Blood Match

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Blood Match Page 18

by K. A. Linde

  “We could try again.”

  His hand lazily stroked circles against her center.

  She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of him touching her.

  “Look at me.”

  Her eyes snapped open. He hooked his fingers into her underwear and slowly stroked one finger inside of her. She was having difficulty keeping her eyes open and not just giving in and moaning his name. Her body reacted to him like a fine-tuned instrument.

  His thumb moved to her clit, circling it greedily in his hand and palming her completely. She gasped as her body contracted around him. She thought she was going to come right then and there. Her body aching all over. But he paused, drinking her in.

  “Becks,” she breathed. “Don’t stop.”

  The self-satisfied smirk returned and he continued stroking her deftly. His pace intensified and soon she was crying out as she came. She slumped forward against him as he removed his hand and released hers.

  “I thought you did pretty well with your hands over your head,” he said.

  She grinned. “Did you just tease me? Are you teasing?”

  His laugh was everything as he lunged for her, dragging her to bed. No more talk happened after that. Just a long afternoon delight. Neither of them coming up for air anytime soon.

  * * *


  Beckham trailed his fingertips over Reyna’s naked back. She was lying facedown on the bed, somewhere between asleep and awake. Beckham hadn’t been quite as rough this time. Despite his claims that he wanted her to feel him the next day, which she likely would anyway, she knew that he didn’t really want to hurt her. Their passion was palpable and the joy of having these moments was enough.

  “Can I ask you for a favor?” she murmured into the silence.

  He pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “Anything.”

  “I need a wedding dress.”

  Beckham stiffened next to her. “Who are you marrying?”

  She laughed and rolled over. “It’s not for me.”

  He tilted his head in a way that she knew meant go on.

  “My brothers, Brian and Drew, are here at Elle. Did you know?”

  He nodded. “I arranged it.”

  Her heart swelled. How could he think himself a monster? When he did such things for her without even trying to take credit.

  “Thank you,” she said, her throat burning with emotion.

  “I know what they mean to you.”

  “Brian got engaged to his girlfriend, Laura, while I was…gone,” she said, stepping over the topic nimbly. “They’re getting married on Christmas.”

  “That is less than a week away.”

  Reyna cringed apologetically. “I know. I meant to ask you last time you were here, but…we kind of got distracted.”


  “Well, Laura is pregnant and they want to get married as soon as possible. She says that she doesn’t care about having a dress because she didn’t even think a real ceremony could happen. But Meghan, Jodie, and I have been working with her to get everything together. So…it’s happening.”

  “But there’s no dress.”

  She nodded.

  “And you think I could get her a dress?”

  “I thought I would ask.”

  “Hmm,” he said. “I could probably get her a dress. Just tell me what she wants and I’ll have it delivered.”

  “That’s sweet, but no. I was thinking more along the lines of…you would help get us out of here so she could try on dresses at a dress shop.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Why? That sounds totally insane, Reyna. I know you want to get out of here, but leaving isn’t really a good idea.”

  “I know. But it’s not for me. This is for Laura.”

  “What’s the big deal? I can pick up any dress she wants and bring it in.”

  Reyna sat up with her knees tucked under her and a sheet covering her body. “You’re not a girl. You don’t get it. It’s the magic, Becks. It’s standing in a dress shop and trying on a million dresses and finding the one. So much has been robbed from us, I don’t want this robbed from Laura, too. Even if we were in the warehouses, she would have gotten that moment, you know? I’m the reason she was uprooted from that life. I want to give her that one magical moment.”

  “Okay. Say that I have a contact at a bridal shop who would work with us. How exactly do you think I’m going to get a bridal dress shop to close down so that she can try on dresses alone? It would look suspicious.”

  Reyna chewed on her lip as she considered it. There had to be a way to make it happen. Her stomach flipped uncomfortably as she realized how it could happen.

  “I have a crazy idea.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “Aren’t all of your ideas?”

  “It would involve a big favor from Penny.”


  “You two are still fake engaged. What if we had her pretend like she’s going to get her dress? She can have the store close for her and then we can bring Laura in. I would be on my very best behavior. I would put aside all differences and be extremely appreciative for her help.” Reyna winced. “Maybe?”

  “I have a feeling she will not like that plan.”

  “I know, but honestly this isn’t about me or you or Penny. This is about Laura.”

  “I will consult with her and see if we can get it done.”

  “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!” Reyna beamed at him. Then she trailed her hand down his bare chest. “What are you doing for Christmas?”

  He frowned and glanced away. “Christmas is not a holiday I celebrate.”

  “Why not?”

  “It is laced with bad memories.”

  Reyna frowned. She wanted to ask him what had happened on Christmas. But she could see the haunted look on his face. That was a story he wasn’t ready to tell. The fact that he was acknowledging that he didn’t like Christmas was at least a step. She would take it.

