When Memories Fade

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When Memories Fade Page 18

by Tyora Moody

  Angel turned the camera back to the stage to focus on Eddie. Someone came to stand beside her. “You are everywhere with that camera.” Angel closed her eyes. Why is he here?

  She needed to focus on what she was doing, but she turned her attention to Kenneth and pointed to the camera. “I’m a little busy right now.”

  Kenneth jumped further into the conversation, as if he didn’t hear her. “The competition is pretty stiff here tonight. So who do you think will win?”

  “I don’t know.” Angel didn’t want to admit it, but Kenneth was looking good tonight, which made her want him to get away from her even more. Kenneth had always been a careful dresser, and tonight he had chosen a snug pair of jeans and a button-down shirt, which probably could have been buttoned up more. Why won’t he just go away? Here she was, finally thinking of moving on and happy about getting to know Wes, and her past was standing next to her, being annoying. She didn’t need this right now.

  “And how do people vote?”

  Angel frowned at him. “Didn’t you hear the rules? Eddie has said them several times already from the stage. We will upload the contestants on the YouTube page. People will be able to vote as many times as they want. Whoever has the most views wins the talent show. The winner will be announced next Friday.” Angel looked around and asked, “Where’s Denise?”

  “Why aren’t you singing?”


  “Come on. You can sing. Why aren’t you up there?”

  “I’m videotaping the event, Kenneth.”

  “I can take over the camera while you go up there.”

  “No thanks. It’s too late, anyway, not that I’m interested.” She wasn’t going to tell him that she had finally caved in and agreed to Eddie’s request that she sing with Southern Soul at the end of the show. For most of the week, Angel hadn’t been sure what she would sing, but a song came to her when she woke up this morning. She had been singing the song throughout the day.

  Angel looked to her right and saw Denise was a few feet away. Denise was watching Kenneth, who at that moment had decided to step uncomfortably close to Angel.

  “Denise is looking for you.” Angel pointed in the direction where Denise stood and turned back to the camera. She sensed Kenneth leave her side. A minute later, Angel observed Kenneth approach Denise, who was glaring at him. Denise jabbed Kenneth in the chest with her finger and walked away.

  Angel felt a slight pang for Denise. Kenneth had always been a flirt. He wanted what he wanted no matter who got hurt in the process. Angel had learned the hard way, and it appeared Denise was getting a dose of the same medicine.

  Angel wanted someone she could trust, someone who was always a gentleman and respected her. Even more importantly, he had to be a man of God. A man who sought God for guidance was going to think long and hard about how he treated a woman. Angel liked how Candace and Darnell interacted. Now, that was a couple who’d been through a lot together, and they really supported each other.

  She kept an eye on the stage so she could make adjustments to the camera, but she also watched Wes, who seemed to be deep in thought instead of focusing on the stage. He was always dressed so preppy, but tonight he was a little more casual. Angel thought it was the first time she had seen him in jeans.

  As if he felt her stare, Wes turned in her direction. He smiled and winked at her. That made her feel much better after having Kenneth interfere in her zone.

  Angel caught sight of Eddie, who was weaving his way through the crowd toward her. “How’s everything going?” he asked when he reached her.

  “Everything is going good. I can’t wait to get the videos online.”

  “Good! I’m happy about the turnout, and we have some great talent, but I know they haven’t seen the best yet.” Eddie grinned.

  Angel stared at him. Then it dawned on her. “Oh yeah, when do you want me onstage to sing with Southern Soul?”

  “I would say in the next twenty minutes. Can you find someone to help with the camera?”

  Angel looked over at Wes. “I think so.”

  “Good! I can’t wait to hear you. Make Nick and your momma proud.”

  Angel tried to figure out how she could get Wes’s attention without leaving the camera. She pulled her phone out and sent him a text. A few minutes later, he was by her side.

  “Thanks. I appreciate you doing this for me,” she told him.

  “Not a problem. I’m excited that you are going to sing tonight.”

  “I’m actually pretty nervous now. Will you pray for me?”

