END of LINE: Humanities Last Stand - part 3

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END of LINE: Humanities Last Stand - part 3 Page 38

by John Short

  “Hummm, you know I enjoy bathing you.” he told her lustfully as she grabbed his hand and pulled him down the corridor towards their rooms. Later that night, her womb opened to his seed and the first of what would become many younglings born to the crew of the Leviathan, and the rest of Jon Connell's fleet, began to grow in her.

  Jon found himself standing at the entrance to the Umin cave back on Haven. He knew this was not possible because he knew that he was onboard a spaceship several light cycles away from Haven. He also knew that his body was in a Umin devise in the hope that it could repair the damage to his spine. Yet here he stood in front of a pair of doors that had twin dragons carved in them and on each dragon was a male with a flaming sword. Between the dragons was a small object that could somehow expand to engulf both dragons and their fliers. Why am I here? he wondered. The doors opened and Jon walked through only to find a long hallway with paintings along each wall. They showed beautiful landscapes, armored warriors, beautiful females, and the last painting seemed to change before his eyes. He knew each of them because his ancestor had taken them from the cave and brought them to the house. Jon had loaded them onto the shuttle and brought them with him when he left the house on Haven. Finally he came to the painting he had looked at many times. It began as a painting of a tall handsome male dressed in silver and black armor, holding a flaming sword in one hand while his other was wrapped around the beautiful female at his side. Behind them stood a gleaming city of gold. Next the painting showed his ancestor with his mate and the youngling they raised together. The youngling was Jon's great, great grandfather. Finally the painting became Jon and Satrina with Talga sitting next to them. In one hand Jon held a flaming sword while his other arm was pulling Satrina tightly to his side and she had her hands resting on his chest. She was wearing the Connell House colors and had chosen the most beautiful gown of them all. She looked like the Queen that she was destined to be. The look of absolute love on her face brought tears to his eyes even though he knew he was sleeping in a tube in the Med Lab on Leviathan. It was exactly as it had been the day it changed when he had given Satrina his house colors. Still it had changed because Jon now wore a black cape with gold braiding on the edges and a hood that covered his face. Instead of the look of innocence that he had before, now the image showed his face as a mask of rage and pain. He was the Death to her life. The darkness to her light. The hate to her love. Jon suddenly realized that the look on Satrina's face was not one of love, it was one of a person pleading for someone to return to the innocence that once was. “I'M NOT THE ONE WHO TURNED AWAY! SHE REJECTED ME!” he screamed out in the dream.

  “Take a care Warrior” an angry voice called to him. “The time is upon you when you must decide to forgive. If you cannot, my ship will betray you and you will be he of the painting knowing only darkness and death when love is calling.”

  The Healer opened the tube where Jon had rested for the last three days. The Healer had let him stay longer than expected because the tube had found a vein about to burst in his neck that if not treated, could kill him. Besides, as hard as this human male always pushed himself, the extra day's rest was just a good thing in all respects.

  “Hello again Admiral. How are you feeling? Would you like some of my vial concoction or would you rather have a nice cold beer?”

  “I'll have the beer thanks.” Jon told him. “Why can I talk this time but couldn't the last time?”

  “You were inside under a week this time. We had you in for over a month before. We didn't even need to feed you while you slept.” the Healer explained. “So, how do you feel? The scans are all coming back as your spine being perfectly normal.”

  “First thing I notice is the pain seems to be gone,” Jon stood, took a few steps, and then jumped up and down a few times. Next he bent forward, twisted left, then back to his right. “It all seems normal and stronger than before.”

  “I still don't want you over doing things. Keep the wheelchair handy just in case, but some light exercise is OK. Just don't get into any sword fights for a while. Sparing should be fine though. Just make sure your partner knows to pull their punches for a few weeks.”

  “Thanks Healer. Say, can you tell me why you seem to think people don't dream in the tubes?” Jon asked.

  “Each tube has a monitor built into it and it always shows no brain activity to indicate dream states. Just peaceful sleep and no dreams.”

  “Well, I've been in now twice and each time I dreamed. It was the same dream both times. Something about a cave back on Haven and a male who was angry and talking about the ship.”

  “That is strange. I'll have to have it researched. We don't want these tubes putting ideas in people's heads. You never know, one day we may need to put the King in one and if it fills his head with new tax schemes we'll all be in trouble. Now get out of here and go fly your ship. Oh, say, before you leave, do you remember that I told you I was reading files about the humans who used this ship?” When Jon nodded the Healer continued, “The female who supplied the egg that became your great, great, grandsire had what the humans called an anomaly. She carried a part of the genetic code carried by every Lexonian ever born. Jon, I’m a big fan of ancient legends. I don’t know how to say this and not upset you. The Jon Connell from Earth proved to be the reborn Umin Dragon King and his mate Jill Sanders, from whose egg your ancestor was born, had to have been his Lexonian Queen. It’s the only way for you to carry the same genetic code in your blood that allowed the ship to claim you as its Dragon King.”

  “Sure thing Healer.” Jon smiled and shook his head. Some of the crazy stuff the Healer said these days had Jon believing the male needed a long vacation away from warships.

