Boxed Set: The His Submissive Series Complete Collection (Part One-Part Twelve)

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Boxed Set: The His Submissive Series Complete Collection (Part One-Part Twelve) Page 1

by Claire, Ava

  The His Submissive Series Complete Collection


  Copyright © 2012-2013 Ava Claire

  E-book License Edition Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the e-retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  The Billionaire’s Contract (Part One)

  The Billionaire’s Touch (Part Two)

  The Billionaire’s Passion (Part Three)

  The Billionaire’s Heart (Part Four)

  The Billionaire’s Girlfriend (Part Five)

  The Billionaire’s Secret (Part Six)

  The Billionaire’s Lust (Part Seven)

  The Billionaire’s Promise (Part Eight)

  The Billionaire’s Desire (Part Nine)

  The Billionaire’s Past (Part Ten)

  The Billionaire’s Trust (Part Eleven)

  The Billionaire’s Forever (Part Twelve)


  There are so many people that I owe thanks to for helping me get this story out.

  Thanks to Aubrey for helping my covers pop (and for always coming through, even when I emailed you at the last minute).

  To Sam—your enthusiasm and eye for detail helped me ensure I got out the best work possible. You’re pretty much the best beta reader and friend a girl could ask for.

  And last but definitely not least, thank you to all of the fans of this story. Your passion and excitement about each part of Leila and Jacob’s romance means so much to me. This series is for you.

  For my ‘Jacob’. You inspire me everyday.

  Part One

  The Billionaire’s Contract

  The massive structure before me was all brute metal and glass, windows glittering like teeth. On the TV screen the Whitmore Building was gothic and cathedral-like, but without the flashing lights it was just another building on Fifth Street.

  There was still a couple of things set it apart from every other high-rise. The first was PR, an Emmy nominated reality television show that followed two tenacious publicists on staff, documenting the drama and glamour that came with cleaning up the messes of the mega rich and famous. The second was Jacob Whitmore, the twenty-nine year old billionaire at the helm of the company...and a constant fixture on the glossy pages of tabloid rags for his lavish lifestyle and penchant for supermodels and celebrities.

  I futilely smoothed my dark brown corkscrew curls and pushed through the revolving door. Stepping out of the muggy heat and into the cool of central air should have been a relief but instead, it made me hyper aware of my nerves. The sweat at my back was sticky and the sheer black blouse I swore adhered to my skin like glue. Even a swallow of the dewy air conditioning didn't do my dry throat any favors.

  I instantly recognized the lobby from PR, the motif of glass and white walls giving off a crisp, sophisticated edge. Each employee that passed through the revolving doors was more glamorous than the last. I couldn’t help but pause in the shuffle, gawking at it all like some awkward tourist.

  Trying to gather my wits about me, I gave my head a hearty shake and locked eyes with a burly man sitting below an etched sign that read ‘Whitmore and Creighton’. Since he watched me sternly and had tree trunks for arms, I assumed he was security. I was supposed to check in with him and get a name tag.

  As I inched closer, my eyes drew up to the marble arch behind the man and I paused again. This place was gorgeous—and even a blind man could see I didn't belong.

  Remember Leila, I thought, squaring my back and taking a step forward. All that glitters is not-


  I let out a cry of surprise as someone sideswiped me, making me swerve and clutch onto nothing but air. The only thing that kept me from tumbling to the floor was a woman who steadied me, then hurried off before I could thank her.

  Damn heels. Reason number 1,231 I had to move out on my own. All of my flats had mysteriously disappeared overnight, leaving me two options: my Chucks, or the barely worn stilettos Mom had given me for my twenty-third birthday a few weeks ago.

  I frowned at the memory of her sneaky smile as I rushed out of the house in the cursed things. ‘The Lord works in mysterious ways’, she’d murmured after me, confirming that it wasn’t so much divine intervention as parental meddling.

  Regaining my composure, I opened my mouth to tell whoever missed the woman sized figure in their path that I was okay, only to see the squared back of the man that ran into me hustling toward the elevators, with no intention of stopping.

  "Excuse you!" I snapped, my annoyance following his confident stride. The man came to a hard stop then slowly pivoted to face me.

  I just about died on the spot.

  It was Jacob Whitmore.

  As his aqua colored eyes narrowed to slits and he surveyed me, I took him in. The camera didn't do him justice. Dark, wavy hair framed an impossibly handsome face. He had an aristocratic nose; sharp, but not overly so. It was the kind of thing that seemed engineered to look down on everyone else. His jaw was strong and sure and a bemused smile at his lips created two dimples that made my heart skip a beat. I found myself drawn to his lips—not because he was clearly laughing at the fact that I was scared shitless after lashing out at the boss, but because they were thick and lush. Perfect for kissing. Perfect for running up and down a bare body...

  When he took a step toward me, I began to babble. Talking and presenting myself had always been my forte. Back in college when I was put in a group, the other members always volunteered me to speak for the lot. After I gave the student address at graduation, both faculty and a couple of classmates told me that my speech was engaging and powerful; by far the favorite at an event where Dr. Seuss quotes and “follow your dreams” were the norm. But as I faced the billionaire playboy in the flesh, I found myself flabbergasted, red with embarrassment, and unable to string two cohesive words together.

