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Heart of a Warrior

Page 9

by Theodora Lane

  Marcos stood and began pacing. “Damn! If you can’t even count on a warrior to wipe out a handful of lazy, careless, dumb-fuck vampires, then who can you count on? I gave the Council those four gift-wrapped on a sterling silver platter!”

  “Well, there is always a chance something will go wrong. Just plain, dumb luck. Best laid plans and all that.”

  Marcos stopped and pointed to her. “You and all the other bitches are the cause of all this. Affirmative action, my ass! You forced the Elders into this spot. You know as well as I the Board hates action. They should call us the Inactive Board of Elders. ‘Safety in Consistency and Complacency’ should be our fucking motto.” He waved his arms.

  “What about this Ivan? Who is he?”

  “Ivan’s been around a long time. He turned down a position on the Board about two hundred years ago. I thought he was being stupid to give up all that power.” He shrugged. “He must be smarter than I thought to have survived the hit.”

  “Or lucky.” Lila snorted.

  “The last time I saw him, he was worrying about paying his taxes. As if the rich prick didn’t have investments and property scattered all over North America and Europe.” Marcos fumed as he walked over to his pack of smokes and pulled one out. He flicked open a sterling silver Dunhill lighter and lit up. After several deep drags, he turned back to Lila as she spoke.

  “You have to turn over all of the deeds by the end of the month, you know that. If you don’t meet the deadline, we lawyers will have a field day. Four million extra in damages is nothing to sneeze at, Marcos. The Board doesn’t want to pay a dime; that’s why you were ordered to take care of this matter. With great discretion.” She patted the bed beside her.

  “Don’t worry. You’ll get your fucking fees.” He continued to pace, puffing on the cigarette until the tip glowed red.

  “I never doubted it. However, I do doubt whether you will survive this if it becomes public knowledge among the other males.” She looked at him and pouted. “I’d hate for that to happen, darling. I was just beginning to like you.”

  Marcos opened his mouth and showed her his fangs in an unspoken threat.

  “Yes, I know. You da man.” She rolled her eyes and grabbed herself between her legs as if she had a pair of balls there.

  Marcos took his time finishing his cigarette before coming back to bed, just to show her he’d damn well smoke if he felt like it. Then he crawled to her on his hands and knees and flopped back on the bed. Her fingers brought him erect in moments.

  She stroked his cock. She pinched its head between her fingers. He moaned for more. Taking her fingernail, she made a short scratch in the tip of his penis. He gasped as delicious pain shot over him. Blood welled and spilled over. She lowered her head and licked the rivulets of dark blood off the sides of his engorged cock.

  “Ivan has no idea we set him up, right?” Lila looked up at him. There was a small drip of blood on her chin. Watching her as she tried to reach it with her tongue, he went crazy. He reached to wipe it off with his hand, but she bit his finger and drew more blood. A shudder of sexual arousal shot through his body.

  “Right,” he gritted out. She was so damn good. She knew just the right amount of pain to inflict to achieve the most pleasure.

  “So, kill him and the slave.” She shrugged as she squeezed the tip, making the blood well out. Another long, slow lick of her velvety tongue on his shaft. His cock jerked in her hand, and Marcos moaned again.

  Speaking was difficult, but he managed it. “It’s not that easy. We went to a lot of trouble to ensure the Board couldn’t be linked in any way to those deaths. If we go in now and kill him, it will leave a trail anyone could follow. Paperwork, plane tickets, rental cars.” Oh shit, she was really working on his cock, sucking the blood from its swollen tip. It healed, and she made another excruciatingly delicious scratch. Again he moaned and his hips jerked. Warm blood flowed down his cock and was met by her eager tongue.

  She looked up at him, pausing from her work. “Well, you better think of something. I don’t think he’s going to just walk away from his territory because you ask him nicely.” Wishing she’d just shut up and suck him off, Marcos guided her head back down.

  “Let me come, bitch.” He rose up on his elbows.

  “Not yet, darling. You haven’t suffered enough.”

  Lying back, he had no idea how long he could hold off. To take his mind off the ache in his cock and the tightness of his balls, he thought about Ivan.

