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Threesomes Page 21

by Miranda Forbes

  All the same, when I told her what I wanted for my 30th, after far too many vodkas last weekend, she surprised me. ‘I’m up for it!’ Her response was instant and all nonchalant, like it was no big deal. She even blew me a jokey kiss.

  When her hand returns to the railings, I can’t decide if I’m disappointed or relieved.

  Which is strange, because I’m not bi. In fact I wasn’t attracted to women at all until I met Tia. Somehow she intrigues me.

  As for the other thing I’m hoping for tonight? I barely dare admit it, even to myself. To meet The One: my elusive soulmate. Near impossible perhaps, given that I haven’t the faintest idea what I’m looking for.

  ‘How about that one then, the Beckham lookalike?’ asks Tia.

  I laugh. ‘The one in the white shirt? I can’t see the resemblance.’

  A new track begins and the crowd roars.

  ‘Yay! I love this tune,’ I say.

  ‘Come on then, let’s dance.’

  We hurry downstairs and push our way onto the dancefloor just as the melody comes in. The strobe lights flash, everyone goes crazy and I’m happy again – for now at least.

  As we dance, a dark-haired guy catches my eye. They say if you see someone dance, you can tell what they’ll be like in bed, and he’s dancing with pure passion.

  Noticing me watching him, he shoots me a smile.

  ‘Don’t look now,’ I shout to Tia. ‘But check out the guy in the black T-shirt.’

  A moment later, she gives me the thumbs up. We dance our way over to him and he turns his body to face mine. His dark eyes sparkle at me every time I look at him. We dance closer and closer until his fingers brush mine. Above the stage smoke, I can smell his shampoo. When Tia gets behind him, pressing herself up to his back, he seems startled but not displeased.

  One of his mates hones in on Tia. ‘Fuck off!’ she mouths.

  I bite my lip as the poor guy fucks off, looking offended.

  Tia returns her attention to the guy in front of her, helping herself to a feel of his arse.

  It’s now or never. Leaning in close, I shout, ‘Want a drink?’

  He raises his eyebrows as though he can’t believe his luck. ‘Sure.’

  His palm wraps around mine to lead me to the bar. Not to be outdone, Tia grabs hold of his other hand.

  ‘What’s your name?’ I ask as we wait to be served. The music is quieter over here, but we still have to lean towards each other to make ourselves heard.


  ‘I’m Lauren.’ Our eyes meet and I feel a spark of desire. ‘And this is Tia.’

  Men generally don’t know quite what to make of Tia. Tonight, for instance, she’s wearing a short dress in a white semi-transparent sort of fabric. Cute. Yet she’s teamed it with silver-studded biker boots and over-the-top smoky eye make-up. Kind of a bride-of-Dracula look. It sums up her personality completely.

  We take our drinks to a booth. Matt slides in between Tia and me. I shuffle up until I’m right next to him, letting my bare arm rest against his as we chat.

  He’s softly spoken, with an air of quiet confidence. His hair is closely cropped, making him look sweetly vulnerable and a few years younger than he probably is.

  I knock back half my drink and say softly, ‘You’re gorgeous, Matt. Isn’t he, Tia?’

  Tia voices her agreement.

  ‘Are your legs as sexy as your arms?’ I ask next. My heart thumps as I reach down to his denim-clad thigh.

  He blinks.

  Tia’s hand goes to his other thigh and remains there. She grins. ‘I reckon so.’

  His eyes widen in surprise.

  I pluck up all my courage. ‘Want to come home with us tonight, Matt?’

  His jaw drops. He sets down his drink and looks from me to Tia. ‘You serious?’

  I nod, not taking my eyes from his face.

  ‘What is this? Some kind of fantasy?’

  ‘You could say that.’

  He draws in a slow breath. ‘OK. I’d better tell my mates I’m leaving.’

  Tia and I stand up to let him get out. We exchange looks.

  ‘Think he’ll come back?’ I ask.

  Tia cackles. ‘I hope so. Nice choice, Lauren.’

  He returns wearing a leather jacket and a dazed grin.

  We’re silent in the taxi. Nerves on my part – and Matt’s, I guess. As for Tia, it’s hard to say. She’s not really the nervous type. When I turn her way, she’s gazing out of the window with the faintest of smiles.