  "I, er, I'm, it's..."

  He moved closer and his smell, warm with a hint of lime and musk, wrapped tight around my vocal chords. I stood like an idiot as people hustled around us. Not that they mattered. As far as I was concerned, it was just me and him.

  "What's your name?"

  The authoritative snap behind his question caught me off guard, but it shouldn't have. He was worth a crapload of money and just a glance at my JcPenney skirt and worn blouse established that I was definitely not. There was no mistaking who was in charge and who decidedly was not.

  "M-My name?" I stammered.

  “Yes.” He raised a brow. “Those things one is given at birth?”

  I cleared my throat. Rich and snarky. "Leila."

  "New hire?"

  I shouldn’t have been surprised he picked up on the fact I wasn’t a seasoned employee, since I was wandering around like an idiot. And then there was the fact that I wasn't a blond, leggy, carbon copy of most of the women that strut past us.

  I didn’t trust my words to not glom to each other, so I just shook my head.

  He frowned. "Then what brings you to my building?"

  "Interview," I croaked. "Research aide."

  "Huh," he grunted, running a quick hand through his hair. The dark waves crashed back around his face effortlessly. "I suppose that makes sense."
/>   The haze of being in his presence was starting to wear off and the dismissive tone of his voice made me jut my lip out defiantly. "What is that supposed to mean?"

  Surprise flitted across his face. "That research seems a suitable fit for you."

  "Somewhere tucked in a dark cubicle where the cameras wouldn't dare venture?" As soon as the retort flew out I slapped a hand over my mouth. Jesus Christ, Lay! Calling out Jacob Whitmore? Right before your interview?!

  Something unreadable flashed in his blue eyes and before I could apologize effusively or duck out of the building, he reached out and gripped my forearm. "You're coming with me."

  His tight hold made a protest rise in my throat, but he was on the move, bobbing and weaving as he drug me along like an anchor. Eyes flitted in our direction for a moment before dutifully looking away.

  As we marched past the main elevator and made a sharp left down a darkened corridor, fear bubbled in my gut. Where was he taking me? And even better, why was I letting him take me anywhere?

  Just as I gathered the backbone to pull from his hold, he retrieved a slender ID card from his breast pocket and swiped it through an electronic card reader. A green light flashed and he pushed open a metal door, gesturing for me to enter. I glanced in and my heart raced as I scanned the poorly lit stairwell.

  "After you," he said smoothly.

  I took a small step backward. "My interview-"

  "I'm about to administer a preliminary interview," he cut in. "Personally."

  The erotic edge to his words should have made me run kicking and screaming in the opposite direction. Instead, the throbbing in my heart was met by a pulsing decidedly...lower.

  I began the descent and told myself I didn’t have to let on that I'd do anything to work for his company. That would make me seem desperate. I was just someone that knew what I wanted and would get it—by any means necessary.

  As far back as I could remember I was the Queen of Spin, able to talk my way out of just about anything. Missing curfew, bringing home a B- instead of an A, mastering the 'It's me, it's not you' copout, and even talking my way out of a flurry of speeding tickets.

  At Whitmore and Creighton, I'd get a chance to use my silver tongue to segue into the lives of the rich and famous. When shit hit the fan and Dick and Jane in Everytown, USA read about the latest mess a prominent figure was embroiled in, I would be behind the scenes, turning crap into apple pie. With time, maybe I'd even make a name for myself, one as fearsome as ‘Jacob Whitmore’.

  But the feel of him behind me, domineering and forceful, reminded me that I was still a nobody and still had a pound or two of flesh to give.

  "Are you afraid?" he asked, something in his voice betting on yes.


  I wasn't afraid of him so much as my willingness and excitement to follow him into the unknown. I had no idea what waited for me at the end of the stairs, but a part of me hoped it was something illicit. Something that involved those lips of his pressed against mine. Against my neck. Trailing and tracing every curve of my body.

  I teetered a bit on my ridiculous heels and let out a nervous chuckle when I felt him immediately against me. I knew he meant to steady me, but the nearness of him made my morals and my body sway, especially when I felt his erection pushing through the fabric of his pants. His passion only spurned me on and I was deadly close to ripping off my skirt and letting him take me then and there.

  What are you doing? A voice shrilled, cutting through the arousal. You're gonna let some strange man have his way with you in a stairwell?

  It was a splash of cold water to the face and I pulled back when we reached the landing, putting a few feet between me and my beautiful prospective employer. "I-I can't do this."

  His cerulean eyes glittered. "Do what?"

  I gave him an incredulous look. Was he really going to make me say it? "I have an interview." I combed my memory for the woman's name given over the phone. "With Maria Delacourt." I glanced down at his crotch and spied his snug arousal and pointedly shot my gaze back up. "A proper interview."

  If annoyed or insulted by my last sentence, he had one helluva poker face. His face was still, handsome features cut out of marble. Unfairly perfect. Unfairly hard to read. But when he strode forward, backing me up until I was against the wall with no place to go except through him, there was no mistaking his intentions. My nipples strained against their lacy prison and I felt moist desire pooling between my thighs.

