Forbidden Fire 3 (Taboo Erotica) (Burning Harem)

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Forbidden Fire 3 (Taboo Erotica) (Burning Harem) Page 1

by Anya Merchant

  Forbidden Fire 3


  Anya Merchant

  Copyright © 2015 by Anya Merchant

  All rights reserved

  Kindle Edition

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only. It contains substantial sexually explicit language and scenes that may be considered offensive by some readers.


  “Kevin! Wake up!”

  Kevin had no idea what time it was. The rough, wool blanket covering his body had been ripped off him, and the summer air felt much cooler against his body than it should have.

  It was still dark, and it took his eyes a minute to adjust. Annette was standing in front of his bed, arms folded across her chest, looking at him expectantly.

  “Get dressed and meet me out back in ten minutes,” she said. Kevin looked around the bunkroom, and saw that both his adoptive mom and Kayla were still asleep. Annette was already moving, and Kevin rushed to change into his clothes for the day.

  “What’s this about?” he whispered to her as he followed her down the fire pole.

  “You need to learn how to handle your hose properly,” said Annette. “You need to be taught a nice, long, lesson on it.”

  Kevin followed Annette across the lobby, towards a door in the back of the station that he hadn’t noticed before. She opened it, and the two of them walked outside, into a backyard that looked like it had been set up as a training space.

  “You’ve been doing good, Kevin. Better than I expected.” Annette walked across the lawn, towards a large, semi-tangled hose off to the side. It was early morning, but there was just enough illumination from a light attached to the edge of the station for Kevin to see that she was wearing a tight pair of sweatpants and a small t-shirt, an outfit that showed off the curves of her body quite nicely.

  “I know I still have a lot to learn, Annette.” Kevin walked close, and almost bumped into her when she abruptly stopped moving.

  “You’re a strong, strapping young man,” said Annette. “But you have to learn how to work with your equipment.”

  She was close to him, almost too close. Annette picked up the spout of the fire hose and slowly handed it to Kevin. It was heavier than he expected it to be, and felt a little unwieldy in his hands.

  “If you don’t know how to use your hose, Kevin…” whispered Annette. “You’ll never be able to get the job done.”

  She circled behind him, and put one of her hands against his elbow. Kevin felt an electric shock jump into his body from her touch. It felt good, and it made him begin to get a little excited.

  “Like this?” He lifted the hose higher up, and then pulled it so that the extra slack was behind his body.

  “Like this, Kevin…” Annette’s hand slipped off his arm and across his chest. Kevin was suddenly aware of her breath on his neck, and his own slow, tapered breathing.

  She stopped before making any further contact, and moved her hand back to the hose. Kevin could feel his cock beginning to harden in his shorts, and had to work to focus on what she was saying.

  “You want to make sure there aren’t any kinks in the hose,” said Annette. “Just rub them out if any pop up.”

  She took her hand and began stroking the long, rubber fire hose as she spoke, her fingers moving across it in a gentle, deliberate motion. Kevin was fully hard, but did his best to force himself to take the instruction seriously.

  “And… I just aim the end at whatever I want to spray with it?” asked Kevin.

  “Yeah, that’s right,” said Annette. “It will be on full blast when it comes out.”

  Kevin felt the end of the hose. There was a silent moment between the two of them, and then he felt Annette wrap her hand around his other hose. Kevin let out a moan as he felt her begin to stroke it, touching his cock in exactly the same way she had been touching the tube before.

  “Annette…” Kevin turned towards her, and then suddenly felt her hands moving roughly across his body, tearing his clothes off.

  He was horny, and didn’t object in the slightest to taking things further. Kevin was just as eager to see the authoritative older woman naked as she acted like she was to see him. He pulled her t-shirt up and over her head, and his eyes locked on to her big breasts as they bounced into view from under the fabric.

  “You’re a new recruit, Kevin,” whispered Annette. “You need to learn the way we do things here.”

