My Father's Rival: A Silver Saints MC Novella

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My Father's Rival: A Silver Saints MC Novella Page 11

by Fiona Davenport

  “Squeeze them, babe, twist and pull. Good girl,” I praised as she followed my instruction. I watched the erotic visual as I increased my efforts in eating her pussy. She shifted to press her heels into the bed, her pelvis gyrating and thrusting up to meet my mouth.

  “Oh, oh! Yes, Brandon! Yes!”

  Her cries became screams and my mouth filled with her juices. I drank them down greedily as I used a finger to penetrate her. I finger fucked her with one, then added another, stretching her, preparing her for what I’d soon be doing with my cock. Using a “come hither” motion, I rubbed her g-spot and sucked her little bundle of nerves into my mouth.

  “Brandon!!! Yes! Yes! Yes!” she screamed, her head thrown back in ecstasy as she tensed, then seemed to splinter apart. I was caught in a red haze of lust, causing me to lose control from watching her come and I knew she’d handle the breach of my cock easier during an orgasm. Both of those factors had me surging up, throwing her legs over my shoulders, and thrusting ten inches deep inside her.

  “Fuck!” I shouted. Her pussy was so snug; I felt the resistance as it tried to stretch around my cock. But, she was so wet, I was able to slide right in. “Damn, kitten. Shit, you’re fucking tight.”

  The pain only penetrated her fog for a second, because I pressed her body into the bed, pinched her clit, and started driving into her fast and hard, hurtling her toward another orgasm before she’d even come down from the first one. The walls of her pussy were pulsing, squeezing my cock, desperately trying to keep me from pulling out.

  She exploded a second time, and I slowed down a little, letting her catch her breath before I made her do it all the fuck over again. After a minute, she glanced down at where we were joined and her face registered shock when she realized I was still hard.

  “I can’t,” she whined.

  “You will,” I grunted. “Or you’ll earn yourself a spanking so your ass and your pussy will both remind you who owns you tomorrow.”

  “But … I—” I didn’t let her finish, just brought my hand down onto her left ass cheek, the sound ringing in the air. She was already so sensitive, she immediately screamed, her back arching, her pussy strangling me.

  “Fuck, kitten. That was so hot,” I muttered, picking up speed. I spanked her other side and she crested up to the peak, almost ready to come again. Pulling out, I slapped her pussy, and then thrust back in as she tumbled into an orgasm. “Yes! Come on my cock, babe. You feel so fucking good.”

  I lost it then, driving into her with abandon, only coherent enough to make sure her cries indicated she was coming with me. “One more, kitten. Come with me this time.” Her head began thrashing around in denial. “You’re going to come again, kitten!” I barked. “Fuck yes! That’s right, kitten. Get your cream all over my cock.”

  Her writhing, her hands on my biceps, her nails biting into my skin, the chant of my name falling from her lips. It sent me into a tailspin, and I slammed into her three more times before we both reached heaven together. I came so hard I was seeing stars and my come filled her up, so much I could feel it seeping from her pussy.

  Finally, replete, I fell to my back, rolling her over with me so she lay on top while I remained inside her. Still fucking hard. Her breath evened out and she fell asleep, practically passed out on my chest. I shifted her to lie more comfortably and felt the liquid dripping down my cock.

  Fuck! I’d forgotten a condom. I sighed, this was sure to be a fight.

  Chapter Eight


  Waking up with Brandon wrapped around me was something that could quickly become an addiction. Even with my body aching in places I hadn’t known could be sore, I felt better than I had in, well, forever. Lifting up on an elbow, I shifted so I could check to see if he was still sleeping. The sight of his peaceful face, softened in sleep, made me sigh faintly. He was so damn gorgeous, I wanted to lay there staring at him for hours. Unfortunately, my bladder had other plans, forcing me to slide out from his hold and creep from the bed. Movement intensified my aches, so I grabbed my purse on my way to the bathroom and shut the door softly behind me.

