The Yeah Baby Series: Volume 2

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The Yeah Baby Series: Volume 2 Page 2

by Davenport, Fiona

  Her legs gripped my waist, and I braced my feet on the footboard to give me added leverage before sliding my hands up to her tits. I pinched and plucked at her nipples, occasionally biting.

  “Yes! Oh, Declan, yes! Yes!” she shouted over and over.

  I moved a hand down to slip under her thigh and prop the leg over my shoulder, deepening the angle, then put pressure on her clit, causing her to scream the fucking roof down as she fell apart in my arms. Her walls closed around my cock and I couldn’t hold it any longer.

  “Juliette! Oh, fuck! Fuck! That’s it baby! Fuuuuuck!” I bellowed as I came so hard I almost blacked out.

  That was only the first time, we fucked like rabbits through the rest of the night. But, in between, we got to know each other a little bit. She talked about her dreams for her career, and I told her about how I’d ended up in New York, head of Pediatric surgery. I’d fulfilled most of my professional goals, but Juliette was on the cusp of achieving hers. By morning, one thing was clear to me. It would be the hardest fucking thing I would ever do in my whole damn life. I had to let her go.

  But, make no mistake, this was temporary. One day, I would come for her and she’d better be damn well prepared because this was the last time I would ever watch her walk away from me.

  Chapter 1


  Four Months Later

  “You’re pregnant.”

  I was certain I’d misunderstood my doctor’s announcement. “I’m sorry, can you repeat that for me please?”

  “You’re pregnant.” Nope, the words didn’t change the second time around like I’d expected them to do. Sure, I’d been feeling a little off and had gained some weight, but not for one minute did I ever think the reason was because I was carrying a baby. “Since your cycle is irregular, I’ll want to schedule an ultrasound to better pinpoint your due date. Normally we’d estimate it using the last period, but that isn’t possible with the sporadic nature of yours.”

  I shook my head because there wasn’t any need for an ultrasound to determine how far along I was. If I was pregnant, I knew exactly when it had happened. There was only one possibility, I just didn’t know how it happened. But she misunderstood and explained further. “It’s nothing to be worried about. Amenorrhea, or the cessation of periods, isn’t unusual in female athletes. The intensity of your training and diet as a ballerina can negatively impact your hormonal balance.”

  I held my hand up to stop the flow of information. “I’ve been dancing all my life. The abnormality of my cycle isn’t anything new to me, but the pregnancy is.”

  “Ahhh, yes, sorry.” The doctor blushed and mumbled an apology. “I do tend to prattle on sometimes.”

  “And apparently I tend to get a little snippy when I’m pregnant. Sorry about that, but this news has come as a complete surprise to me. I thought the stress of my first international tour was to blame for my irritability and weight gain.”

  “I’d hardly call four pounds a weight gain,” she teased.

  “Yeah, well, tell that to my dancing partner,” I muttered. “He complained about each additional pound during our lifts and suggested I lay off the pasta when we were in Italy.”

  “I’m afraid to say it, but my instructions are bound to make him complain even further since I’d like to see you gain at least twenty-five pounds during the course of your pregnancy,” she advised gently. “And you’re going to need to modify your dancing to accommodate your growing belly. During the first trimester, you may feel like you can do almost anything, but there will be changes you’re going to need to make. I’m not saying you can’t dance at all, Juliette, but it’s vital for you to listen to your body throughout your pregnancy so you don’t push yourself too far.”

  It was a good thing I was sitting down or else my knees might have given out as I considered the ramifications of the news she’d given me. I lifted my shift to expose my stomach and was shocked to see a tiny baby bump. How had I missed this? “I’m already four months along,” I admitted softly.

  She glanced down at the laptop she’d brought in and hit a few buttons. “That’s certainly a possibility with the date of your last period, but there’s no way to know for sure considering their irregularity.”

  “Trust me, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I got pregnant four months ago.” She raised her eyebrows and looked at me questioningly. “It’s when I lost my virginity.”