  Still, I denied him.

  "Mr. Whitmore, I can't," I said weakly.

  His fingers expertly found my side zipper and unhooked the top clasp before pulling the zipper down. My protests were irrelevant. As my skirt fell to my ankles, a rash of pride went through me when I heard the moan in the back of his throat at the red lacy panties I'd chosen to wear this morning. People always said confidence started from within and the scarlet number was like red velvet cake against my caramel skin, showing off the summer hue I'd achieved with all of my free time. The padding I’d packed onto my petite frame throughout college was all but gone because of daily runs and though I swore I couldn't see a difference, I felt it in the way he looked at me.

  I didn't say another word as I let him untie the side sash of my blouse, then undo the final button holding the thing together. The blouse joined the skirt on the floor.

  Suddenly hyper aware of my near nudity, I pointlessly crossed my arms against my chest and tried to shield my body from him.

  He let out a chuckle, light, condescending—and as infuriating as him blasting past me in the lobby without a second look. It reeked of entitlement and shook me from my obedience.

  I maneuvered around him in a huff and bent down, gathering my clothes. I must have had a moment of insanity because now, with him so certain that I’d drop my panties just because he was powerful and hot, I knew I'd take a job at Dairy Queen before I’d work for him.

  "What do you think you're doing?" he asked, an edge to the question.

  "Leaving," I said icily. “You know, that thing that one does when they no longer want to be someplace.”

  His foot was on the hem of my skirt and when he didn't budge, I shot him a look of warning. He stepped back, but didn’t lose the infuriatingly sexy command in his voice. "We both know you're not going anywhere, Leila."

  "Is that right?" I said sarcastically, sliding my skirt over my hips.

  "That's right," he said matter-of-factly. "The starting salary of a research aide at Whitmore and Creighton is more than generous, you'll get behind the scenes access to the meatiest public relations catastrophes in the world, and we have an excellent benefits package."

  I let out a snort as I zipped up my skirt. "So it's a good job. And my interview involves spreading my legs? You dangle a check and health insurance like a bone and I'm just supposed to have sex with you?"

  "No," he said, eyes burning into me. “You haven’t earned sex. But you’re going to submit to me because you want to.”

  Submit to him? “I’m pretty sure I just said I wasn’t interested,” I said stubbornly, not looking him in the eye because he might see that couldn’t be farther from the truth. “I’m not a whore.”

  “I never said you were,” he said smoothly. “But I do think you’re curious.”

  “Curious?” I snorted.

  He nodded. “That’s right. You’re going to submit to me because you're curious."

  "No, I'm not." But I'd stopped redressing.

  "I can tell you're a woman that's used to being in charge. A leader." He was back in front of me, invading my personal space in the most delicious way. "You're going to submit to me because you're curious about what it would be like to give everything over to someone else.” He leaned in and his virile scent flooded my nostrils, making me close my eyes as I breathed him in. "You're going to do what I say,” he continued, sending a wildfire of passion over me. “Because secretly, you wonder what it's like to be on your knees."


  Just as m
y resolve wobbled and I opened my mouth for a retort, he linked a finger at the curved hip of my underwear, trailing down until he hit the curly tangle of my sex. I should have snapped my knees shut and pushed away from him, but I stayed still. Painfully still, because as he began to stroke at the heat between my legs, I wanted to vault my hips forward until he plunged the digit inside.

  Once he began to breach my sex, my breath came out in husky gasps and I began to squirm.

  His voice was like a whip, reining me in. "Stay still."

  I let out a moan of protest but managed to obey, trading the writhing for trembling thighs. How could I remain still with him touching my most intimate place, lighting my most secret desires? I could tell he was ripping at the frays too, moans suppressed behind the line of his lips.

  With my eyes closed I melted into him, forgetting everything but this until my eyes popped open. He wasn't touching me in a company stairwell where it was a sure bet that someone, anyone, would walk in on our erotic act, but he couldn't possibly be the only one with access to that door. A janitor, a secretary—what if there were cameras? What if that security guard was watching us right now? But all the questions paled in comparison to the one that screamed in my head: How did he know that I secretly craved this?

  My eyes popped open. This was too much. I couldn’t do this. "Mr. Whitmore-"


  My eyes rolled back in my head as he continued to tease my opening, slipping just inside before darting back out. I wanted him to take my protests seriously, but how could he when they were flanked by moans?

  I brought a hand to cover his. "No, don't-"

  "Yes," he said huskily. "Oh, God yes-"

  I shook my head but spread my legs wide for him. "I think I should...oh...Oh!"

  My words were cut off at the knees as he forced his fingers inside me. I was already wet and dripping from the tease and they dove between my folds with a hearty smack. Foreplay with past boyfriends usually consisted of putting on a condom and living with my rents, I hadn’t touched myself in nearly two months. With his fingers knuckle deep inside my heat, I devolved to my innate hunger, humping and gasping for more. I looked into his fiercely handsome face, desire and lust simmering behind his eyes and I said yes. Yes to this feeling.


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