  “Well, would you like to be my date for my brother’s wedding?” she asked in a small voice.

  Beckham seemed to come back to himself at that question.

  “It’s a small thing. I don’t think that many people will be there. I just thought…it might be nice. It’s a thing…couples do. You know…boyfriends and girlfriends.” She knew she was rambling, but she couldn’t stop. “If you don’t want to, you don’t have to.”

  “I do.”

  “You do?”


  “But?” she asked, instinctively knowing it was on the tip of his tongue.

  “I don’t know if I can get away.”

  “Oh. Okay.” She frowned and looked down at the bed. A flush suffused her face.

  “I will try to,” he said tentatively. He put his hand under her jaw and forced her to look at him. “I do want to come.”

  “I know. I wish there wasn’t this sense of secrecy around us.”

  “One day things will be different.” He swept a lock of her dark hair out of her face. “Then we won’t have to hide anymore.”

  “I look forward to that day.”

  “More than my next breath.”

  He brought his lips down to hers and she sighed into the embrace. She too wished for the day when there were no longer barriers between them. But she didn’t know when or even if that day would ever come.

  * * *


  Reyna must have fallen asleep, but she didn’t remember doing so. Only waking up groggily from an afternoon nap to find Beckham on the phone in her room. A computer and a stack of paperwork were in front of him. He looked so serious, back in his suit, and looking all professional. It was a strange juxtaposition to him being naked in her bed moments ago.

  His eyes drifted up from the computer as if he knew automatically that she
was awake. She crooked a smile and tucked the covers around her still-naked body as she sat up.

  Work? she mouthed to him.

  He nodded and then spoke into the cellphone. “I understand. Yes, that sounds perfectly reasonable. I will be back in the office tomorrow.”

  After a short pause, Beckham frowned considerably. He tensed at whatever was being said on the other line. She could tell that he didn’t like it—what was being said or how it was being said. He looked as if he was about to rage on the other person.

  But when he spoke none of that was in his voice. “Of course. Penelope is busy for the evening. She wouldn’t mind giving me up for another ball.” Slight pause. “That is a personal matter.” Another pause. “Understood.”

  Beckham ended the phone call and tossed the cellphone next to the computer.

  “Who was that?”


  Reyna recoiled at the name. It still stung like a viper’s bite every time it was mentioned in her presence. Sometimes she forgot that Beckham worked for him. The reminder was a slap in the face.

  “You’re leaving to go see him?” Reyna asked.

  “Yes. It’s my job.”

  Reyna suddenly felt very naked. “Right,” she said, scrambling out of bed and searching for her clothes.

  “I still have some time before I have to return.”

  “What did he ask when you said it was a personal matter?” She threw a T-shirt over her head before glancing back at him.

  “He asked what my fight with Penelope had been about.”

  “You didn’t just lie?”

  “Harrington can usually tell when I’m lying,” he said simply.

  That made Reyna shiver. “How do you avoid that?”

  “Try not to get into situations where he is asking questions that I do not wish for him to ask.”

  “How much longer are you going to work for him?” she asked, her voice unintentionally rising.

  “As long as it takes.”

  Reyna waited for further explanation. She knew Beckham stayed because it gave them insider information into what Harrington was doing and where Visage was going. But it didn’t make it any easier.

  “I need to talk to you.” Beckham gestured to the place he had vacated. “Have a seat.”

  She plopped down, anxiety swirling through her. What the hell was Beckham going to talk to her about? From the look on his face, it couldn’t be good.

  He put his hands behind his back and stood tall over her. “I want you to work with Washington regarding your blood.”

  “What?” she asked, jumping to her feet. That definitely was not what she was expecting. “How can you ask me to do that? You do know what I went through at Visage, right? I don’t feel comfortable doing that. It’s too traumatizing.”

  Even though she had told Meghan that she would consider working in the medical wing, she hadn’t ever thought that Beckham would push her toward it. She knew she could help the greater good but it was so soon after she had been rescued. The thought of donating blood still made her gag.

  “Sit,” he instructed. Then he waited for her to return to her seat. “Your safety is my number one priority. I refuse to allow anything like what you experienced to happen again. You trust me. I trust Washington.”

  “Okay,” she said uneasily.

  “I can sense you. That day at the ball was not a coincidence. I knew you were standing outside of the door that day you came back from Ferrier House. I knew when you were awake just now. It is all the same feeling.” When Beckham next glanced at her, all she could see was worry on his face. Or better yet…him trying to conceal his worry. “If I can sense you and your blood, what is to stop anyone who has drunk your blood from sensing you?”

  Reyna froze. “You think Harrington…”

  “I don’t know. And I do not like not knowing.”

  “And you think Washington can figure that out.”

  “Wouldn’t you rather know if he could?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Then will you meet with him? I will go with you.” He reached his hand out.

  “Right now?”

