Two Wolves and a Librarian [Werewolf Castle 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Two Wolves and a Librarian [Werewolf Castle 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Cara Adams

  Werewolf Castle 6

  Two Wolves and a Librarian

  Magnus Adler and Kiril Engel have spent two years searching Germany for their mate. Is Flynn Jensen, a librarian with untidy brown hair and pale blue eyes hidden behind glasses, The One? And how can they find out without letting her know that they’re werewolves, and where they really live?

  The Alpha has sent them to Stuttgart to prepare a house for him to attend the inauguration ceremony for the new Supreme Alpha of Europe. How can they obey their Alpha and still spend enough time with Flynn to see if she is their mate? They’re desperate to get to know her, but so much is happening all around them it’s hard to find the time. And there is danger, too. The Alpha values his privacy very highly and other packs want to know more about him. Will their time here run out before they know for sure?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 35,743 words


  Werewolf Castle 6

  Cara Adams


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2013 by Cara Adams

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-848-6

  First E-book Publication: December 2013

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  About the Author


  Werewolf Castle 6


  Copyright © 2013


  Somewhere in the south of Europe, where the summers are hot and the winters are mild, is a large castle nestled against tall mountains. The mountains are wild and untamed. And so are the werewolves who live in them. Including the ones in the castle. Werewolf Castle. Where the dungeons are the setting for intense scenes of BDSM punishment, love, and orgasms. And the partnerships are always in threes. Two werewolf men and one human woman.

  Chapter One

  Flynn Jensen looked exactly how everyone imagined a librarian would look. Messy brown hair falling out of its updo, pale blue eyes hidden behind eyeglasses, a slightly overweight figure inside nondescript, dark-colored clothing, and a soft, serious voice as she guided confused readers to the book, magazine, or website of their choice. What no one knew or guessed, not even the four other librarians who worked with her, was that her outer appearance disguised a deeply passionate woman with a yen for reading erotic romance of the kinkier kind. The books she read on her cell phone, as she ate her lunch at her desk in the workroom day after day, were neither sweet romances, nor cozy mysteries, but BDSM ménages, often including otherworldly beings, such as shape-shifters, vampires, or aliens.

  And her colleagues would never have believed that every night, in her twin bed in her tiny, one-room apartment, Flynn read and reread her favorite sections of these books, with a battery-operated friend buzzing away in both her pussy and her ass.

  Flynn checked the time, sighed, and bookmarked where she was in her latest story, then switched her cell phone off. Personal phone calls were strongly discouraged by the library management team. She put her empty lunch container and fork back in her purse to take home, locked her purse in her desk drawer, slid her cell phone into the pocket of her ankle-length gray skirt, and then walked silently out into the main library again. After lunch today came her shift on the charge desk, dealing with clients borrowing and returning books, and that would be followed by an hour on the readers’ adviser desk, answering questions and helping patrons. Flynn much preferred being out in the workroom, cataloguing books, and updating computer files, or even covering and mending books, but they all took a turn at each workstation.

  The library was in a small community about an hour from Stuttgart, Germany. It suited Flynn perfectly as she liked the peace and quiet, yet Stuttgart wasn’t too far to travel if she needed to visit the city for some reason.

  She liked the look of the big man walking up to her desk right now, too. He wasn’t a local. Or, at least, he wasn’t a regular to this library. There was no way she’d have forgotten him if they’d ever met before. He was definitely over six feet tall, with a solid muscular build, broad shoulders, slightly wavy black hair, and deep blue eyes.

  “Can I help you?” she asked, thinking of ways she’d be very happy to help him, and he could help her, too.

  He focused his gaze on hers and sent blood rushing to her cheeks. “I’d like to look at some tourist information please. I need to find accommodation for some friends of mine who don’t want to stay in the heart of Stuttgart, but the information bureau
has no brochures left and sent me to you.”

  Flynn cast a quick glance around the library, but there were no people wanting to borrow books right now, so she left her place and took him across to the local history section, showing him the information they had. She wished she could stay with him while he searched. Likely she could find the information he wanted in a few minutes, but she wasn’t supposed to leave the front desk for extended periods, so she sighed internally. “I have to go back to the desk, but if you need any more help, please just come and ask.”

