Dom Up

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Dom Up Page 7

by Alaska Angelini

  “No, you cannot. You’re really not coming, are you?”

  I smiled as I rounded the corner of her road and watched my headlights spotlight her pacing the driving.

  “Fuck,” she breathed out.

  The hand she held up to her ear dropped to her side and she raised her palm out as I pulled into the driveway next to a SUV. Dark hair spun around as she turned and jogged toward the house.

  “White and pink polka dot pajamas. Amazing,” I said, turning off the car and climbing out. The area was lit up by two lights on each side of the tan garage. The yard was landscaped, like the others, bushes lining the light colored brick with pink flowers within matching brick accents.

  I walked around the car, more toward the entrance. A woman opened the door, her eyes focusing before a smile appeared. She shut the door behind her as she came over.

  “You must be Devlin Black.” Her hand outstretched. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

  “Have you?” To say I was surprised was an understatement.

  “Of course.” Salt and pepper hair was pulled back on her head and the resemblance to Victoria was just similar enough for me to be able to see the connection. Same height, different noses, but the same full lips.

  I shook her hand, surprised when she stepped in, wrapping her arm around my waist. The door opened and I looked up to see Victoria’s jaw drop.

  “Mom,” she said, drawing it out, almost embarrassed.

  I laughed. Moving my arm away as she stepped back.

  “What? I was just saying hello. Now that I have, I’m going back in to leave you two alone. Pleasure meeting you, Devlin.”

  “Wait.” I stepped forward. “I didn’t get your name.”

  “Sophia.” She waved, shutting the door behind her.

  A groan came from Victoria as she put her face in her hands and lowered her head. “I can’t believe this.”

  “Oh, come on. It’s not a big deal. I’m here. I met your mom. No harm done.”

  “Yes, there is,” she said, her words slightly muffled.

  “Do I get to meet the neighbors too?”

  She rose, glancing back toward the door. “They already left.”

  “Oh. Pity. I really did want to see that baby. They seem to be everywhere lately. I think I’m developing a fondness for them.”

  She laughed. “A fondness? Devlin, are you saying you have baby fever?”

  The term automatically made the man in me defensive, but I couldn’t deny the truth. “I think I do.” I pushed my hands into my pockets and looked down, smiling. “They’re really cute, aren’t they? When I run through the park, I see lots of dads out there with the kids. I want something like that. A home. A wife. A few kids walking around and making messes.”

  I stole a glance at Victoria. “What I said in my ad is true. I want a sub, but I want her as my wife. One who’s ready to put everything into trying to get pregnant. Time is running out for me. I’m ready to jump in and see what happens.”

  “You’ve lost your mind. A baby is such a huge responsibility. Do you really want to knock some woman up without even knowing her? Devlin, think this through. A baby is for life. The ties you have with the mother will be forever. Don’t rush into something because of a need. You have to find the right woman. A child will come with time if it’s the right thing.”

  A bench sat closer to the flowerbed and I walked over, sitting down. Hesitantly, Victoria followed, scooting as far away from me as she could.

  “I’m tired of waiting. Maybe I’ve always wanted something permanent. That’s why I have the contract. I refuse to let this fail. I know I won’t drop the ball if I find the right person. There’s so much love in me, if I could just prove it. I know I can be a great husband and father. Why do you think I came here? You make me feel like that man, Victoria. If I can’t have you, then at least you can keep me straight until I do find someone. I don’t want to screw this up.”

  Pink polka dots swayed around her legs as she drew her knees up to her chest, placing her feet on the edge of the seat.

  “Devlin, I’m not sure I can help you. I…” She glanced over, only to turn and face forward again.

  “Because we still want each other. Listen,” I faced her. “You can trust me. If you give yourself to me, I would never hurt you. We don’t even have to rush into a relationship. We can date. Like I said before, no sex. Although, I’d fucking Dom the shit out of you like before. I do want to.”

  Victoria flew to her feet. “Jesus. See? That’s why we can’t be around each other.”