  Kevin pushed her down onto the soft, dry grass underneath them.

  “Oh, I think I already know.”

  He tore off her sweat pants, and wasn’t the least bit surprised to discover that she didn’t have any panties on underneath. Kevin pushed the head of his cock against her warm, wet entrance, and let out a gasp as he felt his sensitive member push inside of her.

  “Oh… wow.” Annette spoke in a quiet voice with tapered words, the kind that made it sound as though it had been a while since she’d felt a hard cock in her inner confines.

  Kevin felt like a possessed man. He leaned forward and took one of Annette’s nipples into his mouth, licking and sucking on it, and appreciating it for what it was. Her body was very nice for a woman in her thirties, and as Kevin began to thrust, he couldn’t help but enjoy the sensation.

  A thought entered his mind, unbidden and unwanted. Annette was a lot like his mom, and he was fucking her. She was around the same age, and had that same confident, assured air to her. And Kevin’s cock was deep inside of her.

  “Go ahead, young man,” whispered Annette. “Show me that you know how to do the job.”

  Kevin groped at Annette’s soft breasts, and for a moment, he saw his mom underneath him. They were so similar, but comparing them, especially in the midst of having sex with Annette, made him feel dirty and disgusting. But something about the idea also made his cock pulse, and made him crave release even more.

  “I know how to do the job, Annette,” whispered Kevin. He began to move his hips, thrusting into her and feeling the folds of her pussy stroking against his cock and welcoming him in. It felt good, almost too good. Kevin focused on his breathing and moved slow to keep from cumming immediately.

  “Oh god, oh god,” whispered Annette. “I can’t believe I’m doing this…”

  Her legs wrapped around Kevin, as though trying to deliberately contradict her hesitance. Kevin felt his body begin to move faster into her, almost as though a switch had been thrown in his head. She was so soft and warm underneath him, and her cunt tugged at his cock as though it was trying to suck the cum right out of him.

  “Oh man, Annette,” moaned Kevin. “Yeah, I know how to use a fire hose, alright.”

  He pushed into her harder, letting their bodies slap together in a rhythmic fashion which hung suggestively on the night air. Kevin had to focus every ounce of his willpower on not cumming. Annette felt so good, and his cock screamed with pleasure, begging for the climax that Kevin’s body was ready for.

  Annette was bouncing her hips up with every stroke, meeting his thrusts in perfect time. Her boobs were bouncing in a way that was incredibly captivating and arousing to Kevin. All of the frustration and anger he had felt at the way she had treated him when he first showed up as recruit felt like it was being transfigured into something much more raw, and primal.

  “You, you’re so big…” moaned Annette. She reached her hand up and cupped Kevin’s cheek, and for a second, thoughts of his mother were back in his head. She would hold his face in the very same way, and Ke
vin felt himself become strangely turned on by the realization.

  He focused on fucking her even harder to distract himself. Annette began to tense up underneath him, and he felt her nails rake across his back. It was painful, but it was also a clear sign that the older woman was close. Kevin felt like he was approaching his limit, right there with her.

  “Oh god!” cried Annette. “I, I’m cumming!”

  She shouted out in ecstasy, and Kevin became a little worried that if anyone had a window open upstairs, they would be able to clearly hear what was going on. The idea of his mom poking her head out the window and seeing him fucking Annette, fucking a woman around the same age as her, was too much for him to handle.

  Kevin grabbed Annette’s waist and thrust himself into her a couple last times as his cock began to explode, spraying a hot, sticky load deep inside of her. He found himself hoping that she was on the pill, but the pleasure that was flooding through his body was too much for him to have any regrets.

  Annette pushed him off of her, stood up, and then began pulling her clothes back on. Kevin was surprised by the way she moved. The dignified air of authority was still about her, as though even in sex, she managed to maintain her control.

  “The sun is going to be up soon,” said Annette. “I’m going to be sending you and Kayla on the rounds today. Be ready.”

