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Threesomes Page 7

by Miranda Forbes

  Rose blushed a little. ‘No,’ she said. ‘No, I guess I’m almost out. I just don’t want to quit, I’m having such a good time.’

  ‘Is this your first time at this?’ asked Jake.

  ‘Second,’ said Rose shyly. ‘But I don’t think I really understood the game the other time I played. I’m starting to get the hang of it now.’

  As I looked at the soft brown hair falling across Rose’s furrowed eyebrows, an idea started to grow. ‘Wait,’ I said. ‘Rose, if you want to keep playing, you can. But I think we need to raise the stakes a little. I propose that anybody who needs to can borrow more chips from the bank, but at the end of five more hands, whoever has the most chips owns whoever has the least. The loser agrees to do anything the winner says.’

  ‘Like Truth or Dare,’ said Rick.

  ‘More like indentured servitude,’ said Jake. ‘What happens if you don’t want to subject yourself to this?’

  ‘No problem,’ I said. ‘You just lose the old-fashioned way, before the five hands are up. Then you’re out. But if you can hold on, you just might win big.’

  Jake laughed. ‘Fine,’ he said. ‘I’m in.’

  I knew Rose would never catch up in five hands. What I didn’t know was whether she was truly a terrible card-player, whether she had drunk too much to have good judgment, or whether she was now secretly intrigued at the idea of losing under my rules. Pretty soon, only three of us were left. ‘This is it,’ I said. ‘Jake, Rose and me. One of us will own another in just a few short minutes.’

  ‘Wait a minute,’ said Jake. ‘Maybe we’d better clarify. “Own” for how long? What are the rules?’

  ‘How about for the rest of the night?’ I said. ‘Until dawn.’

  Jake raised an eyebrow. ‘And what are the restrictions?’

  ‘I guess that’s up to us,’ I said. ‘Does anybody want to place restrictions on the winner?’

  I looked around. Rose gave a little shrug and smiled down at her hands. Rick laughed and looked back at me. ‘I’m out,’ he said. ‘Don’t ask me. If Jake’s not scared of you two, you can all go ahead as far as I’m concerned.’

  ‘Fine,’ said Jake. ‘Sky’s the limit, until daybreak.’

  Rose dealt the cards and I slowly picked up mine. Three jacks. I felt my thighs tingle and I bit my lip, trying to hold onto my poker face. We placed our final bets, showed our cards and the game was over; Rose was mine.

  ‘Jake,’ I said. ‘Thank you so much for having us here for the party. If you hear from Cathy, please let her know we took Rose home with us, and that she’ll be just fine.’

  I stood up and took Rose’s hand, leading her into Jake’s bedroom where our coats were tossed on the bed. ‘Rose,’ I said, facing her. ‘You don’t have to do this. I think you should – I think it’ll be good for you – but you need to make your decision now, because if you do come with us you won’t get any more choices for a while.’

  She looked at me wide-eyed, and slowly nodded. ‘I lost the game,’ she said. ‘I’m coming.’ She slipped her arms into her soft blue coat and followed me back to the living room.

  ‘Ready, Rick?’ I asked.

  ‘Whatever you say,’ he answered with a laugh.

  ‘No,’ I said. ‘From now on, whatever you say.’ I took Rose’s hand and put it in his. ‘Happy birthday, sweetheart.’

  In ten minutes, the three of us were at his large apartment where I poured one glass of wine and handed it to Rick. ‘Sit down, sweetie,’ I said. ‘And tell us what you want. We’re both here for you tonight.’ He took the glass and sat on the smooth leather sofa, leaving Rose and me standing in the centre of the living room. I stepped behind Rose and put my arms around her gently. I was a little taller, but with her boots and my high heels, we somehow lined up just right so I was able to rest my chin on her shoulder. I smiled and winked at Rick. ‘Molly,’ he said, putting his feet up, ‘Would you kiss Rose’s neck?’

  ‘Yes, please,’ I said. I had never kissed a woman before – anywhere – but Rose looked soft and delicious and I slowly turned my head and touched my lips to her bare white neck. With my arms still around her waist, I felt her body tense slightly, but she didn’t move away from me. I looked at Rick and he nodded.

  ‘Go ahead,’ he said softly. I brushed my lips against the back of her neck and then kissed her again, just below her right ear. She caught her breath and I licked my lips. I began covering the back of her slightly quivering neck with moist kisses. Looking up every few moments to make sure I was pleasing Rick, I moved slowly around to her front. Rose’s low-cut white T-shirt left an expanse of pale skin available to my mouth, which was gradually becoming hungrier for her as I continued our gentle game. I found the outline of her tiny Adam’s apple, and bent my head to kiss all the way around it. I pointed my tongue and placed it at the inner edge of her left shoulder blade, running it upward to the earlobe. I felt her quiver and wondered how she was feeling.

