Burn (Dragon Souls)

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Burn (Dragon Souls) Page 3

by Fletcher, Penelope

  “Fine. But you must not stay long. People talk. Complaints Marina is treated with preference reach Myron’s ears daily. He then pesters me that it is unfair for the other First Chosen.”

  Koen left the box and strode down the hallway. “I am caring about this?”

  “It puts her at greater risk. Myron let her enter Aver because the Dragon Council twisted his arm, but do not think he will not expel her if we shun all tradition and flaunt it for all to see.”

  “My preference is plain. I refuse to hide it.”

  “You courted Katya.”

  Koen snorted. “A deception to rid Marina of a dangerous enemy.”

  “It was enough to convince many your Dragon’s attentions might be swayed by a stronger candidate.”

  “That is their mistake. I will not encourage another. The last hurt my Treasure’s feelings. I would not do it again for the world.”

  “Can you attempt at diplomacy? Remain aloof in her presence when the other females are within sight?”

  Koen didn’t want to give ground on this matter. Not touching Marina for as long as he had almost drove him mad before a Council Mon gaily highlighted his lack of understanding on the tradition.

  She could not initiate physical contact with him, but he could touch her – in private.

  “Those females annoy me greatly.”

  “They act for the honour and glory of their Houses. I have asked you time and time again not to hate them because of it.” Daniil lengthened his stride to keep pace with the Dragon King as he hastened to steal time with his beloved. “You know how I feel about Anastasia. I need more time to make her see we are perfect match.”

  “You bother me with this because?”

  “I have not forgotten of your vow concerning her.”


  “To kill her if she wins the Crown and hunts you.”

  Stride faltering, Koen spared his friend a cross look. “I spoke rashly. I would not end the life of the female you have set your heart upon. I was enraged. Marina slipped from my grasp as your friendship deepened. Anastasia was another obstacle to my heart’s desire.” Koen snorted. “But if Marina is victorious against ice wolves I have faith she can handle that cold blooded bitch.”

  Daniil cringed saying nothing. He was just relieved Koen had no plans to destroy his wilful Treasure before he had a chance to claim her.

  They turned the corner and came across a Dragon Lord and Chosen rutting in plain view. The corridor was empty, but their lack of discretion was ridiculous.

  The Lord’s face was buried in the crook of the giggling Chosen’s neck. His hands ran down her back to cup her ass and hold her gyrating hips closer.

  It was only when the Chosen breathlessly moaned, “Oh, Nikolai,” did Daniil sigh gustily and slap a hand over his eyes.

  Come morning a wronged Sire frothing at the mouth would be scrawling a challenge to House Raad on the stones.

  Daniil ended a swift calculation of what another challenge would cost their political aspirations with a grimace. He was torn between distain and admiration. “How did he manage to meet an assignation between now and seeing him in the arena?”

  “I do not bother myself with such questions. They are pointless and hurt my head.” Koen strolled past the writhing pair. As their moans increased in volume, he stopped. Shook his head just once. “I did not realise a female fought for your hand this Aver, brother.”

  Squeaking, the flushed Chosen detached from the Dragon Lord who was not her betrothed. She dragged her bodice up and her skirts down while managing to bob a curtsey, evidently mortified.

  She still managed to fling a mournful look at Nikolai’s groin before fleeing on silent feet, the palm of her hand hiding her face in a poor attempt to conceal her identity.

  The three males watched her careen around the bend at speed.

  Groaning, Nikolai stuffed his erect manhood into his leathers. He eyed the resulting bulge dolefully. “She was bestowing her fondest apology for being promised to another.” He glanced up angrily, sexual frustration apparent in his coloured cheeks and flared nostrils. “You could not have waited?”

  Koen stalked his brother until the younger male pressed flat against the wall.

  Nikolai’s shoulders hunched. He cringed expecting a blow.

  “Whore,” Koen bellowed then spun about to continue his march towards the royal rooms where Marina was tended.

  “Rude,” Nikolai yelled at his brother’s retreating back. He shot a wounded look at Daniil. “Was that not rude?”

