
Home > Other > Threesomes > Page 18
Threesomes Page 18

by Miranda Forbes

  ‘This is a favour that definitely deserves to be asked in a face-to-face conversation.’

  Jenna looked into her husband’s soft hazel eyes as they lay in bed and gave him a quick peck on the lips. ‘You know there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.’ She ran her fingertips softly up and down his sculpted abs and played with the coarse curls of his dark chest hairs.

  He continued to gently fondle her bare breast with one hand and closed his eyes, bathing in the afterglow of their sex. ‘There’s isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you too.’

  ‘Then why don’t you want to try something new to spice things up?’ she asked, still staring into his relaxed face.

  ‘Do you really think we need to spice things up?’ he asked, and finally looked her in the eye. ‘I think things are fine the way they are.’

  ‘We do the same things in bed,’ Jenna complained. ‘You’re getting bored.’

  ‘I’m not.’

  ‘You are. You’re just in denial.’

  Donavan laughed, his chest rose and fell rapidly with each chuckle. ‘You’re worried over nothing.’

  ‘You don’t talk dirty to me like you used to,’ Jenna frowned. ‘You stopped pulling my hair when you’re fucking me from behind, and you don’t even sneeze after you’ve come like you used to. That tells me you didn’t come as hard as you should have. Things are changing.’

  ‘Would you like me to talk dirty to you and pull your hair now?’ Donavan smirked.

  ‘Are you going to get behind me and fuck me like I’m a dirty little whore?’ Jenna grinned devilishly. Instantly her juices began to flow between her legs.

  ‘Come here.’ Donavan ordered and pulled Jenna against his chest. Immediately his tongue swept past her lips and licked against hers. One hand cupped her ass and the other tangled tightly in her brunette locks. ‘You’re going to feel what it’s like to have a huge hard cock in your tight little pussy.’

  ‘Yes, give it to me, big boy,’ Jenna breathed. ‘Fucking give me more.’

  ‘I bet you want to taste my big cock on your tongue, don’t you?’


  ‘You want my tongue on your wet pussy too, huh?’

  ‘Yes,’ Jenna whispered. ‘Now get me really wet and tell me what your friend is doing to me.’

  ‘Ah, yes,’ Donavan whispered. He gasped when Jenna nibbled his bottom lip and held her tighter. ‘He’s standing behind you licking your neck.’

  ‘Where are his hands?’ Jenna instantly imagined blue-eyed, dirty blond Brandon standing behind her sensually licking her neck, causing heat to swirl around her sensitive areas. She liked that image but she liked the heat even more.

  ‘He’s wrapping his arms around you,’ Donavan said. ‘One hand is cupping your breast and the other is between your legs.’

  ‘Ooh,’ Jenna moaned. ‘And where is his dick?’

  ‘It’s pressed against your ass wanting so bad to enter.’ As Donavan said the words he pressed his full erection against Jenna’s thigh.

  Jenna imagined Donavan standing before her, pressing his body against hers as he was pressed against her now, kissing her mouth while Brandon stood behind her playing with her shaven pussy. She imagined Brandon’s hand leaving her wetness to find Donavan’s hard cock to stroke it, using her juices as lubricant. She wondered if her husband had the same image in his head.

  ‘What is your friend doing to you while he’s pressed against me?’

  ‘This is all about you, babe,’ Donavan pulled her hair causing her head to fall back and expose her neck. He kissed her neck and whispered, ‘We’re only pleasing you.’

  ‘No, you need pleasure too,’ Jenna said. ‘Maybe he’s jacking your hard cock waiting to stuff it into his watering mouth, yes?’

  ‘We’re just focusing on your body right now,’ Donavan said.

  ‘Come on, baby,’ Jenna whined. She tried to hide her disappointment but probably failed. ‘He wants to touch you too, the way he did in high school.’

  ‘But I’m not in high school any more,’ Donavan said.

  Jenna sensed the defensiveness in his tone and separated their bodies enough to look into her husband’s beautiful hazel jewels. ‘You used to talk about the things you and the amazing Brandon Stone used to do in high school all the time and you liked talking about your high-school trysts. It used to get you off. Why not now?’

  ‘By the tone of your voice I’m guessing we’re not going to fuck any more, am I right?’ Donavan sighed.

  That must have been his attempt at changing the subject but it wasn’t going to work. Jenna knew better. ‘You’re worrying me,’ Jenna said. ‘You’re not the same.’