  Plopping down onto the toilet, I dug through my bag in search of some ibuprofen. When my fingers touched my burner phone, I realized it had been longer than usual since I’d powered it up to check for messages from Tommy. I turned it back on while I opened the bottle of pills that had been buried underneath it. Setting both items on the counter, I dropped my purse to the floor so I could wipe. It was a damn good thing I didn’t still have the phone in my hand because it would have ended up in the toilet bowl when I realized I had dried come on my inner thighs.

  “Fuck!” I hissed, wracking my brain to come up with a memory of Brandon using a condom the night before. It was futile, though, because the proof was right there on my legs, plain as day—he hadn’t wrapped up his monster cock before shoving it inside me.

  “Fuckity fuck fuck fuck,” I chanted, grabbing the phone to pull up the calendar app to count back days to my last period. I repeated the action three times without the result changing before my head dropped in my hands.

  “Thirteen,” I sighed. “Of course it had to be thirteen.”

  Smack dab in the middle of my cycle, right when I was most likely to get pregnant. Awesome. And the ringing of my cell phone was even more awesome.

  “Shit, fuck, damn,” I muttered, stabbing my finger on the green button before the sound woke Brandon up. I wasn’t exactly ready to face him yet.

  “Where the fuck are you, Carly?”

  Oh, great. Tommy already sounded pissed the hell off at me. This conversation was going to go so well—not.

  “At Brandon DeLuca’s apartment.”

  “You’re gonna have to repeat that for me because I must have heard you wrong. You couldn’t have possibly said what I think you did because that would mean not only did you come back to town after I told you your da is out for your blood, but that you decided it would be a good idea to leave your safety in the hands of a guy you motherfucking shot!”

  “I’m pretty sure he’s forgiven me for that since he’s talking about us getting married.” I figured the ‘and might have already knocked me up’ part was better left unsaid.

  “Fuck, Carly. You’ve got to be kidding me. How the hell did you let yourself get mixed up with Brandon DeLuca, of all people? The man’s a stone-cold killer.”

  “The same could be said about you, Tommy,” I reminded him gently. I hated to do it, but as much as I loved my friend, I wasn’t about to let him judge Brandon by his reputation alone.

  “But we both know I’d never hurt you.”

  “Neither would Brandon.”

  Shit! I’d been so focused on my conversation that I hadn’t heard Brandon enter the bathroom. I only realized he was there when he yanked the phone from my hand.

  “Who the fuck is this?” he growled into it.

  Oh shit. Brandon was going to hate the answer to his question. This was bad. No, correction, it was more like national catastrophe level on a scale of amazing to horrible.

  “Thomas McKinnon? How convenient. I’ve been wanting to talk to you.”

  Yup, I’d called it right because Brandon looked like he was a nuclear explosion in the making. His voice was deceptively soft because his dark eyes were narrowed and lit with fury. His cheeks were flushed red, and his lips were pursed. The way his muscles were coiled tight made it seem as though he was ready to jump through the phone to attack Tommy. And considering the bomb I’d just dropped on my childhood friend, I figured he’d have a fight on his hands if he did.

  Brandon stalked out of the room, taking the phone with him. I cleaned up as quickly as I could and followed after him. Snagging the shirt he’d worn the day before, I pulled it over my head and padded into the kitchen, where I found him making coffee and snarling at Tommy over the phone.

  “I don’t give a flying fuck who you’ve been to her in the past, or how helpful your information is when it comes to finding Pat. Carly is mine now. I don’
t know you, don’t trust you. There isn’t a chance in hell I’m gonna let some guy I don’t trust anywhere near my woman.”

  I rushed forward and tried to tug the phone from his hands, determined to stop this conversation in its tracks. Brandon wasn’t having any of it, though. He shackled both of my hands in one of his own and held me in place while he continued to talk to Tommy.

  “Yeah, if your tip results in his capture, I might consider letting you see her.”

  I huffed up at him, narrowing my eyes. Brandon just shook his head and smiled at me like I was being cute or something.

  “Don’t bother using this number again. You need something, you call me.” He rattled off his number and disconnected the call without saying goodbye. Hopefully, Tommy had gotten all the digits right because Brandon dropped my phone on the ground, grabbed a pot from the rack above the kitchen island, and smashed it.