  “Ohhh,” she drawled as understanding hit. “And no sexual activity since then?”

  “Only in my dreams since he was here while I was touring Europe.” Those dreams were no joke, either. He’d come to me each and every night I was gone, tormenting me with my need for him. I relived all the things he’d done to my body during the night I’d spent with him. Over and over again. Waking up with your hand in your panties and your heart thundering when you were sharing a room with another ballerina was not my idea of fun. I was just lucky she was a deep sleeper and hadn’t caught me in an embarrassing position.

  “It seems we have a different reason to schedule your ultrasound then, since we’re nearing the usual time for a mid-pregnancy scan.” I got a lump in my throat at hearing the term ‘mid-pregnancy.’ I felt like I’d missed out on so much of it already. “Although the main purpose of the scan is to check that your baby is developing normally, we may also be able to tell if you're expecting a boy or girl. You may want to bring the baby’s father, a family member, or a friend with you since it’s such a special moment.”

  The baby’s father. I had to be the only woman ever who lost her virginity during a one-night stand, got knocked up, even though they used condoms every single time that night, and didn’t realize she was pregnant for four months! Oh my goodness, this meant I had to face Declan again. How mortifying.

  I didn’t have any other choice, though. There was no getting around it since I needed to tell him I was pregnant. I didn’t even have his phone number, which meant my only choice was to drop in on him unannounced at his apartment. He was bound to think I was either lying to him or that I’d kept the pregnancy a secret for the past few months.

  The rest of what the doctor had to say went in one ear and out the other as I agonized over what to tell Declan and when. As I stumbled out of the office with all sorts of paperwork in my hand, I glanced at my watch and heaved a huge sigh of relief at what time it was. My visit to Declan would have to wait since my ballet mistress had organized a welcome home party for those of us who’d been on tour together.

  The last thing I wanted to do was attend a party of any kind, not after having this bombshell dropped on me, but I didn’t want to let her down. Plus, it sure didn’t hurt that I had the perfect excuse to wait until tomorrow to face Declan. And with my stomach growling, I was reminded of my need to eat for two.

  I hurried along the street, choosing to walk the six blocks between the doctor’s office and the restaurant instead of catching a cab. The fresh air helped me to clear my head and focus on what was important. As I walked into the restaurant, I was still scared about all the changes the baby would bring, but I was also tremendously excited. There was a tiny life growing inside me, one Declan and I had created together. I might not have any idea what to do next yet, but I refused to regret this baby. Not even for a moment.

  “Europe must have agreed with you, darling,” Serena murmured as she air kissed me on both sides of my cheeks. As the company’s ballet mistress, her job was to give the daily classes for the dancers and to rehearse the ballets in the company repertoire. She was a harsh task master, but I’d always had a good relationship with her. “You’re practically glowing.”

  I was sorely tempted to blurt out my news to her right then and there. It was a conversation which was going to happen soon anyway, but we were interrupted by one of the dancers who’d joined the company when I was getting ready to leave for my tour.

  “Juliette, this is Lisa Morisette, a newer member of the corps.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

>   “I’m sorry to interrupt you,” Lisa offered. “I wanted to tell you how excited I am to dance with you. I didn’t get a chance to tell you how amazing you were as Gamzatti in La Bayadère. I looked for you at the cast party the night before you left but never managed to find you.”

  “Yes, I left a little early.” I left the ‘so I could go get knocked up by the sexiest man ever’ unsaid, figuring I shouldn’t blurt it out to a virtual stranger.

  “Well at least I got the chance to meet you tonight before I got distracted by my blind date.”

  “Blind date?”

  “Yeah, one of my friends has been telling me about her husband’s best friend ever since I moved here. From everything she’s said, he sounds too good to be true. Handsome, smart, kind,” she rattled off.

  “Mmmhmm,” I murmured non-committally, trying to think of a way to get out of this conversation gracefully. She seemed like a sweet girl, but I wasn’t really in the mood to discuss someone else’s dating life considering the state of mine.

