Twin Bosses' Intern for Christmas: An MFM Menage Holiday Romance

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Twin Bosses' Intern for Christmas: An MFM Menage Holiday Romance Page 1

by Charlotte Grace

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  Twin Bosses' Intern for Christmas

  An MFM Menage Holiday Romance

  By Charlotte Grace

  Copyright © 2017 Charlotte Grace

  Copyright and Disclaimer

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2017 Charlotte Grace

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of the trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


  Twin Bosses' Intern for Christmas

  Copyright and Disclaimer


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  More From Charlotte

  About The Author



  As I stare up at the ceiling from Blair Hayden’s massive desk, a million thoughts run through my head. I can’t seem to focus on any of them as my boss — my boss, what am I thinking — runs his tongue with maddening slowness down the slick folds of my pussy. This is the kind of thing that happens to other girls. Girls like Megan Wells, who I went to high school with. She already had a modeling contract when we graduated. Every guy wanted her. This sort of thing doesn’t happen to shy, curvy girls like me.

  Yet, Blair’s insistent tongue pushing into my slick channel contradicts me.

  It’s really happening.

  I close my eyes and surrender to his skillful mouth. I curl my fingers over the edge of the desk to hold on as he practically devours me. I’ve never done this before, but I can’t help thinking there must be no one who could ever match Blair’s expert skill.

  Except maybe Liam. The treacherous thought creeps into my mind, and the usual guilt comes with it. How can I be so attracted to both of my bosses? How can I be torn between them? Sure, they’re identical twins, with identically perfect athletic physiques, deep ebony hair, and emerald green eyes. A girl would have to be on life-support not to find them attractive, but this isn’t ‘a crush from afar’ type of situation. I just had Liam’s cock in my mouth, and now Blair is licking me like I am his favorite ice cream on a sweltering hot day.

  When he focuses his attention on my clit, it’s difficult to think about anything for a more than a momentary flash. The world starts to fall apart around me, and all I can see is light behind my eyes as the most intense orgasm of my life rips through my body. I still am confused, but I can’t seem to remember why for that moment. It all seems crystal-clear. The choice of Blair or Liam is obvious:

  Why choose at all?

  It’s only as I start to return to earth, my heart racing and my reading labored, that reality returns with it. I can’t have both brothers. I’m probably kidding myself thinking I can have even one of them for the long term. They’re the definition of major players, and I most certainly am not a player’s type. If it hadn’t been for that stupid mix-up at school, I would never have been in this situation to start with. As Blair moans and starts to lick me again, revving me up for another release, I’m not certain if I’m still angry with the school, or if I’m starting to feel a bit grateful that they sent me to the wrong place at perhaps... exactly the right time?

  Chapter 1


  Even though it’s only eight-thirty in the morning, countless business-suit clad employees swarm around the office in front of me. For the third time, I try to make eye contact with the receptionist. I’m starting to think she’s just deliberately ignoring me. True, the phones never seem to stop ringing, and there’s a never-ending parade of people approaching the desk who need something, but I’ve been waiting here for ten minutes now without getting so much as a glance in my direction by that perfectly shaped face fringed with blonde hair.

  Of course. They are always blonde. It’s even more unfair that her hair appears to be natural. Either that or she spent a fortune to get that shimmery blonde shade without any roots peeking through.

  Giving up for the moment, I go to the coffee machine again to refill my second cup, but instead I decide to toss the cup in the trash. As nervous and on edge I am already, the last thing I need is more caffeine. I’ll be bouncing off the walls.

  I make one more futile attempt to catch the receptionist’s attention but she still doesn’t look my way. With a frustrated sigh, I start walking down the hall. I half-expect one of the security guards near the entrance to stop me, or perhaps finally get a glance from the woman working reception, but no one looks at me or tries to stop me. I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m so anxious I figure wandering aimlessly has to be better than standing in the lobby looking like an idiot. I can come back to the desk when they’re less busy... Or maybe someone will notice me as I get deeper inside the building?

  Unlikely. Nobody seems to be waiting for me. I’m more convinced than ever that I’ve been sent to the wrong place by the school, when they matched me with the internship program. My plan is to major in accounting, and while I’m certain Hayden Enterprises has an accounting department, I don’t think they need me. They seem so busy and preoccupied, they probably even have time to take on an intern.

  Finally, I find an open office and slip inside. I promised to email my friend Vicki with all the details of my assignment, and while I don’t have any yet, I could use a commiserating ear, or some advice. The minute she is out of class I’ll call, but in the meantime I can email and text her. We’re always there for each other.

