Don't Get Me Wrong (Love in Brazen Bay Book 4)

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Don't Get Me Wrong (Love in Brazen Bay Book 4) Page 5

by Brill Harper

  Three is a nice number. Four sounds better. “I’ll want to keep trying until we have at least one of each.”



  “It’s too soon for that kind of talk.”

  I palm the back of her head possessively. “Do you really think so?”

  “People are going to think we are rushing things.”

  “Do you care what people think?”

  “We’ve only known each other for twenty-four hours.”

  “I feel like I’ve been waiting for you my whole life. I’ll wait longer if you need more time, but my mind is made up.”

  She sighs. “I can’t believe this is real. I keep waiting to wake up and remember I’m alone.” I pinch her ass hard. “Hey!”

  “See, you’re not dreaming.”

  She hits me back playfully. “I’m going to go to the bathroom and check on Baby.”

  I reluctantly let her go, but Baby starts to cry before she’s barely got the door closed, so I guess I’ll get her first.

  Chapter Eight


  We stake out the area on campus where I have seen the blonde girl in passing. Nick and Baby are a bit further away, though I’m sure it won’t be long before it gets out that Professor McFuckme is wandering around campus holding a baby. Hearts will be broken. Rumors will fly.

  Let them. He’s mine now. At least that’s what he keeps telling me.

  I see her coming so I make my approach from the side. When she sees me, she looks like she’s going to bolt.

  “Wait, please!”

  She starts to run but stops when Nick and Baby come out from behind the wall of the science lab building. Her forlorn face turns red immediately and crumples into tears. “I’m sorry, Madison. Mommy is so sorry.”

  She folds over and sobs, so I comfort her best I can. Her words are chopped but I hear, “so scared” more than once, and a couple, “didn’t know what to do.” I rub her back.

  “Your little girl is fine. She had a great night with her Uncle Nick.”

  She stands up and wipes the snot off her face. “Where’s Devon?”

  “I told you he was out of town. That house is Professor Sanders’ house.” I gesture to Nick. “And I’ve been house-sitting for him after Devon left.”

  “Oh, God. I’m such a horrible mom. How could I just leave my baby?” She loses it again, and people are starting to stop and stare, so Nick ushers us into the art building and uses his key card to open a conference room so we have some privacy.

  She sits down and stares at Baby, Madison I guess, with such fierce longing, but she’s too scared to ask Nick to give her back.

  “Professor Sanders, you must hate me.”

  “No, that’s not true. You made a desperate mistake, but we’re going to help you so you never feel that hopeless again, okay? What’s your name?”

  “L...L...Lisa,” she hiccups while trying to get her tears under control. “Devon said he would help me, but then he stopped answering my calls. I couldn’t find him anywhere. My parents disowned me, I got kicked out of my dorm, I’ve been staying with a friend, but I know her roommates are annoyed with having a baby there and me not contributing. The only thing I’ve managed to do is not fail my classes. I know if I quit school, it’s all over for me and I’ll never make a life for my kid. But I just snapped. I thought Devon was there, I swear.”

  If she’s living in the dorms, that means she’s probably a freshman. I know I don’t have full access to wisdom and life experience at age twenty-three...but eighteen or nineteen seems so young. I barely managed to take care of myself my freshman year, let alone a baby and a college load.

  Nick bounces Madison a little. “Okay, Lisa. We’re going to get you some stable housing first thing, okay?”

  “Why are you being so nice to me?”

  “My brother will never step up, but little Madison here is family. I want my niece to have the best of everything. That means a happy mom, too.”

  She shudders, trying to choke back tears that are going to come whether she wants them to or not. “I think sometimes I should give her up.”

  I get her to sit at the table. “Is that what you really want?”

  She shakes her head. “No. But I’m a bad mom. I just left her. I don’t even understand what goes on in my mind sometimes. I love her so much, but sometimes I just detach.”

  “Have you seen a doctor for postpartum depression?”