  Kevin nodded, although it was dark enough outside to make it a pointless gesture. He waited a couple of minutes after Annette had gone inside before heading in himself, and then climbed back into his cot.

  It was too early in the morning for him to be able to get back to sleep. The room gradually began to grow brighter, and Kevin was left with the strange mixture of alert lethargy that waking up too early will give a person.

  Once everybody else had arisen, he made his way downstairs and took a seat in the dining hall. His mom was buzzing around the kitchen, cooking toast in one pan and bacon in another.

  “Hey honey,” said Jessica. “Did you sleep well?”

  Jessica was wearing her night gown, and Kevin felt a little embarrassed looking at her. And unfortunately, it wasn’t just because her breasts were pushing up and practically popping out of the low cut top, or because of how thin and insubstantial the fabric was, or the amount of exposed thigh it left on tantalizing display for his eyes.

  “Uh, yeah mom, haha,” Kevin replied. “About as well as anyone can!”

  The memory of what they had done the night before was fresh in his mind and unforgettable. He had a suspicion that regardless of how long he lived for, the sensation of his mom’s mouth, and the image of her wet underwear and sexy, exposed body, would always be vivid, and white hot. It made him feel ashamed, and he couldn’t help but wonder just how it had all started.

  “Annette’s sending you and Kayla out as soon as you’ve eaten,” said Jess. As if on cue, Kayla walked out from around the corner, wearing only her bra and panties. Kevin looked over at her, and then blushed awkwardly and looked away.

  “Kayla! My son is right here, please put some clothes on!” Jess had her hands on her hips, and was clearly in a protective mood.

  “Oh, I don’t think he minds too much,” said Kayla. She leaned across the table that Kevin was sitting at to grab a plate, bringing her body close enough for him to smell her fragrant perfume and pushing her breasts almost directly into his face.

  Jess scowled, and turned back to the food. Kevin stared at Kayla for a moment, picking up on the flirty, borderline seductive smile on her lips. His cock was eager, and felt like it had no limits as far as excitement and pleasure went.

  “Enough, Kayla!” Annette rounded the corner, fully dressed and ready for the day. She was wearing a pair of tight jeans, a t-shirt, and a black button up sweater that was loose and hung long in the back.

  “What?” asked Kayla. “This is a fire station, we’re all-“

  “Enough!” Annette glared at her, and Kevin couldn’t help but notice again just how much she reminded him of his mom with those eyes. “Put some damn clothes on. The second you two have eaten, you’re taking the van out around town to canvas for any witnesses to the incident.”

  Kayla sighed and shook her head, but relented, and headed back towards the bunkroom. Jess set a plate down in front of Kevin, and he thought about the burned down house from the day before as he began to eat.

  “Do you think anyone really could have seen the arsonist?” he asked. “I mean, it’s kind of hard to imagine someone watching and not doing anything to stop it…”

  “Maybe they just saw a suspicious person, or someone that they didn’t recognize,” said Annette. “The point is, if we can even just get a description of the perp, it will go a long way towards pointing us in the right direction.”

  “I don’t understand how somebody could do something like that,” whispered Jess. “Dying in a fire… it just seems like such a terrible thing.”

  The room was silent for a moment. Kayla’s footsteps could be heard coming down the hall, and she broke the tension by walking into the dining hall and sitting down next to Kevin. She was wearing a short skirt and a tight, flirty blouse, an outfit that he recognized from back in high school.

  “Here you go, Kayla,” said Jess, handing her a plate.

  “Thanks.” She took a fork and began eating, and Kevin did his best to not glance over at her exposed bra strap.

  “Finish up quickly,” said Annette. “The two of you are headed downtown.”

  Kevin nodded, and took one last bite of his food. Kayla grabbed a piece of toast and followed him as he got up and headed for the garage door.

  “Be careful, sweetie!” called Jess.

