The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 10

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The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 10 Page 58

by Maxim Jakubowski

  He didn’t say anything, and he didn’t slow down, but one hand inched its way between my body and the bed, so I could drag my clit across the heel of his palm. It was a shrieking relief. With everything going on everywhere else, the sensation wasn’t so pin-pointed as usual, which made me go a little crazy. I was harder on it than I usually am. Neil went haywire at the end, shoving hard on one long, deep thrust before going rigid, but I didn’t care because my nervous system was in a riot of its own. Neil pulled out, and we collapsed together in a sweaty heap, breathing like a herd of bison.

  “That was incredible,” was the first thing Neil said as he untied me.

  “Thank you,” I murmured.

  “I was talking about my part,” he said. “You were good, too, though.” I elbowed him in the ribs. “What’s funny?” he asked, noticing my Mona Lisa smile.

  I felt a little sore and very replete. “I was only thinking,” I said, “that when I look at myself in the mirror, I’ll be one of those people who will have to say, ‘I got fucked up the ass, and I liked it.’ “

  Ladies Go First

  Alex Gross

  I’d been in Chicago for three days on business, and this was my last night. After dinner I wandered into the hotel lounge just on the off-chance of finding someone. There was a big crowd, but it didn’t take me long before I spotted her. Her eyes were like a beacon as they zeroed in on me as well. She had long black hair and was about five inches shorter than me. She was leaning against the bar, her vibrant figure arching slightly outward, projecting both rough defiance and soft welcome. Her butt also had a thrust to it, and she had prominent breasts for a short girl. She was wearing a very brief mini, and her long, lovely legs were shooting out akimbo in every direction.

  Our eyes were locked together as I approached her, wordlessly motioning her to join me in a booth. We sat down, our eyes still joined, and our words came fast and easily. She too was in town on business, and we would be flying back to opposite coasts the next morning. We both confessed to being married, even to loving our partners, but we agreed that we sometimes longed for more.

  It was as though we instantly recognized each other. She held herself a bit aloof, she was breezy and bossy, just like a few other girls I’ve known. She saw herself as the brightest girl in the office, someone not everyone could get to know.

  I came on fairly strong with her, just to let her know I could be bossy too. She smiled, and I think we both realized something was likely to happen. We started talking a bit too fast, then we laughed and slowed down a bit. We felt as if we had known each other far longer, and it hit us that we had been handed the perfect opportunity. It wasn’t hard persuading her to come to my room.

  In the elevator, I put my arm around her, and she let her body fold against mine. I couldn’t help congratulating myself that now by my early thirties I had finally learned how to handle women. I liked them best when they were assertive, it meant they were also likely to be passionate in bed. I knew that their bossiness could melt away when I began to lick them where it mattered.

  I felt sure I knew how things would go. I would undress her and let her take all the time she wanted until she was fully pleasured. And as she came down from her ecstasy, I would mount her lovingly from behind and take a long, long time riding her. Half an hour doggie-style, maybe even longer, an hour would be better, before I sought out my own pleasure. I’d spend the night with her and take her that way a few more times, maybe once the tight and narrow way for a change. In the morning I’d just give her a slap on the butt and say so long. Mornings like that were the best.

  Back in the real world I was a bit less competent. My fingers were almost useless as I fumbled with the key to my room. But she was patient.

  “Hey, what’s your name?” I quipped to hide my clumsiness.

  “Does it matter?” she replied. She was right, and we both chuckled.

  Once we were inside, the rest of the world vanished, and we simply threw ourselves at each other. She dropped her handbag, and we embraced passionately for at least five minutes until we almost collapsed together.

  She finally broke the clinch and pushed me away. Then she grabbed her handbag and took out her cell phone, which she decisively turned off. I did the same with mine as she retreated into the bathroom. I began to remove some of my clothes, and when she came out she was wearing little more than her underwear.

  We wrapped ourselves together again and began edging in the obvious direction. With her back to the bed, I knelt down before her, plunging my face into her red thong. I kept my lips there for a long time before I pulled the thong to one side with my teeth. I loved what I saw there, and I moved my lips even more deeply between her legs.

  She moaned and pressed me further in. Then she sat down on the bed, spreading her legs, and drew my face still further within her. She moaned again and seized my shoulders to pull me up on to the bed. I obliged, landing on top of her, as I tried to keep my face wedged between her legs.

  But she pulled my head away and made me sit up and look directly at her. She spoke to me in her bossiest voice. But I could also hear her pleading with me.

  She really wanted me, I could tell she was just as aroused as I was. She was just afraid what she said might turn me off.

  “Listen,” she said urgently, “I need to confess. I’m a little bit kinky. Please be patient with me. Let me do it my way first, and then I’ll let you do it any way you want.”

  My agenda precisely. How could I object? “Of course,” I replied.

  I was almost gloating inside. It was just what I wanted. I sensed I was only a few minutes away from riding her butt.

  “You absolutely promise?” she asked.

  “Sure, you’re the boss. In fact, let me call you Bossetta.”

  She smiled happily. I’d given her just what she wanted, and my mild mockery went right past her.

