Billionaire's Escort (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story)

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Billionaire's Escort (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) Page 175

by Claire Adams

  I rolled off of her and lay on the bed, feeling absolutely sated. She curled into me and I wrapped my arms around her. She felt amazing in my arms.

  “So what now, baby?”

  “Now? Now we go down and spend the night playing board games with my parents.”

  At that point, I would have done anything for Natalie, even play board games.

  Chapter Nine


  I woke up feeling sore from the sex Jet and I had the night before. I liked the fact that things were getting a little kinkier between us. I wasn't going to go all 50 Shades or anything, but a little bit of spice never hurt anyone. I found Jet to easily be one of the sexiest men I had ever met. I think I would have allowed him to do just about anything to my body ... just about. I couldn't have been happier with our sex life, and I definitely had no complaints. I often wondered if there was anything he wanted that he never told me about. Although I pretty much allowed Jet free rein on my body, I found myself shy when it came to asking for specific things, or even to ask Jet if there were any fantasies he had that I could help to make come true. That's what a partnership was all about, wasn't it? Making sure you pleased each other in the best possible way. And I wanted to please Jet in any way I could. I felt it was my job as his girlfriend to do whatever I could to in order to make him happy. I also felt that he, too, should do the same for me. I loved him, after all. Yes, it was true, I had fallen madly and deeply in love with a boy who was probably all wrong for me, and yet I was completely okay with it.

  I knew he wanted to make me happy, and I was sure he felt the same way about me as I did for him. Things had been going wonderfully between us, and the hiccups we had experienced before seemed to be gone now. I felt that there was nothing further to worry about.

  I rolled over toward him in the bed, and kissed his shoulder. Her groaned and rolled over to face me. I kissed his sleepy lips and his eyes blinked open.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead, we better get up and go. We have a long drive ahead of us.”

  “Sounds good, baby. By the way, last night was incredible.”

  “I think so, too, Jet, though I am a little sore.”

  “A good sore, I hope.”

  I smiled. “Yes it's a wonderful reminder of what happened last night.”

  “Mmm, maybe we can try a little bit again on the way home. I promise I will be gentle.”

  I giggled. “We'll see, now get up.”

  We both got up out of bed and proceeded to get dressed and ready to go. We had packed our bags the night before, after we had finished playing games with my parents all night.

  I finished brushing my hair and headed downstairs with Jet in tow. My mother was in the kitchen making breakfast. She knew we weren't planning on staying, so she had packed us up a breakfast basket of fruit and muffins for the road.

  “Thanks, Mom, you didn't have to do that. We could have hit up a coffee shop on the way.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, it was nothing. I also have a thermos full of coffee here for you.”

  We hugged and said our goodbyes, and my parents welcomed Jet to come back anytime. He seemed genuine when he hugged each of them. We piled everything into the car and then settled in ourselves. We watched as my parents went back into the house, and I turned to Jet. “Hey, sweetheart, thank you so much for coming here with me.”

  He smiled. “Anything for you, Natalie.”

  I leaned over to him in the car and kissed him full on the mouth. When I pulled back I whispered, “I love you, Jet.”

  At first, I wasn't sure if he had heard me, because there was a long pause after my declaration, and then he just kissed me back. I pulled back and leaned my head against the window, feeling confusion rush in. He seemed to be avoiding making eye contact with me, so I was quite certain he had heard me. So why didn't he say it back? Did he not think the moment was right, or did he not love me at all?

  It was hard to believe that he wouldn't by now, but guys were different about these things, and maybe he just wasn't ready. I feared, however, that maybe he just didn't feel the same way about me, and that truly terrified me. What was even worse was that I worried that he wasn't even ready to hear I love you. What if he freaked or bolted because he wasn't in the same place as I was emotionally?