  ‘Brandon and I ended in high school,’ he said. ‘We graduated and went our separate ways. I haven’t seen him since and, if you must know the truth, it only confirms that that life I once lived is completely over. There’s no reason to go back.’

  ‘You were happy then and it made you hot and horny to tell me the experiences you had with him. It’s dirty and gets me off too. No need to stop now.’

  ‘It’s over. It’s about time I let it go and stop living in the past,’ Donavan said. ‘Brandon’s moved on and so should I.’ Donavan exhaled slowly and stared at the ceiling, a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

  Jenna suddenly wondered if the look on his face was from the change in mood or because he suddenly realised he and Brandon had moved on and started separate lives. She worried if secretly meeting with Brandon would help her and Donavan’s marriage like she had envisioned or instead hurt it. She rested her head on his chest and they both lay in bed in silence.

  The day went on as any other. By the time nightfall arrived, Jenna and Donavan were snuggling on the living room sofa watching a movie. Their movie watching was interrupted by a knock on the door. Jenna immediately began to get giddy as she’d been expecting her special company all day.

  Jenna answered the door. Brandon wore a nice black silk shirt that clung to his chest muscles perfectly and dark fitted blue jeans. He looked amazing. Jenna couldn’t wait for Donavan to set his eyes on his high-school buddy.

  ‘Come in,’ Jenna said and stepped aside.

  ‘Thank you.’ Brandon smiled genuinely and walked into their comfy home.

  Donavan came around the corner and, as soon as he set eyes on Brandon, he stopped in his tracks. At first the look of utter shock swept his face and finally a bashful smile appeared.

  ‘Brandon? Brandon Stone?’

  ‘That’s me,’ Brandon said and laughed.

  ‘Jesus, it’s been a long time,’ Donavan said and met Brandon with a huge hug. ‘A long time.’

  ‘Nearly ten years,’ Brandon said. They separated and Brandon stared into Donavan’s eyes with such giddiness. ‘You look good.’

  ‘Thanks, I try,’ Donavan said.

  Jenna stared back and forth between the two as they looked each other over with a smile on her face to match theirs. She never had seen her husband so excited, so thrilled.

  ‘So, what are you doing here?’ Donavan asked.

  ‘Jenna found me online and I couldn’t pass up a chance to see you again,’ Brandon said. He smiled wider and hugged Donavan again. ‘I missed you.’

  ‘Me too,’ Brandon glanced at Jenna. ‘I missed you too.’

  ‘You look more handsome than Donavan described,’ Jenna said. Donavan’s cheeks were redder than a ripe apple. ‘Why don’t you have a picture of yourself online? It’ll make it easier for high-school friends to get reacquainted with you.’

  ‘I like to separate my personal life from my cyber life,’ Brandon said. ‘I’m single right now and I do a lot of online dating.’

  ‘You date a lot. How frequently?’ Donavan asked with a more serious look on his face.

  ‘Maybe once a week,’ Donavan said. ‘But nothing serious for years now. We don’t ever make it to the next level. They just don’t have what I’m looking for.’

  ‘And what are you looking for?’ Donavan asked.

>   ‘More than just sex.’

  ‘Wow, you’ve changed.’ Donavan laughed.

  Brandon joined him. ‘Yeah, ten years will do that to you. But I’m not the only one who’s changed.’

  ‘Yeah, I’ve been married for five years now,’ Donavan said. ‘Could you believe that?’

  ‘You used to say you would never get married,’ Brandon said. ‘You said that living the life we used to live was too much fun to let it go and settle down. You wanted to live it for ever.’

  ‘You remember that?’ Donavan said in disbelief.

  ‘That’s not all that I remember,’ Brandon said, with a flirtatious smile on his lips.

  Donavan chuckled nervously, a behaviour Jenna had never witnessed from him before. ‘Well, I found the perfect girl who’s too much fun to pass up. I had to pin her down for life before someone else did.’ Donavan winked at Jenna and she smiled.

  ‘She’s quite a catch,’ Brandon said. ‘You’re a lucky man.’

  Jenna took that compliment as her cue to get things moving toward the most amazing night her husband would ever experience. ‘How about some drinks?’