  “Oh, wow,” Lisa sighed dreamily, her attention suddenly riveted towards the door. “Nancy was not exaggerating when she described him. We were supposed to meet up a while back, but it fell through. It took her forever to get him to agree again, but damn was he worth the wait. Talk about tall, dark, and handsome.”

  My head swiveled to the side and my gaze landed on the man she was so delighted to meet. He was easy to spot since his tall, muscular frame towered over everyone else. A lock of his thick, dark hair had fallen onto his forehead, and my fingers itched to sweep it to the side. His fierce brown eyes were scanning the room like he owned it, while his firm lips were stretched into a taut line. There was no denying he was worth waiting for, especially not when you considered that I’d spent the last four months unable to get the thought of him out of my head. Or my heart.

  Lisa’s blind date was none other than Declan McGowan—the father of my unborn child. And it seemed Lisa and I weren’t the only ones excited to see him because the baby chose that exact moment, while my head was already spinning, to kick for the very first time. I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or faint.

  Chapter 2


  I felt a little bit of déjà vu as my eyes swept a room full of dancers once again. I’d kept my night with Juliette to myself, not ready to share her with anyone else yet. Unfortunately, it led to my best friend’s matchmaking wife harassing me constantly about meeting her friend. It probably made me a complete asshole, but when her last attempt to nag me included the information that the event was a party for the returning dancers, I finally agreed to ‘attend’ it. I made it clear I was not going on a blind date though. It looked like she’d ignored me, because she and Kevin were nowhere to be found.

  I’d waited four months, as patiently as I could, but I was done. Living without Juliette any longer was not an option, and it was time she knew it too. My eyes landed on a pretty, blonde woman, working her way towards me through the crowd, an eager look on her face. Shit. Nancy clearly hadn’t told her friend about my adamant refusal for a date. I needed to figure out how to handle this without being a complete douche. All considerations on that front went flying out the window when I spotted the woman she’d been talking to.

  I would recognize those beautiful violet pools anywhere, but she was different. She’d filled out a little bit, her skin was practically glowing, and her eyes . . . were filled with tears. She turned and headed in the opposite direction and before I could take a step forward, I was faced with the evidence of Nancy’s meddling.

  “Declan?” she asked, her eyes bright and a wide smile on her face. I tried not to scowl at her interference.

  “You must be Lisa. It’s nice to meet you. Listen, I’m sorry Nancy gave you the wrong impression, but I’m actually seeing someone, so it would be ungentlemanly of me to lead you on in any way,” I rambled.

  Her face fell and I felt like a jerk. I’m going to kick your ass, Kevin. But, I didn’t have time to dwell on it, Juliette was fast disappearing. “I really am very sorry, Lisa, but you’ll have to excuse me.” I stepped around her and started after my woman. She turned a corner and I plowed through the crowd, determined to get to her.

  I found myself in a darkened hallway and exploring a little farther in, I discovered the doors for the restrooms. Two women were just exiting and both stopped whispering as they walked by me. I ignored them and slammed through the door they’d just exited. Juliette was standing at the counter, her hands under the faucet, her eyes shocked and wide as she stared at me. A woman at the other end was in much the same position, and I glared at her. “Out.”

  She frowned at me, but she must have seen the murderous look in my eyes, because she grabbed a stack of paper towels, along with her purse, and scurried out of the room. Once she was gone, and it was clear the other stalls were empty, I flipped the lock on the door and stalked towards my sweet Juliette.

  The room was plush and fancy, gold wall paper and fixtures, red carpet, and the thing I was most interested in, a red, velvet couch. I casually walked over and took a seat. “Juliette,” I greeted.

  She patted her face with water, then dried it and her hands before turning to face me. “Declan, how nice to see you.” Her words were stiff and she wouldn’t look me in the eyes. “You’re being awfully rude to your date; don’t you think?” She finally looked at me and I was temporarily lost in the turbulent purple orbs.

  I raised a single eyebrow. “Date?”

