Forbidden Fire 3 (Taboo Erotica) (Burning Harem)

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Forbidden Fire 3 (Taboo Erotica) (Burning Harem) Page 3

by Anya Merchant

  “We… there was, uh…” Kevin stammered as he tried to come up with an excuse.

  “Hurry the fuck up, we don’t have any time!” screamed Annette. Kevin started moving, hunching over so that his erection was quite as visible underneath his boxers and rushing into the lobby.

  He slid down the fire pole, wrapping his legs around it and feeling a little odd as his hard on rubbed against the polished cylinder. The second his feet hit the ground on the bottom floor, he sprinted into the equipment room and began pulling on safety gear.

  “Do you know where we’re headed?” he asked Annette. She already had on her stuff, and was adjusting the fit of her helmet.

  “The old movie theater on pine street,” she said. “They do midnight showings during the summer. There may still be people inside.”

  Kevin nodded, and quickly finished putting on his stuff. Annette had rushed into the driver’s seat, and Kayla was getting the last of her equipment on, so he climbed into the fire engine on the passenger’s side. Annette started the beastly vehicle up, and the vibrations of the engine pulled Kevin deeper into an alert, focused state.

  The second Kayla had climbed into the back, the three of them took off. Kevin hadn’t been aware that the fire engine could be driven so fast, and the way Annette cut around corners made him worry that the top heavy vehicle might tip over.

  It only took them a couple of minutes to reach the movie theater, but as Kevin could see as they arrived, every second was going to make a difference. Smoke was pouring out of the building, and in certain spots, he noticed flames licking the windows from the inside.

  “Kevin, help me get the hose unrolled,” said Annette. “We’re going to hitch it up to a city hydrant. There's no telling how much water we’ll need for this one.”

  “What about me?” Kayla had hopped out from the back and made her way around to Kevin’s open window.

  “Put on your mask and check out the entrance,” yelled Annette. “Don’t head more than a couple feet in. We just need to get a sense of whether or not there are still people inside.”

  Kayla nodded, and then ran off towards the building. Kevin felt adrenaline begin to race through his body as he moved to the back of the fire engine with Annette and pulled out one of the hoses. This was what the job was, he thought to himself. This was what he was there to do.

  “Lock this end in against the fire hydrant!” Annette was yelling, and speaking to him while focused on unrolling the hose. “Use one of the wrenches on the inside of the back door to tighten it.”

  Kevin nodded, and got to work. The hose was heavy, and getting it connected took all of his muscle strength. He made sure the seal was perfect, and then rushed back over to Annette, who was just finishing up with getting it aimed at the building.

  “Ready?” she asked him. Kevin nodded, and then took a position directly behind her, bracing her as she started the hose up.

  The water blasted through the air with more force than he had been expecting. Annette angled it high, so that the stream came down on the roof after arcing up. The fire was intensifying, and suddenly, Kevin remembered Kayla.

  “She’s still not back yet!” He had to yell to be heard over the sound of rushing water, but he could tell from the look on Annette’s face that she’d heard him.

  “Go take a look,” she said. “Kevin… don’t do anything stupid.”

  He nodded, and then ran as fast as his heavy equipment would allow him to go towards the movie theater’s entrance.

  The inside lobby looked like something out of his worst nightmare. The flames were well on their way to covering everything, and even with thick smoke beginning to fill the air, Kevin could see several movie displays and promotional posters burning. They were transformed by the fire into something that looked as though it belonged in hell, or the apocalypse.

  He moved forward slowly, and headed down the hallway that led towards the theater. Kevin cursed silently into his oxygen mask at Kayla, and did his best to make out the path ahead.

  There was only one theater that wasn’t cut off by the flames, which were quickly forming into an impassable wall. Kevin headed into it, and saw what he was looking for. Kayla was walking across the front aisle, directly in front of the movie screen.

  “I heard something!” she yelled to Kevin. “I thought there was somebody in here!”

  “Come on, there’s no time!” Kevin began to jog towards her.