  Wes grabbed her hand. “You will be fine, and yes, I will be praying for you. Now, go show them how singing should be done.”

  She laughed, liking the fact that Wes was holding her hand. Angel didn’t want to let go, but she did and walked through the crowd.

  This was crazy. What in the world was she thinking? Her mind locked in on how the crowd seemed to have grown more. The last contestant was a male singer, and he was belting out the final lyrics of the song “I Believe I Can Fly.” She heard a round of applause from the audience as she entered the back of the café. To get to the stage, Angel walked through the kitchen. She thought she heard someone down the hallway, near the offices. Angel peeked around the corner. Kenneth and Denise were leaning against the wall. Was Denise crying? Angel stepped back. That was their business.

  She continued to the stage from the back as the music grew louder. Angel observed the members of the band. The Southern Soul band members onstage were from a very different generation than her granddad’s. Angel recognized only Eddie. Angel stepped closer to the opening to view the crowd from where she stood. She specifically looked for Wes, Candace, and Darnell. Good. She could see all of them. She wished Grams could have been there.

  Angel stepped back and bowed her head. Her stomach was in knots. She prayed for that same peace she’d felt when she sang earlier this week with Grams. Angel also prayed for the song to touch someone who needed to be encouraged. It was one of her favorite songs by Nicole C. Mullen.

  She opened her eyes to see Eddie beckoning her to come on the stage. Angel inhaled a deep breath and exhaled as she walked out onto the stage. She heard Eddie say, “Now, this here young lady comes from generations of Southern Soul singers and musicians. Her granddad, Nick Roberts, was one of the founders of the band. Tonight, as we close out, I ask Angel to share her voice with us. She hasn’t done this before, so give her a round of applause and show your support.”

  Angel hugged Eddie and then stepped to the microphone that the other performers had used throughout the night. There were so many people in the audience. She focused on where Candace was sitting, beaming like a proud big sister. And then Wes. His smile was all for her.

  It seemed like so much had happened to her in just the past few weeks. Some days she didn’t know whether she was coming or going. She didn’t know if she would find out the truth about her mother. Focus! Angel turned to the band members and nodded. As they began to play, she became one with the music and opened her mouth. Her focus shifted to the one who she was really singing to tonight. By the time she got to the chorus, all the knots in her stomach were gone. “Well, I know my Redeemer lives, I know my Redeemer lives, all of creation testifies, this life within me cries, I know my Redeemer lives.” Whatever lay ahead for her, she knew God would be there.

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  Standing outside the Victory Gospel Church sanctuary, Wes looked for Angel in the midst of the crowd entering the church this morning. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around. Angel was looking angelic this morning in a white dress and white heels. Her curly hair was pulled back in the ponytail, the same way it was when he saw her for the first time a few weeks ago.

  “Are you looking for me?” She grinned.

  He smiled back. “You look great this morning. Let’s grab a seat.”

  They took a seat in the fifth row and joined the worship experience. He’d never attended church with any woman other than his mother
. He had to admit he liked it. Wes tried to keep his eyes off Angel and turned his attention toward the worship leaders. He was grateful for life, family, and new friendships.

  Yesterday he was really surprised when his mother revealed her decision to place Pops in a nursing home. When she suggested he invite Angel over for Sunday dinner, Wes almost tumbled out of the chair. Wanda had smiled at him the way a mother did when she knew best.

  He had asked her, “Are you serious?”

  Wanda responded, “Yes, I’ve been thinking long and hard. I couldn’t stay angry at you. I’ve been in the same situation with Dad too many times to name. It occurred to me, you are a young man, and the only thing that should be on your mind is your career and, of course, producing some grandbabies for me.”

  Wes had laughed. “Now I see the reason for you trying to play matchmaker!”

  “I’m not doing any such thing. I know what I know. Now, you invite Angel over for dinner tomorrow. The first time she came over, we didn’t do a proper sit-down and talk. Now that I know you have been visiting with her family, we might as well include her in our family time too.”

  With his mother’s blessings and nudging, Wes had called Angel and had asked her if she would like to attend the eleven o’clock service at Victory Gospel Church with him.

