothing good could come of me spending any more time with Lyndley’s family. It was hard enough just being in the house that she grew up in, let alone getting to know her family. I didn’t want to be rude given what her family
had already been through, so I graciously accepted against my better judgment.

  “Now how about a drink?” Mr. Caverly joked.

  “Lead the way.” I laughed.

  Mrs. Caverly was still cold towards me, but I guess that was to be expected. She didn’t know me from Adam and she didn’t seem as though she trusted easily. So her and Carson made their way into the kitchen to finish up with making lunch, which left Mr. Caverly and me to our own devices. Mr. Caverly handed me a glass of scotch and motioned for me to follow him out back. When we reached the porch, my eyes lit up in awe. Their backyard must have spanned a good ten acres, and right in the middle sat an Olympic size swimming pool, which by the looks of it rarely ever got used.

  “So Mr. Wakely, how long have you been in love with my daughter?”

  His question caught me entirely off guard and I almost choked on the amber liquid that was trying to make its way down my throat. “Excuse me, Sir?”

  He took a long sip from his glass and turned to face me. “I’m not stupid, Mr. Wakely. I know when someone is in love with my daughter.”

  I stood there shocked to my core. “Um…I guess since the first day I saved her, Sir.”

  “I see.”

  “You don’t have to worry about it though. Lyndley and I decided it was best if we ended things.”

  “Well that doesn’t sound like my daughter at all. Are you sure we are both speaking of the same girl?” He laughed and I couldn’t help but laugh along with him.

  “I guess you could say it was more my doing than hers.”

  “So you don’t love my daughter?”

  “No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. Our relationship has been tricky to say the least. I wish I could give your daughter everything she deserves in life, but I’m not like your family, Sir. I don’t have expensive things to give her, or a nice gorgeous house to put her in. I’m just a young Marshal trying to make ends meet while doing a very dangerous job.”

  “And what makes you think that my daughter is so accustomed to all of this?”


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