  Daniil gripped the taller male by the nape and shoved. “Brat.”


  Wedged in the middle of the two males, Nikolai slung an arm around their shoulders. He hugged them roughly. “My sunshine was marvellous, was she not?”

  Daniil brushed the arm off. He was not impressed in the least. “When is she not?”

  “I thought for sure her chances were over when she dived into the crevice. It was a risky move. The bards will sing of her boldness for dynasties to come.”

  Koen’s jaw worked as he remembered the nail biting moment.

  Left with no other way to channel his anger, he pinned his younger brother with a glare. “Why do you honour us with your presence?”

  “Another bounty has been placed on the head of my butterfly, a much higher sum than previous. There are a handful of Houses with enough coin to spare for such frivolity. Tyr and Ja are of course the most suspicious.”

  Koen tensed. His brother’s juvenile behaviour rankled. “Marina’s life is not a frivolity.”

  Stopping, Nikolai’s playful tone and expression dropped. “Spending coin to ensure her dead while she partakes in the most dangerous quests known to our race that might do the job for them? Someone is desperate. You depend on me for little. Trust me in this.”

  “How can I when you act as you do?”

  Jaw clenching, Nikolai looked away.

  “Perhaps a union between Houses,” Daniil suggested. “Marina and I overheard a conversation between two lesser Dragon Lords. That suggests an alliance.”

  A fleeting look of panic crossed Nikolai’s features. “I received no word of this.”

  “I sent none. I want to investigate myself. They were reluctant to act against our Houses. I do not want males losing their lives if they can be spared.”

  “Were these ice or fire breathers?”

  “What does it matter?”

  “You reported Drackai blackmailed into supporting plots against Koen’s bride. What makes these so special they escape judgment? Other than being fellow ice breathers?”

  “What are you saying?”

  “Is your allegiance to us or them?”

  Daniil stiffened. “My loyalty to my King is unquestioned.”

  “I question it.”

  “Do not think to draw claws with me because your brother put you down as you acted the fool.” Daniil took a threatening step. “I love your family. The Raad bloodline is considered my own, supersedes ties of loyalty to the Wyvrae Court, and you know it, brat.”

  Koen shoved them apart. “Enough.”

  He gripped Daniil’s shoulder. The male was rigid with tension.

  Kol never struck without cause. He preferred peaceful negotiation to battle, but any male had triggers. Questioning his loyalty to House Raad was a past issue sensitive between them.

  Koen knew Daniil was trustworthy, but news of information regarding Marina’s safety being kept a secret was concerning. He harboured feelings for his Treasure beyond mere friendship, a situation only resolved with time.

  Nevertheless, interference and possessiveness on this level was not acceptable.

  “Nikolai is justified in his frustration,” Koen said. “Withholding that information was not a decision for you to make.”

  Sapphire eyes narrowed. “Nonetheless, I stand by it. You would have Nikolai eradicate all and any threat. That is not the way to be, Koen. House Ja noted a blood feud on the stones. Did you know this?”<
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  “Yes,” he answered, unemotional and indifferent. “Fools do foolery.”

  “It is a matter of time before they strike.”

  “I am not concerned.”

  “Goddess willing, you and Marina will be together, but for the rest of your lives hunted by assassins and set upon by the upper Houses unless you get concerned. What kind of life is that?”

  “They will not dare go against me once I am Emperor and protected by my Empress.”

  Daniil shook his head. “I would rather assure your reign be of peace. Attempts by fire breathers on the Ice Realm’s Queen would ignite wars your ascension to Emperor is supposed to quell.”

  Expression jaded, Koen walked away.

  Quickening his pace, he thought on what his Second said. His want was simple – Marina as his wife. Tradition made such a thing endlessly complicated and fraught with danger.

  Death stalked his Treasure even now.

  The celebrations would begin in mere hours, and he was expected to attend, mingle, and congratulate the Chosen who made it this far in Aver.