  His lack of admission pretty much killed our whole trip home. Compared to the way we were when we travelled down, it was the complete opposite. We barely talked, we didn't laugh at all, and it got so awkward, in fact, that I finally just opened a book and read the entire thing on the ride home. At that point I knew for sure that he had heard what I said, because at no point during the trip did he ask me if anything was wrong. I asked him to forego the hotel this time around and just drive the full way home. It was very reminiscent of the drive home after Thanksgiving. It concerned me that we weren't able to communicate what was wrong. I was completely embarrassed by my admission, but I felt like I shouldn't be. I felt that it was the right time for me to have said I love you, and regardless of whether he felt the same way, he should have accepted my sentiment and not shut down for the entire trip home.

  I had to fight off tears a few times on the trip, but when he finally pulled up in front of my apartment, I quickly kissed him on the cheek and exited the car. I grabbed my things from the trunk and ran into the building, without looking back even once.

  Chapter Ten


  Every year after the championship fights were over, the school hosted a parade for the community. It was a great way for the school to get out in the community and raise awareness for the MMA program, which was still fairly new in the area. The school had all the art students help with building and decorating floats, and when it was all said and done, everything looked pretty cool. All my teammates were there, getting ready to board floats and celebrate, and the mood in the air was very festive.

  It was a cool winter day for the parade, but there was no snow on the ground that would affect the floats driving around. I was personally hoping that the parade didn't last very long, because I wasn't a fan of the cold, and the idea of being out in frigid temperatures didn't make me feel very happy.

  I was the king of the show, of course, due to my win at the finals, so I sat in a special chair at the top of one of the floats as if I was homecoming queen. The whole thing seemed pretty absurd to me, but it was gonna be just the beginning of my fame. I had big plans for my future, and one day I wouldn't have to worry about being involved in community parades.

  Natalie was also there, helping out due to her art class, and she wanted to be there to support me as well. Ever since she landed the I love you bomb on me, things had been a little tense between us. I felt terrible that whole ride home after Christmas, and I wished that I could turn back the clock and change that, because she must have felt terrible the whole ride home, and I did nothing about it. In fact, I probably hurt her a great deal, and did nothing about it. She had just caught me off guard, and hearing her say those words to me had not only stunned me, but scared me as well. This was all new to me, and I didn't want to rush into anything without being sure that I was doing the right thing, not only for myself, but her as well.

  She didn't deserve the reaction she got from me, and I felt terrible about it. She had expected me to say the same thing back to her, and instead I had ignored her, and then proceeded to not talk to her for the next 10 hours. It was a stupid thing for me to have done, and I should be grateful she didn't dump me on the spot. She was still there, however, and I would have to make sure I didn't lose her over something so stupid.

  “Okay, guys, let's get into positions, and get this parade on the go,” the dean announced, and Coach got us all settled into our positions on the floats.

  The parade lasted about 45 minutes in total, and by the time it was done, my nose was red, and I was in desperate need of a hot chocolate. The school had thrown a small party after the parade, with plenty of hot chocolate.

  Natalie found me talking to some teammates as we were w
arming ourselves with our hot drinks.

  “Hey, Jet, how did the parade go? I saw you guys up there; it looked like fun.” She was acting perfectly normal and happy, but there was something about her body language that told me she was keeping her distance from me, and that was the last thing I wanted. I said goodbye to my friends and pulled Natalie aside.

  “Hey, can we talk?”

  She suddenly looked embarrassed. “Of course. What's up?”

  “Things have been a little weird between us since Christmas, Natalie, and I don't know what to do about it.”

  “Yeah, I guess it has been weird.”

  “So, let’s talk about it, figure things out. What are your thoughts? I need to know why you are acting this way.”

  “You mean to tell me that you don't know?”

  “No, I'm pretty sure I do know. But I would still like you to tell me.”

  “Well, I guess I just don't know where I stand anymore in our relationship, so it makes me feel uncomfortable around you.”

  “You're my girlfriend, that's where you stand. I know you wanted me to say I love you back, Natalie, but when I didn't, it wasn’t for the reason you thought it was.”

  “It wasn't?”