  Matt gives me a shy sideways glance. I feel that spark again as our eyes meet. He starts painting little circles on my palm with his thumb. Wow. I’d never realised quite how sensitive my palm could be. It’s as though he’s touching me there instead. The inside of my knickers is getting wetter and wetter.

  He jumps. I look down and see that Tia has her hand on his cock.

  I think the taxi driver has clocked what’s going on. He gives us a strange look as we climb out.

  As soon as we’re inside, Tia and I set about preparing gin and tonic. Matt watches us from the sofa. I hand him his drink and he downs it immediately.

  ‘Are you hot, Matt?’ Tia teases.

  ‘Let’s cool him down.’ I kick off my heels and climb astride his lap.

  He sets his glass on the side table and clasps my waist, watching to see what I’m going to do next. Fishing an ice-cube from my glass, I slide it down his cheek. When it reaches his lips, he parts them. I like that he’s prepared to let me be in charge. It takes some confidence for a man to sit back like this.

  I ice his bottom lip and kiss him hard, like I’ve wanted to since I first set eyes on him. After the initial chill, his lips warm up rapidly. He’s delicious. There’s a hint of stubble on his upper lip. I trail my tongue over the bristles.

  Tia is next to us on the sofa. ‘Want a taste, Tia?’ I ask.

  I lean back to give her access. She dives in and plants her mouth onto his. While they’re kissing, I take his hand and place it on her ample chest. Watching my face, he slides his fingers down the front of her dress. Tia kisses him harder in response.

  Both of them are breathless when she pulls away. His hands settle on my thighs, where my dress has hitched up. I peel off his T-shirt to reveal a smooth chest with taut abs. ‘Nice,’ I whisper and kiss him again.

  Tia’s hands roam over his nipples. I feel him flinch and I smile to myself. She must have an ice-cube.

  ‘Take off Lauren’s dress,’ she says in his ear. ‘And her bra.’

  While he unzips me, she sticks her hand inside his fly and pulls out his cock. She giggles. ‘You’ve gone all hard, Matt.’

  He pulls my dress over my head. I reach behind to unclip my bra and shrug it off my shoulders. He lowers his lips to my tits, sucking as much flesh as he can into his mouth. His hot tongue laps my nipples.

  His eyes flick upwards to mine. I sense him wondering how far this will go. In response, I wrap my fingers around his cock and tug the warm flesh gently up and down. Things are getting pretty heated. As much as I want him right now, I want to make this last. I prise his hands from my waist and climb off.

  In a flash, Tia has stripped him of his jeans and boxers. His generously proportioned cock, fully erect now, juts up towards the ceiling. ‘Mm,’ she says, approvingly. She glances at me. ‘Want to watch us, Matt?’

  My heart speeds up another notch. I’ve always wanted to do this. With shaky hands I lift off her dress and bra. We press our bodies together. Tit to tit, lip to lip. Her small fingers weave through my hair. She smells of vanilla and coconut.

  Back on the sofa, Matt has his hand around his cock.

  Tia’s warm tongue slips into my mouth. And just as I’m getting used to kissing her, her hand skims my thigh. Before I know it, her fingers are inside my knickers, her slim forefinger probing into me. I gasp. It’s so much softer than a man’s fingers.

  She has me so turned on that my inhibitions are just melting away. I reach into her gusset and explore her
hot sticky centre.

  At the sight of Matt stroking himself up and down, I say, ‘Let’s go to bed.’

  Taking Matt by the hand, we lead him down the corridor to my king-size bed.

  ‘What are we going to do to you then, Matty boy?’ asks Tia, kicking off her boots.

  She and I fall to the bed on top of him. We take it in turns to kiss him, holding his broad shoulders to the mattress.

  He has Tia’s right breast in one hand and my left breast in the other. ‘Fucking hell,’ he mutters, ‘I can’t believe this is happening.’

  Neither can I. ‘Hold him down, Tia.’

  She grabs his arms.

  Taking an ice-cube from Tia’s glass, I put it in my mouth. ‘Spread your legs, Matt.’

  His cock is fully exposed and oozing a clear bead of liquid. As I wrap my lips around the tip, he inhales sharply.

  Tia clamps her hand over his mouth. ‘Shh.’