  All he wanted was to curl up with Marina for the night and sleep. Hold her to him and join their bodies as one. Watch her beautiful smile light up his world as he teased her to the delirious heights of ecstasy. See how many times her body could shudder and peak, as he loved her.

  Consoled by the notion Marina would meet the coming challenges and be successful Koen fought his impatience. Goddess knew what he would do if she failed.

  Reaching her apartments, his lips thinned.

  Regent Myron arched a brow at his presence yet made no move to impede his right of entry. He spoke quietly to the Healer exiting Marina’s room.

  Satisfied by what he heard, he offered Koen a respectful bow then turned his attention to Daniil. He summoned the male with a steady lift of his chin. The Regent sent Koen a terse look of warning then spun and swept down the corridor with Daniil on one side and the Mage Healer on the other.

  He did not bother ringing the bell. Koen slid the decorative screen aside and entered the room with Nikolai on his heels.

  She was awake and upright in bed.

  Marina’s beauty struck him as a multifarious, changeable phenomenon. She affianced his senses. There was a wild intensity to how her features expressed emotion. It was purely elusive, riveting. Beguiling. She transfixed him, the mere sight of her an experience to savour like rich, ruby coloured wine in firelight.

  Her cheeks were rosy with health, and her dark eyes beamed excitement. They smiled when she spotted him. Her black hair was a mess. A mess he yearned to fist his hands in. The glossy cap of spiky, often tousled locks brushed her eyelashes at the front, and swept her nape.

  He imagined it long enough to wind around his wrist and blanket his body as he slumbered.

  Her scent filled the room. Warm, honeyed. It slid down his throat and wrapped around his cock.

  Their gazes tangled.

  Reaching for him before he’d fully cleared the threshold, Marina smoothed her hand over his calloused palm. She gripped his forearm as he clasped her delicate wrist.

  She laughed throatily when he abandoned pretence of politeness and snatched her from the bed.

  None in attendance voiced complaint. None viewed it as anything other than his right to tend to his female.

  The ache within eased.

  A rough growl of satisfaction punched past his lips. He held her to his chest and nosed her hair.

  Echoes of his earlier rage dimmed the pleasurable reunion. Locking their gazes, he glowered.

  “Don’t act like you’re not impressed.” She pressed her plush mouth to his chin then pushed another harder kiss to his lips as his head dropped. “Oh, don’t make that face at me.” Her hand cupped his throat. “I didn’t get clawed on purpose.”

  Amused at the dominant positioning of her hand, Koen sat, Marina on his lap. He studied her scarred thigh.

  Four jagged stripes scored the once smooth curve of moonstone-coloured flesh. They were raised and pink – freshly healed.


  “Not so much. Feeling high actually.” Her voice chimed like a bell. “The Healer patched me up with magick. Khan’s a Mage. Did you see the tattoos on his cheeks? I might get one of those.”

  Cupping her sweetly curved jaw, Koen rubbed his thumbs over the soft rounds of her cheeks. He prayed she never marred her beauty that way. “They are burned into the skin with iron brands.”

  “Oh.” She squinted as she thought about it. “Maybe not then. Why would they do that?”

  “The Barren Ones mark their strongest warriors.” Koen ran his gaze over her and truly saw nothing more damaging than a few scratches and grazes. “I am glad you are well.” His voice lowered ominously. Power filled the room. “This, my little fool, means you will explain your decision to fight without battle armour.”

  Arousal infused her scent. She shivered. “I’m lusty for danger?”

  Infuriated by her teasing the Dragon rose. His tone turned threatening. “Marina.”

  “It went missing,” she whispered quickly peering back at the creature hidden within his gaze. Rather than run screaming, she smiled, pressed closer in welcome.

  “I believe it was stolen in the hope you would withdraw.” Daniil spoke evenly as he entered the room. His expression was anything but calm. His clenched jaw ticked as he slid the screen closed. “I questioned the servants and they saw the armour earlier in the day. They swore an attendant wearing House Zar livery took it.” Daniil shared a severe look with his liege. “We have a traitor.”