  She shakes her head. “I barely saw a doctor for prenatal checks.”

  I make eye contact with Nick. “Well,” he says, “then that will be one of the first things we do. Katie was telling me about it on the way here. It’s completely normal. Everything you’re going through and feeling is understandable. Other moms have the same feelings sometimes. You’re completely normal. You just need help.”

  “What if I don’t get better?”

  “I’ll tell you what. We’ll get you some stable housing and some childcare help and a good doctor. If you still feel like you want to give her up in six months, I’ll adopt her, and you can see her whenever you want.”

  Lisa dissolves into tears, and I don’t do much better.

  When she’s all cried out, Nick brings the baby to her and hands her to her mom. It’s been an emotional day already, and we still have a lot to do.

  We find an apartment easier than we thought it would be. It’s near campus and mostly furnished since the tenants who just moved out left most of their stuff behind. It’s crappy stuff, but it’s a safe place. I help her sign up for assistance everywhere I can think of, and once she’s settled, the fear leaves her. She’s still got a lot of guilt, and it’s still not a bed of roses—but she’s not alone anymore.

  Later, back in Brazen Bay, we stop at Ironwing for a beer, even though it’s my night off. “Would you really adopt Madison?” I ask once Nash brings our brews.

  “Well, I guess I should have talked to you about it first. I’m not used to couple decisions, am I?”

  “When you say things like’s too soon for us to be making couple decisions, Nick. And that’s not why I was asking. I was thinking more about Madison. It’s a big step.”

  “Katie, I want to get married and have a family with you. If you need more time, that’s fine. But I’m ready. And Madison is going to be a part of our lives whether we adopt her or not. Lisa is going to need help. Besides, if I murder my brother, you might want to marry me so you don’t have to testify against me.”

  “Only if you let me help.”

  We clink our bottles together.

  The door opens, and a puppy bounds through it followed by Stella chasing it in my favorite dress of hers. It has peacock feather print and she always wears it with the cutest purple heels.

  “Thor!” Stella yells at the puppy. “You little punk. I can’t believe you got off your leash again.”

  “Get that dog out of here,” Nash says grumpily, but doesn’t look up from the paper. His two dogs are sniffing little Thor and he’s the cutest.

  As if he knew I was thinking about him, he runs over to me, his little rump coming at me sideways as he runs. “Oh, my gosh.” I scoop him up and he immediately nuzzles my neck.

  Stella stops at our table. “Well, that was easy. You’ll need a better leash, but I have a food and water bowl in the car you can have.”

  “Oh, I can’t have a dog.” I actually don’t even know where I live right now.

  “Of course you can,” Nick says. “I don’t think I can break this up. He loves you.”

  I smile at him. “My house-sitting gig is up.”

  Stella pulls a chair to our table. “Hey, Nick. When did you get back?” she asks casually, but she’s watching us very carefully.

  “Saturday. Katie was watching my house when Devon skipped town.”

  “That’s how we know each other,” I say. I meant it to sound deflecting, but I’m pretty sure I just sounded guilty.

  “How was China?” she asks, grabbing my hand and
pulling my palm toward her to examine while she waits for his answer.

  “It was great, but I’m glad to be home. What are you doing?”

  “I’m reading Katie’s love line.”

  I try to pull my hand back, but she’s pretty strong.

  “Yeah?” Nick says. “Does her palm tell you how many kids she’ll have?”

  Stella regards him shrewdly then lets go of my hand and grabs his. “Hmmm.”

  “What does my palm tell you?”

  “Your palm tells me that you’re not a dick like your brother, but if you’re not careful with my friend’s heart, I know where the deepest part of the Bay is. They’ll never find you.”

  He smiles and I gasp. “Stella!” I can’t believe she just said that.

  “What? If you guys think anybody looking at you wouldn’t be able to tell you’re sleeping together, you’re not very bright. And since I know both of you are very bright, I’m sure you are going to tell anyone who has a problem with it to go suck an egg.”