  He had laughed when she asked, “Wes Cade, are you asking me out on a date?”

  “Well, it’s church. I wouldn’t call it a date.”

  “You are slick. Of course, I’m not going to say no. How about I meet you there?”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  So here they were, sitting next to each other, listening to Reverend Freeman preach. After the service, they walked out together.

  “I hope you have some time to stop by for Sunday dinner,” Wes said. “Wanda has expressed to me that I must show up at the house with you.”

  “Are you sure? I think the last time I interrupted family time, and what about . . .” “It’s okay. I think we were caught off guard the last time, but I think it would do Pops some good to have some company, like Nick’s granddaughter.”

  “My uncle is with Grams, so I would love to hang out. I’m not turning down a good meal.”

  “Well, this is good. I like a woman who knows how to eat. You can follow me over.”

  It took some maneuvering, but they finally arrived at the Cade home. When Wes opened the front door, he was delighted to be greeted by the aroma of one of his favorite dishes, smothered pork chops.

  Wanda came out from the kitchen, an apron over her dress. She hugged Angel. “It’s so good to see you, and don’t you look good in white today. Let me see if I can find something to cover up your pretty dress.”

  “Thanks, Wanda. I appreciate you inviting me to your home.”

  “My pleasure. Wes told me about you singing at Southern Soul Café on Friday night. Maybe I will get to hear your beautiful voice. Girl, your mother used to bring tears to my eyes.” Wanda pointed and shook her finger at Angel. “I bet you have not even tapped into what God can do with your voice. Hold tight. I will be right back.” Wanda disappeared into the back of the house.

  Wes smiled. His mother was right. He knew Angel was hesitant about singing, but there hadn’t been anyone in the audience who wasn’t mesmerized by Angel’s vocals. Wes still could remember the goose bumps he felt from hearing her voice. Her voice was so pure, and he could tell she was singing from a place deep within.

  Wanda returned and handed Angel a shirt. Wes noticed it was one of his flannel shirts. Wanda said, “Here you go. I’m sure Wes doesn’t mind and wants to keep you clean. That shirt over your dress should help you out at the dinner table.”

  “You brought a girl home, Wes.” Pops had walked in silently behind them.

  Wes turned around and said, “Yes, I did.”

  Pops said, “Well, she looks like an angel.”

  They laughed. Wanda said, “Dad, her name is Angel. This is Nick’s granddaughter.”

  Pops blinked and then said, “Oh. I thought I recognized your face. You look like your mother.”

  Angel smiled. “Thank you.”

  Wanda shooed them toward the dining room table. “Okay, let’s eat. Now, it’s been a long time since I cooked, so I hope everything is good.”

  Once they sat down, Wanda asked Wes to say grace. His mother really did justice with the smothered pork chops, rice and gravy, and sautéed green beans.

  Not bad, Mom,” Wes said after everyone had cleaned their plate.

  “Thank you, son. Oh, I forgot to bring out one more dish.” Wanda went into the kitchen and returned holding a pie pan and a stack of small plates.

  Angel said, “Wow, Ms. Cade. You baked too.”

  “Yes, one of Wes’s and Pops’s favorites. Peach cobbler.”

  Wes was delighted to see his mother in her element. She hadn’t been this happy and animated in over a year.

  Wanda asked, “Dad, you want a piece of this peach cobbler? It’s piping hot, just like you like it.”

  Wes looked over at Pops and noticed he seemed to be focused on Angel. “Pops, you okay?” he said.

  Pops asked, “Where’s Nick?”

  Wes and Angel looked at each other, while Wanda stopped slicing through the cobbler. Her smile faltered as she looked at her dad. “Dad, Nick’s not here, but his granddaughter is visiting with us.”

  Pops leaned over and pointed his finger at Angel. “Elisa, you and Nick need to listen. I’ve told you to watch out for him. Something’s not right about that boy.”

  Wes asked, “Pops, who are you talking about?”

  Pops shook his head. “I told Nick, you are too trusting. Not me. I saw the handwriting on the wall. Decided it was best to leave the group.”