  Hours had passed and the atmosphere in the living room became calm and romantic. The television was off and the only light source were a few candles Jenna had lit to set the mood for high-school reminiscing. Brandon and Donavan had reverted back to their years as rebellious high-school kids by making a game out of who could drink the most beers. They were tied at six each while Jenna lagged behind with just three. Either way her plan had worked because they were all much more relaxed and the laughs just kept on coming.

  ‘We had a great time in high school, didn’t we?’ Donavan said.

  ‘We did,’ Brandon said. ‘But what 18-year-old boy wouldn’t have as much fun as we did when every girl wanted them.’

  ‘They wanted you,’ Donavan corrected. ‘They just went along with me to get at you.’

  ‘No,’ Brandon disagreed.

  ‘Yes, you were the popular Brandon Stone,’ Donavan said. ‘You knew what all the girls were saying about you. You know why they called you Stone.’

  ‘Because it’s my last name,’ Brandon said to Jenna but couldn’t hold back his laughter.

  ‘I thought it was because of how hard your dick got when you were horny,’ Jenna said.

  Brandon stopped laughing and looked to Donavan, a half-full bottle of beer in his hand. ‘She knows, huh?’

  Donavan nodded. ‘She knows everything.’

  Brandon flirted with his eyes. ‘What else do you know, Jenna?’

  Jenna looked back and forth between her husband and his best friend. ‘I know that at first you two used to take turns fucking girls while the other watched and then you moved on to fucking them at the same time.’ She licked her blushed lips slowly, enough to announce what was on her mind. ‘I also know that after you two got bored of fucking girls you turned to each other.’ She said in a low seductive voice as she twirled her finger around the hard bud of her left nipple that poked through her top. ‘But because Donavan was a little shy about it, he wouldn’t let you fuck him so you just sucked his dick until he came in your mouth. But you, eager for pleasure, allowed Donavan to do whatever he wanted to you including fucking you, the amazing Brandon Stone.’

  When Jenna looked back at Donavan he had his sexually enticing eyes pinned on Brandon while he rubbed his palm over his jeans where his growing hard-on began to tent. Jenna grinned, loving the direction their little chat was going.

  Brandon must have taken Donavan’s bold behaviour as a prompt because he stood up and pulled Jenna up to stand before him. She and Donavan both watched as he pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his incredible sculpted abs. He stared into Jenna’s eyes as he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. He stepped out of them slowly and sensually.

  Jenna eyed Donavan. He seemed to be enjoying the view as much as she was. She grinned at Brandon, hinting at her dirty thoughts.

  ‘I’m going to fuck you.’ Brandon pulled Jenna’s shirt over her head and dropped it to the floor. ‘I’m going to fuck you and your husband all night.’

  Jenna exhaled, feeling the heat of desire in her throat. She stood in the middle of the living room wearing nothing but a pair of panties and a skirt. Her voluptuous breasts were exposed to the cool night air and her nipples immediately stiffened.

  Donavan came to her side and smiled at her briefly before closing his mouth over her hard nipple. Jenna closed her eyes and savoured the sensation. Chills raced down her spine. Donavan sucked her nipple for a full minute before he let it pop from his lips.

  Brandon took over and clamped his full lips over the same nipple to give it a good suck. Jenna moaned in delight. ‘I can’t wait to be fucked by two huge cocks,’ she whispered. ‘But, baby, I want to see you fuck this pretty boy first.’

  Brandon looked up into Donavan’s eyes. For a second they stared at each other’s facial features and Jenna watched them in silence. She could see how Brandon admired her husband’s hazel eyes and chiselled jaw. Donavan let his hand glide along the side of Brandon’s face as he stared at his pouty lips. Before a second passed, Donavan pulled Brandon closer and pressed his lips to his. Jenna had a close-up look at their tongues licking and gliding against one another’s. It aroused her immensely to be sandwiched between two hot men who obviously had the hots for each other.

  ‘You want to fuck me?’ Brandon breathed into the kiss.

  ‘I want to fuck you so bad,’ Donavan said and bit Brandon’s bottom lip.

  Jenna saw Brandon melt instantly. His eyes fluttered although they were half closed and his body relaxed as he panted and moaned. The fantastic thing was that Jenna knew exactly how he felt. Donavan had kissed her like that before and she had done the same.