  Slowly I suck up and down his swollen length, relishing his salty taste. His flesh is burning hot and he’s still squirming at the ice. I pin his ankles to the bed with my feet. I can’t get all of him into my mouth, but I give it my best shot. He gives a low groan as the end of his cock touches the back of my throat. Reluctantly I pull away. ‘Want a go, Tia?’

  She and I swap places. All she has on is a lacy black g-string. She kneels over him. As her scarlet lips descend, I slip her g-string over her hips. She has the sexiest bottom, full and round.

  I take his tongue into my mouth and suck it hard as she sucks his cock.

  ‘I want you, Matt,’ I tell him, wriggling out of my knickers.

  Panting from Tia’s efforts, he traces up the insides of my leg and pushes his chunky forefinger into my folds. I raise my hips to his hand, wanting more. A second finger joins the first. As his fingertips caress my insides, he rubs my clitoris with his thumb, searching my face all the while. His desire is plain to see and hear.

  I let him take me to the brink, then I pull away, gasping. ‘We’re going to fuck you, Matt.’

  Tia lifts her mouth from his cock to add: ‘All night long.’ She gives him one last fierce suck that makes him arch his back. ‘Pass me a condom, Lauren.’

  As she rolls the rubber onto him, she looks at me with a grin. ‘It’s your birthday, Lauren. You can go first.’

  I’m aching to have him inside me. Still, I hover over him, trying to prolong the moment.

  ‘Come on,’ he begs.

  Tia and I exchange amused looks.

  She slaps the side of his face. ‘Patience!’

  Inch by throbbing inch, I slide down the length of his cock until my bottom rests on his strong thighs.

  ‘Oh God!’ he groans.

  I hold there a moment, taking in the solid warmth of his flesh.

  Alongside, Tia watches on. I take Matt’s hand. ‘Fingerfuck her, like I’m fucking you.’

  Tia’s mouth opens wide in surprise as he pushes his middle finger inside her. I start moving on him again. Up and down, feeling that rounded helmet burrowing inside me.

  I move harder and Matt gives Tia another finger. Her breaths are coming closer together. The sight of her flushed face as his fingers thrust in and out of her turns me on even more. ‘Give her your tongue, Matt,’ I urge.

  Tia climbs in front of me. She presses herself to his mouth, holding herself open to him with one hand, clasping her other hand to the back of his head. I grip Matt’s hips and start fucking him as hard as I can. His hands tighten on Tia’s plump buttocks.

  He’s breathing really hard now.

  ‘He’s about to come,’ Tia warns.

  He’s not the only one, but I slow right down. I want Tia to come first. ‘Make her come, Matt.’

  He grunts in response and I see his head moving faster from side to side.

  ‘Mmm,’ Tia breathes.

  I reward him with a quick thrust of my hips, before returning to slow slides. He bucks his hips for more.

  ‘Hold him to the bed, Tia,’ I say.

  She pins his arms down with her knees. He tries to pull them free, but she won’t let him.

  ‘I’m so close,’ she says and I reach around to cup her breasts. ‘Shit, Lauren,’ she breathes and I start moving harder on Matt again.

  I don’t know how much longer I can hold back, but then Tia shouts out. With her still sitting over Matt’s face, I start to fuck him really hard. I dig my nails into the sides of his buttocks as the pleasure soars back up to a crescendo. And then the whole of my insides are clenching in violent, almost painful spasms. Wow.

  A second later, Matt’s cock seems to swell inside me. His whole body jerks from the bed and he gives a muffled cry.

  When Tia climbs off, he lies there, looking stunned.

  Tia chuckles as she gets up. ‘I think we’ve blown his mind! Shit and I think that blew mine too.’

  His cock softens inside me. Reluctantly I climb off. I’m so turned on that I’m already plotting what I want to do next.

  Tia and I stretch out on the bed.

  Matt props himself up on his elbow. ‘Have you two done this before?’ he asks when he’s got his breath back.

  ‘Mind your own business,’ says Tia before I can answer. ‘Why, have you?’

  He looks horrified. ‘What, you mean with two guys? No way! Nor two girls. Although I have to say I’ve dreamt about it – what guy hasn’t?’

  Tia snorts.

  ‘Whose idea was this anyway?’ he asks next.

  I smile shyly. ‘Mine.’

  He studies me. ‘And why me?’

  I flush. ‘I guess I liked the look of you.’

  He traces his finger across my lips. ‘And?’

