Dark Goddess

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Dark Goddess Page 3

by J. N. Colon

  “Both of them should get a taste of their own medicine.” My father snatched the remote and began flipping through the channels as if this was the end of our conversation.

  “Of course I’m still mad at them, but what if this Ixion guy goes overboard?” When neither of them budged on their stubbornness I tried to slip out of Hayden’s lap.

  His arms tightened in an iron grasp and I groaned. “Hartley, we’ll tell them soon. I’m not going to let Ares’ son of all people find his way into Mt. Olympus. I just don’t want my brother and Hera panicking. They make bad decisions when they’re desperate—as you are well aware of.”

  I slumped against Hayden knowing his words were true, at least when it pertained to us. “Fine,” I pouted. “Whatever.”

  “How are you going to find Ixion?” My dad quit paying attention to the television again.

  “I’ve got Hermes, Athena, and some others checking things out.”

  “Why aren’t you out there doing the same?”

  Distant flames flickered in Hayden’s eyes before he quickly blinked them out. “I’d rather stay close to Hartley. I can’t be too careful.” He pressed his lips to my cheek. “Her safety is first.”

  My dad grumbled, unable to disagree.

  I, however, disagreed with both of them.

  My eyes took in Hayden’s sleeping form beside me, his breath blowing steadily against my face. Luckily we were in my room otherwise I’d never get away. My dad wasn’t thrilled with Hayden staying over and had dragged him out the bed or dumped water on his head more than once. But nothing was going to keep him away. What could my dad really do against the god of the Underworld? And not to mention I was a demigod.

  I quietly slipped out of bed and grabbed a hoodie and my cell phone before tiptoeing into the hall. I texted Aphrodite and she appeared in my living room as I made it down the stairs. A white flowing skirt drifted around her while the tight aqua top showed her midriff—and incredible tan.

  Aphrodite’s delicate hands planted on her curvy hips. “I love you Hartley, but you better not let Hades get all flaming and angry at me because of this.”

  I stood at the bottom of the steps. “I won’t. I promise.” It might have been a little white lie, but I doubted Hayden would do Aphrodite any harm. Besides I’d be all to blame. “Let’s just hurry so we can make it back before he wakes up.”

  Aphrodite grabbed my hand and shook her head. “We’re totally going to get busted.”

  My living room disappeared and I was suddenly on the side of a windy mountain, facing a rock that was actually the doorway to Mt. Olympus.

  We walked through and entered the massive throne room, white marble floor with amber and gold veins met marble walls. Massive ivory columns flanked the chamber of thrones while blue skies filled the arched windows. Several hallways draped in gold hues branched out from the center.

  Dionysus was lounging on a couch, drinking wine with a few unfamiliar women. He and his entourage were dressed in varying colorful shades of togas, his deep burgundy with gold embellishments. A dark brow arched at my appearance, a glossy curl of black falling into one of his unfocused, hazy eyes. The god wine remained silent, but his purple stained mouth curled infinitesimally at my sudden appearance. The last time I was here I threatened to throw a fire ball at him even though my powers only worked in the Underworld. Dionysus didn’t put much stock into my limitations.

  Another male god I didn’t know with waves of flaxen hair, deeply tanned skin, wearing a pair of threadbare jeans—and nothing else—sat on a pristine white high backed chair in the corner, reading a leather bound book. Lean muscles etched his bared chest, his skin glistening in the golden light. A pair of nearly pure gold eyes smoldered like a hot sun while the edges of his lips lifted as he surveyed me.

  A gasp echoed through the cavernous room and my eyes shifted to find Zeke playing chess with a scowling woman I instantly recognized from description as Demeter, Persephone’s mother.

  He shot up, hitting the game board and knocking several pieces askew, and hurried toward me.

  I threw my palms up, halting his excited welcome a foot away before he did something unwarranted like hug me.

  Pain flashed across his face. “Hartley,” he breathed as if the sight of me was a relief.