  We took off our last garments, and she put her handbag next to the bed. Then she jumped right on top of me, sitting high on my chest, and pressed down hard. She felt heavier than I had imagined and was bristling with energy. For a moment I actually thought she was trying to pin me in wrestling. Then she did something unexpected.

  She reached down into her handbag and pulled out a tube. She opened it and squeezed some kind of gel on to her palm. Before I knew it, she was smearing it all over my face, on my cheeks and chin, my nose, even my forehead. No girl had ever done this to me before, and I almost started to panic. But then I realized that what she was spreading on my face was nothing but lube.

  I still didn’t fully get it, but I must have somehow sensed her intention, and it occurred to me that I was in for quite a night. “Listen, you’re not going to …”

  “Don’t worry, I promise, it won’t hurt …”

  I could scarcely believe what was coming down towards me. I saw it first from afar, then closer, and at last just a few inches above me. It was the very best view of a lady’s jewels I’d ever been treated to, and suddenly it wasn’t just a view any more. There it all was – outer lips, inner lips, the whole works, spread out over everything below my eyes.

  “Oh, I want to do it this way so much, I know I’m really going to enjoy this,” she gushed at me from above. I couldn’t believe how excited she was. She was no longer the least bit bossy, she sounded like a passionate kitten. She gazed down at me with incandescent eyes. “And I know for sure, you’re really going to love it too.” She sounded almost obsessed.

  This was all totally new to me, though I had to admit she now had my full attention. It all felt a bit scary, but she seemed to know just what she was doing. Anyway, I had given her my word, and I didn’t want to chicken out now. I’d just let her go ahead, I figured, and it wouldn’t be long before I turned her over and enjoyed her my way.

  I wasn’t sure what to expect. She was both passionate and abrupt, it was almost like an attack.

  And yet it was also soft and comforting. Even her pressure on my face felt strangely soothing. It was a unique feel
ing, completely unfamiliar, ranging between hard and soft. I didn’t entirely dislike it, so I didn’t complain.

  I suddenly realized there was no way I could complain anyway. Her crotch totally covered my mouth and my nose, I could make little more than animal noises. Once again I felt panic looming up, but I fought it away. After all, I reasoned, this was nothing more than upside down muff-diving. Except it was her muff that was diving into my face. This was cunnilingus on steroids …

  It all happened so fast that I still didn’t fully grasp what she was doing. At first I had thought it was merely some kind of massage or perhaps a gymnastic drill that would soon merge with what I thought of as regular love-making. But the growing frequency and urgency of her moans soon left me in little doubt of her ultimate aim.

  Let me do her justice. She was sliding and gliding and riding over my face with a remarkable degree of skill. Yes, there were moments when she was thrusting down on to me with a great deal of force. But there were also times when she moved so delicately that she was just barely grazing my features, almost like an angel, gently caressing my nose and mouth with her tender parts. She had all the control and confidence of an artist, and this gave me confidence too.

  As aggressive and as strange as I found her, I did not for even a moment consider trying to stop her. And even if I had, her wiry strength and the sheer joy she exhibited would probably have made it impossible.

  I suddenly realized that I was letting her do all the work, that I ought to do my part with my tongue. So I started to lick her …

  “Don’t do that!” she ordered.

  This made no sense, so I continued. She came to a complete halt.

  “I told you, don’t do that!”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t want your tongue to lick my pussy lips. I want my pussy lips to lick your face.”

  God, she was weird! But I was in no position to argue, so I obeyed her. It suddenly hit me that from her point of view, I wasn’t possessing her at all, she was possessing me. It was an odd feeling.

  Her mood quickly passed. I looked up at her and found myself astounded at how remarkably lovely she looked from this perspective. And how powerful as well.

  I realized that I had never looked at a woman from this precise angle before. Ranging up from where she held my face, her hips zoomed out past her midriff into the broad thrust of her breasts, which looked even larger and more formidable when seen from below. Sometimes she would move forward, blocking my view with her belly, and now and then she would slide decisively upward, shading my eyes in an almost total blackout.

  But as she rode me and drove both her pressure and her softness over me, I was able to look up and intermittently see her face, even glimpse her expression, And I sometimes found her own eyes gazing back at me to gauge my own reactions. Not all the time, just occasionally – most of the time she was entirely caught up in her own pleasure.

  She looked so eager, so totally intent on her goal. But I also sensed a touch of anxiety. A chance for perfect ecstasy lay before her, but she also had to pay attention to her every move if she were to reach it.

  At least now and then she carefully looked down and scrutinized me, as though she wanted to know exactly how I was taking it. Yes, she was well aware that I was there, that I was technically her lover, I could even tell that she felt some kind of tenderness for me.

  But I could also tell that she saw me mainly as a tool, an implement she needed to reach the highest level of pleasure. Almost as a necessary evil. At one point she came close to admitting it.

  “Oh … I own you …” she sighed.

  And in a flash I realized that this girl was actually taking my cherry in a realm of sensuality I had never known before. I had no choice but to trust her and be grateful to her for taking the trouble. I also had no choice but to believe that this new domain was entirely real. All the intensity and passion of sexuality were present, all the excitement and tension of a fully mounted couple. All the pressure of body against body, the rhythmic strokes and lunges, the sense of looming fulfillment.