  “Oh, I’ll be back. You can count on it,” Mr. Handsome replied.

  Flynn knew he was just being polite but she couldn’t help smiling at him anyway.

  Today was Tuesday so the library closed at seven. Thursdays to Saturdays it closed at nine and Sundays it only opened from ten until five. As well as rotating through each of the workstations, the five librarians also shared the extended hours and weekend shifts, each taking their time off in turns so there were always three of them at work, as well as a couple of library technicians. Flynn didn’t mind the shift work. It didn’t bother her to work on weekends. It wasn’t as though she had much of a social life. Apart from a few friends who she’d meet up with for lunch, or coffee, or a movie, from time to time, all the rest of her activities only required her e-reader, her sex toys, and her imagination. Although she did return to the national park at dusk, wondering if she’d ever see them again sometimes.

  Them. Two most amazing wolves. Wolves with golden-brown coats and liquid black eyes. Wolves so stunningly beautiful and so self-possessed they could have been people. Wolves that encouraged her to believe all the paranormal shape-shifter romances she’d read were real. Nothing could convince Flynn that the wolves she’d seen that day were not people underneath the fur. Oh, yes, she knew the difference between fact and fiction. And she also knew people who were convinced their companion animals were smarter than most humans. They could be right, too, for all she knew. But these wolves, her wolves, had to be people. She was convinced of it. Convinced enough to return every few weeks to where she’d seen them in the hope she’d see them again.

  Flynn shook off her thoughts and checked that the staff door of the library had shut itself properly behind her. She was the last to leave, Ann being in a hurry for some reason tonight and having left with Dave ten minutes early. It hadn’t mattered. As soon as she’d dimmed the library lighting fifteen minutes before closing time, the last few people had packed up their things and gone. It was different in midwinter, of course. Sometimes a few homeless people tried to hide so they could stay in the library overnight. She felt desperately sorry for them but had to ask them to leave. If it had been up to her she’d have let them stay, but, of course it wasn’t her decision and she had to set the alarm, which meant they had to go.

  Now that it was almost dark it was getting cooler, but it wasn’t really cold. It was early fall, and the days were still very nice although she could tell winter was coming as the leaves were turning color. She glanced across the parking lot, noticing that both Ann’s and Dave’s cars were gone, as she’d expected, although there were half a dozen cars besides hers in the parking lot. That was normal. One road farther over was a high-rise apartment building and the parking lot there was always full. The library management ignored people parking in their lot at night, even though technically the apartment dwellers shouldn’t park there. But since it wasn’t being used overnight, it was silly to make trouble for them. They had to park somewhere after all.

  Flynn was aware some people would say she was too soft-hearted, but she really did believe in a “live and let live” policy. She shrugged her thoughts off, along with the cool breeze, and hurried to her car. Poor old Oscar was looking rather sad. He was almost as old as she was, but she didn’t drive far and she didn’t need a shiny, sparkling, expensive vehicle. As long as he kept running, it was fine by her. She patted Oscar’s trunk as she walked to the driver’s door and slid her key in the lock. Oscar didn’t have central locking. He didn’t have power steering, airbags, and a whole lot of other things either, but he still went, so that was all she needed.

  “Excuse me, miss.”

  Flynn turned around, startled. She hadn’t seen any people in the parking lot. She rested one hand on the car horn, so all she needed to do was press the heel of her palm down if there was trouble. Then she smiled. Mr. Handsome was coming across the parking lot toward her, and one pace behind him was another man, just as well built and good-looking, but with dark brown hair instead of black.

  “My name’s Magnus—”

  “And I’m Kiril—”

  “We wondered if you’d agree to have coffee with us, or a meal, to say thank you for your help this afternoon.”

  She couldn’t help smiling at them. They were so very good-looking and with nice manners as well. “You don’t need to thank me. I was happy to be able to help you.”

  “We’d really like to spend time with you.” Magnus’s face was sincere and his blue eyes sparkled. Damn, but he was yummy.