  He was different from the last time I saw him several months ago in this very room. His dark blonde hair was longer and a messier than usual. His sky blue eyes held a layer of sadness and shined as if rain was on the horizon of a late summer day. Dark stubble coated his chin, making him appear all the more unkempt. He was so far from the polished, sophisticated god I met months ago it was unsettling.

  Anger still burned deep inside, but it was slowly turning to hurt. “No hugging Zeke.” I crossed my arms against my chest defensively and couldn’t help the pout from forming. “I’m still mad at you.” Unfortunately my voice held more sadness than anything, disputing my statement.

  He rubbed his face in frustration. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  “I guess our game is done.” Demeter’s voice echoed bitterly through the cavernous marble room, her tone so biting I was afraid the delicate trinkets on the shelf close to her would shatter. She wore a long flowing green and lilac dress cinched at the waist by a gold robe that showed off her hourglass shape. A crown of flowers encircled her head while jewels dropped from her ears, neck, and arms. Just like Hera, she dressed the like epitome of a Greek goddess.

  When Zeke didn’t respond she impatiently tapped her fingers against her arm. “Well… are we done Zeus?” She glared at me from across the room, the angles in her face so harsh they could have been carved from stone.

  I glared right back. “Obviously.” She could probably snap me in half unless we were in the Underworld.

  The golden eyed guy snorted from beneath his book.

  “Shut up Apollo,” Demeter hissed.

  Ah, the sun god. Should have known. Should I thank him for my lovely tan?

  Zeke’s eyes remained on me as if afraid I’d disappear. “I’ll see you later Demeter.”

  With an arrogant toss of her bronze hair Demeter spun around and slinked down one of the halls leading toward the rest of Olympus. Aphrodite led Apollo out of the room and a reluctant Dionysus and company.

  Damn. I didn’t mean for her to leave me alone with Zeke. As I stared at him, tracing his handsome features I couldn’t help but get bombarded with images of us together. Even though my friends didn’t remember we dated for several weeks I did. So did any other god or demigod including him and Hayden. We had made out. A lot. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find him attractive. I’d also be lying if I said I didn’t care about him. Obviously that was the reason I was here. But the hurt kept me from relaying any of that to Zeke. And it was a good thing. He’d probably try using it to get closer, something Hayden was very afraid of.

  He clasped his hands in front of him as if to keep from reaching out toward me again. “Hartley, what are you doing here?”

  My lips tightened, suddenly second guessing my decision. What if Zeke and Hera did something really drastic to stop Ixion? What if Hayden was right?

  His golden eyebrow arched questioningly. “Does Hayden know you’re here?”

  “Of course.” Zeke could detect the lie lingered in my quick response. I shrugged. “He will.”

  “He’ll be angry.”

  I scoffed. “I can handle Hayden.”

  Zeke’s mouth lifted slightly, threatening a smile. “You’re the only one who can.”

  That almost smile made me think of never seeing it again and a little flutter of panic struck my chest. I should just tell him. I was already here.

  I let out a long sigh and pointed to a chair. “Maybe you should sit.”

  His brow furrowed. “That bad?”

  I nodded.

  Zeke found the white bench I shared with Hera the first time I visited Mt. Olympus—before I knew she was my mother.

  I shook my head, shattering those anger induc
ing thoughts. I crossed my arms against my chest and rocked on my feet, stalling. What was I waiting for?

  Zeke’s blue eyes raked over me, slowly taking in my appearance. I realized I was barefoot in tiny black cheerleading shorts that said Lions on the butt and a red Hollister hoodie. What had I been thinking coming in my pajamas?

  Words were unnecessary. The expression on Zeke’s face was enough to make me know what he was thinking. That I looked hot. Of course I did, but it wasn’t for him.

  “I left Hayden sleeping in my bed so I better just blurt it out.” That promptly wiped the grin off his face. “A guy named Ixion escaped from Tartarus.”

  Color drained from Zeke’s face while his eyes blinked confusedly, the pupils suddenly unfocused. “That’s not possible,” he whispered more to himself than me.

  I shrugged. “On the way back from the beach we almost crashed into the wheel thingy you had him strapped to, which is disgusting by the way.”

