Burn (Dragon Souls)

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Burn (Dragon Souls) Page 9

by Fletcher, Penelope

Heart pounding wildly, Koen wasn’t too proud to plead, not to his mentor for his Treasure. “Please.”

  Startled, Myron froze.

  A lengthy sigh eked past his lips and his body slumped. His exasperation deflated only to be replaced with sorrow.

  He glided around the desk and stopped not a foot from the Dragon Lord he’d raised from infancy, as was tradition. “There is no fighting this. It is done.”

  “It will change nothing. Nothing will keep us apart.” Koen struggled to regulate his breathing. He was too emotional, he knew, but panic was a constant companion where his Treasure was concerned. It bedevilled him he could not keep her close at all times to know she was safe. “I will fight for her.”

  “So be it.” Myron was placid. “Come.” He paused at the grandiose partition to whisper something to a guard who then took off in haste.

  They walked silently through the halls until they reached the floor holding rooms for the members of House Zar.

  Myron chortled as they passed another maid who gasped and swooned in Koen’s naked wake. “Will you not clothe your nakedness?”

  “Marina has seen me bare.”

  The old male flicked him a stern glance. “It is unseemly.”

  “I care not.”

  “Spare my aged eyes the ghastly sight of youth. Adorn yourself. Before I do it. As I did when you were a youngling.”

  Smoke billowed from Koen’s nostrils. As a youngling, he’d wanted nothing more than to fly and play. Myron insisted he wear ornate robes whenever he was in human form. It irritated him no end, as he had to pause to magick them away whenever he gratefully succumbed to the need to wear his dragonskin. When he’d grown older and refused to bother, Myron began conjuring the clothes onto his person from a distance. Humiliating. “Fine.”

  He clothed himself, and grunted when the older male chuckled. Myron noticed how he grimaced, and tugged at his leathers to ease the restraint against the heavy ache in his groin. He was going to see his Treasure. Arousal was inevitable.

  They passed Boy, Cathryn then Mikhail’s stately rooms before coming to Marina’s.

  Claws of desire scraped along his thighs and hips when his nose captured a faint tease of her scent. Koen grew edgy. The dark slashes of his eyebrows lowered into a glower.

  No matter what Myron decided he would not give Marina up.

  Being disqualified would shame her, but any who dared mock her would feel the bite of his flame, the cut of his ice.

  He heard Daniil’s deep timbre as they halted outside the painted screen.

  Marina’s sultry voice and husky laughter made his heart clench.

  If only I could spare her this.

  “The physician has been cancelled?” he asked gruffly. “I wish to lessen her embarrassment. There is no need for her to endure his examination.”

  “Yes, yes,” Myron snapped. “Khan knows he is not needed. Where do you think I sent the messenger?” He drew himself up. “I am furious, Koen, to be forced into this position. I have no desire to harm this young woman.” He palmed the screen, paused to ring the bell then marched into the room. His robes swept behind him in a fan of gold silk. Snow white locks fluttered about his wizened face. “Marina Zar. Stand before me.”

  Sat in a pool of golden light, Marina’s gaze jumped from where it fastened on Koen to Myron. She squeezed Daniil’s knee then did as she was bid.

  “Regent.” Expression cool, she dipped her head. “Having a pleasant morning?”

  Thrown off guard, Myron gathered a fold of his robe in his hand. “It has become trying. The reason of which you are aware.”

  Icy façade cracking, she sank her upper teeth into the lushness of her bottom lip. “I don’t see a physician.”

  “Out of respect for your Sire, I will do my best to see the particulars of this matter contained.”

  Her lips curved. “How redundant. It won’t be hard to deduce what happened in here. A disqualification after a mystic checks for virginity is pretty self explanatory.”

  Myron’s stance softened. “It is all I can do.”

  “Sit with us?” Marina didn’t wait for an answer. She moved to Koen’s side, and waited for him to hold her. Her dark eyes filled with emotion, and he was intensely aware of her drawing in his scent, reacting to it by shifting even closer. “Hello, trouble.”