  It worked better than baseball stats, for damn sure.

  He didn’t have anything on Ivan he could use. A model citizen, Ivan had kept his nose clean for a long time. Played by the rules. Filled out all the proper forms. Paid his taxes and stayed in his own territory, with no complaints against him. No one could be that fucking boring. There had to be something he was overlooking.

  Draco’s slave?

  There’s always a back door. He smirked. He decided he’d check on her as soon as Lila finished with him.

  “Now?” he groaned. The head of his cock was purple, engorged, aching…his balls tight and ready to unload.

  Raising her head, she sighed in exasperation. “All right, now.” She resumed her position, head down, his cock in her mouth, and her pale white ass in the air.

  For a moment, he couldn’t let go. Lila raked her fangs over his cock and his orgasm exploded. “Oh fuck!” He groaned as he came.

  Lila swallowed his spunk like a pro. As she sucked him dry, he sighed.

  Well, she was a lawyer, after all.

  — • —

  The football game was still on when they got back to the lair. Ivan kicked off his loafers and plopped onto the couch. He propped his socked feet up on a pillow on the coffee table.

  They were down to the two-minute warning. He’d missed the entire game while they were at Draco’s. At least he’d remembered to set the TiVo before they left. Quickly scanning through the recording, he checked out the highlights.

  The game had been unremarkable. His favorite team, the Browns, was down twenty-four to three. Chalk up another loss. He’d have to show his face at the sports bar later, pay off a few bets, and take the razzing by the mortals he hung with there.

  “Damn, the Browns lost again! Do I have to live another four hundred fifty years to see them in the Super Bowl?” He hit the remote, turned off the television, and then looked up at Annie as if noticing her for the first time.

  She hung up the last of the clothes Ivan had picked out for her and then slipped on the long, black nightgown. Sitting at the computer, she downloaded some music and then walked to the couch and stood in front of the television, her hands on her hips.

  “You look very pretty, Annie.”

  “I want to dance, Ivan.” She held out her hand to him.

  “Dance? You want to dance?”

  “You do know how to dance, don’t you?” The look on her face dared him.

  Ivan stood and gave her a very formal bow.

  “I’ll have you know I have danced the gavotte at the Palace at Versailles, waltzed in the finest ballrooms of Vienna, and done the polka in the lowest beer halls in Warsaw.” He lifted his chin, looked down his nose at her, and sniffed.

  “I’ll settle for one slow dance, please.” She stepped to the computer, clicked the mouse, and the room filled with the soft notes of a lovely waltz.

  Ivan took her hand, spun her, and caught her waist with his hand. Extending his other hand, palm up, he accepted her hand. They began to dance.

  He waltzed her around the room, making ever-smaller circles. At first, she struggled to follow his lead. Pressing his hand in the center of her back, he guided her.

  “Don’t fight me. Let me lead you.”

  Annie nodded, relaxed, and followed. The circles got tighter, the spins faster. With the smoothness of an accomplished dancer, Ivan changed their turns into pivots. Annie picked it up as they spun.

  Tighter circles, faster spins. The room flew past. Annie’s eyes shone, and
a radiant smile lit her face. Ivan couldn’t keep his gaze off her.

  Then she tipped her head back and laughed. Light, ethereal, like crystal breaking, her laughter echoed in the room. His ears rang with the music of her voice. She clung to him even as the forces of their motion tried to pull them apart and fling them away.

  He wanted always to make her laugh. He grinned at her joy as her long hair stood out behind her. She looked like a child on a merry-go-round, all innocence and gaiety. Something built in his chest, a rising pressure he hadn’t felt in a very long time.

  Ivan laughed.

  Annie’s eyes widened. His laugh built slowly, small bursts surprising them both. At last, bold, loud laughter exploded from deep inside him. She stared at him as if he’d gone mad. Then she joined him.

  Together they spun, laughing, until she begged him to stop. In gradual circles, he slowed, at last changing back into the waltz. After several turns around the room, he pulled her in very close and felt their hearts hammering. She slipped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder.