  She huffed, “Yes, your blind date with one of the other dancers. Holing up in the women’s powder room seems quite the poor date etiquette.”

  I grinned when I realized what her attitude was all about. “You’re so cute when you’re jealous, Jules.”

  Her jaw dropped in surprise, but her cheeks tinged with pink. I stood and prowled over to her, cupping her face and brushing my lips along hers. “You look fucking incredible, Juliette. How did you get more beautiful?”

  Her face flamed, the pink deepening to a red flush over her upper body. The off the shoulder, silky peasant blouse she was wearing showed off a great deal of skin, and I was mesmerized by the color stealing over it. My eyes dropped to her cleavage, and I growled at the low cut of her top. But that was an argument for another time.

  “Why were you running from me, baby?” I asked softly.

  She shook her head and her shoulder jumped in a little shrug. “I didn’t want to interrupt your date and I didn’t know if”—she paused and looked everywhere but at me, until I forced her face back to mine, so close our gazes where locked—“if you’d be happy to see me again. I mean, we were a one-night stand and—”

  I cut her off with my mouth crashing down over hers. I took advantage of her stunned state and pushed my tongue into her mouth. A ragged groan reverberated from deep in my chest. I felt as though those four months had been an eternity, and though I’d never doubted my decision, it was still a confirmation that she was made for me. That I couldn’t live without her.

  “Of course I’m happy to see you. And, I’m not on a date, so I don’t have to feel guilty for this.” I kissed her again and my hands found their way to her ass, lifting her so her legs wrapped around my waist, then stumbling back to drop onto the couch. She straddled my lap and her skirt bunched around her upper thighs. All that separated us was my pants and the thin layer of her panties.

  “You taste every bit as amazing as I remember,” I mumbled against her lips. “I bet you’re just as wet for me too.” I slid my hands up her sides and she tensed for a moment, but relaxed when I cupped her tits. I pulled back and looked down at the globes, something was different. Using my index fingers, I tugged down her top and stared. Juliette’s modest breasts were a delicious mouthful, but small enough that she could easily go braless. So, I was taken aback to see them spilling out of the lacy cups.

  “I’m not seeing things, right?” I queried absently. “Your tits are bigger.” She froze, and I worried that she thought I had a problem with it. “N
ot that I’m complaining,” I hurried to assure her. “You’ve filled out a little and it’s sexy as fuck, baby.”

  “You—um—you’re not so bad yourself,” she said, her pink blush returning.

  “I love the way you blush, Jules. It’s like pouring strawberry syrup over my favorite dessert. All I want to do is eat you.”

  She moaned and my already hard cock grew, threatening to rip through my pants to reach her heated pussy. I could already feel the pre-come leaking from the manly instinct to breed my woman.

  I reached around her to unhook her bra, but she pushed my hands away, making me growl in frustration. Four months. Four fucking months I had waited for her and my ability to go slow was slim to none.

  “I think we should talk before this goes any further.”

  “After.” My mouth chased hers, seeking a taste, but she played a mean game of keep away. I sighed and sat back. “What would you like to talk about?”

  She cleared her throat and squirmed a little, rubbing her pussy over my erection. I grabbed her hips to keep her from moving any more. If she wanted any chance to keep my attention while she ‘talked,’ I needed her to remain still.

  “Go ahead, baby. I’m listening,” I murmured. Leaning in, I placed my lips on her collarbone, nibbling, licking, and leaving little bites all over her neck.

  “Well, I found out—um—that’s very distracting, Declan. This is important.”

  “So is this, Jules.” I kissed my way down her cleavage while she sputtered for a response. Tugging down her bra, I kissed each rosy nipple, encouraged to take one in my mouth when she moaned again.

  My hands drifted down, intent on touching her everywhere. They landed on her stomach and it was my turn to freeze. I felt all around the area, finding it odd she would gain weight in such a concentrated area. Except, I knew that wasn’t what I was feeling. Pride and an abundance of love burst through me, hoping I was right.


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