  Hurrying back to their quarters, Tiaz quickly sealed herself inside and went to sit at the small desk. She busied herself with her tablet for a minute or two before turning to look at both of her Lexie charges carefully in the eyes. “Its true. I must have your permission to share some of our secrets with Phillmma.”

  “What truths have you found Tiaz?” Gala asked.

  “I will tell you, but first young Princess, you must promise on your Royal birth that you will contain yourself.” Tiaz exhorted Satrina. “To expose ourselves now would cause great harm. There are more truths that must be found and your mate must find them for himself. Even if I quietly point him in the right direction.”

  “Promise her child.” Gala told Satrina. “Even I wish to rush into his arms to find the warmth and safety I once felt there, but if we do so now we may never have the man we love come back to us. We will be left with a fierce warrior with only death and destruction in his mind.” Satrina nodded her willingness to accept the terms of Tiaz revealing the truth she had learned.

  “Brace yourself young one. I fear it will be hard for you to hear this truth and not rush to him.” Tiaz waited until she knew she could trust that the Princess was sincere in her promise to follow the course they had planed out since she had arrived on this ship.

  “Jon Connell is not what everyone has believed him to be. When his heart-sister told us that the ship put the image on his back, I began my search for his truth. This ship has chosen as its new King the male you both knew. Jon Connell is now the one called the Dragon King. This ship has called to him his entire life! The anomaly that the Healers found in his genetics is indeed the proof of his Umin ancestry! That makes him stronger and more dangerous in battle than any other male. More prone to doing everything he can to protect those he cares about. It also makes him extremely loyal to those he loves.

  Your King did not reject you Princess. He in truth messaged you everyday and often more than one time each day. Someone at the Palace deleted his messages from the records without passing them on to you. Likewise, your messages to him were deleted and never sent. It was only after he went to Haven that he stopped. Why he stopped is a truth that must still be found. His friends have told me that the reason for the darkness that surrounds his heart is because he feels that he has lost your love.
Hr believes that you have rejected him. Can you contain yourself young one, knowing now that your giant loved you from the start and may yet have that spark in him?”

  “Can I see them?” Satrina begged.

  “No child. Not from our resources here. To see them our plan must work and then Jon may decide to show you his copy. His records are all that is left of them now. I wish I could give you more.” Tiaz gently told her. “I only give you this now to offer you whatever strength you may find in the knowledge that your mate never stopped loving you. If your love is only half as strong as the love the first Dragon King held for his Queen, you will not fail.

  There is much we still must find. There is a much higher plot here than separating two lovers. Tonight I met with the pilot who brought us to the ship. From him I learned that a person called Boss King wanted us either captured of killed on Hiliost 5. When we were up in space and going to the Defiance, several ships tried to blast us from the sky. It was only by the skill of this male they call Jackal that we escaped. All the while Jon was attacking our attackers and killing some of them. Still, I never felt the sudden jerks of a ship in the midst of combat; the ride was as smooth as a hovercraft. Wrenches knows of my talents and prevented my touch but the male is her mate and he also loves your Jon. This male you two call your own seems to inspire people to greatness just by giving them work to do. I've never seen that before in a male.”

  “His father and uncle could both do the same.” Gala told Tiaz. “The Connell men have all done it as far back as their family history knows. It is what they call their curse. They feel great loss and personal failure if someone doesn't excel around them. All they do is provide a job; still they think that how a person handles the job is their responsibility. If the person should fail, the Connell men have all felt that the blame was theirs, not the one who failed.”

  “Whatever it is, both of them would walk through the flames for him.” Tiaz told the females. “In many ways, this Jackal already has. He was Jon's copilot during their service. The two males have fought many battles at each other’s side. Each has saved the others lives many times over.”

  “There is more yet to this than the attack on our lives.” Tiaz continued. Taking both of her tiny hands in own she spoke softly to the young Princess. “Satrina, why was your mating to Jon never made public?”

  “At first father was too busy for me to see him. Uncle told me that there were new trade agreements that required father's attention. Then when they brought my brother home in a sleep state and father began to spend most of his time by his bedside, my uncle told me the announcement would be made as soon as father could find the time.”

  “WAIT! Your brother is not dead?” Tiaz asked with astonishment in her voice.

  “He lives. Jon saved him on Carni when he was attacked. Father and I both know this. He was still in a state of deep sleep when I left the Palace.”

  “Why then did the vid news tell everyone that he was dead?”

  “Uncle thought it would be best. No one has ever woken from such a deep sleep. His death seemed eminent.”

  “How did you decide to go to the order?”

  “I had finally come to accept that Jon would never come back to me when uncle told me he refused to speak to him on Haven and that he'd taken off for the rim in his ship without saying good-bye to any one except the co-owners of BBITCo.. Uncle thought it would be best if I started my mourning period so that I could be ready to take the throne should something happen to father.”

  “Who arranged your transfer out to where we picked you up?”

  “Uncle said he knew of a cargo company that could be trusted. He arranged everything.” Satrina told her. "The ship was a filthy mess and I was afraid the entire time I was with those awful males. They tried to make me take some kind of drug. Said it would help me sleep. When I refused they became angry and forced me to take it. It had no effect on me at all except I got more angry than I have ever been in my life. I remember giving one male a broken nose and another a black eye."