  Now, he clung to her.

  Ivan lowered his head and nuzzled her hair. He thought Annie should stay home tomorrow night. He had a very bad feeling about the meeting.

  — • —

  “So, do these guys send you a message or what?” Fiona asked. They had finished dinner and were just sitting around talking.

  “Actually, they call me on my cell phone, tell me where to go, and I go.”

  “Wow. Does this job come with benefits?” She smirked.

  “I think there’s an accidental death policy.”

  “What, no whole life?” Her eyes crinkled with mirth.

  He snorted. “No. Who’d cover me?”

  “Well, have you got a business card? Something like…have sword, will travel?”

  “Yeah.” He laughed. “That might work.”

  “Is it all expenses paid?”

  “I’m well-compensated for my work.” Nic reached out and pulled her to him. “Come here, you should be next to me.” She slid into his arms.

  “Just don’t pressure me, Nic. I don’t respond well to pressure.”

  “I’ll take it slow. Promise.” He kissed her temple. He traveled down her hairline with gentle, brushing kisses, to her ear. She sighed and relaxed even more. Nic shifted his position and began to massage her shoulders.

  “Mmm,” she purred. “First, we kill vampires, you cook me dinner, I kick your ass, and now this. You sure know how to show a girl a good time, Nicodemus.”

  “I don’t think there are too many women who’d consider the last day or so a ‘good time.’” He paused and looked at her with an odd expression. “Except you.”

  “I suppose that means we’re meant for each other, huh?” She laughed.

  “Yeah, I think it does.” Nic wasn’t laughing. He pulled her across his lap and held her. Looking up into his face, she saw something new in his eyes, but she wasn’t sure what it was.

  “Can we sleep together, Fiona? Just sleep. I promise I’ll behave, but I can’t spend another night without you next to me.” Nic’s gaze searched hers.

  “If you try anything…” She made a fist and shook it at him.

  “Promise.” He held up his hand in the Boy Scout pledge.

  “So, now you’re telling me you’re a Boy Scout?”

  “That’s right, and a scout is always trustworthy.” Nic nodded and put down his hand.

  “Sleeping next to you sounds good to me too. It’s kind of lonely in my room.” Fiona bit her lip and then stood and took his hand.

  Nic led her to his room, but she slipped down the hall into her bathroom, changed into her nightgown, brushed her teeth, and returned. He’d turned down the bed and waited for her with the covers pulled up to his bare chest. She couldn’t help but admire him. Smooth skin over pure muscle. The small, dark circles of his nipples. Her knees felt wobbly, and she prayed she’d make it to the bed before they gave out.

  “You’re wearing something under there, aren’t you?” she asked, barely keeping her voice from breaking.

  “Absolutely.” He lifted the sheets and showed her his boxers. “It’s all proper.”

  Fiona took a deep breath and slipped into bed. Pulling her to him, he sighed. She lay curled in his arms, her back pressed to his chest. He reached out and turned off the lamp.

  “Nic? Is there anyone else? You know, that you’re involved with right now?” Fiona was glad it was dark.

  “No. I never get involved with anyone. How about you?”

  “No. I’m alone.” Fiona winced at her fumble. “I mean, I’m not seeing anyone right now.”

  “Good. I don’t want to share you.” He tightened his arms around her and inhaled. His warm breath ruffled her hair.

  “Me neither.”

  They were quiet for a while. Fiona relaxed when she felt the rise and fall of his chest slow and his grip on her lessen. She’d never slept with a man before, sexually or otherwise. It was nice. His body warmed hers.

  Getting used to this would be a mistake.

  — • —

  “Guys! Wake up! I’m hungry!”

  “Nic, your lizard is calling.” Fiona rolled over to snuggle deeper against his chest. Christ, her body felt so good next to his. It’d been so long since he’d slept with anyone that he’d forgotten how comforting it could be.

  “Damn it, Cho. Can’t you eat a bug or something?” Nic pulled Fiona closer and nuzzled her neck. He slid his hands under her short nightgown, up her soft thigh, and over her hip to cup her breast in his hand.