  Slipping his hands around her waist, Koen buried his nose in her hair. This was where he belonged. “I am sorry.” His voice roughened. He lowered further and rubbed his entire face into her neck gathering her scent upon his skin. It was as much for his comfort as hers. “We will get through this.”

  She tiled her head back, and her smile was filled with adoration he didn’t deserve. There was no anger or fear in her eyes. The soft shimmer of affection was a balm.

  He stole a kiss.

  Another when she possessively cupped his throat then led her to the seating area over the far side of the room.

  Taciturn, Myron cut to the point. “I have no wish to prolong this.”

  “Understandable.” Remaining close to his side, Marina folded her legs under her bottom. “It’s not the most comfortable topic. Embarrassing as hell to be frank.”

  Myron’s gaze was sympathetic, but his voice cracked like a whip when he spoke. “High Princess Marina Zar. You are herby disqualified from Aver.”

  “Ugh.” She shuddered delicately. “As a proud overachiever, I’ve got to say that stung.” Leaning into Koen’s side, aggrieved, she shook her head. “Excuse me, Regent, because there is no way to phrase this without sounding like an arrogant bitch, but I’m not.” She paused. “Disqualified, that is.”

  “It is not a suggestion. My ruling is final unless....” He looked between them meaningfully. “Do you mean to dispute you have been intimate with the Dragon King? Such a claim will be verified.”

  “I freely admit Koen and I slept together. Sorry if that offends you. I was raised in a culture where people express their love physically when they’re ready.” Her eyes grew liquid, hazy with memory, her smile private. The lines of her body softened further pressing into him. “And we were ready.”

  Enchanted, Koen brushed the back of his hand across her collarbone.

  Her complexion was luminous with love.

  What male didn’t feel moved when his woman glowed at the memory of their joining?

  Unhappy with the state of affairs, Myron gathered his scattered wits. Clearly he was resigned to his duty. He averted his gaze from her blissful expression. It aggravated him felt he intruded. “I understand you love him. That he found you means everything to me. Knowing your affection for each other I am pained to do this. Yet, I am bound. I must uphold the laws of this Kingdom. Know I am saddened. I suffer for you.”

  “I haven’t broken any law. You have no grounds to disqualify me.”

  “Chosen must be untouched to participate in Aver. With respect, Princess, you are unchaste.”

  Offended, Koen growled.

  “He said nothing that isn’t true.” Marina rubbed the strong cut of his jaw. “Calm for me?”

  Mollified, Koen distracted himself from the harrowing conversation by luxuriating in the feel of her warm body moulded to his. He watched, captivated, as golden sunlight deepened the blue highlights in her dark hair, and fingered the lustrous strands.

  Having her so close contentment soothed his Dragon, yet a feeling of anticipation excited him.

  Soon Aver would be over and he needn’t temper his touch. The lust that flared from his kiss could be slaked unchecked. She would be his. He would forever be hers.

  Koen Raad had found his Treasure and would cherish her to the end of his days.

  Giving her up was out of the question, and he would rage as never before if they thought to take her from him.

  “I shall leave you now.” The Regent gradually rose, feeling his years in his bones. Dragon Lords may be immortal, but without their Treasures they tended to age much like any other living creature. “There is much to be done.”

p; Marina stilled him with an intense look. “You can not disqualify me over this. I broke no laws. Virgin Queens are traditional. Nowhere in your written laws does is it a requirement to be a contestant in Aver.”

  Straightening to his full height the Regent double blinked.

  “Lord Myron, we beg your indulgence.” Daniil smoothly picked up the conversation. His tone brimmed with the respect Marina unintentionally stripped from hers. “The magistrate will verify our argument. We found no relevant law in the Tome of Principle. After millennia of hosting Aver we have muddled law with belief.”

  “Impressive and resourceful,” Myron said finally. He regained his seat and relaxed for the first time since entering the room. He even managed a smile that died. “Tradition is law. That is what the Courts will say.”

  Unmoved, Daniil didn’t flinch. He shrugged. “Should any House formally protest we shall plead our case before the Dragon Council.”

  Snorting, Myron’s response was sardonic. “Who have no impartiality when it comes to this matter.”