  ‘You are beautiful,’ said Rick. ‘Will you kiss her face for me?’ I nodded and moved my lips to Rose’s cheek. It was plump and warm. I kissed again, moving slightly higher, and tasted salt.

  ‘Are you all right?’ I whispered. Rose nodded and I licked the tear away. She closed her eyes, allowing me to kiss both eyelids. Her soft face was gorgeous and my enthusiasm grew as I covered it with kisses.

  ‘Her mouth, please,’ said Rick. I hesitated. To kiss a woman on the mouth – I wondered whether I would finally know what men feel when they do that. I looked at Rose’s bright eyes, which sparkled back at me. I placed my lips on hers for a second and then backed off in surprise. Her mouth was so small, so soft. The feeling was completely different from that of kissing Rick or any other man. And I wanted it again, badly. I put my hands on Rose’s shoulders and turned her, to make sure Rick could see both of us. And then I wetted my lips and pressed my open mouth against hers. I nibbled and licked and tasted her sweetness and I felt her respond, pressing her tongue into me. I closed my eyes and kissed again and felt her hands on my waist.

  Breathless, I stopped and rubbed my cheek against hers. I was excited by her gentle voluptuousness, and her compliance, but I did not want to hurt her. I turned to look at Rick, who seemed to understand what I was thinking.

  ‘Rose,’ he said. ‘You are a beautiful girl, and I would love to look at you. How would you feel about that?’ I watched her face. She shivered slightly and then the left side of her mouth curled up into a half-smile. ‘Has a woman ever undressed you before, Rose?’ he asked. She shook her head decisively and then smiled broadly, lowering her eyes in embarrassment. ‘All right,’ he said. ‘I’m going to ask Molly to do this for me, but if you’re unhappy, you just tell me and I’ll stop her.’ Rose nodded her understanding, apparently enjoying her passive role. No one had asked her to be silent, but it increased the sense of mystery for me. Our exquisite toy, willing but shy, was making me eager to see more of her too. I turned to Rick for instruction.

  ‘Take her shirt off, Moll,’ he said.

  I gently turned Rose back to face him again so he would get the full view of her as I followed his orders. I pulled the cotton T-shirt over her head, and Rose lifted her arms to assist me. She wore a brassiere of white lace and Rick and I both gazed at the roundness of her young breasts. ‘Sweetheart,’ I said to him. ‘What size, do you think?’ Rick prided himself on his knowledge of women’s bodies and my question gave us both a reason to ponder her longer.

  ‘Good question,’ said Rick. ‘Rose, would you take two steps closer?’ She approached the sofa. ‘Good,’ he said. ‘Now turn around for me, slowly.’ Again, she followed his instruction and his eyes followed her lovely breasts in their movement. ‘34C,’ he said to me. I saw Rose smile and Rick said to her, ‘Am I right?’ She nodded. ‘Beautiful,’ he said. ‘I’d love to see more of them, but first, go back to Molly.’ She did. ‘Now, honey,’ he said to me. ‘Would you mind touching that lace, just the sides?’ I laughed. Would I mind? I wanted to touch her breasts as much as I wan
ted to touch my own, which, right now, was quite a lot. I had, of course, seen plenty of breasts, but my own were the only set I had ever fondled, and I was suddenly overcome with curiosity. I faced her and reached forward, cupping my hands around the bottoms of her underwire. She wriggled a little but did not move away. With flat palms, I stroked the sides, marvelling at their firmness. Rose closed her eyes, in what I hoped was pleasure. I curled my fingers around her. She moaned unmistakably.

  Rick sighed and shook his head in wonder. ‘Very, very nice,’ he said. ‘And now, Rose, would you unbutton Molly’s blouse?’ She nodded and I dropped my hands to my sides to give her room. She fumbled with the top button of my black silk shirt. I listened to my own breathing, trying not to move, not wanting anything to interrupt this dream. When she had completed three buttons, the top outline of my black brassiere was visible.