  Catching my reflection in the mirrored wall, I can see my eyes getting huge as I step into the office. A hint of doubt creeps over me. It’s so swank and fancy, it’s obvious the designer spared no expense. The client who commissioned him or her must have endless cash. The wall-to-wall windows form a perfect L. I stand in front of the glass for a moment, marveling at the sight of Manhattan stretching out in front of me. Like other New Yorkers, I’ve been to the Empire State building as part of a school field trip, but I never bothered to go back after graduating and before starting college. Whoever has this office sure is lucky. Probably a lowly accountant intern’s boss’s boss’s boss’s boss. I don’t want to get caught trespassing, so I better hurry. I stick my hand the pocket of my suit jacket — borrowed from my mom, who fortunately I share a size with,
since we also share a curvy frame and similar shape — and take out my phone.

  My thumb barely slides over the unlock button when the sound of a door slamming makes me jump. I jerk and spin around away from the windows, immediately wishing I listened to the little voice inside that told me to stay out of this place -- both the fancy office, and maybe even the building.

  A breathtaking man swoops toward me. He looks annoyed by my presence, and I can’t blame him. I have no business being there. As I open my mouth to apologize, he cuts me off.

  “Who are you, and what are you doing in my office?”

  I stammer, trying to get a response out of my mouth which has gone suddenly dry. “I… I…”

  “Your name is Eye Eye?”

  I shake my head mutely as he crosses his arms over his chest. At first, he looks terrifying and imposing, especially with his solid physique and carefully styled deep black hair. When a sparkle in his blue eyes and the slight twitch of his lips gives him away, I realize he’s not angry. He may be confused about my presence, but at least I haven’t irritated the wrong person on my first day of the internship.


  “Well, Eye Eye, unless you’re some kind of corporate spy, you don’t need to be in my office. Which department are you with?”

  “Um…” I shrug weakly again, and shift my weight from foot to foot. I still can’t seem to speak.

  He frowns, and the way his dark brows draw together creates an enticing furl in his forehead that I want to reach out and smooth away with my fingertip.

  “Unless I miss my guess, I’d say you’re not here for customer service or answering the phones, since you can’t seem to speak. Hmm… are you a software developer for our team?”

  I shake my head again, but finally manage to squeak out, “What do you develop?”

  His eyes rake over me from head to toe, and I’m nearly certain I see a flash of heat before his lids lower to shield his gaze. “Your Next Ex.”

  I shake my head, feeling like my neck is on a spring of a Jack-in-the-Box as much as I’d used it last few minutes. “I don’t have an ex.” I don’t even have a current. I’ve never had a current or an ex-anything, since I’m shy. And curvy. The curves probably didn’t scare away the high school boys, but my own self-consciousness certainly did. It’s not like I can hope to send any signals of interest when I get practically paralyzed around anyone of the opposite gender. Especially gorgeous ones.

  Much like I am around this gorgeous person.

  “Who are you?” I blurt out finally.

  One of his brows arches, rising closer to his hairline. “I think that’s the question I asked you, Eye Eye.”

  “Um, yes. Sorry. My name is Chastity Mitchell, and I’m an intern. At least I think I am, though um, it’s very possible I might be in the wrong place.” I say it as almost one word without taking a breath, and as the last word leaves my mouth I realize how squeaky I sound.

  If I’m not struck by shyness with a frozen tongue, I’m babbling like an idiot.

  “Ah. I’m Blair Hayden, and I own Hayden Enterprises, which produces the app, Your Next Ex.”

  “Oh,” I say, confused. “I still don’t understand what that is.”

  He indulges me with a crooked smile. “Your Next Ex is a hookup app. Perhaps you’ve heard of Tinder?”

  I hesitantly nod my head. I’m vaguely familiar with the idea. I’ve never tried it myself, but I would have to be living under a rock not to have a clue about Tinder. My heart sinks and I’m more convinced than ever that some snafu on the college’s part sent me to the wrong business.

  “I’m not sure why I’m here then. I’m supposed to be an intern, but I’m studying accounting. I don’t know anything about software development or for that matter—” I break off abruptly before I blurt something embarrassing like, ‘hooking up with strangers to have sex.’

  “You wandered into the wrong office, Eye Eye.”

  “Chastity,” I remind him in a whisper, unable to meet his bright green eyes that are focusing solely on me. I look down, suddenly finding the tips of my muted dove-gray shoes engrossing.

  “All right. Let me get someone to sort you out.” He crosses to his desk, putting several feet of space between us, which somehow makes it easier to breathe.

  He lifts the phone and speaks into it for less than a minute before returning it to the cradle and turning to face me. “Okay Eye Eye, Madeleine will be in an a snap to show you where to go.”

  “Who’s Madeleine?”

  “Our secretary.”