  The Dragon Council had twisted the Regent’s arm to allow Marina to enter the tournament at so late a date with little training. Sensitive to the pulse of the land, the elderly Phoenixes keenly felt the need for an Emperor to ascend. They would entertain whatever House bore enough of a grudge to bring up formal charges then simply rule in Marina’s favour, ultimately, in Koen Raad’s favour.

  Compounding the bias was Marina’s Council Mon Sire. The male was eager to bond with his estranged offspring.

  Whether she realised it or not, Marina was treated with preference. The Regent knew it was not her fault. He’d spent little time with her, but an innate goodness emanated from her aura. It was easier to concede than it should have been.

  “Very well,” he said affably, foreseeing the gathering storm darkening their future horizon, wondering when it would break.

  These small acts of defiance were harmless in isolation, but eventually something would sit too awkwardly with the Courts and the whole thing would crumble. He wished they would see it.

  All he could do is warn them and hope for the best.

  Marina clapped her hands in finality, forcing her face to brighten. “Are we done?” She shot an appalled look at her servant. “Did you not hear the Regent, Pasha? Quit sobbing.”

  Myron was saddened by the young woman’s resentment. It was a palpable wave of energy pushing him away. “I bear you no ill will, Lady Zar. I am exacting because I must be.”

  She gave him a soft look of reproach. “You think I don’t know that? Understand the pressure this puts you under?” She sighed wearily. “It’s not you.” Burrowing closer to Koen, she rested her hand on his middle. Petting him soothed her. “The whole thing has made me touchy. Every time I turn around I’m met with something or someone telling me I’m not good enough. I have confidence in my abilities and I’m proud of who I am. I stand by my choices.”

  “But?” Koen demanded, hearing doubt it in her tone and disliking it.

  Touching his lips, she smiled sadly as their gazes locked. “But there’s only so much one woman can take.”


  Myron left, dragging a surly Koen Raad with him.

  Marina sent Pasha away to go surreptitiously take care of her son since she wouldn’t stop sniffling.

  Boy detested when she appointed him babysitters, but it was the one thing she wouldn’t bend on. She gave him unlimited freedom to roam alone as long as there was someone assigned to take care of his needs.

  She’d allow him concession of choosing his own minder when they got past the dangers of Aver and he was a tad older – like when he turned fifty.

  Chastened, Pasha shuffled toward the exit.

  Marina huffed a relieved sigh, and as soon as the screen slid closed, she let the mask of serenity fall.

  Koen had argued to stay with her.

  She’d badly wanted him to, but Myron obviously reached the limit of his blind eye that morning when he started clearing his throat at every touch between them. Or maybe Koen’s rebelliousness in kissing her into a drugged stupor pushed the old male too far.

  Whatever the case, the Regent took her man away and left a tender void in its wake.

  Moping, she flopped onto a cushion. “Disaster averted.”

  “Three more quests, Rina.” Tone optimistic, Daniil patted her bent knee. “Three.”

  “Then the Hunt.” She pushed onto her elbows. Her hair was a tousled mess around her flushed face. She could taste Koen on her lips. Salt-spicy male. “You haven’t said much about it.”

  “I can tell you past strategies. Think you it will help?”

  “Better than nothing.”

  “Truly, I cannot tell you how to proceed in this. It is a deeply private chase for each Queen. Each brought her own special ability to the rite, and as you know all but the Treasures failed.”

  “Love prevails.” Marina felt giddy with eagerness. She pumped a fist. “As lame as it sounds, it conquers all.”

  There was light at the end of the tunnel, and it splayed sunrays all over Koen’s gruff sexiness.

  Disconcerted, Daniil double blinked. “It does?”

  “Of course. Look at the challenge of Aver itself. It’s brutal to ensure the strongest competitors reach the end, but then it’s the Queen who best loves her Dragon who wins.”

  “Love has nothing to do with the Hunt.”

  “My interpretation is different to yours.”

  Alarmed now, Daniil twisted to face her. “Marina, we are Dragons. Fierce creatures that are territorial and moody. We concede power only to the stronger, even then grudgingly. Koen is no exception to this.”