  He ignored my insult, his eyes beginning to flash with lightning. He rubbed his knees. “This is not good.”

  No duh.

  He paused and glanced accusingly at me. “Hayden wasn’t going to tell me?”

  I bit my lip and absentmindedly traced a gold vein in the marble floor with my toe. “He wanted to wait in case you did something rash.”

  He scoffed.

  I shot him an incredulous expression. “Yeah because you and Hera have never made mistakes in a panic.”

  He haughtily crossed his arms against his chest, bulging his biceps. “Like a mere demigod is going to make me panic.”

  I eyed him levelly. “He’s been in purgatory for eons because of you. The one thing that’s probably kept him company is plotting your revenge. I’d be worried.” He couldn’t lie. I could see the disquiet shimmering in his lightning eyes.

  He cursed and dragged his fingers through his hair until it stuck up in different directions. I could see the gears turning in his head, probably concocting some outlandish attempt to stop Ixion.

  In a split second decision I gripped his face between my hands, shocking him. And me. It was the first physical contact we’ve had since he scared and injured me during Hecate’s spell. “Don’t do anything stupid Zeus.” This was also the first time I used his real name.

  His blue eyes seared into mine, full of longing and pain. It was almost enough to make me cry. “What would you have me do Hartley? I have to do something.”

  I rolled my eyes. Gods are so impatient. “Please just lay low for a while. Let Hayden come to you with a plan.”

  “Do nothing?” Disbelief laced his tone. “I’m not one to stand back and watch things unfold.”

  No shit. That was how he always found himself waist deep in trouble.

  “Yes nothing.” I let my thumbs caress his cheeks a tiny bit. “For me. Please.” It was dirty, but I wasn’t opposed to flirting to get what I wanted.

  His brows furrowed. He couldn’t handle it any more than Hayden could. “Fine. For now.”

  Chapter 3


  My eyes fluttered open to a darkened room—and an empty bed where Hartley should have been. Damn it. I didn’t need to search the house to know she wasn’t in it. Of course not because she was in Mt. Olympus, spilling her guts to Zeke and possibly Hera.

  My jaw flexed as I threw the covers off and positioned myself on the edge of the bed, waiting. I could already feel my fire eyes igniting. Hell, they were casting shadows on the wall in front of me.

  If Hartley thought I was going to let this slide she’s got another thing coming. No amount of pouting would get me to back down.

  Who was I kidding? She’d probably have me caving in seconds.

  No. No. I’d be strong. I was the freaking god of the Underworld. I could withstand Hartley the demigod.

  I felt it the moment she returned—and smelled a bit of coconut. Aphrodite was going to be lucky if I didn’t singe her pretty blonde hair next time I saw her.

  The bedroom door slowly creaked open as Hartley tiptoed in. She immediately halted when she caught sight of me awake, flaming.

  “Oh.” She shut the door behind her. “Busted.” She bit her bottom lip to hide the naughty little smile trying to escape.

  Damn her she so sexy. It took a lot of effort to keep desire from reaching the surface. And then my eyes focused on what she was wearing and my anger brightened the crimson in my eyes. “You went to see my brother dressed like that, in your pajamas?”

  She made a face. “Yeah. I didn’t really think about it at the time.”

  “I’m sure he did.” I could picture him ogling her bare skin, a lightning storm flashing in his eyes.

  “It’s not like we were alone. Aphrodite was there. And Dionysus. Oh and I saw Apollo.”

  My brow arched. “Was Hera there?”

  She shook her head, a gleam of anger entering her own eyes. I wasn’t sure if it irritated me more the reason for her trip was solely my brother and had nothing to do with her mother.

  “Why’d you go?” I tried to keep my voice from deepening.

  Hartley shot me a look that said ‘isn’t it obvious’ while she trudged toward her desk. She peeled off her hoodie, leaving her in just the shorts and tank top she had on when we went to bed. I stifled my growl because I knew she did it on purpose to distract me.

  My eyes took a moment to trace her bare skin and I mentally cursed, my hands itching to caress her again.