  “Yes, I'm sure he did.” Tiaz stated firmly releasing Satrina's hands. “Gala, the child speaks the truth. She is guilty only of loving her mate and missing him terribly. And of believing the things told to her by a family member she has known her entire life. Remember your promise Princess. Let me see what I can do to speed the truth search along.”

  Seated in the conference room beside the command bridge after his latest visit to the tubes, Jon was finishing his briefing with the crew to see what he'd missed during what he'd come to call his tube time. They had assured him that everything had been peaceful. There had been no urgent calls for aid, no problems with the ship, and no complaints from their passengers. However, the females still had not given the crew a final destination. There was also the issue of the cargo vessel to decide. It needed to be taken to Lexon II for repairs and to deliver its cargo to the market there, but Jon didn't want Leviathan to enter that system yet. He didn't want it to be seen close to the Royal Palace just like he certainly would never think of taking it out to Haven. From what he knew of his family history, Leviathan had already caused enough trouble in the skies over Haven two hundred years ago under the command of the first Jon Connell. Phillie had called for Pluto to come and take the cargo and crew on to the markets so delivery could be made on time. Captain Claudie was due to arrive in less than a day’s time. Which only left the ship to be dealt with.

  Defiance had made two raids on pirate compounds, which had resulted in the death of over 500 criminals. The new ground troops were working out wonderfully and their ruthless tactics had ended the pirates attempts to use innocent villagers as hostages. Plus, Phillie had had great success in modifying the slip drive engines on both of the captured Destroyers to make them into jumpers instead of slippers, as the crew had started referring to the different methods of propulsion used by the vessels.

  Jon's new teams were set up and working already. Apparently the computer people had always been finding new ways to get into places they weren't supposed to be. Now they had permission to go snooping around and they loved their jobs. They had even found a room three levels down from the main bridge that had everything they needed already set up. All they had to do was turn the computers they found there on, and update the data in them before the intel gathering began. Jon was pleased. Perhaps now he could prevent attacks instead of reacting to them. If his people could predict when and where an attack would take place, he could be there before it started and end it before it went too far. He'd always have to wait until an attack actually started before taking action, it was just as illegal to blast someone for what they might do as it was for what they had done. The only legal way was to catch them in the act. Jon was only trying to lower his reaction times to be able to catch more pirates in the act of committing their crimes.

  “Sir!” Jon's com called. “We are receiving a distress call from an outbound cargo ship. Its one of TransCo's. birds, sir.”

  “Jump Leviathan close, but stay out of range, I'll take Defiance in and see what they need.” Jon responded and he took off running. When he reached the hangers where his Destroyers were resting in their berths, he hurried onboard his ship and arrived at the command center just as it was being pushed out into space. “What's our status?” he asked.

  “Leviathan just released us, Admiral.” his Nav Officer reported. “Jump coords are dialed in and we can jump anytime.”

  “Make it happen!” Jon ordered. A blinding flash signified Defiance jumping away from Leviathan.

  “What was that?” Satrina asked when the bright flash shown through the view port in their quarters.

  “That was your stupid mate going to battle more pirates!” Phillie informed her as she stormed into the women's quarters. “Skinny! Come with me. You other two stay here!”

  Outside Phillie remained silent as she led Tiaz down to the Data Center. Once outside the hatch to the computer room, Phillie stopped. “I'm taking you to our Data Center. If we're going to find out e
verything we need to know, it will be much faster if you work from here.”

  “Phillie, have I angered you?” Tiaz asked.

  “Not this time. Jon just jumped out to answer a distress call. He knows I've begged him not to fight until he's stronger.” Phillie fell to her knees and broke into tears. “I can't lose him Tiaz. He's family!”

  “Is your Warrior mate with him?”

  “No. He was in bed with me when the call came. Jon left before Jar could get down to the ship. He's out there alone!” Phillie continued to cry until Tiaz tried to lift her to her feet. “Don't you dare touch me!” Phillie screamed and she stood all by herself. “Lets go see if all those Sanctuary secret codes will help you find what we need to tear down the walls Jon has built around his heart before he kills himself!”

  Defiance appeared with a flash and her scanners began to search for the cargo vessel that had broadcast an alarm.

  “Admiral, I'm picking up several vessels. None of them are firing on anything.” The Nav Officer informed him. “They appear to be just waiting for something.”

  “Are we too late? Did the pirates already take the ship?” Jon asked.

  “I can't tell from here sir.”

  “Nav, take us in closer.” Jon ordered. “How many of our shuttle pilots made it back when the alarm went out?”

  “None of them sir.” Weapons told him. “You're the only shuttle pilot we have onboard right now.”

  “Is my Dragon onboard?” Jon asked.

  “Yes sir.”

  “I'll take her out. Keep Defiance back here out of their range until I figure out what's going on. Are we able to reach Leviathan if we need her?”

  “Yes sir” coms told him. “I should warn you, that little sister of yours is already threatening to cut off every male's pleasure parts if they don't follow you here right now.”


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