  “You’re listing all his destructive traits.” Expression mischievous, her expressive eyes were alive with certainty. “I know who Koen is, Daniil. I’m not blind to his faults.”

  “We are noble but very used to getting our way,” he continued as if she hadn’t spoken. Their stares were locked. “The Empress knows her Dragon’s weaknesses and exploits them to her advantage.”

  The statement made her uncomfortable. Exploits? “Daniil....”

  “You must overshadow his Dragon. That does not always leave a happy couple.” He peered at her steadily. “It might be some time before he forgives you.”

  “Forgives me?” Worried, Marina sat up. Budding dread made her feel unwell. “I’m not following.”

  “Yes, you are.” His expression wrinkled with what she was appalled to recognise as pity. “Koen is a dominant male – more so because his Dragon is especially powerful. He seems lenient, but that is because he is the true alpha. He does not care what others think, and that is mistaken for forbearance.” He paused, apprehensive what she envisioned at the conclusion of the tournament was far from reality. “Victory for you will damage him greatly. The fight will be bitter in the end. Koen is difficult when he does not get his way.”

  She believed they would fly off into the sunset laughing.

  It was likely Koen would disappear to deal with his shattered pride then return to claim her body in a primal mating that would leave her disillusioned, and frightened of the male she once thought of as passionate instead of brutal.

  That was what happened in the past.

  Most Treasures were mentally prepared for the ferocity of the coupling and accepted it as part of the burden in protecting greatness. They understood their mate needed to reassert dominance to regain equilibrium and appease the Dragon’s vengeful spirit.

  Daniil had a sinking feeling Marina’s lack of Tzioni upbringing blinded her to the depth of Koen’s savage nature.

  He scrubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “Just prepare yourself.”

  “For what? I know it’ll be hard, but once it’s done we’ll be together forever.”

  He winced. She didn’t even try to disguise the dreamy quality to her gushing words. “There can be no softness, no compassion when you....” His sigh was gusty. “When the Hunt begins he is no longer your lover. He is an
animal to be broken.”

  “Daniil!” She was outraged. “Koen is not an animal.”

  “In dragonskin he is. A beast. One that could lose control and kill you.”

  She turned vehement, expression stony. “Koen would never–”

  “The Koen Raad you know will be engulfed by his Dragon’s fear of capture and defeat.” He lurched to grab hold of her. His fingers dug into her upper arms as he shook her hard. “He will become a creature of instinct and violence. Impulses guiding his feral senses will tell him freedom is his right. Command him to fight for it. Even if that means drawing innocent blood revered to him. The blood of a beloved one he vowed not to harm. Do not underestimate the strength of his primitive urges. It will mean your death, and by the Goddess, your demise would destroy him. It would destroy me.” Breaking off, Daniil jerked back. He slowly released the slender arms he’d grabbed in his urgency to express the danger she faced. “You are my friend. Please take care. Many will fall apart if you die.”

  Marina understood why everyone around her started to panic. The chances of her completing Aver was higher than before. The Hunt was a dicey, volatile thing and she knew they couldn’t see how she would beat Koen Raad.

  However, somehow, she knew he belonged to her. They just had to trust her.

  “I know you’re worried.” Marina clasped his hands. “I’ve got this. You don’t have to worry.”

  “But I do.”

  “Something has you spooked.”

  “A growing darkness presses upon my mind. Each day that passes I feel as if you are slipping away from us.” Shuddering, he shook his head. “I cannot explain it.”

  “How much sleep have you been getting?”


  “I’m serious. It sounds like you need a serious time out. I’ve taken up too much of your time. After spending your days training me, you pass the night catching up on the official business of your House. I know you step in to manage politics for Koen when Nikolai’s off doing whatever it is he does.” The twinkle in her eye let him know what she thought of the young Raad’s nightly activities. “You attend the Aver functions, thwart assassination attempts against me, and help with anything else I ask.” She squeezed his hand. “I’m sorry. My head’s crammed with self-recriminating crap, and I’ve put undue pressure on you. You’ve been picking up my slack.”


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