  I shook myself to find her standing in front of me with her hands perched on his hips.

  “Why do you care about Zeke after what he did to us?” I hissed.

  Her jaw flexed. “Because I just do. And he left us alone for months. We haven’t seen or heard one word from him. He’s really trying to give us our space.”

  I didn’t buy that crap for one second. He was probably plotting his next move on Hartley.

  She tossed her hands up in exasperation and edged around the other side of the bed away from me. “I think he’s starting to learn his lesson. You didn’t see him.”

  I spun around and shot her an incredulous expression. “You can’t be that gullible Hartley.”

  “Oh what does it matter anyways? It’s not like I’m ever leaving you, especially not for him.”

  A rumble I couldn’t help echoed from my chest. “He doesn’t think so.”

  Her hazel eyes penetrated me, burning me from the inside out. If we were in the Underworld they’d be flaming redder than mine. “Do you think so?” She kneeled on the bed. “Do you still think one day I’ll run off with Zeke?”

  “No.” I didn’t think she’d completely leave me. We were soul mates. Hell, I had part of her soul in the Underworld. But a deep, secret part of me always feared she’d fall in love with him too at some point.

  With a growl of her own she threw a pillow at me. “How many times do I have to tell you that’s never happening?”

  I expected her to storm out. Instead something wild and dark glinted in her eyes. “Maybe I just need to show you you’re the only one I’ll ever want.”

  My blood boiled for another reason now.

  She crooked her finger at me. “Hayden, baby, come here.”

  Oh shit.

  Before I realized it I was crawling toward her, pulling her down on the bed. Her roses and pine scent flooded my nose while her warm skin met mine. The devious smile curling her lips as she twined her fingers through my hair let me know that she had once again sent my resolve crumbling to a never ending abyss.

  She won the damn argument.

  As her lips collided with mine and I tasted her sweetness, I figured it wasn’t so bad being on the losing end of an argument with Hartley. At least not for me.


  My eyes followed the ghost down the school hall as it trailed Meredith Knowles. The male with white tuffs of hair and dark eyes matching hers was probably her grandfather. He floated around her sometimes, watching.

  A knot formed in my chest from the deep sadness on his face. I wishe
d there was something I could do to help him. But since he wasn’t bound for the Underworld yet and didn’t even seem to notice me there was nothing I or Hayden could do.

  I would never get over seeing and hearing ghosts. I used to plead that they would never interact with me. Hello, I have seen scary ghost movies. But now—being so used to souls in the Underworld, it was a little heartbreaking watching them wander around, lonely.

  Of course these weren’t the amped up, vengeful ones that attacked my friends and me thanks to Hecate’s spell. Those I wouldn’t want hanging around, talking to me.

  I turned back to my locker, twirling the combination. The hall was crowded and while I was aware of my friends around me, their conversations were static in my ears. I was having one of my moments, feeling disconnected from life.

  “Did you hear what I said?” Laurie Mason was staring at me, her green eyes shining and face expectant.

  “Sorry. What?”

  She waved a dismissive hand in the air, unbothered by my inattentiveness. “I was thinking about a new look. What do you think about a few pink highlights?” Her soft face scrunched. “Not pink pink. More like a reddish pink.”

  Laurie dyed her long hair all black a few months ago. I had a feeling she was trying to look more respectable for Will’s parents who were a smidge conservative. She even attempted to wear clothes that somewhat covered her luscious curves, not that it did anything to hide her beauty. She of course didn’t give it all up. Today she was wearing a short jean skirt, a purple and white tank top beneath a sheer blouse.

  I bit my lip, imagining her with pink highlights. “Yeah. I think it’ll look good.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Really?”

  I grabbed my green notebook out my locker and nodded. “Definitely.”

  She sucked her teeth hesitantly. “What about Will’s parents?”

  “What about my parents?” Will Michaels strode up and slid his arm across her shoulders with a dazzling smile complete with dimples and baby blues so pretty they could make a girl weep.

  They’d been dating for months now and it was a relief the awkwardness between Will and I was slipping away. We were almost back to being the close friends we were before we dated.


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