  “No, of course not, I'm crazy about you. You know that. This is just all new to me, Natalie, having a girlfriend, and I just need time, that's all. It doesn't mean that I don't care about you, or that I want to break up. It just means that I need to do things in my own time.”

  “I can understand that. I'm sorry. We probably should have talked about it before.”

  “Yeah, and again, that was probably my fault. I didn't handle any of it properly.” I laughed ruefully. “You just really caught me off guard, and I didn't really want to say anything that I wasn't ready to back up at that point. I hope that's okay.”

  “Of course it is. And I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have overreacted. I just got scared, that's all.”

  I hugged her then. “There is nothing to be scared about; I would never do anything to hurt you, ever.”

  “I know you wouldn't, Jet, and thank you for talking to me about it. I want us to always have open communication, as we can really ruin our relationship by not talking through our problems. Please don't shut me out again. If there is a problem, talk to me about it.”

  She grabbed me by the back of my head and pulled me in close for a kiss. Our mouths met, and once again, it felt like nothing had changed between us. She was very possibly going to be my rock.

  Chapter Eleven


  School was still out for the Christmas holidays, but there I was, still haunting the hallways of the campus trying to figure out what my grades were for that semester. I felt like I did really well, and I couldn't wait for report cards to arrive in January, but I needed to know now how well I did. The grades were posted in one of the wings for all students to go and check out, so that's where I found myself on New Year’s Eve. Jet tried to stop me from going, stating that I should just wait until January because no student in her right mind would care enough to go look at her grades.

  He was wrong, of course, because when I arrived there were three other people also looking at their grades. However, they did appear to be nerds, so maybe Jet had a point. I approached and looked at the sheets before me until I found my name. I was delighted when I saw I received an A on both of the art projects I worked on with Jet. Satisfied, I left there, knowing that I had to go and get ready for the New Year’s party we were going to. Thankfully, I didn't have to worry about picking out a new outfit―I had the dress that Jet had bought me for Christmas.

  When I got back to the apartment, Julie was there already pre-drinking, and already glammed up and ready to go.

  “Well, you don't waste any time.”

  “Hell no, girl. It's New Year’s; let's get this thing going.”

  I messaged Jet and told him I was getting ready so he could stop over in an hour if he wanted to. I then grabbed a beer out of the fridge and cracked it open. I took a sip as I headed back to my bedroom to begin getting ready. I undressed quickly and slipped into some black lace panties and a bra to go with it. I then slipped on the red silk dress that Jet had bought me for Christmas. It hung on me in the most luxurious manner, and I didn't think that I had ever had something so soft and beautiful against my skin. Julie walked into my bedroom just then, and gaped at me.

  “Oh my God, where did you get that dress?”

  “Jet, for Christmas.”

  “My God, it looks incredible on you, Natalie. Wow, the guy has good taste.”

  I laughed. “I'm pretty sure his sister picked it out, but yeah, it's very nice.”

  “Nice? It's fit for royalty.”

  I slipped my earrings in the holes in my ears, and twirled around the room.

  “Diamonds too, right? Wow, are you sure Jet doesn't have a single brother?”

  “Nope, just the one, and he seems pretty hitched to his girl.”

  “Dammit, isn't that always the way!”

  I giggled. I went into the bathroom and plugged in the curling iron. While it heated up, I applied foundation to my face, and finished it off with eyeliner and blush. I picked up the curling iron and proceeded to curl all my hair for the next 20 minutes. When there was a knock on the door, Julie left to go get it, and came back with Jet.

  He took one look at me, and started shaking his head. “Wow, you look stunning. I'm going to have to buy my sister a car now, for finding me a dress like that.”

  “Why, thank you. And you look pretty handsome yourself there.”


  The party was your typical New Year’s shindig, full of way too much booze and college kids. It seemed like everyone on campus was right there in the house. Jet and I walked around and talked to lots of people from my classes, as well as Jet's teammates. We eventually found Julie, who had disappeared on us throughout the night, making out with Curtis in a corner. He was the guy she had vowed to have pity sex with, and it looked like she was making tonight her night. I knew it would end up being more, however. Julie wasn't capable of having a one-night stand; those two would be dating in no time.

