Elemental, Soul Guardians Book 2

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Elemental, Soul Guardians Book 2 Page 6

by Kim Richardson

  The image of a higher demon flashed in Kara’s mind. She shivered. “So…what about the souls? We get to save them too, I guess?”

  “We do if we have to,” said Jenny. Her pointy face tightened. “But here in CDD it’s all about the Rifts. We make Earth safe so that the guardians can do their jobs safely without getting attacked.”

  Kara thought of her mother. “So it’s our job to keep mortals and angels safe. I like that.”

  “Good. Come,” said Jenny, “I’m supposed to show you around.” She gestured with her arm for Kara to follow.

  Jenny hopped and twirled through the mazes of desks, glass walls, and holographic screens while Kara walked beside her. She was very aware of eyes watching her, but she was thankful. They seemed careful not stare for long before looking away again.

  She felt like she was walking on the bridge from the USS Enterprise. She realized that the GAs here were all dressed in uniforms for specific tasks—black, kaki-green, or navy blue. The guardians in kaki-green sat around desks and operated computers. The ones in blue had their own offices and some went up and down the stairs with files in their hands. Kara could see that all the GAs dressed in black sat around the great table. They all listened intently to whatever Cassiel was telling them.

  Jenny took Kara around over towards the edges of the circular room. She stopped near a cubical-like desk with a holographic screen hovering above it. Kara stepped closer, and she could see five different images of city buildings and bridges.

  “See here,” said Jenny, and she sat on the desk. She touched the screen with her index finger. Immediately, the image she touched filled the screen and the other four images disappeared.

  Kara blinked and stared at a dark alleyway on a street she couldn’t recognize. “So—what am I looking at?”

  “This here,” said Jenny as she touched the screen again, and Kara watched it zoom in, “is a Rift.” Jenny pointed to the exterior brick wall of a building.

  Kara strained her eyes. “I can’t see a door anywhere. Are you sure there’s one there?” She took a step forward and cocked her head.

  Jenny smiled, clearly amused by Kara’s inability to see the doorway. “Look again—and look for wave-like movement along the brick. Like a heat wave.”

  Kara leaned in for a closer look. She saw a flicker of movement in the image—a small wave-like motion, as though a spot on the image was suddenly hot.

  “I think I see it. It’s like a heat wave.” With her finger, Kara touched the Rift. The image zoomed in closer. “So this is what a doorway to the demon realm looks like.”

  “Yup.” Jenny looked up and snapped her fingers. A guardian wearing a kaki-green uniform came hurriedly to towards them.

  “Scott—get Jules and tell her there’s a possible doorway at this location.” Jenny pointed to the screen, and Kara saw the address printed in bold white letters: 54 Piazza del Colosseo, Rome, Italy.

  Kara shifted her weight. “Wow—that’s amazing.” She stood staring at the holographic image. If CDD could find Rifts, she figured they could easily spot an angel soul—Kara could save her mother.

  “So these holographic screens…can they detect other things, like maybe…souls?” asked Kara, and she fought to keep her voice steady.

  Jenny jumped down from the desk. “Souls?” She looked at Kara intently. “No…why?”

  “No reason. I was just wondering.” Kara fought to keep the disappointment from her face.

  Jenny eyed Kara for a moment. “These holographic screens,” Jenny raised her arms and gestured around the hall, “represent all different locations around Earth. We monitor Rifts in every city and continent around the world. We pinpoint their locations and send off teams to destroy them. But we aren’t always successful.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well,” answered Jenny, “sometimes what looks like a Rift is just a flicker in the Earth’s planes, and sometimes the doorways don’t stay open long enough for us to get a location.”

  Kara stood staring at the screen. “So how long have you been with CDD?”

  Jenny’s face lit up. “About a year now,” she answered. “I had no idea this place even existed until I got here.”

  “Yeah, it’s pretty secret. A friend of mine wants to join, but for some reason he isn’t allowed in.” Kara wondered what David was doing at this exact moment.

  “Well…I know they’re pretty picky about who they allow in.” Jenny pursed her lips. She broke out into a series of giggles. “I still have no idea why I’m here.” She opened her eyes wide. “But they say everyone is picked for a special talent—we all know what yours is.”

  Kara sighed. It seemed the entire division thought she possessed incredible talent. Everyone had heard of her battle with Asmodeus. Everyone expected great things. What would happen to her when they realized she couldn’t control her power? Would she get fired?