  Mikhail uncoiled himself from where he reclined as a Dragon. ‘They shall be dealt with.’ The floor shook as he approached. His dark eyes brimmed with malice at the betrayal.

  “Who knew it was possible to get bored of people trying to kill you?” Marina plucked at the edge of Koen’s tunic. “Why can’t whoever has a problem come out and say it?”

  “You could challenge them on the political stones,” Daniil said. “They would be unable to refuse. To do so would stain the honour of their House.” Anger clipped his words. “An upper House would never let that kind of slight go without retaliation. This foe would have no choice but to fight you fairly. Our enemy treads carefully to avoid this. They will remain hidden.”

  “Then drag them out into the open. I have enough to deal with. I want to know who wants me dead.” Marina paused. Her head shook in irritation. “I haven’t hurt anybody. These people don’t know me. Why the grudge?”

  “Your existence has changed the course of our future greatly.” The passionate outburst came from the old woman seeing to Marina’s dress robes.

  The males turned bemused and bad-tempered gazes her direction.

  Pasha’s eyes dropped. “It is just....” Intimidated, she shrank until her neck disappeared into the stiff-collar of her dress tunic.

  “Say what you like about our Houses,” Marina insisted. “Better to know the truth than be blind to it.” She looked at Koen. Shifted her gaze to Daniil when his expression remained unreadable. “Right?”

  Knowing another explanation on the intricacies of how servants interacted with their betters would be lost on his offspring, Mikhail snorted, blowing hot air over her.

  “You treat me as an equal,” Pasha said quietly, pausing. “It is not our way.”

  “I’m not getting into this with you again,” Marina said distractedly. She raked her fingernails down the side of Koen’s neck. It fascinated her how he shuddered and stiffened against her.

  “Speak freely,” Koen commanded.

  He tugged Marina’s hand from his throat and linked their fingers. Reacting viscerally to her touch was not shameful, but he shared her attention. He would rather wait – patient – until he could drag her to his lair. Nobody needed to see what he would do to her. That was for his enjoyment alone. There she could pet him as he devoured her. She was little and he could keep her there easily. Trapped under him for days and days....

  Clueless to his
lustful thoughts, Pasha gave Koen an awed look. “Raad servants are loyal as are those who serve Zar.” Not entirely comfortable, she flicked a look between the two House Heads. Averting her gaze she shifted awkwardly. “But there have been whispers of discord – worry surrounding the risk of Raad’s sister House being Zar. Ja has noted a blood feud. They are not kind to their people. They are taking their frustration out on them, and it is having an effect in how the servants between Houses treat each other. Some are resentful. They believe the strife is because of the union between the Princess and King. They believe the unrest will get worse.”

  “Servants exaggerate,” Daniil said. His tone was flat and unimpressed. “Which is why it is not their place to speculate on the business of their masters.”

  Flushing, Pasha nodded and lowered her head. “Of course, my Lord.”

  Marina eyed his Second in disapproval. “Thank you, Pasha. We need to know information like this. It helps. Now Nikolai knows where to focus his attention next.” She peeked at where the younger Raad brother stood sulking in the corner.

  Having captured her attention, he preened. “You know what I do?” Emboldened by her interest he advanced with a leer.

  “That you protect me?” Delighted by his cheekiness, Marina reached for a hug.

  Koen stiffened.

  Wisely, Nikolai relinquished her arms and gallantly bowed. He took her hand to rain noisy, nibbling kisses on it.

  She grinned impishly as he nuzzled her fingers. They played their game. “I owe you an apology, huh? I had rather unfair thoughts about you.”

  “Think of me in any capacity that pleases you, angel. I am your devoted servant. One who guards your body at day,” their gazes met as he smiled invitingly, “and at night.”

  Short, rough growls vibrating his chest, Koen severed the contact. He made sure to dig his fingers hard into the male’s groping hand. “Take care, brother. I know where these paws have been.”

  Marina stared at her palm. Distaste curdled her good-humoured expression. “I don’t want to know do I?”


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