  There was a small cracking noise, and Kevin felt his heart begin to beat much faster. The screen behind Kayla was coated with flames, and he instantly understood what was happening as they began to shift and curve at a downward angle.

  The flaming screen was falling forward. Kayla was still underneath it, with Kevin only feet away. Time felt like it was moving in slow motion for him, and his body moved on its own, doing exactly what he’d been trained to do.

  Kevin ran forward, grabbed Kayla’s arm, and pulled her roughly out of the way. The floor was slanted down towards the front of the theater, and the momentum he had continued to carry him forward even as he ensured Kayla’s safety.

  He was directly under the screen as it landed. The flames came down on him as an avalanche of fire, and he felt his oxygen mask being knocked askew by what was left of the polyester material. The last thing he saw was Kayla reaching out her arm for him, hopelessly. And then there was nothing.


  “He’s waking up! He’s okay!”

  Kevin opened his eyes slowly. His body felt heavy, and his mind felt woozy, but he was alive. Above him, a bright white fluorescent light was enough to tip him off to the fact that he wasn’t in the movie theater anymore. Kevin wasn’t anywhere that he immediately recognized.

  “You gave your friends and family quite a scare there, young man,” said a voice. “A lot of the time when people inhale as much smoke as you did, they don’t wake up.”

  “What… where am I?” Kevin shifted his gaze downward, and saw that he was lying in a hospital bed, covered by clean, white sheets. He turned his head to the side, and saw Annette, Kayla, and his mom, each of them in their own unique state of worried happiness.

  “You’re in the hospital. We’re taking good care of you, here.” There was a doctor to the side of them, a chubby woman wearing a white gown and a broad smile.

  “How am I not dead?” Kevin tried to remember what had happened right before he’d blacked out. The image of the movie screen falling on to him was still vivid in his mind, almost too vivid.

  “Kayla dragged you out to the lobby, and I helped her out from there,” said Annette. “That screen that fell on you would have burned you to a crisp if it wasn’t for your protective equipment. And the fact that I trained you how to put it on and seal it up properly.”

  Kevin smiled at her. Annette had her arms crossed, and looked very pleased with herself.

  “Thank you, Annette,” he said.

  “Hey, don’t forget about me!” Kayla was right next to his bed, an she rubbed her hand on his shoulder and smiled at him. Her eyes were full of relief and the beginnings of tears.

  “Of course, thank you Kayla,” he said. “I just can’t believe it.”

  “We found the arsonist behind the building, Kevin.” Annette gave him a very serious look and then sighed. “It was Lindsey Douglass.”

  The name sounded familiar to Kevin, but he couldn’t quite place it, and shook his head.

  “The woman that you rescued on your first time out,” she said.

  Kevin was surprised, but his body felt too tired to show it. He held the questions burning on the tip of his tongue back, and nodded slowly, accepting it.

  “There is a local news crew outside, waiting to get an interview with you,” said the doctor. “Do you want me to send them in?”

  “No!” It was Jessica that answered, and she stepped close to Kevin’s bed, in between him and the rest of the women. “I need some time alone with my son. Before anything else happens.”

  The doctor nodded, and
picked up a clipboard as she made her way out of the room.

  “We’ll be waiting for you out there, Kevin,” said Annette. “You’re a hero, today. But I expect you to be back at the station as soon as the doctor clears you for work.”

  Kevin could tell from the tone of her voice that she was speaking more out of care and appreciation than authority.

  “I understand, chief,” he said. Annette smiled at him, and then walked away.

  “Kevin… I thought you were dead.” Kayla pushed her way passed Jessica and hugged him tightly. “I’ve never been so scared before in my life.”

  “I’m okay now, Kayla,” he said. “Thanks to your help.”

  She leaned in close and stared into his eyes, and then after a moment, kissed him tenderly on the lips. Kevin could hear his mom’s displeased reaction in the background, and tried to ignore it.

  “We should talk, after you’re out of the hospital,” whispered Kayla. “About us.”

  He nodded, and then laughed.

  “Hey, quit being so serious! Everything is okay now.” He looked back into her eyes, and then said it again. “Everything is okay now.”