  There were only two differences: I was the one being mounted, and all of this passionate energy was being channeled directly into my face.

  And I suddenly became a bit concerned too, not totally sure of my feelings. No one had ever made love to me like this before. What she was doing was truly intense and totally personal, but also somehow distant, almost as if it were happening to another person …

  It was as though she were following an accepted routine with definite rules as she alternated strokes and lunges and teasing motions with her most precious parts. I found myself wondering if she might actually be counting her strokes according to some exotic and unknowable formula. Now and then she made gentle moaning and yelping sounds, as though she were marking the end of one phase and the beginning of another.

  During the time when I was able to discern her eyes clearly – during that time at least there was no way I could miss them – they seemed to be eating me alive. I could almost see them even during those longer periods when my vision was blurred or totally blocked by her motions. Her gaze so completely possessed me that I kept longing for her eyes to reappear and gaze down upon me again.

  Most of the time her inner lips were perfectly centered on my nose, perched on the sides of my nostrils, and yet I felt no real pain or shortness of breath, at least none that I was aware of. Both her scent and her taste were positively intoxicating, sweet and musky together, so powerful that I began to wonder if she was somehow using it to hypnotize me.

  Sometimes she would transfer her orifice upwards on to the rest of my face, all the way from my chin to my forehead, totally covering my eyes. But for the most part she zeroed in on my nose, making smaller motions up and down, or from side to side. Or she would indulge in multiple mini-bounces, slightly painful though they caused no real harm.

  Once again, I began to wonder if her goal was to entrance me with these rhythms. Or to make me feel faint by limiting the air I could breathe. But then suddenly I would see her eyes again – as soon as I looked into them, I felt almost infinite comfort and reassurance.

  This whole sequence of motions and rhythms went on for some time, I can’t say exactly how long, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it lasted half an hour.

  At length I found myself growing a bit impatient. And to my surprise I realized that she felt the same way.

  “Something’s missing,” she said abruptly and rose up from me. I wondered if I should try to escape from her now, but I had promised her she could do it her way first. And one of the few rules of love is that lovers’ promises should be kept. Besides, I did not want to escape.

  She immediately turned around and sat back down on my face from the other direction. Whatever she was looking for she now seemed to find, as she ground herself even more deeply into my features. I now found my nose implanted in her rosebud and my chin dividing her lips. She rocked back and forth repeatedly between rosebud and lips, nose and chin. Now the aroma was even muskier, though still not unpleasant. But what precisely was she trying to do to me?

  From this position her hands were free to fondle my cock, and she had begun to do so. She wasn’t too gentle about it either, at first pulling and tugging the shaft in various directions and finally dealing it some hard, audible slaps. But at least I could tell that it was, if not yet at its hardest, usefully erect. This too was just a stage for her, it didn’t last too long, at most a few minutes.

  “That’s it!” she shouted, and she turned herself around again on top of me, coming back to her former position. She drew back from my face briefly and picked up her lube tube again.

  “Now I’ve got it!” I think I heard her mutter. But I wasn’t sure – it could just as easily have been “Now I’ve got you.”

  She pressed more gel on to her hand and straightway rubbed it down into my face. Then she pressed out another palmful and stretched her right arm out behind her. I felt her hand clasping my cock and distributi
ng the gel there as well. To achieve this her balance now veered slightly to the right, a posture her strength and agility allowed her to achieve with grace and elegance.

  “Here we go!” she concluded. Her pussy engulfed my face again, and I simultaneously felt her hand begin to fondle my cock. Fondle isn’t quite the word, she was also busy slapping it from side to side. But she finally settled for encircling the shaft with her fingers and sliding them up and down and around. I smiled inwardly. I was pretty sure she wouldn’t have much luck with this, as I prided myself on my ability to resist ejaculation.

  This is silly, I thought, she can’t possibly mean to come in my face and make me shoot my load at the same time. There’s no way she can do that.

  But Bossetta was oblivious to my reasoning; she was beginning to tap into a wisdom far beyond my own. She began to set down a rhythm that ran from her hand to her crotch and back again. She was working to realize her ultimate goal, and nothing could stop her.

  It was from this point onward that things became rather strange for me, and I wondered again if shortness of breath and her commanding tempo had combined to distort my view of reality.

  It was not a total hallucination, I was aware that the hotel room was still there around us, but everything else suggested that we were somewhere on a mountain top together with a temple in the background, and that she was a goddess who was somehow both consuming and nourishing my spirit. Except that she was a goddess who was also a demon with tentacles, and two of her tentacles were concentrated on possessing both my face and my cock. Her aroma became ever more alluring and irresistible, and I could tell from the clasp of her hand that my cock had grown larger and harder than ever before, both in length and girth.

  This added to my confusion, since I couldn’t imagine how she had done it. It was as though she had dug inside of me through some secret gateway and taken over part of my body. I was also still hoping to mount her from behind afterwards, and I wanted nothing to detract from my prowess when the time came.


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