  “But you want it. I know you do.” I stood, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her into the dark section of the yard. “Tell me you don’t want me. I dare you.”

  My lips crushed into hers, cutting off any denial she might have had on the tip of her tongue. I cupped the side of her face, using my other hand to grab her ass and bring her body into mine. Her palms pushed against me which only caused me to bring her in even more.

  “Open for me, kitten. Let me taste what I’ve missed.”

  “No, you have to stop,” she whispered. “You—”

  I cut her off as I kissed her again. Harder I pressed, holding her head immobile until she gasped. My tongue swept inside, causing her to moan as I slid it along the length of hers. God, her taste. It was all the drink I needed. The warmth that coated my stomach and moved through my limbs was the perfect elixir to what the man in me needed.

  “Please,” she said, muffled. A sob left her and she fought harder to get out of my grasp. I lifted my head, but didn’t let go.

  “I can’t do this, Devlin. Not again.”

  “Why? Give me an answer I believe and I’ll walk away and never bother you again. If you say trust, or you don’t have feelings for me, that won’t work. I won’t believe you.”

  Her nails dug in as my grip tightened on her ass.


  Seconds went by. It was too much time. She didn’t have a reason and I wasn’t letting her go until she convinced me. I walked to the side of the house, pinning her into the brick. It caused her to squirm again, but I knew we had nothing to worry about. The house next door was completely dark and we were hidden well enough in the shadows.

  “You want to fuck me and you’ve decided you’re not going to stop until you get it. Is that it, Devlin? Will that make you leave?”

  “No,” I said, shaking my head. “That will make me stay.”

  Chapter 8


  I practically clawed into his chest as I fought to gain control over my body. How had this happened? Who gave him my number and told him where I lived? Lorraine? Daniel? I’d fucking confided in him, too. Neither of them have better betrayed me.

  “I want to stay, kitten. Do you want me to ask your mom? I will. I’ll sleep on the couch. Just let me spend time with you so you can learn to trust me.”

  “You are not staying here. Plus, this is my house. Not my mother’s. I call the shots and I say no.”

  His hand let go of my face and moved to grip the other side of my ass. As his fingers pushed in, I clutched to his shirt. He was so close to my pussy, it took everything in me not to grind against him. Fuck, I wanted to. I wanted him more than I ever had. Hearing him talk about who he wanted to be…I almost believed him.

  “Where’s my excuse? Tell me why you keep saying no. I won’t be satisfied until I hear it. Or are you stalling because you don’t have one?”

  Oh, I had plenty. How about being four months pregnant and seeing your child’s father making out in a fucking café with a woman who was barely dressed? Or, seeing him get his dick sucked while you were on your way to pull an extra shift just so you could cover medical bills from his daughter’s two day hospital stay due to a virus?

  “I’m waiting.” His voice softened and I met his eyes, my anger doused almost immediately. It wasn’t his fault. I held him responsible for something he had no clue about. Still, I couldn’t erase the memories, or the pain.

lips brushed against mine while I struggled to think of a good enough excuse. Thing was, I couldn’t think past wanting to kiss him back.

  “You don’t want me to stay, fine. Come back with me to my place. Let me stop this.” He reached up, massaging his finger into my temple. “You think too much. I’ve stopped it once. I can do it again.”

  Slowly, he moved his hand down, making a path over my throat.

  “Kitten, talk to me.” Lower, his hand went until it cupped my breast. With pressure from his fingers, he pinched my hard nipple, rolling it, causing me to moan. Without a bra, the only barrier was my damn shirt, which I was wishing I wasn’t wearing at the moment. It’d been too long since I’d felt turned on. Fuck, even after everything, I still wanted him.

  “Actually, don’t talk.” His touch disappeared, sliding underneath and replacing the cotton that covered my breast. Heaviness took over my lids at the pleasure that shot to my core. “There you are,” he whispered. “No more thinking.” He pulled at the hard nub, applying more pressure. “Kiss me.”