  “You’re right…” Kayla pulled herself back from the bed, blinked back tears, and then stepped away from him. “I’ll be back in after, okay Kevin?”

  He smiled at her, and watched as she left the room and closed the door behind her. It was just him and his mom in the room, and Kevin felt the vibe change almost instantly.

  “You had me so worried, honey!” Jessica came over and pulled a chair up right beside him.

  “I know mom, I’m sorry.”

  “Your face still has soot on it!” She licked her thumb, and gently began rubbing Kevin’s cheek. He couldn’t help but smile, and felt incredibly blessed at his good fortune.

  His mom’s face was right in front of his. Kevin saw it in a new way, different from how it had ever looked before. She was still there, the mother who had raised him, but along with it was a new identity. She was a woman, with passion and sensuality, and Kevin felt as though he was being pulled in closer by it.

  “Mom,” he said softly. “I wanted to talk to you about what happened. You know, before the fire broke out.”

  Jessica froze, and her mouth opened slightly as she stared at him.

  “Uh, before the fire?” she asked. “What do you mean by that, sweetie?”

  Kevin could tell just from her tone of voice, and the way she emphasized her speech, that she was not willing to open up, at least not yet. She wanted things to go back to normal, and have her innocent, little baby boy back in her arms to hold and care for.

  “You know what I mean, mom.” Kevin reached his tired arm out and stroked her face, and then let it drift down to his mom’s breast. He took a strange pleasure in watching her expression shift, flushing red with either embarrassment, lust, or a mixture of both.

  “Kevin… I don’t know what to say.” Jessica took a deep breath, one that caused her breasts to heave forward and push even further into her son’s touch. “I’m your mom. And besides, I’m sure that girl Kayla has already set to work on you. Let’s just let it be, okay sweetheart?”

  Kevin shook his head.

  “Please mom,” he said. “There are some things that I only want from you. Your touch, your body… your love. Mom, I just need you to help me out, like you have been over the past few days.”

  Slowly, Kevin took his mom’s hand and shifted it onto his crotch. He hadn’t noticed, but his cock was already hardened into an erection. He realized that it had been hard since the second Kayla had left the room.

  “Honey, I don’t know about this…” Jessica spoke with one hand on her breast, and the other wrapped around the tented shape of her son’s cock, poking up through the hospital sheets.

  It felt awesome to Kevin, and he smiled at her, noticing the way his mom reluctantly enjoyed seeing his mood shift upwards.

  “Just go slow and easy, mom,” said Kevin. “It’s no big deal. I’m in the hospital, and you’re just helping me out.”

  His body felt hyper alert and sensitive, as though the near death experience had made every sensation more vivid. As his mom slowly stroked his cock, her face full of emotional conflict and love for her son, Kevin felt it as though it was the first handjob he’d ever had, or at least the best.

  “Oh yeah, that’s it mom,” he whispered.

  “Kevin…” She shook her head, but continued to slide her hand along his rod, sending warm pleasure into his body.

  “Mom, you were alright with it before…” he said. “What’s wrong?”

  Jessica frowned slightly and picked up her pace, almost as though she was taking out her own discord in the hand job.

  “I thought you were going to die, Kevin,” she whispered. “I thought my son was going to die. That’s who you are. My son.”

  “Oh god mom,” moaned Kevin. “Please, keep going!”

  He slipped the sheets down, and after glancing to make sure the windows and door with covered and shut, he pulled his hospital gown aside. The sight of her son’s naked cock, rock hard and sexually aroused, had an effect on Jessica that was almost physical.

  Kevin looked over at her, and saw the same skeptical eyes staring back at him that he had seen so many times before throughout his childhood. This wasn’t an extra hour past his bed time he was asking for, or a sleepover with a friend. This was sexual, and illicit, but Kevin felt like he needed it, all the same.

  Jessica slowly reached her hand out and took hold of her son’s cock, her soft fingers touching his naked flesh. Her touch was warm and welcoming, and it instantly made Kevin very aware of the fact that he wanted her, badly. She was his mother, and yet he couldn’t think of anything he wanted more.