  Jet and I danced the night away while we got ridiculously drunk and vaguely immature. He never once left my side, and I couldn't have been happier about it. The room suddenly silenced as the TV was turned on, and everyone watched the ball drop from a 60-inch TV screen. When the clock struck 12:00, the room of people went crazy. There was screaming, kissing, and people throwing party favors. Champagne was poured and passed out around the room.

  I turned to Jet and kissed him hard on the mouth. As the screaming went on around us, I slipped my tongue in his mouth, and we made out as the New Year began. When we released, Curtis and Julie arrived at our sides with champagne glasses. We all toasted the New Year and clinked glasses.

  “So what are your New Year’s resolutions, guys?” Julie asked.

  I thought about it for a moment. “Probably get into the gym more. I know it's everyone's, but it's true for me especially now, since I have such a buff boyfriend.”

  Jet laughed and answered, “I think I'm going to try to go to class more and maybe learn something.”

  Julie laughed. “Yeah right, Jet, who are you kidding?”

  He laughed. “Okay fine, so what's yours?”

  “Have more sex! A lot more.” Julie said this as she cackled. Her date looked pretty happy by her answer.

  I looked at Curtis and raised an eyebrow. “I think I would like to eventually win a match against Jet.”

  “Well, don't hold your breath on that one.” Jet laughed.

  “Okay, down boys, let’s just enjoy our night.” We all laughed when Julie said that, and we started to head back to the dance floor.

  My night suddenly became complete when Jet leaned into my ear on the dance floor and whispered, “I love you.”

  Chapter Twelve


  We got back to my apartment, and both Natalie and I were half in the b
ag. She was practically glowing ever since I told her I loved her. You couldn't wipe the grin off her face, and it just made her that much more beautiful to me. She deserved every little good thing that I could give her, and the idea that saying those small words could make her so happy made me realize I should have said them weeks ago. In fact, I should have said it long before she did, because I did love her. I wasn't sure how long I had loved her, but it felt like it was from the moment I first laid eyes on her at the bar. And maybe it was; I had always felt like she had bewitched me in many ways, and maybe she had.

  She sat on the couch, clumsily tried to take off her high heels, and then she lay back down on the couch.

  “That was a fun party, wasn't it?”

  “Absolutely, baby. What was your favorite part?” I asked.

  She smiled. “When you told me you love me.”

  I sat down with her. “It really meant a lot to you, didn't it?”

  She nodded. “I love you, Jet, so obviously I want you to love me back.”

  “Well, I do.”

  I kissed her then, softly at first, almost caressing her lips with mine. She was so incredible, and the taste of her just drove me insane. Our kisses grew more passionate, and my tongue found its way into her mouth. We made out like that for some time as I felt myself grow hard. My erection pushed against my pants, so I took her hand and I placed it on the bulge of my pants. He eyes sprang open and she grinned at me. “You're not exactly subtle, are you?”

  “Nope, so what do you want to do about this?”

  She smiled. “Why should I do anything about it?”

  “Well, my love, you are the cause of it.”

  “Oh, am I, now?”

  “Yes, you can make me rock hard with very little effort, and I think you know that.”

  I just stared at her, I wanted her more than anything, and the sight of her was making me incredibly horny. She had such power over me in that way. She turned me on easily, and I didn't know what it was about her that was so different from other women. Her green eyes bore into mine, and I could swear that my erection got even harder. I wanted to ravish her right then, but I didn't know if I should make the first move, or let her do it. I needed her more than anything, but I wanted her to make the first move. I just wasn't sure if she would, if she even wanted to, because she was at times very shy. However, there was the problem of how I could only think of sliding inside her, and seeing what she felt like wrapped around me. I loved the feeling of being immersed inside her hot pussy; it made me feel incredible when I was that close to her.


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