Dom Up

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by Alaska Angelini

  Dom Up

  Devlin Black book 1

  Alaska Angelini

  Dom Up

  Devlin Black book 1

  Alaska Angelini

  Copyright © 2014 by Alaska Angelini

  ISBN: 9781938076374

  All Rights Reserved

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal, and is punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.


  To all of you out there who have given my books a chance; thank you so much for the support. And to all of my dedicated fans. You all are the best! Catherine, Mai, Terri, Terry, Donna, and Kitty…You’re amazing!



  Two years earlier...

  The mist that fell from the sky had me rushing through the dim restaurant parking lot as best as I could in four inch stilettos. Although I couldn’t deny the cool moisture felt good against my heated skin, the last thing I wanted to do was look like a drowned mess for my blind date. It had been months since I’d had enough free time and although I hadn’t really wanted to come, my friend, Lorraine, had convinced me. Instead of paying attention to the details, I’d clung to the idea of getting out and acting normal. But even with my growing excitement, I couldn’t deny the fear concerning my past.

  Car lights illuminated the curtain of rain as it increased and I paused at the street while an SUV pulled out into traffic. Whoever the hell thought it was a good idea to put the parking lot across the road from the upscale Italian restaurant was a complete fool. With as packed as downtown L.A. traffic was, I’d be soaking wet before I was able to make it inside.

  Six more cars went by before the light from the crosswalk changed. I jogged the distance and a couple stepped from the entrance, hugging to each other as they huddled under an umbrella. The man held the door and I couldn’t have been more relieved. “Thank you,” I managed, while I slipped past them and headed inside. The rich smell nearly had me moaning as I wiped the water from my cheek.

  “Welcome to Ricci’s. Do you have a reservation?”

  My mouth parted as I suddenly realized I’d forgotten the name of my blind date. “I’m sorry. I’m meeting someone here. He made the reservations.” Before I could look any more unprepared, I removed the phone from my clutch, praying it wouldn’t take me too long to pull up the email from Lorraine.

  “No need. Mr. Black gave strict instructions to have you brought over the moment you arrived.”

  “Black?” I shook my head. “I’m not sure…” Hell, that didn’t ring a bell. Had I been so busy with work that it didn’t even sound familiar? I internally groaned. Probably. My job had been really hectic lately and I was working a lot of double shifts. As I untied the belt and undid the buttons to my half trench, I couldn’t stop myself from getting that nervous prickling in my stomach. How would this date turn out? Would I even like the guy? Would he like me?

  The woman’s arm extended and swept the jacket away as I held it out. A mirror along the back wall brought my hands flying to my hair. The curls I’d rolled were long gone from the rain. Now all that remained was a flat, knotted mess. Shit. At least the cream colored dress I’d worn hadn’t gotten drenched. That made me at least half presentable.

  “Right this way, ma’am.” She motioned and I felt my heart explode in rhythm. Socializing outside of my job wasn’t something I did often, but what did I truly have to fear? It was just a date. Nothing more. If it turned into a disaster, it wasn’t like anything was going to change. Still, for one night, just one, I’d like to get some kind of satisfaction. Even if it was just good conversation.

  I smoothed down the dress along my side as I scanned the tables, taking in the cozy couples deep in conversation. Long, white candles were lit in the center, each encircled by red roses. The environment was dim. Romantic.

  The hostess stopped at a table and I couldn’t keep the surprise from my face as my lips parted. My heart all but ceased to beat the moment our eyes connected.

  “Have a great night.” The blonde headed back to the front and it took a few seconds to tear my gaze from the dark haired man who had risen. As he began to walk over, I couldn’t ignore his height. Damn, he was tall. And absolutely nothing like Lorraine had described.

  “You’re late.” The power in his voice had my eyes lowering, which caught me off guard. I never broke eye contact. Ever.

  It took everything I had to bring my attention back up to meet his stare. “I’m sorry. Traffic was terrible.” Was I making excuses to this man? If I was late, it was only by maybe five minutes.

  He stepped forward and pulled out my chair. “Sit.”

  There it was again. Power…arrogance.

  The command left my inner-self defensive. Yet, I held my tongue. Something felt off. Hadn’t Lorraine said this guy was an accountant? He held the air of a bulldog lawyer, or someone whose job revolved around being in control.

  I eased into the chair, catching the scent of his cologne as he leaned the top part of his body down.

  “You’re going to pay for making me wait, kitten.” His large hand wrapped around the back of my neck and my breath caught in my throat. At his thumb tracing a path from behind my ear, down to my collarbone, I could feel myself stop breathing altogether. “You just wait. The small amount of mascara under your eyes will pale in comparison to when I get done with you. You’re going to be crying for me to give you release. And I will, but not until you deserve it.”

  As fast as he had leaned in, he moved and sat back down in the chair. His dark blue eyes burned me with their intensity. I couldn’t help but squirm in my chair. Holy shit! Who was this guy and what was Lorraine even thinking? Was this right? I looked around the room, trying to ignore that my hands were shaking. But not in a bad way. My body was humming with arousal and I couldn’t understand why. After all, it wasn’t like he was whispering romantic poems in my ear. The guy was hinting that I would be crying, albeit in ecstasy. Still, I wasn’t one to shed a tear over a man for any reason.