  ‘Rose,’ said Rick, firmly. She stopped and looked up at him. (Oh, please, I thought. Don’t let this be the end!) ‘Would you please kiss Molly’s chest?’ he went on. (Thank God!) She leant forward and placed moist lips on my upper chest. ‘More,’ said Rick, and she moved aside the light fabric that was falling in her way. She kissed again. ‘It’s all right,’ said Rick. ‘You can finish unbuttoning.’ She did. ‘Now slide that thing out of the way,’ he said. Without waiting for her to do it, I shrugged my shoulders and my blouse floated to the floor behind me. ‘Good,’ said Rick. ‘Rose, please, kiss her again.’ I smiled at him and then closed my eyes in ecstasy; nobody knew as well as Rick how sensitive my breasts were, and how they loved attention. She leant forward and kissed again, starting at my shoulders and working downward toward the upper edge of my bra. ‘But gently,’ he warned her. ‘She’s very, very sensitive.’ He needn’t have told her. Her touch was lighter than any man’s had ever been.

  ‘Now use your tongue,’ instructed Rick, ‘and lick your way all around the bra.’ She began doing exactly that, tucking her tongue underneath the fabric and gently flicking at my most willing places.

  ‘Very, very good,’ said Rick approvingly. ‘Honey,’ he said to me, ‘may she go on?’ I nodded, not wanting to break the spell. ‘Good,’ he said. ‘Rose, unhook her bra. The clasp is in the front.’ I closed my eyes so I could do nothing but feel. She unhooked it and slid it backwards, caressing my shoulders as she removed it. The bra fell to the floor and Rose’s cool, small hands held my bosom. ‘You may kiss them,’ Rick said to her. She bent forward and kissed, slowly and smoothly, beginning at the far sides, under my arms, and working inward toward the nipples. I felt Rick’s eyes rub my tender breasts along with her hands, and the combination made me so wet my legs trembled.

  ‘Rick,’ I said breathlessly when I felt safe that she wouldn’t stop. ‘I wanted to give you a present.’

  He laughed. ‘Don’t worry, sweetheart,’ he said. ‘You are.’

  I sighed in pleasure as Rose’s soft fingers traced wide circles around my nipples. ‘But,’ he added, ‘there is something you could do for me ...’ I smiled, knowing he would tell me when he was ready. ‘You two look uneven now,’ he said. ‘Please take off Rose’s bra for me too.’

  I reached behind her and unfastened hers in one movement, slipping it off her shoulders onto the floor. My eyes met hers and we both giggled – maybe she had the same thought I did, about how easy those fasteners really are, even though they seem to cause men so much trouble. I noticed how our naked nipples faced each other and Rick said, ‘Please step closer.’ Without waiting for further instructions, I moved forward and bent my knees slightly so that I could rub my breasts against hers. The sensation was so extraordinary – like nothing I’d ever felt before – that I couldn’t get enough of it. I pulled her body closer with my hands, pressed my breasts harder against hers, and surrounded her lips with my mouth. I pushed my tongue inside and felt hers grab hungrily for mine. As we kissed, I moved my hands to our sides and held all four breasts at once, feeling near tears from the intensity of my own pleasure. I was so engrossed in her soft warmth that I had almost forgotten we were not alone when, to my amazement, Rose spoke.

  ‘Sir,’ she said breathlessly, to Rick, ‘may we ...?’

  I heard a low, soft chuckle. ‘I’d have to be a cruel man to stop you now,’ said Rick. ‘Rose, darling, you’re perfect. Unzip Molly’s skirt and get it out of the way.’ She reached behind me, no longer seeming quite so innocent now that she had been aroused, and pulled the zipper down on my short velvet skirt, rubbing my ass as she did. I wiggled my hips to help her slide the skirt down to the floor and then, as I stepped out of it, she dropped to her knees on the thick carpet. About an inch and a half of thigh was exposed between the top of my stockings and the bottom of my panties and she pressed her mouth against it, licking and nibbling my nakedness. I ran my hands through her hair in ecstasy, and then I gently held her hand to stop her. My panties were soaked and part of me felt like begging for release, but I didn’t want to finish yet – not without seeing the rest of her.

  ‘Rick,’ I gasped. ‘May we ... can she take off ... can I ...’ I couldn’t make sense but of course I didn’t need to.

  ‘Rose, honey, lie down,’ he said. ‘I want you a little more comfortable.’ She rolled obediently onto her back and closed her eyes, smiling at the ceiling. ‘Now, Molly,’ he said. ‘Take off that poor girl’s boots.’ I slipped out of my own shoes and knelt beside her, pulling off her boots and setting them aside. ‘And now, unzip those tight little jeans so our lovely girl can relax.’ I crawled up to her midsection and put my hands on the button of her jeans, leaning over to kiss her smooth white belly as I worked the button out of its hole and moved the zipper down. Then, without waiting for further instructions, I straddled her and leant down to kiss her breasts again. I lapped at her hard nipples, before taking one in my mouth and sucking ... until I heard, ‘Hey! Didn’t I tell you to take off her jeans?’