  She took advantage of her position and ran her palm up and down the length of Brandon’s hard cock. Although he still wore his black boxer-briefs she still admired his girth. Donavan ripped his own clothes off hastily. Completely naked, he moved to position himself behind Brandon. Quickly, Donavan turned and pushed Brandon against the nearest wall and pressed his dick against Brandon’s ass. Jenna was amazed at how quick yet uniform Donavan and Brandon moved. She was left in the middle of the room alone but her attention was on how Donavan manhandled Brandon. She felt she was right there next to them.

  Donavan thrust his groin against Brandon’s ass as he placed Brandon’s hands over his head and pinned them against the wall. Jenna squeezed her thighs together as her juices started to flow.

  ‘You want me to fuck your ass?’ Donavan whispered against Brandon’s shoulder. ‘You want to feel how deep my dick can go?’

  ‘Put it in me,’ Brandon moaned. ‘God, I need it.’

  With that order Donavan obeyed. He quickly hooked his fingers into the rim of Brandon’s boxer-briefs and pulled them down over his ass and to his thighs. Jenna blushed with heat as she witnessed her husband lick his finger and slide it between Brandon’s ass cheeks, and what a great ass he had. For her being the judge, Brandon definitely had a tight, lean, football-player ass.

  Donavan twisted and glided his finger in and out as Brandon squirmed in pleasure. ‘You want more?’ Donavan asked. ‘You want me to spread you more?’

  ‘Yes,’ Brandon growled. ‘Give it to me.’

  Donavan pulled out, spit on three fingers and eased them all back in between Brandon’s tight ass cheeks. ‘You like that? You want more?’

  ‘Fuck me, Donnie.’ Brandon placed his forehead to the wall and begged, ‘Fuck me now.’ Donnie was the nickname Brandon had given Donavan in high school. Maybe he begged for it then the same way he was begging for it now. The thought of it definitely was a turn-on for Jenna.

  Donavan removed his fingers and left Brandon briefly to fetch a condom from his pant pocket. When he returned to him, he placed the condom on, lubed his cock up with saliva and slowly pressed it inside his high-school buddy.

  ‘Fuck yeah,’ Brandon cried. ‘God, I fucking missed this. All this
time ... I needed you.’

  Donavan moved his body in waves as he slowly fucked Brandon’s tightness. ‘I missed this too. I wanted this for so long.’

  Jenna made her way over to her husband. She kissed his muscular back and ran her palms over his flexed arms. She had never been so aroused in her life. Watching her husband fuck his male best friend lit a fire in her hotter than any fantasy ever had. Her desire burned so deep she felt the heat on her skin. She pressed her pouty lips against Donavan’s ear. ‘I want you. I want you both to treat me like I’m your dirty whore.’

  Donavan paused. Jenna watched him pull out of Brandon and pull the latex from his swollen cock, dropping it to the floor. In no time Donavan’s lips were pressed on hers. She moaned as his tongue licked hers. She gasped when his hands found her ass and squeezed. She nearly collapsed when the amazing Brandon pressed his body against the back of hers. His stiff cock pressed against her lower back and smeared it with sticky precome. But nothing was more thrilling than suddenly feeling Brandon’s cock prod her wet pussy entrance. She would have collapsed in sheer bliss if she wasn’t securely anchored between two gorgeous bodies.

  ‘Fuck her,’ Donavan demanded. ‘Fill her pussy up with your cock and fuck her good.’

  Such dirty talk made her weak in the knees. The deep-throat groans and grunts coming from Brandon as he fucked her hard and fast were enough to stimulate her sexual senses. Moreover, her husband demanding another man to fuck her while he assisted in the fucking was overload on her sanity. She wanted to come but she didn’t want to give in to the pleasure without having a thick cock down her throat first.

  She bent over, allowing Donavan to support her as she took his hard-on in her mouth, past her lips, along her tongue and down her throat. Before long, she was being fucked simultaneously by the amazing high-school buddies. And, boy, was it bliss. Finally, she gave in to her pleasure and let an orgasm rip through her body. Brandon was next to do the same. She felt the warmth of his juices inside her as they collected at the tip of his condom. As Brandon panted for air, the taste of Donavan’s hot, bitter semen hit the back of her throat. It was bliss, indeed.

  During the afterglow of incredible sex, Brandon excused himself to the bathroom. Jenna lay naked on the sofa, glistening with a light layer of sweat as Donavan held her in his arms. The cool air brushed her skin and made her shiver slightly. ‘This was the most amazing night. I hope you won’t get angry with me.’


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