  When my attention came back to him, there was nothing but amusement on his face. His eyes were practically sparkling in the candlelight. Beautiful was the only word that came to my mind. Even with stubble on his square jaw giving him a slight rugged appearance, he was perfection in his expensive suit.

  A laugh emerged from his mouth. The deepness of the tone had me moving against the chair even more. He rested his arms on the table and leaned in closer. “You’re not Heather, are you?”

  “I’m sorry?” I swallowed hard, trying to make myself focus. Those damn eyes were playful in the moment, masking the darkness I kept getting glimpses of.

  “Heather. You’re not her.”

  “No.” I shook her head. “I’m Victoria.”

  “I see.” Slowly, his gaze narrowed and I noticed that he was looking at something behind me. “I apologize if I upset you,” he continued. “But I think that,” he pointed, “would be your date. And, if I’m correct, the confused woman at his table, would be mine. I think the hostess got the two of you confused. Which doesn’t surprise me since it’s her first night. You might say I’m a regular here.”

  I turned to the table I should have been sitting at and then glanced back at the mysterious man I’d been introduced to. “Damn,” I whispered, staring at the couple not far away. The accountant looked exactly how I’d imagined. Not remotely attractive. At least, not now that I’d been paired up with Mr. Black. It was just my luck. By the
way my real date was gawking at the model gracing his table, I felt like I was ruining both men’s night. One probably thought he’d hit the jackpot. The other…I turned around and faced forward. “I bet you’re relieved I’m not your real date,” I laughed. “I’m sorry, if you’ll excuse me.”

  The moment I started to stand, he shook his head. “Sit. Please.”

  If there was a smile on my face, it was gone now. The trembling came back full force. Cautiously, I lowered, grateful for the sturdy chair beneath me.

  “Good. You take orders well.” He picked up his small glass and took a sip of the amber liquor. Everything in me wanted to argue, yet I didn’t and I wasn’t sure why. “I have to admit,” he continued, “I was going to call and cancel, but I’m kind of glad I didn’t. So…Victoria.” He nodded. “I like that better. Don’t take this the wrong way, there’s nothing wrong with the name Heather. Victoria is just more my style.”

  “Thank you?” Did names suit people? I could barely ponder on the question as I glanced back behind me. “Isn’t she going to know? I mean, if she’s spoken to you at all, she’s going to realize he’s not the same person.”

  The waiter came up, hindering me from saying more. As Mr. Black began to talk, I took in his full lips, not hearing a single word coming from them. I couldn’t think clearly. He screwed with my mind, made it impossible to grasp onto rational thought. All I could see as I lowered my vision was his wide build and how the suit he wore molded to his shoulders and chest perfectly. God, if he looked that good with clothes on, how would he look with them off?

  The waiter cleared his throat and I suddenly realized that they must have been watching me for some time. Heat engulfed my face. I looked down at the table, noticing a drink was already sitting in front of me.

  “What will you be having?”

  Damn, I was making a fool of myself. From the satisfaction on my new date’s face, I fought with whether I should call it quits and leave. It was too much. But I was good at running. I wouldn’t tonight. Not yet, anyway. “I’ll have what he’s having. Thanks.”

  With a nod and smile, he walked away.

  “What are you having?” I whispered.

  He laughed. “You’ll see. Let’s just say, I hope you’re hungry.”

  “Starving,” I breathed out. Yeah right, I was so nervous, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to eat a single bite. “I’m sorry, I didn’t get your first name, Mr. Black. What should I call you?”

  In that moment, something deliciously dark passed over his features. It triggered the woman in me. Made me want throw caution to the wind and let things play out to see what happened, even with knowing how he was. That was dangerous. He was too sexy. Too irresistible. And, if I was smart, I’d think twice about staying another minute in his presence. The sex appeal he threw off was addicting. It was one thing to soak it up if I had nothing to lose, but I’d been here before.

  “For now, you can call me Devlin.”

  “For now?” I narrowed my eyes, confused.

  “That’s right.”

  Well, he obviously wasn’t going to tell me more. Which was fine. The less I knew about this man, the better. It was dinner. That was all. Anything more was asking for trouble.

  “Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?” He took another drink and sat back casually in the chair. I turned and glanced back at the couple we’d each been meant for. The two were laughing hysterically.

  “Well, I’ll be damned.” I shrugged off the guilt I’d felt and reached for the glass sitting in front of me. Wine. That wasn’t going to work. I reached for the water instead. I’d never been a drinker. Didn’t care for the taste or the effects. Control was something I needed and I wasn’t about to lose it now. Although, liquid courage did sound rather appealing in the moment. A part of me almost wanted to brave seeing what Devlin was capable of. “Me. Well, it’s kind of complicated, I—”

  “You’re one of those corporate women, aren’t you? Slaving at the office, trying your best to make it up the ladder of success.”

