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Vanquished Page 20

by Allyson Young

  “I see you continue to wish the last word, Neira.” Vayne worked a hand beneath her night apparel. “And you’re in my bed, clothed again.”

  The tearing of the really nice gown made her wince, but Vayne’s expectations and desires hadn’t relaxed, even after four Earth years and three children, even if the kids had all come at once. That first year had been one of adjustment, flavored with intimacy and that nonstop sex.

  He maneuvered her on top of him, the light from the moons casting shards of illumination across his chest and handsome features. She crouched above him, her wet sex spread and nuzzling his cock, and she teased him with a slow glide. His growl made her do it again.

  Hefting a breast in either hand, he leaned up to nibble at first one nipple, then the other and she shivered.

  “Growing more and more sensitive, my chosen.” He gave her a sly grin before suckling the right nipple and she moaned, involuntarily rocking her hips. When he gave the same treatment to the other, she gasped and tried to retreat. He immediately released her. “I won’t tease you.”

  She leaned upright and traced a finger over the flat discs of his nipples, the tiny centers peaking with interest, then outlined the silvery remnants of his scar. His back was unblemished as Stenlor’s skill had ordained, and for a moment she winced internally. Positive thoughts, being here with him, immediately replaced that dreadful time and she rocked against Vayne again. He had such a tendency to drive her pleasure to such heights it was no surprise she’d produced triplets. Her husband had crowed and strutted with pride at the news, assuming total responsibility for that fortune, of course.

  “Why so pensive, my love?” His face creased with worry and she hurried to reassure him.

  “Just thinking, reminiscing. Good thoughts. I love you.”

  “Then perhaps you might show me.” His big hand cupped over her belly. “If this little one consents.”

  One. Singular. She carried only one fetus this time, although the second pregnancy had already curved her slender body, recovered with difficulty after the first births, to a very distinct and large shape. Not that she or Vayne cared. But he was afraid of crushing the baby, hence woman on top, something Neira relished with this dominant man. She hitched upward and gripped his fat cock, setting it at her entrance, and lowered herself in tiny increments. She swallowed a smile at the way her lifemate’s lips set and his eyes narrowed as he instilled his self-control because of her slow pace. He stretched her most pleasurably, the walls of her pussy giving way grudgingly until he came up against her cervix. Neira clenched, experimentally, and Vayne groaned.

  “Payback, my love? For your oh-so-sensitive nipples?” His fingers were on those tender buds in a blur of motion that took her breath and it was her turn to groan.

  She was a needy, wanton sex fiend and had this alien male to thank. If she thought of it, he made it happen no matter how complicated her fantasy. And he was definitely creative in his own right, having had all those decades to hone his craft with the opportunities with otherworld females. Those sex toys had found their way to the bedroom and she’d been correct in thinking how experienced he was and how incredible those times would turn out to be. Not that any of them replaced the pleasure his cock brought her.

  And beneath the physicality, where she could throw off all her burdens and surrender because Vayne would never let her fall, was the deep, abiding bond that melded their souls. Neira had never known this kind of connection but recognized it as love, that elusive four letter word, despite her past frantic attempts to deny herself.

  Vayne let her set the pace as she rode him, and steadied her with his hands on her hips, occasionally using his amazing abdominal muscles to strain upward so he could access her breasts with his mouth. Between that intermittent sensation and working over his throbbing shaft, Neira swiftly climbed toward release. When she strained to reach the precipice, Vayne slid a finger over the top of her slit, above where they were joined so intimately, and flirted with the knot of nerves. The quick touch pushed her over with a shudder of her entire body and she felt all those tiny muscles inside her sheath strangle his cock. Vayne emitted a subdued roar and stiffened, then thrust in ragged tempo as he held her in place. She felt him come and bathe her with his seed and gloried in it.

  Sagging over his chest, she enjoyed the final flutters of the release as their cum slipped down to signify the union. Vayne rubbed her back before resting a hand on one buttock.


  Neira was too spent to speak but made her lips pose a reasonable facsimile of a kiss against one hard pec.

  He tugged a cover over them both to ward off any chill, and she sprawled on a very firm and heated mattress, reluctant to change position and lose him. Replete, Neira reflected and sighed with contentment.

  “Heavy thoughts, my little warrior?”

  “Good thoughts once again, my husband. Those responsible for the genetic weapon, the Shadalla’s concern about extinction, my personal terrors—vanquished, all of them.”

  Vayne held her closer, his steady heartbeat lulling her into slumber.

  Other Books by Allyson Young:

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