  ‘Sorry,’ I mumbled. I moved off her and slipped my hands inside her pants. She lifted her hips to help me remove the jeans, leaving us equals once again – or almost.

  ‘And now, sweetheart,’ he said. ‘Take off your stockings so we can see some more legs.’ With my black stockings tossed to the side, it was only Rose in her white panties and me in my black ones and I didn’t want to be stopped again.

  ‘Yes, sir,’ I said. ‘And now, may I lie on top of her?’

  ‘Absolutely,’ he answered.

  I moved my body onto hers, carefully balancing my weight on my arms so I wouldn’t hurt her small form. I rubbed my legs against hers, amazed once again by the similarity. I had always loved the contrast of large, hard male limbs against my smaller, softer ones, but actually feeling another woman was almost like making love to my own body – except with twice as much pleasure; with another person moaning and gasping and searching for more. I moved my body down and rubbed my breast against her panties. Sure enough, they were soaked like my own, and the wetness on my nipple made me cry out in pleasure. I moved off her, suddenly desperate to have her naked, desperate to make her come – my alter-ego, my body-double. I positioned myself on my knees, between her legs, ran my hands all over her thighs, her bottom, her own desperate pussy, and then I pulled the soft white underpants all the way off her and pressed my face between her legs, rubbing my cheeks all over her wetness. She squirmed and moaned and – just as I was about to locate her clit with my tongue – I heard a soft, low voice.

  ‘Wait,’ said Rick. ‘You are gorgeous, Molly,’ he said with feeling. ‘I want you now.’

  ‘I can’t stop,’ I moaned.

  ‘You don’t have to,’ he said pulling off his own shirt and jeans as he stood over us. I watched him over my shoulder. In seconds, he was on the floor with us, yanking my dripping underpants off. ‘Go ahead,’ he said then. ‘Lick that beautiful girl until she screams.’ Rose laughed and spread her legs wider for me and I hungrily thrust my tongue into her, my bottom bobbing in the air as I bent my face down into her. Rick positioned himself on top of me and thrust himself upward into
me. He had always been a great lover, but I felt him move inside me tonight with a force I had never known before. In what seemed like no time, I was moaning in pleasure, trying to hold back my orgasm. ‘Moll,’ he said breathlessly as he continued to fill me, ‘It’s OK. Come for me, sweetheart.’

  ‘No,’ I gasped, ‘Not yet. I want Rose ...’ And just then, we heard Rose begin to whimper, and then to scream. Thrilled by her ecstasy, I tightened myself around Rick and felt his heat gush into me as the waves of orgasmic pleasure crashed through my body.

  As we sank together into the soft carpet, six arms and six legs intertwined, I gave Rose’s tender cheek another kiss. ‘When is your birthday?’ I whispered.


  by Darla White

  The café was quiet, which was just how she liked it. Finding her favourite table was free, she carelessly threw her coat over the back of the chair and headed for the counter, desperate for her fix. The pretty blonde barista seemed rather underwhelmed by her order, but Jules had never bothered with the trendy caramel lattés, or any of the endless incarnations of frothy, sweet nonsense. All she ever wanted was a proper cup of coffee; strong, black and hot.

  Picking up the local news rag off the bar she headed back to her table. Having a rare afternoon off Jules was looking forward to dwindling the day away, sat by the gas fireplace, drinking coffee and catching up with her city. It wasn’t long before she was up to date on books and bands, and had completely stopped caring about the editor’s opinion on the recent increase in property taxes. Her coffee was now at the perfect temperature, and she sipped it lovingly while flipping to the crossword. The café was still quiet. A few people had meandered in and out, most of whom she recognised; regulars like her. It was that kind of place. Looking up from her paper, Jules noticed a cute young couple standing outside smoking, and thought she could probably duck out and do the same, and still be done with her crossword before her coffee got cold. They never took her long anyway. If you do them often enough, you find that the clues are always repeating. One of these days she was going to pick up The New York Times and attempt the infamous undefeatable crossword, but she knew that she would probably just end up cheating by checking online for suitable answers. She stood up and reached for her smokes. Right! She didn’t have any. A conscious choice. She was in the process of quitting and, cold turkey nonetheless, it was an almost impossible feat after ... many years of smoking. But it would be fine. If she just took 90 seconds, closed her eyes and took some nice deep breaths, the craving would pass.


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