  “I can’t believe you did that!” Actually, I kind of could, but I wasn’t about to admit it to him.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “You didn’t need it anymore.”

  “But what if I need to call someone?”

  “Use mine.”

  “What if someone needs to call me?”

  “You and I both know McKinnon was the only one who had that number. Now he has mine.” Stupid logic.

  “But—” I sputtered. I wasn’t sure what I was even going to say next. It didn’t matter anyway because Brandon didn’t give me the chance. He picked me up and set me on the counter, stepping between my legs and pulling me tight against his body.

  “If McKinnon is on the up and up, you won’t need to use a burner again anyway because your dad will be out of the picture.”

  All thoughts of Brandon’s high-handedness and lack of condom usage flew out the window. I knew Tommy was trustworthy, which meant my da’s days were numbered.

  My da’s arrogance was ultimately his downfall. He’d never once considered the possibility that one of his trusted men would betray him to the DeLucas, not even after his own daughter had done so. The hunt took only a day after the tip from Tommy. My da had been moving from safe-house to safe-house within the city, never straying far from home. He knew Nic was putting all of his considerable resources behind the search, but even that wasn’t enough to make my da leave town. The stubborn ass thought he was invincible.

  Hell, he’d had me convinced he couldn’t be defeated, as well. I had stayed under his control and miserable because of it. All that time wasted when I could have been living life, happy and whole. No more. Pat O’Reilly’s hold over me was going to end tonight. And so was his certainty that he couldn’t be taken down by anyone. He was about to learn his fall had come about because of a mere woman—me.

  My grip on Brandon’s hand tightened, making him stop in his tracks as we stood outside the door which led from Nic’s offices to the warehouse in the back of his building. My head shot up, and I watched as his expression morphed from looking like his face had been carved from stone to the gentleness I was growing accustomed to seeing. A softness he allowed only when it was directed at me, which made me appreciate it even more.

  “You don’t have to go in there,” he reminded me. “Even though he doesn’t deserve the title, he’s your father. If it’s gonna hurt you to see him like this, I’d rather you didn’t. Let me take care of him for you.”

  I beamed up at him, smiling wide enough that I seemed to startle Bran with my reaction to his offer. But, as absurd as it sounded considering the circumstances, some of the heaviness in my heart lifted—and it was all due to this man. His love had set me free from the chains my da had wrapped around me, even more so than my running had done… and he hadn’t even used those three little words yet.

  “I’ll be fine,” I reassured him. “As long as I have you by my side, I can handle anything.”

  An odd mixture of male satisfaction, pride, and hunger flared in his eyes. I didn’t get to appreciate it for long because he wrapped his arms around my back and lifted me up as he lowered his head to claim my mouth in a deep kiss. His lips crashed against mine, our tongues tangling with each other as he held me suspended in the air. I didn’t know how long it lasted, but by the time he set me back on my feet, my lips felt bruised and I was out of breath. Raising a hand to my mouth, I giggled.

  “Not exactly the reaction I was hoping to get, kitten,” he growled, smiling down at me.

  “Can’t help it,” I gasped. “Knowing I’m about to walk in there, where my da is tied to a chair—probably after having been roughed up a bit already—with my lips swollen from your kisses.”

  “I don’t see what’s so funny about that,” he grumbled. “If I had my way, this is a look you’d wear every minute of the day.”

  “I’m just appreciating the poetic justice of the moment,” I explained. “You make me happy, something every father should want for his daughter. Not mine, though. He’s more than proven he couldn’t care less about my happiness. Seeing me like this when he learns I had a hand in his capture? It’s icing on the fucking cake.”

  “Then let’s get this done. The sooner it’s over, the faster I can get you back in my bed and demonstrate how wrong that old saying goes—you really can have your cake and eat it too.”

  The hunger in his eyes left me without any doubt that my pussy was the cake he planned to eat. I walked into a DeLuca warehouse with Brandon’s hand wrapped protectively around mine, my cheeks flushed and lips swollen…and my panties wet. It was inappropriate as hell, but well worth it when my da’s eyes bugged out at the sight of me.