  “Uh, Nic,” Fiona mumbled. Nic growled. His cock came alive, stiffening against his thigh.

  “While you two have been doing God knows what, I’ve been sitting on my branch, alone, hungry, and horny.”

  The lizard sat on Fiona’s pillow and flicked out his tongue. It hit the back of her shoulder, stuck, and then was gone.

  “There was no action here last night, buddy. We behaved ourselves.” Unlike now. Nic explored her nipple with his fingers, making small circles around her areola. The nub shrank, pebbled under his touch. He moaned.

  “Nic,” her muffled voice warned. Fiona’s body tensed, and he dropped his hand back to her thigh.

  “Sorry. That had the beginnings of a habit.” Nic kissed her shoulder. His dick would just have to get over it and respect Fiona’s wishes.

  “What time is it, Cho?” She rubbed her eyes and sat up.

  “Almost ten thirty. I missed breakfast.”

  “Sorry. I’ll fix you something. How about brunch, guys?”

  “Sounds great!” Nic began to get out of bed, but she put out her hand to stop him.

  “It’s okay. Cho and I have it covered.” Fiona kissed Nic on the cheek, scooped up the lizard, and placed him on her shoulder.

  Nic rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. “Call me if you need me. I’m hitting the shower.”

  When he came out to the kitchen, he was clean, shaved, dressed, and smelling wonderful. Fiona finished the large omelet, flipped it onto a plate, and placed it on the table. They served themselves, taking portions, and even Cho had a plate at the table.

  “What are we doing today?” Fiona put her chin in her hand and looked at Nic.

  “Well, I was wondering if there was some way we could track this guy.”

  “I was thinking the same thing while I was cooking.” She nodded.

  “She can cook and think at the same time. Let’s keep her, Nic.”

  "Okay, don't laugh, but I think I know how he found me." She stared down at her plate. "I joined one of those online dating sites." She grimaced.

  "You?" Nic shook his head. "Why?"

  "Beth insisted. I know it's lame, but..." She shrugged. "So, about a month ago, this guy contacted me. He was weird, so I never set up a date."

  "Did he ask if you were a virgin?"

  Fiona paused. "Yeah, he did. I have his messages saved. Maybe there’s something in them? A clue to where he
is?” She finished her piece of omelet and sipped some coffee.

  “Could be. Let’s go by your place and check it out.”

  Nic did the dishes while Fiona showered and dressed. They left Cho at home, his belly full of egg, contented and asleep in the branches of his tree.

  — • —

  Fiona logged onto her e-mail account and opened the folder marked HookMeUp. A list of e-mails appeared in chronological order. She moved over to a folder on the side labeled Losers and opened it.

  Nic leaned in for a good look. “His screen name is BeachBum?”

  “Yeah, he said he loves the beach, and since I do too, at first it seemed like a good match.”

  “Are all those e-mails from him?”

  “No, just the ones in this folder. The ones up a level are from the other men.”

  “Other men?” Nic sounded as if he didn’t like the sound of that. “How many other men?”

  “Just the two that I matched with.” She paused. “Relax. All I did was e-mail them.”

  “Do they have swords?”


  “Good.” Crossing his arms over his chest, he looked pleased with himself.

  She grinned. It felt good to know he was a little jealous and feeling a bit territorial. It was a new experience for her, and she liked it.

  “I don’t see anything that tells us much in these. You’re right. He’s way into the virgin issue.” Nic leaned over her shoulder as she scrolled through the messages on her computer.

  “Me neither. Look, we know he’s in town, that much is obvious.”

  “Right. And vamps need a place with complete darkness, like a basement,” Nic added.

  “There are lots of basements all over this town. That doesn’t help to narrow it down.”

  “Do you remember his car?”

  “No.” She paused. “When we came out of the crypt, there were only three cars left, the two Town Cars and the SUV.”

  “Right. But when I went inside, there was a white van. Like the kind service people use.”

  “Any markings on the outside?”

  “No, it was plain, I think. But it was dark. I could have missed something.” Nic shrugged his shoulders.


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