  Wes looked at his mother. “Mom, what’s he talking about? You know, he was focused on the day he left the group when we were at the park. Why?”

  Wanda shook her head and placed pieces of cobbler on the small plates. “I don’t know. This is new to me, Wes. Let’s just enjoy the peach cobbler. I want to catch up with Angel.”

  Wes took the plate of cobbler his mother handed him. He looked back over at Pops, who was now quiet. It was like he’d just left them in the middle of the conversation. Wes couldn’t help but think Pops was trying to tell them about someone, but who was it?

  Chapter Thirty-nine

  Angel followed Wanda into the living room, while Wes helped Pops to his room. Wanda settled into her favorite chair. She smiled and asked Angel, “How’s the nurse working out for your grandmother?”

  “Good,” Angel answered as she sat down on the couch. Even though she had talked to Wanda a few times, she felt a bit self-conscious. After all, her feelings for the woman’s son had grown in a short time. Angel swallowed and continued. “I like Ella Mae a lot. She helps during the day, and I’m able to help Grams at night. Wes mentioned to me that you decided to put your dad in a nursing home. I’m sure that was a hard decision.”

  Wanda sighed. “Yes, I prayed and cried over what to do. I would do anything for my dad, but I need to work too. I took time off and tried working part-time with the neighbors’ help. It was starting to be too much. I feel so responsible for him because he was a really great dad. He was there for me. We had some great times together.”

  Angel said, “I can imagine it must be hard to watch his memory slip away.”

  “It’s very difficult. I try to concentrate on the good memories for him.”

  “Detective Cade is blessed to have a daughter like you. I guess Jacob may feel that way about Grams. I mean, with seeing her go from being so vibrant to being a lot more dependent.”

  “Jacob loves his mother. He always got along with her better than with Nick. I remember he told me one time that Fredricka just understood him. That’s what moms do.”

  “You said the other day, Jacob used to be fun. I wonder what happened to him.”

  “Your mother happened. Then there was me,” Wanda responded quietly.

  Angel didn�
�t say anything at first, surprised by how much she was learning about her uncle from Wanda. Angel had sensed there was a little more to Jacob and Wanda’s relationship than just a friendship. “You and Jacob were a couple?” she finally asked.

  “No, no.” Wanda rubbed her hands together as if they were cold. “We have known each other all of our lives. We were comfortable with each other. I think as we grew older, Jacob had more feelings for me than I did for him. I loved . . . still love him like a brother—”

  “But he wanted to be more than that to you,” Angel said, interrupting her.

  Wanda shook her head. “I fell head over heels for Wes’s dad in high school. It hurt my friendship with Jacob. We didn’t even talk to each other on graduation day and for a few years afterward. He just became distant. But I heard he moved on. What’s his wife’s name?”


  “Right. They are still married and doing well?”

  Angel wasn’t sure how to answer the question, knowing Jacob and Aunt Liz’s marriage was pretty rocky at the moment. She answered, “They are still together.” To avoid any awkwardness, Angel said, “You mentioned my mother. You know, I sensed just recently that Jacob really . . . I don’t know.... He kind of despised her. Is that true?”

  Wanda looked at her thoughtfully, like she was weighing her answer. “Your mother was a ball of energy. She could light up a room, and sometimes she could darken a room.”

  “You mean she had mood swings?”

  “Bad mood swings. I don’t know how much your grandparents talked about it, but your mother would dip up and down so much. Jacob told me they took her to see a doctor. They were on eggshells around her. Nick would do whatever he could to make Elisa happy.”

  “It’s funny you mentioning that, but I do remember her being really sad, and then she could be happy like a little kid.”

  Wanda added, “There were some extremes. Even just the way Jacob and Elisa were treated differently. I know one year Jacob really wanted to learn to play the drums. He was all tuned up to do it. By that time your mother had been singing on a pretty regular basis at church and at local talent shows. Anyway, with entertainers in your family, it seemed appropriate for Jacob to follow suit, but Nick was against him learning to play.”


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