  “Please,” added Kiril.

  Flynn wondered if she looked like an idiot but her mouth refused to straighten out of its smile. It had been a very long time since a man had asked her out her for coffee. “Okay. Thank you.”

  “There’s a restaurant just a mile or so that way. Is that suitable, or would you prefer to go somewhere else?” asked Kiril, waving his arm in a southerly direction.

  Flynn knew the restaurant they were talking about and her work clothes would be fine for eating there. It wasn’t like she kept a party dress in her car on the off chance of being invited out to dinner. “The restaurant is good. I’ll meet you there, shall I?”

  “Five minutes,” said Magnus. He and Kiril headed back to their car. While she climbed into Oscar and put on her seat belt she watched them reach their car, a big blue SUV. Taking a deep breath she pulled out of the parking lot and headed to the restaurant. Well fancy that. Two strangers inviting her out for coffee. Two incredibly handsome strangers. This was a very special day for her indeed.

  * * * *

  Magnus Adler climbed behind the steering wheel smiling at his very best friend in the whole world, Kiril Engel. They were werewolf shape-shifters from the Werewolf Castle pack but had lived in Germany for two years learning the building trade, before being recalled first to Vienna to complete a mission for their Alpha, and then to the castle, where they’d worked in the kitchens over late summer. Now they were preparing the way for their Alpha and a group of people from their pack to come to the induction of the Alpha of Germany as Supreme Alpha of Europe.

  “I told you she was perfect,” he said knowing he sounded smug and self-satisfied, but shit, that’s exactly how he felt.

  Two years they’d lived in Germany and never once had they even found a hint of a suitable woman for them to mate. Then he was here for five minutes and there she was waiting for him. For them.

  “Good work, Magnus. She’s just what I like in a woman. Of course, there’s no way of knowing if she’ll accept the idea of shape-shifters or of two men.”

  “True, but it’s taken us two years to find her. It doesn’t matter if it takes us a few months to introduce her to the idea of who we are.”

  “Well, it doesn’t as long as the Alpha lets us stay here after the new Supreme’s induction ceremony, you mean.”

  Magnus shrugged. The Alpha was as keen for his wolves to find their mates as he, Magnus, was to find his mate. The Alpha might want them to do a few jobs for him here and there along the way, but he’d let them stay near enough to convince her to join with them. “All we need to do is show her she’s ours.”

  “Do we tell her about the castle?” asked Kiril.

  Magnus had thought about this all afternoon while they were looking at places for the Alpha and the pack members to stay. “We tell her about being in Germany before, and about the castle, but only that the castle is our hometown, not where our community is. Nothing about werewolves though.”r />

  As soon as he parked the SUV Kiril jumped out. Magnus followed him. Now to get to know her properly to be sure she really was the right woman. All his instincts screamed that she was The One, but it was time to do the research to prove that.

  She was completely unaffected and real. She didn’t sit in her car making them wait for her while she texted her friends or fiddled with her hair. She hadn’t driven off somewhere else to make them wonder about her. She’d come straight here and gotten out of her car as soon as she’d parked it. That was the kind of woman he liked. One with her feet on the ground and not intent on proving to him how important or extra special she was.

  Besides, he liked the way there were tendrils of hair escaping from her bun or topknot or whatever it was women called that hairstyle. The rogue strands of hair softened the line of her neck and the sides of her face and made her look prettier than ever. He’d have hated her to redo her hair and have it all tightly restrained and formal.

  Magnus was fascinated when the maître d’hôtel waved them toward a table beside the front window of the restaurant but she shook her head and walked to the back of the room. At first he wondered if she wanted to sit in a booth with them and his cock stood up at that idea, but she chose a table in the open, moving so she’d be sitting with her back to the wall, facing outward. Well that suited him fine. He and Kiril sat on the sides of the tiny square table, one to her right and the other to her left. But if she wasn’t after the privacy of a booth, why come back here? Most people would have preferred to look out the window. Mentally he shrugged. It was something to ask her later, when she was relaxed.


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