  I couldn’t understand what he was saying behind the gag stuffed in his mouth, but it was probably for the best since I recognized his look of fury. It’s one I’d seen enough times growing up. I slowed my pace, giving him a little time to simmer down, and waited for the purple color to recede from his face before I pulled my hand from Brandon’s grasp and approached my da. They’d made sure he wasn’t a risk to me before I entered the room, tying his hands behind his back and each of his ankles to a chair leg. When I stopped before him, I lifted my chin to one of Nic’s guys and he promptly removed the gag.

  “Hey, Da,” I murmured in an awkward greeting, because really, what was the etiquette for situations like this?

  “I cahn’t believe me own dahtter would betray me loik dis,” he muttered. “Yah’ve signed me death warrant, girlie.”

  “It’s not like you gave me any other choice, Da. You betrayed me first. I know what you had planned for me. Does ‘keeping me in line with a firm hand’ sound familiar? Or how about me ‘finding myself sayin’ Hail Marys on my way to hell’?”

  He didn’t bother denying he’d said those things or defending himself. He just sat there staring at me, and I didn’t like the crafty light that entered his eyes. It made me think maybe he had another card up his sleeve. It was about damn time I delivered the final blow, before he understood there was no way out of this mess for him except for in a body bag. Nic had given me the perfect weapon, too, when he’d asked me to take my da’s spot as head of the family. Although it had sounded crazy when he’d suggested it, Brandon had been pretty damn convincing when he brought it up again later. I hadn’t been fully convinced it was the best plan—for me or my family—but looking down upon my da while he was strapped to a chair and completely helpless gave me a new perspective. I sure as shit could do a better job than he’d done, especially with Brandon at my side.

  “Besides which, your death warrant is exactly what I need so I can step into your shoes.”

  “Yer a fecking riot, girlie. Dere’s na way in hell ya can step intah me shoes. De O’Reillys’ll never be led by a woomahn.”

  “Oh yeah?” I murmured. “It’s too bad you won’t be around to watch it because that’s exactly what’s going to happen when you’re gone. Maybe the devil will let you take a peek at me as the O’Reilly boss while you burn in hell. I bet it’d be the perfect way to torture you, wouldn’t it?”

  The purple crept into his cheeks again as
he sputtered. There wasn’t anything he had to say that I wanted to hear, so I yanked the gag back into place and leaned down to whisper in his ear. “The O’Reillys are going to be led by a woman. Me. And the first thing I’m going to do is move our family out of the slave trade. Then we’re going to get out of drugs, too. The best part is knowing there isn’t a damn thing you’ll be able to do about it except roll over in your grave.”

  The way I taunted my da right before he met his maker might make me a bitch, but I could live with that. In fact, it was probably for the best since I was about to step into his shoes.

  Chapter Nine


  I didn’t hide who I was, what I was. I owned it. But, taking a life brings with it a measure of darkness, no matter the reason. Revenge, justice, or even mercy, they each inflict you with a scar you can’t ever erase.

  I was riddled with these dark marks, blackness swirled in my soul, and it’s something I had long ago accepted. It’s who I was. But Carly? She flooded my darkness with light, she was unblemished, and I knew right then, I’d do everything I could to make sure she always would be.

  Carly had steel in her backbone and possessed the qualities necessary to become a feared leader, one with intelligence, a required level of ruthlessness, while still retaining compassion and a sense of where the line between grey and black was. She wouldn’t have a problem leading the O’Reillys, and having blood on her hands would increase respect and her level of credibility.

  She threw her father one last look of disgust, then turned to me and held out her hand. I knew she wanted her gun, I’d brought it specifically so she could end him if she chose to. She could, and would do it, but I wasn’t going to let her.

  “Everybody out,” I commanded, folding my arms across my chest and glaring at them until they shuffled out. Nic raised a questioning eyebrow, silently asking if I wanted him to stay, and I nodded. I was going to need his help.


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