  I paused and took a drink, not sure whether I should be offended or not. It wasn’t even close to the truth, but the fact the he had me stereotyped didn’t work in his favor. Another point against him. A big one. “I do spend most of my time working.”

  “I can tell. You’re very out of your element right now.”

  Wasn’t that the truth. He’d nailed it there.

  His finger circled around the top of the glass. “The tension you have going through you is thick. You’re listening to me, but I know your thoughts are on a million other things. Which is a pity, really. I’d love to slow your mind for you. Make everything just disappear.” The smoothness of his voice was electric, shocking my body to life for the first time in months. Every nerve ending was fired up, a complete contrast to what my mind was starting to think of him.

  “An impossible task, I assure you. I don’t mean to blow your ego out of the water here, Devlin, but I like my mind exactly where it is.”

  Blue disappeared as his eyes narrowed in on me. “Sounds like a challenge to me. You see, I know I could make you forget about everything and everyone you’ve ever known. That, kitten, is a fact.”

  Just feeling the confidence he projected, I could almost believe him. Unfortunately, I’d never know. Fucking the accountant would have been easy. He was, in all likelihood, safe. Someone I knew I’d never get attached to. But this man. He wouldn’t work. I didn’t trust him and could never really see myself being able to.

  “I’m sorry.” I smiled and tightened my hold on the clutch I had gripped tightly in my hand. “Why don’t you tell me what you ordered and I’ll just pay now. I should really go.”

  The way his mouth slightly lifted into the hint of a grin almost made me change my mind. I could tell he picked up my fear. For some reason, it bothered me. I didn’t want him to know my insecurities. Inability to trust was the biggest one.

  “It’s probably for the best.” He lowered his voice and crooked his finger, motioning me forward. The candle and flower arrangement slid over at his gentle push. Hesitantly, I obeyed, basking in his voice the moment he began to speak again. “Once I got done with you, Victoria, you’d never be the same. I’d hurt you in the most delicious fucking ways imaginable. You’d be begging me for more. And I’d give it to you. As many times as you’d like. All you’d have to do is call. I’d send a car for you no matter what time it was.”

  “Hurt?” I suddenly realized I was breathing a tad too hard. Fuck, I needed to get out of here before I fell further under this man’s spell. His words didn’t scare me. Not like they should have. I was more interested in learning exactly what he meant. To experience why he thought pain would feel so good to me.

  The waiter came back. I picked up the wine glass and handed it to him, but never broke my stare from Devin. I couldn’t. “Martini. Dry.”

  As soon as he walked off, I leaned in closer. “Hurt, how?”

  He shrugged. “It’s not something I could tell you. At least not like this.” He tapped his finger on his lower lip and I was instantly sucked into the location. Again. “Would you like me to give you a taste?”

  Chapter 1



  Fire raced across my cheek at the slap. I blinked, shaking my head, confused. I stared at the blonde who gripped the sheet to cover her small breasts. “Jasmine?” I held up my hand. “No, Daphne.”


  Fuck, that one hurt.

  “It’s a flower though, right?”

  “You’re unbelievable.” The short hair swayed just to her chin as she shook her head. “Hannah sounds nothing like a flower. Asshole.”

  Ah, Hannah. That was right. The flower was the night before. Damn, I needed to quit drinking so much. Or at least learn to moderate the amount I consumed.

  “Listen, you can be pissed at me all you want, but I don’t think I complained when you threw up in my two hundred and fifty thousand dollar car, so do me a favor
and cut me some slack. If you’re still offended, the exit door is right through that one.” I pointed to the far side of the room.

  “You make me sick. I can’t believe I even left with you.” She stood, her nude, too skinny body making me wonder the same damn thing. Why had we left together? She wasn’t typically my type. Had I been that far gone? I was done with drinking. This time, for real.

  “Do me a favor,” I pushed to my elbow, pointing to the mantle. “Can you hand me that remote on your way out?”

  An aggravated yell filled the room as she hobbled over, her tight blue dress caught on her hips and one shoe already on. I grabbed the pillow, deflecting the remote that came flying right for my head.

  “Thanks, love.” I was already pressing the button before I braved lowering my shield. It was a wise choice to hesitate. My shoe bounced off my wrist, flying just over my head.

  “I hope I never see you again, Devlin Black.”

  “My car says the same thing. Now move, you’re blocking the screen…as amazing as that is,” I said, under my breath. She was as thin as my thigh. To some men, that might have been appealing, but I liked my women with curves. There was barely a single one on her.

  The news played on the large flat screen, but I was only half paying attention. There was no way I was taking my attention off of her. Not when she had a penchant for throwing things. Had she been the softball player in college? Hell, I couldn’t remember. If she hadn’t, perhaps she should have been.

  Within minutes, she was storming out. No goodbye, but I did happen to get a fuck you as she slammed my front door.

  “Another one bites the dust,” I said, sighing as I positioned the pillows behind my back. Fuck, my cock throbbed. That only told me one thing. Something I was getting quite used to. I didn’t come. Again. And I knew it wasn’t the alcohol affecting my performance. No, it was me and my issues. I could get off just fine by myself. Women just weren’t doing it for me anymore. Not even the dominating thing turned me on.


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