  “The university—”

  Nick answers, “If the university has a problem with it, I’ll find a new job.”

  I gasp again. “Nick!”

  The puppy starts snoring in my ear, and I bounce him a little like I’ve been doing with Madison. Stella drops Nick’s hand, satisfied.

  He isn’t even paying attention to Stella. “You’re not one of my students. I’m not even teaching right now. If they have an issue with the one semester we’ll be there together, then I’ll do something else.”

  “You can’t quit teaching for me.”

  I can’t believe we are having this discussion in front of Stella. Make that Stella and Nash, who has brought Stella a beer but is clearly just trying to hear what’s going on.

  “I don’t think I’ll have to. But if I do, it will be worth it. Stella, do I owe you for the dog?”

  She shakes her head. “No, but feel free to make a donation to my FundMeNow page.”

  “You’re taking the puppy?” I ask.

  “Of course, I am. He loves you. And you want him.”

  Well, good. I guess that means I can visit the puppy. I still need to find a place to live myself. Getting Lisa settled was enough for today, but I can’t just crash at Nick’s for the rest of the semester.

  “Is Tru in the office, Nash?” Stella asks.

  “If I tell you yes, are you going to try to get her to take that hedgehog?”

  She purses her lips “How do you know about the hedgehog?”

  “Please, Stella. We have a telephone tree in town whenever you have a stray. Whoever you contact first calls the first person on the tree to report in. We can usually get at least twenty-five people notified before you make your third stop.”

  Her mouth drops. “That is an excellent idea. I want to use it too.”

  He scratches his head. “It’s to thwart you.”

  “Oh, I know. But think of how much more efficiently I can home pets if I just start with the first person on the tree. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it.”

  “I don’t want a hedgehog, Stella.”

  “Nash, Tru took that hedgehog three days ago. You just haven’t noticed it in your house yet. I’m just here to ask her about another paint and sip thing.”

  They continue arguing across the room and I catch Nick watching me. “What?”

  “You look hot holding a puppy, too.” Oh, the butterflies are strong in this one.

  “You know they are a lot of work, right? They don’t sleep that much.”

  “We’ll manage.”

  “And I doubt I can find a place that will take a dog. If you are serious about taking him, he’ll have to stay at your place.”

  His brow wrinkles. “You’re going to look for a place? I thought you were staying?”

  “Nick, I can’t impose on you like that.”

  “Impose? What are you talking about? You said you would marry me last night.”


  “You don’t want to live with me?”

  “I do!” I blurt out. “I don’t want to rush you. We just met...if you change your mind and I’m living with you...I thought you might want to go slow.”

  “We passed slow ten seconds after we met. I want you with me. Unless you’ve changed your mind.” He looks down. “I was thinking today how young Lisa was and how you’re really not that much older. Maybe I’m being a selfish prick.”

  “If you’re comparing yourself to Devon right now, stop. I’m crazy in love with you, but I think every woman who meets you probably is.”

  “You’re the only one who matters.”

  His words send curls of pleasure through me. I want this to be real. I want to live in that house I love with this man I love already and raise little Thor here. “Most people would say we’re rushing things.”

  “Most people never have the kind of connection we have. They don’t understand how it feels to just know. Be brave, Katie. Take a chance on me.”

  And I do know. Taking a chance on Professor McFuckme is the least risky thing I’ve ever done in my life.

  Chapter Nine


  Eight months later

  Tonight's the night. I'm sure of it. I've been monitoring my cycles and I'm certain I'm ovulating.

  Fertile. Ripe. God, that makes me horny.

  All I need now is for my husband to get home. I twist the ring on my finger. We got married over winter break. I graduated just before. It’s a good time. I’m working on my master’s and doctorate degrees slowly while we grow our family.

  When he comes home, he finds me waiting for him in our bed.

  He stops in the doorway when he sees me. Leaning against the frame, his eyes darkening in appreciation at the sight of his woman in nothing but skimpy lingerie, he whistles lowly.