  “Kevin, baby,” whispered Jessica. She slowly began to stroke him off, and began to get more into it. One of her hands ran through his hair, and across his face. Kevin remembered the backrubs she’d given him as a child, and couldn’t help but notice just how similar her touch felt, even though it was to get him off.

  “Mom, could you…?” Kevin stopped, unable to form the words of what he wanted next. Jessica looked as though she could sense it, and licked her lips absently.

  “Sweetie, we shouldn’t,” she said. Kevin brushed a strand of hair out of her face, and then slowly began guiding her mouth down to his erection. Despite her protest, his mom shifted easily, and opened her mouth to accept his aroused member.

  “Oh god, mom!” Kevin was in heaven. His mom’s mouth was so warm and wet, and the way she gently licked at his cock with her tongue as she began to suck drove him absolutely wild. He felt his legs shifting and fidgeting, overwhelmed with pure, unbridled pleasure.

  Jessica was giving her son something that she had given very few men over the course of her life. Kevin felt as though it was taking all of his effort to keep from shooting his load. His cock was in his mother’s mouth, and it felt so good and yet so terribly wrong, at the same time.

  “That’s it mom, just like that.” He slid her head back and forth, subtly guiding her into taking more and more of his hard rod between her lips. Jessica was blushing, and Kevin could tell that she was trying to move in a way that kept the amount of noise she made to a minimum. He didn’t care. At that moment, all he cared about was getting off, and blowing his load.

  “Mom, you’re amazing…” Kevin leaned his head back, and then looked back at her in surprise as he felt his mom’s mouth pop off his rod.

  “This… isn’t something that we’ll normally do, Kevin,” she said. She moved to start sucking again, and then hesitated. “Kevin, I think we should stop. This is going too far.”

  “Mom, it’s fine,” he said. “We took it further before, remember?”

  He rubbed her hand reassuringly, and then felt the memory of what they had been doing the previous night float into his awareness. They had gone even further, and it had felt even more incredibly, mind-blowingly good.

  Slowly, and without even thinking about it
, Kevin began to pull his mom closer to the bed. He reached underneath the short skirt she was wearing and pulled down her panties. Jessica shook her head and flushed an even deeper shade of red, but made no move to stop him.

  “Kevin!” she said. “What are you-“

  “We already did it last night, mom,” he said. “Come on, it will just be for a second.”

  Jessica was shaking her head, but she let her son reposition her until she was straddling him on the hospital bed, her illicit cunt hidden by her skirt, but hanging just over the head of her son’s cock.

  “This is a bad idea, Kevin,” she whispered. “We shouldn’t…”

  “Mom, all I can think about right now is you,” said Kevin. “Please… I’ll stop right after I put it in. It just felt so good before.”

  Jessica smiled, accepting the compliment from her son despite its loaded sexual nature.

  “I promise I won’t, well, you know…” Kevin fumbled for the willpower to say the words. “I won’t have an accident inside you.”

  His mom still looked very reluctant, but he could tell from a shift in her expression that she’d given in. Jessica slowly lowered herself down over him, and Kevin felt his cock being enveloped inside of her pussy.

  They went slow, even slower than they had on the cot in the station. Jessica rubbed her son’s chest lovingly, and continued to look at him as though she was hoping that he’d come to his senses and call it off. Kevin could barely see straight, the intense sensation of being right on the precipice of fucking his mother almost driving him crazy with desire.

  “That’s it,” he whispered. “Just drop a little more...”

  Jessica slid down further. Kevin’s cock was about an inch inside her, and he could feel his heart beating out of his chest as his entire lower half began to throb with pleasure. The sound of footsteps passed by the door outside, and suddenly she pulled up and off of him.

  “This is crazy, we can’t!” said Jessica. “You’re my son!”

  “Mom…” Kevin grabbed her by the waist, and pulled her down on his cock. She was wet and ready, and his member slid in easily. Jessica’s face shifted into an expression of surprise and disbelief, and Kevin instantly knew that there was no going back.


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