  “I do not have much time. I would make sure nothing happens to you.”

  And she saw in his fierce expression that he was telling the truth. He would destroy anyone who tried to hurt her. Though the last thing she wanted to do was work with Washington or ever give her blood again, Beckham raised a valid point. If she wanted to leave HQ, then she needed to know if she was putting herself in danger.

  She reached out and placed her hand in his. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter 24

  Beckham directed Reyna through the network of corridors and to the back entrance of the medical wing. Reyna memorized the way in case she needed to do it again.

  She was nervous. No doubt about it.

  Following Beckham inside had her completely on edge. Even though she trusted Becks and, if he thought this was important, then it likely was, it didn’t make it any easier. Now here she was…

  Beckham put his hand on her lower back. “Your pulse is through the roof.”


  He stopped her. “Will I let harm come to you?”


  “Would I willingly put you in a position where you are unsafe?”


  “I would kill before letting a single person lay a hand on you. You know this?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  He reached for her hand, threading their fingers together. Then he brought it up to his lips and placed a kiss there. “You are mine, Little One.”

  She breathed out a sigh of relief. She hadn’t entirely calmed down, but there was something in his eyes that told her she had nothing to fear. It was incredible to think that she had once feared him. Or that he still believed that he could ever be a threat to her.

  Beckham directed her down the rest of the corridor until they reached an open office door. He knocked twice and then entered. Washington was seated behind a desk so cluttered Reyna could hardly see an inch of the surface. Just paperwork, notepads, pens, a clipboard, and various medical supplies that disappeared beneath more papers.

  “Beckham,” Washington said with a genuine smile. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “I am here about Reyna.”

  Washington’s eyes drifted to Reyna who was still standing like a scared mouse outside of the office. “Hello there, Reyna. Good to see you back in the medical wing.”

  “Hi,” she said softly.

  “What is this about?”

  Beckham looked at Reyna as if to check that she still wanted to do this. He held his hand out and she finally stepped inside. Her heart was thudding once more, but she knew that Beckham was right. She needed to do this.

  “I need to find out what’s wrong with my blood.”

  “Wrong with it?” Washington asked.

  “I can sense her,” Beckham said, explaining all the strange incidents. “It has happened many times.”

  “Fascinating,” Washington said, standing up appreciatively.

  “How do we make it stop?” Reyna asked.

  “Stop?” Washington asked, perplexed. “Hmm…I doubt you can make it stop. I’d have to think on it some. Why would you want it to stop?”

  “I don’t,” Beckham said with finality. “But I do not want Harrington to have the same access I am privy to. I do not want anyone who has tasted her blood to have the same reaction.”

  “Well, we could have someone else drink her blood and see if it works,” Washington said simply.

  Beckham growled. Actually growled.

  “Or…we could try something else,” Washington said hastily, taking a step back.

  Reyna could see the death in Beckham’s eyes at the suggesti
on. She placed her hand on his sleeve. “It would be okay.”

  “It would not.”

  “I was merely suggesting the simplest test,” Washington added.

  “Reyna’s blood is not for feeding,” Beckham snarled. “No one else will taste her. Not ever.”

  “Becks,” she whispered.

  “If her blood does allow the ability to sense her, then another vampire will have claim on her. I won’t allow it.”

  “I have heard of this sort of thing before,” Washington said, obviously trying to redirect the subject. “But it’s been many years. Long before we had the technology that we do now. Might I be able to take a sample of your blood to run some tests?”

  Reyna nodded. Washington glanced at Beckham, who nodded as well. All three of them moved out of his office and into a lab.

  Reyna took a seat and tried not to think about the needle by focusing on her breathing. In through her nose, out through her mouth. Beckham came to stand next to her.

  “Hey, look at me.” She slowly did as he asked. “This will be over soon.”

  She didn’t nod or do anything. She just stared at him and waited. Not watching usually helped some. She didn’t anticipate it. But it didn’t lessen the fear. It was like waiting for someone to jump out at you in a haunted house.

  The prick of the needle happened. Beckham inhaled deeply. His hand clenched on the chair. But he never broke eye contact. She could see him retreating deep into himself, fighting for control. Could see the hunger buried there. Then as quickly as it happened, it was over.

  “There we go,” Washington said. He cleaned up her arm, put a Band-Aid on it, and then swept the blood vials up and onto the counter. “That was interesting. Your blood smells very sweet.”

  “I’ve heard that before,” Reyna said. “Do you know what that means?”

  “Well, all blood smells differently. Especially to vampires with our more enhanced sense of smell. But I personally only know of one other person who has ever smelled like that.”

  “I’ve never smelled anything like it,” Beckham said, still in a bit of a trance.

  “You were not even born yet when I discovered this woman.” Washington finished with the rest of his work and then came to stand before them. “One of the lords had a favorite who smelled similarly.”


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