  The demand pulled me closer to him and away from the hard wall that was making my back ache. The magic in his commands left me under his spell every time. My lips parted and I let my gaze lift to his. Even though I tried, I couldn’t hold his stare.

  “Do it. Kiss me, kitten. I’m not asking anymore. You know the consequences. I’m no genius, but I’m guessing from the For Sale sign next door and how dark it is, no one lives there. I’ll pull those pants down right now.”

  My sex drew up just thinking about him spanking me. God, I wanted him to. I wanted it all.


  I licked my lips, trying to think. This couldn’t happen, I knew that, but for the life of me I couldn’t put a stop to it.

  “Two.” His finger pushed under my chin, making me look up. “I knew it. You are a natural submissive, through and though. You’re not arguing and you’re not fighting me. You want this.”

  “Only right now,” I corrected. “After the moment is over,” I shook my head, “I’m going to want you to disappear again. That’s just me, Devlin. I’m sorry, but I can’t give you more. Ever.”

  I couldn’t have hurt him more if I wanted to. His eyes dropped while he blinked rapidly. The small shake made me wish I could take my words back. They were a lie. Just like everything else I said that concerned him. It killed me. Why couldn’t I do this? Tell him right now that his daughter was asleep in her crib and that I wanted to try to learn to trust that he’d never hurt me?

  I was lowered to stand, but he didn’t separate the distance between us. “Never? There’s nothing I can do to change your mind?”


  A change took over his shadowed face. One I’d seen before.

  “I’ve been used by people just as much as I’ve used them. Why not one last time? I’ll go out with a bang.” He spun me around, pushing me into the brick. My pajama bottoms and panties were ripped down and his palm flattened against the middle of my back. He pulled at the button on his jeans, jerking them down.

  “Wait.” I tried to turn, but only got pushed in harder.

  “You want my cock, correct?”

  I held in my moan as his fingers moved over my slit.

  “Oh yeah, you’re so fucking wet right now.” One of his digits slid inside of me and I pushed the pads of my fingers into the brick, hard. “At least my last will be you. I can live with that.” Another spread me wide and I moved down at the fullness I felt.

  “Dev.” I couldn’t get out the rest of his name. He thrust in deep. Faster.

  Pain exploded across my ass from the hand that had been on my back.

  “Sir,” I cried out, quietly.

  “That’s more like it.” Another spanking sent me over the edge and my pussy clutched around his fingers. My orgasm hit so hard I could feel every inch of me trembling, even over the spasms. “Been that long, huh? Don’t worry, I’ll make the next one just as good.”

  His fingers left me, only for his arm to wrap around my waist, bringing me to my toes. Thickness pushed into my opening and I breathed through every painful inch.

  “God dammit,” he moaned. My hair was wrapped around his fist and he pulled back, making me take him deeper. “You are so tight, kitten. Too tight.” He withdrew, slamming back into me. The thrust became steady after that. Rough. This wasn’t like the last few times he’d had sex with me. Then, he’d been gentle. Loving. This Devlin was fucking me. Using me, like he thought I was using him.

  “Birth control. Yes or no?”

  I sobered immediately. “No.”

  That should have been the first thing on my mind. I’d been here before. Had proof of the outcome.

  His hand left my hair and came to settle over my clit as he increased his speed. The rubbing against the top of my slit had me building all over again.

  “We have to stop. This is too dangerous.” Even as I said the words, I didn’t want to. It felt too good. Too right.

  “I’ll pull out.” His teeth nibbled against my neck, all the way up to my ear. Heat burned into my fingers while I continued to dig at the brick.

  Pull out…“That’s not always safe,” I managed to get out. Anything else wouldn’t come. Tightening twisted my insides and a moan slipped from my throat. It was horrible that I craved to continue. To go all the way and have him come in me. The taboo brought me even closer and I leaned my head back, turning toward him.

  My lids opened enough to see he was staring at me and for once I didn’t think. I moved closer, easing my lips to his. The hunger I was met with was on a level I hadn’t prepared myself for. Something shattered in my chest releasing a need that I’d spent years locking away. An openness that changed Devlin from untrustworthy to a possible prospect. Could he change? Did I want to risk everything and find out?