  With a small stir of pity for the woman if she’s expected to be the secretary to the entire office, which is brimming with employees as far as I could tell. He rakes his eyes over me as I shift from foot to foot again, and neither one of us speaks again until a sharply dressed brunette enters his office after knocking. She’s beautiful too. Sure, I have brown hair, but she’s got rich chestnut and chocolate brown lights. It reminds me of the mousiness of the rest of me, and I touch it self-consciously I shoot an anxious look at Blair. I realize I’m looking to him for reassurance, which is nuts. Crazy. I don’t know him. I’ll likely never see him again as I run out my tenure in the internship I have to finish to start my major.

  What use would the CEO have for a lowly intern?

  He flashes me his crooked grin, with equal parts amusement and confidence. “Go with Madeleine now, and I’ll see you later, Eye Eye.”

  “Chastity,” I whisper once more as I step past him, moving closer than I should. Or need to. My reward is one last breath of his spicy, masculine cologne as I follow the secretary from his office.

  Chapter 2


  What’s that thing people say?

  I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave.

  Yeah, that’s it. It’s perfect too. Watching Eye Eye’s bubble butt in that nerdy gray tweed skirt walk out of my office sends all my blood straight to my cock. Just the memory makes it jump, so I’ll be replaying that image in my head for a while. Of course I was stiff the entire time I was talking to shy little Chastity.

  Which is a little odd, because she’s not my usual type. Oh, I like them curvy and all, but usually older, experienced, and eager to play before -- and this part is important -- moving on. I’m pretty sure little Chastity is none of those things, except curvy as hell and in all the right places. And not only that but when she said she didn’t have an ex, I got the feeling she’s... never had an ex?

  An unexpected wave of jealousy sweeps through my chest as I wonder if she has a current boyfriend. The thought of someone else having the right to touch her has me gritting my teeth and white-knuckling the edge of my desk. I’m not used to such emotions. Hell, I’ve barely ever felt even a hint of jealousy. Huh.

  Considering most of my so-called ‘relationships’ last no more than a few days, and often just one night, any sense of jealousy would be out of place. Certainly is now, as well, but I can’t fight it back or deny I’m feeling it.

  I want to punch that mystery bastard in the face. Who is running his hands over her luscious curves, kissing those full lips, pushing his cock deep into that sweet spot between her legs?

  I groan as an image of me sinking into her flashes behind my eyes. My cock jumps and fills, and I know I won’t be able to concentrate unless I take care of it. I hurry into my private restroom and slam the door. Quickly dismissing the thought of just taking several deep breaths and trying to regain control, I fumble with my dress slacks and underwear until I free my cock. Fisting it’s rigid length in my hands, I start to stroke, spreading the pre-come from the tip.

  How did that mousy little intern do this to me? I’m hard as a rock. Most people might call her plain, but there is something beneath her shy exterior that makes me want to know everything about her. Something that draws me to her, and something that sure as fuck turns me on.

  I stroke myself almost viciously, as though punishing my cock for responding to her. This is madness, and I know it even as I start
to come, splashes of release painting my hand as my balls empty to thoughts of fucking her tight little pussy. Her virgin pussy.

  After the convulsions of pleasure pass, I lean against the sink for a moment and stare down at the drain as I flip on the water to wash my hands. Watching strands of cum disappear down the sink drain leaves me feeling a little down.

  Next time it won’t go to waste.

  Chapter 3


  Somehow, I survived the day, and I can’t wait to escape this building. After getting to the accounting department, I found out no one was expecting me, so I sat around most of the day, bored out of my skull. I finally was given some filing to do around half an hour before the end of the day. I finished it just moments before five o’clock and now, finally, freedom.

  The first thing to do is contact the school to sort out this mix-up. I don’t belong at Hayden industries, and I sure as hell don’t belong at ‘Your Next Ex.’

  Other than college credit, there’s not a single reason to stay at this job.

  Just then I stumble to a halt at the sight of Blair Hayden exiting a sleek, black sportscar. It’s just exactly the kind of car I would picture him having, with its aggressively beautiful lines and sexy, low-to-the-ground profile. I’m not sure if I want to run away or approach him, so I stand stock still as he turns in my direction. His gaze locks with mine, and his blue eyes are as gorgeous as this morning, but they look a little different somehow. They have more of a predatory gleam, and they’re missing that hint of amusement. I manage a tentative smile as I walk toward him.

  “Hello,” I say, marveling at my newfound ability not to stammer.

  He nods at me, but doesn’t respond.

  For some reason, I freeze. It’s impossible to keep moving. I stop and stand in front of him, biting my lower lip. “Thank you.”

  His brow furrows. “For what?”

  “For helping me. Madeleine was a big help. I just wanted to say thanks.”


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