  Kevin turned and smiled back at her, and did his very best to not blush as their eyes met and a spark of excitement crackled on the air.


  Kayla was already in the garage, waiting for Kevin. He walked over to her, torn between letting his eyes take in her gorgeous body in the tiny outfit she was wearing, and focusing on their ride for the day.

  The van that Annette had been talking about was big, but not nearly as big as the fire engine. Kevin figured that it was a holdout from a time when there had been enough serious firefighters to necessitate a second form of transportation to get them all to a fire site.

  It was painted red, and there were a couple of emergency lights attached to the top of it. Kevin looked at it carefully, and peeked inside the back compartment. There was s ingle row of seats in the very back, but little equipment or anything else.

  “Do you like what you see?” Kayla was smiling at him and standing next to the passenger side door. She ran her hand across the hood and pushed her chest out towards him.

  “Yeah,” said Kevin. “I do, quite a bit.”

  He walked over to her. It felt like his body was being pulled towards hers by an almost magnetic attraction. He watched as she breathed slowly, and smiled at him with that same challenging, suggestive smile that he’d seen before.

  “Come on, let’s get inside,” said Kayla. “It’s such a nice van…so spacious, and roomy.”

  “Yeah, it is,” said Kevin. He walked over to the driver’s seat and climbed in.

  The van started up easily, and the engine hummed in a gentle sounding way. The door to the garage was already open, and pulling out was only a matter of maneuvering it around the side of the fire engine.

  “Alright,” said Kevin. “Is your seatbelt buckled?”

  “Yeah,” replied Kayla. “Is yours?”

  She jokingly reached over as though to check, and brought her hand down on Kevin’s crotch instead. He smiled at her for a moment, and then turned back to the road and focused on driving the two of them downtown.

  “So I saw you get up early this morning,” said Kayla. Her hand continued to rub Kevin’s crotch, and he felt his cock developing into a hard, sensitive lump under her gentle touch.

  “Uh, yeah,” said Kevin. It was hard not to be distracted by what she was doing, and between that and keeping the van o
n the road, his attention was split in several directions.

  “I also noticed that Annette wasn’t sleeping on her cot,” said Kayla. “That’s a pretty strange coincidence, don’t you think?”

  Kevin opened his mouth to answer, and then felt his heart begin to beat even faster in his chest as Kayla slowly unzipped his shorts. His cock pushed against the fabric of his boxers eagerly, and as he felt her begin to slip his member out through the flap of his boxers, Kevin had to slam on the brakes at a red light.

  “Whoa!” he said. Kayla rolled her eyes at him and smiled.

  “Easy there, Kevin,” she whispered. “You’ve never had a girl do this for you before, have you?”

  Kevin shook his head. His cock was rock hard by this point, and he wanted nothing more than for her to continue with what she was doing. Kayla looked happy to oblige, and slowly leaned over him and began stroking his hard on with her soft fingers. Her breasts hung loosely against her blouse, and Kevin could see a nice bit of cleavage, which distracted him again as the light turned green.

  “Oh, jeez,” he said.

  “You know what, if this is too much for you, maybe we should stop?” Kayla was pumping his cock up and down with her hand, and Kevin felt as though he had died and gone to heaven.

  “No!” he said. “I mean, you don’t have to…”

  Kayla wasn’t listening. She quickly began tucking his dick away and zipping his pants up.

  “Look, over there in that parking lot,” she said. “Outside of the convenience store.”

  Kevin glanced to where she was pointing and saw a group of people loitering about. He recognized them, and knew he’d seen them around town many times before.

  “Good thinking,” he said. “Those guys are usually outside all day. They are as likely to have seen this arsonist as anyone.”

  His cock was still hard, and pushed against the fabric of his shorts as though it was pleading for attention. Kevin tried to ignore it and focus on the task at hand. He pulled the van into the convenience store and parked it on the left hand side of the group of townies. Kayla rolled down her window and leaned out towards them.


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