  I crawl across the bed and then cross the room, stealing a quick kiss before dropping to my knees in front of him, making short work of his belt, unfastening his pants and pulling them down.

  “Well, hello,” he says.

  I wink at him and treat his cock to a gentle squeeze, and then run my hands up his muscular thighs to slowly peel down his boxers. “I missed you today.”

  “I see that.” He groans as I suck in the head and immediately start working my way up and down his quickly growing shaft. His hands grip the doorframe, his head falls back in pleasure, and his eyes clothes as my eager mouth works him. His hand is in my hair, fucking my mouth faster...faster...until I feel him starting to get close.

  “I fucking love being married,” he says, as I pop him out of my mouth before he spends what I want deep inside me.

  He hauls me to my feet and walks me backward, kissing me deeply as we go. My knees hit the bed, and I tumble down to the mattress while he grins down at me as he kicks off his shoes and strips off the rest of his clothes. I crawl back up the bed, but he grabs me by the hips and hauls me onto my back, rending the expensive lingerie off in one desperate yank.

  “Hey, that was expensive,” I protest.

  He pins my wrists above my head. “I’ll buy you another one.”

  “It won’t fit for long.” Not if all goes well on Project Baby.

  His other hand delves into my pussy, two fingers deep, forcing a moan from me. “Eager girl, you want my cock, don’t you? You’re dripping wet.”

  “I was playing with myself while I was waiting for you, Nick. You took so long to get home, and I need it so badly...” I know the words that make him crazy, and I never hesitate to use them. I like it when he goes caveman.

  He flips me over, hauling my hips up, forcing my thighs to spread before he plunges deep into me from behind, somehow keeping my wrists in his grasp underneath me.

  I'm restrained and helpless as he drills into me until my thighs are trembling and I'm moaning as he uses my body.

  “You’re so perfect. I love you so much. I can’t wait to put my baby inside you.”

  “I can’t wait, Nick. I want your baby so badly.”

/>   Without warning, he releases my wrists and flips me onto my back, shoves a pillow beneath my hips, spreads my legs wide and plunges back into me. “I want to look into your eyes when I come.”

  I wrap my legs around his waist and meet his thrusts, trying to get as much friction as possible. I'm so close, I know it won't take long before I come. He growls primally and pulls my ankles to his shoulders and begins hammering me hard. The new angle takes him impossibly deep, and I immediately start coming.

  “That’s it,” he says. “Your pussy is milking me so hard. Gonna get a big load, aren’t you?” He kisses my ankle. “I'm going to come inside you until you're filled with every drop I have. I'm so deep there's no chance you won't be pregnant by the time I'm done with you.”

  I'm still shuddering with aftershocks when he finally reaches climax, his cum spurting against my womb. Filling me. It feels so hot inside me.

  I lower my legs and we stay locked together as long as possible, staring into each other’s eyes.

  “I can’t wait to see you so big and round like a fertility goddess.” He rolls us to the side but keeps his hand on my belly. “You make me so happy, Katie. Happier than I ever thought I could be.”

  I can’t believe a year ago, I worshiped this man from afar with the rest of the university, never knowing that he was my destiny.

  “Tomorrow is a big day,” I say. “We close on the new house at noon. You don’t think it’s premature to move to a bigger house, do you? What if it takes me awhile to get pregnant?”

  “Sweetheart, relax. There’s no pressure to get pregnant. The move is a good one for us and for Lisa and Madison.”

  I nod. We’re buying the house next door and renting this house to Lisa and our niece. It will be nice to have them close.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you, your brother gets out of jail next week.”

  “I’m sure he won’t come here. He’s still pissed that I didn’t bail him out. Hopefully he learned something from this.”

  “Hopefully he won’t get back on the steroids.” Devon’s ‘roid rage finally caught up with him in Chicago, where he’d moved to when he left Brazen Bay. He assaulted the wrong guy, a cop, in a bar fight.


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