  I barely realized I was being lowered to the grass and my bottoms were being pulled off, only to be pushed under my ass. He surged inside me with enough force to have me crying out. My nails sunk into his back as he continued at a ruthless pace.

  “After tonight, you won’t see me again, kitten. You know that right?” His lips pressed into mine, only to pull back as he narrowed his eyes. I saw his pain, it slammed into my chest with such an impact that I shook my head.

  “I don’t believe it.”

  He pounded into me harder. If fucking was a punishment meant to brand me, Devlin had already succeeded. I was owed by him. Even if I didn’t want to admit it to either of us.

  “I’m serious, Victoria. I want more and you can’t give me that. I deserve to be happy. If you say you can’t give us a chance, you leave me with no other choice.”

  My arms latched around his neck, even though I knew it was pointless. Within seconds, he was pinning them over my head with one of his hands.

  “I’m sorry.” Tears escaped and he unleashed heaven and hell on me all at once. His free arm hooked under my knee and he pushed forward, reaching uncharted territory. I nearly screamed as an orgasm blindsided me. And it didn’t stop as he forced his way in even more.

  “Oh…fuck.” He moaned, pulling out and leaving me completely as he came. Warmth shot across my lower stomach and right at the top of my slit. I wasn’t ready for this to end. The urge to rub his essence into my skin, to bask in what we shared and begin all over again made the pain of our separation even stronger. My head lifted just as he wiped me clean and eased me to stand. I reached down, grabbing my pants and sliding them on. My panties…were nowhere to be seen. Devlin lifted his hand and I snatched them from his finger, balling them in my fist.

  “So this is it? Goodbye?”

  Used. It was starting to sink in, sobering the high I was floating on. I couldn’t give him what he wanted at the moment and to lead him on would only add more to the mountain of lies I’d already created. For now, we were over.

  “Goodbye, Devlin.” I picked up his hand, giving it a good squeeze before I let go and rounded the corner. Tears spilled over, sliding down my cheeks and marking
the beginning of the flood I knew was coming. Not looking back was the hardest thing I could remember doing, but I forced myself through the front door, locking it behind me. Seconds went by and the sound of his car engine had me sliding down the wooden door. A sob broke through the silence and I pulled my legs into my chest, clutching on for dear life as his car faded into the distance. He was gone and soon, Ava and I would be too.

  Chapter 9


  My favorite Italian restaurant now held memories I wanted to forget. I used to come here, praying I’d see Victoria walk through the door. Now, I knew she never would. The ending started before we even began. I’d tried so damn hard to convince her to give me a chance and I failed. Completely blew what I knew could have been an amazing thing.

  “Relax, you look ready to pummel someone. This is supposed to be a date, remember? Now, loosen up.”

  I looked down at my phone. Branson was on the screen and I couldn’t wait to turn him off. To be done with this already.

  “What’s her name again?”

  An aggravated sound came over the speaker. “Meredith. I’ve told you three times already. Head in the game. This could be your future wife. The mother of your children. Now focus.”

  “Blonde, right?”

  “Jesus, Dev. You’ve known about this date for three days already.” He picked up a picture, turning it toward the screen.

  “Dark hair,” I said, glancing back toward the entrance. “I don’t like her.”

  “Too bad. You didn’t like any of them, so Jill and I are taking matters into our own hands. You’re doing this and you’re going to put your all into it. Victoria is done. Remember? You said so yourself. Move on.”

  Damn, the truth hurt. “My girl’s here, I gotta go.” I hung up, pushing the phone into my jacket pocket. She really wasn’t, but he didn’t need to know that.

  I grabbed the water, taking a big gulp. Meredith really wasn’t that bad looking. Well, she was beautiful. She just didn’t have that pull I was looking for. Who cared, though? How many couples experienced what Victoria and I did? Probably not many. It was over. The taste had been amazing, but it was time to move on.


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