  It’s not just that he’s totally gorgeous. I like his quiet manner; the way he sat back, letting us take control like that. He’s a big guy and he could probably overpower us any time he wanted, but he was happy to play along. Could this be more than just a one-night stand? Still, he must see me as some sort of crazed nymphomaniac. ‘And you didn’t disappoint,’ I reply finally.

  He breaks into a smile.

  Tia yawns. ‘Why is it that guys are so into the whole two girls thing? Is it because you think you might learn something from watching us, or because you’re too lazy to do all the hard work yourself?’

  Now he looks embarrassed. ‘I don’t know.’

  Tia smiles wickedly. ‘So let’s see what we can teach you.’ She reaches down my bare belly and I gulp as her expert fingers go to work on me again.

  She knows exactly what she’s doing. Instantly my body floods with new rushes of pleasure. Two minutes and I’m on the brink again.

  She stops.

  ‘No!’ I moan.

  ‘Well don’t just bloody lie there,’ Tia says to Matt. ‘I’ve done nearly all the work for you.’

  He sits up and sticks his face between my thighs. His dark eyes rest on mine as his tongue makes tiny rapid circles on my clit.

  Tia remains kneeling behind him. With a naughty smile, she lowers her mouth to his buttocks. He makes a yelp of surprise. She nipped him.

  Pleasure builds in my stomach.

  I can tell from Tia’s laughter that she’s up to no good back there. Matt’s body jerks to the side but his tongue keeps moving. She must have her fingers in his arse. The thought of this is what sends me over the edge. I pull his face to my crotch and explode around it.

  ‘You can get your revenge on her now,’ I tell him weakly.

  Matt turns round to face his tormentor.

  Tia grabs hold of his newly swollen cock. ‘Well, hello ...’

  While she wriggles another condom onto him, I say, ‘She likes it from behind.’

  I’m torn between jealously and fascination as he presses her shoulders to the bed and eases his cock into her. I can see the lust in his eyes.

  Mm,’ she breathes.

  ‘Screw her nice and hard,’ I say.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ he mutters. ‘I’m going to.’

  I’ve heard my neighbours at it thr
ough the wall, but actually seeing it right in front of you is something else entirely. I stroke my fingers over my throbbing clit as his cock ploughs into her. Tia’s boobs swing back and forth. She’s shoving herself onto him, taking all he can give.

  The mattress rocks beneath me as their hips shunt backwards and forwards. I can’t believe I’m lying here watching this. I can see them, feel them, hear them and smell them as they fuck. I’m concerned he won’t last, yet he appears in control – for now at least.

  Tia starts making little noises. This seems to spur Matt on, for he grips her hips and speeds up a notch. Her moans reach a crescendo. She buries her face in the pillow and cries out into it.

  With his cock still buried deep inside her, Matt’s eyes return to mine. I feel a thrill of excitement as I realise what he’s thinking. I nod my head a fraction. He pulls out of Tia and she collapses to the bed.

  Shaking with desire, I reach for another condom. Matt’s cock twitches as I put it on him.

  ‘How do you want it?’ he asks gruffly.

  Tia rolls over to watch. I kneel up against the headboard and arch my bottom towards him, looking at him over my shoulder.

  With a faint smile on his lips, he grabs me by the waist and shoves himself inside me. ‘Like this?’

  I can’t believe how good he feels. My insides are still hypersensitive and he’s even harder than he was the first time. ‘Yeah, just like that.’

  He pushes in and out, but I need more, so I start touching myself again. He finds a steady rhythm. Yet just when I’m getting somewhere he stops.

  ‘You OK?’ I ask breathlessly.

  ‘Yeah. Just give me a minute.’

  I feel him shuddering with the effort of holding back.

  ‘Let me,’ says Tia. Kneeling in front of me, she slaps away my fingers and replaces them with her own. As she rubs my clit back and forth, I tilt my head back onto Matt’s broad shoulder. I can feel his cock ticking away inside me. There’s something deeply erotic about knowing he’s about to go off in there.

  Tia lowers her lips to mine and presses her tongue deep into my mouth. Matt starts moving inside me again. I close my eyes, almost there. Tia’s soft fingertips are about to bring me off. I suck hard on her tongue. As I feel the stirrings of my third climax of the evening, I say to myself: Happy birthday.


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