  Kara shook her head. “I don’t know what they’re expecting me to do. Whatever this talent they say I have is—I don’t even know how to use it—I might not even have it anymore.”

  Jenny twirled a clump of her purple hair between her fingers. “Oh, come on. I’m sure you do.”

  Something caught Jenny’s attention, and she looked up. “Ah—they’re ready for us. Come.” Jenny steered Kara towards the great table—towards Cassiel and the forty guardians sitting around the table eyeing her like she was an alien.

  Cassiel pushed his chair back and stood up as Jenny and Kara approached. He had hazel eyes under thin brows. His face was handsome, like all the archangels, but a long scar below his left eye showed he had been in battle. Kara found herself wondering what other scars lay hidden under his clothes.

  “Welcome, Kara, to the Department of Defense.” Cassiel held out his arms in an embrace.

  “Th—thank you,” Kara stammered. I can’t believe I just said that. I’m such a moron.

  Cassiel clapped his hands together. “Good. Glad to hear it. I’m especially pleased to have an angel with such special talents on my team. I’m sure you’ll do very well here at CDD.” His face broke into a warm smile.

  Kara felt more relaxed. Somehow, Cassiel wasn’t as arrogant or imposing as the other male archangels she’d met. Raphael was the only archangel who had been especially kind to her, and she had been, perhaps, just a bit too motherly.

  “Thank you.” Kara smiled widely, but immediately pressed her lips together when she realized what a fool she must have looked like. She stole a look at Jenny who widened her eyes with a smirk.

  Cassiel continued, “Well then, let me present to you the Field Division.” With his arm he motioned toward the group of people sitting around the large table. “Everyone, this is your new member, Kara Nightingale.”

  Most of the group smiled and welcomed her, but Kara noticed about ten individuals with scowls on their foreheads, a clear indication that she was not welcome. They whispered amongst themselves, periodically gazing up at her with foul expressions. Kara’s throat tightened. She put on a brave face, forced a smile, and nodded to the group.

  Cassiel noticed her discomfort and stared momentarily over his shoulder. He studied the group who were whispering. He lowered his brows. But when he turned to look at Kara again, his face held no traces of anger.

  “Kara, you’ll be part of the Field Division in CDD,” said Cassiel, his voice rang out inside the chamber. “It’s the most dangerous division in the entire Legion. Here, we track and destroy enemy Rifts, clearing the paths for our fellow angels. We save lives and secure the future of Earth.” He reached inside his pant pocket and pulled out a small black leather case. “Here—take this—it’s your identification pass. You can put your keycard inside it.”

  Kara reached out and took the case. She flipped it open easily. A golden shield was secured on the inside, like a police badge. Tiny letters were etched across it, in a language Kara couldn’t read. Now she really felt like a CIA agent. A hint of a smile reached her lips.

  Cassiel examined Kara
for a moment. “Now, you’ll need to change into your uniform—” He turned around and waved. “Jenny—get Kara her uniform for her, will you.”

  “Right away sir,” answered Jenny promptly. She turned on her heel and strutted towards the back. Kara could make out metal compartments with doors like lockers. Jenny came back moments later with her a pile of black clothes folded against her chest. A pair of black combat boots dangled in her free arm.

  “You can change over there.” Jenny handed Kara her clothes and boots and pointed to what appeared to Kara to be a changing room.

  Kara grabbed the clothes and walked over to the changing room. In less than two minutes, she had pulled on a black pair of cargo pants—the kind with lots of extra pockets—black t-shirt, and stuffed her feet into a pair of shinning combat boots. She was surprised at how light they were. She wiggled her toes. Finally, she pulled on a short bomber-like jacket. At first, it felt heavy to her. And she found out why. Inside the jacket pockets, Kara pulled out a wrist watch, two short daggers, and three silver marbles.

  Kara screwed up her face. “What the hell are those? I don’t think these can hurt a demon.” She put them back inside her jacked. She left her old clothes on a wooden bench and returned to the group.

  The friendly chatter from the Field Division was suddenly cut by a sudden urgent cry from a guardian. A male guardian in a navy uniform brushed past Kara and ran towards Cassiel.

  “A report’s coming in from section NA-212,” declared the angel. “It’s Catherine, sir. She’s spotted one of the new breeds!”

  Cassiel moved towards the middle of the great table. “Quickly—bring it up, Steven!” He leaned over, his hands pressed firmly on the table.

  Steven had long blond hair pulled back in a low pony tail, a thick neck and square jaw. His fingers raced on a keyboard at the edge of the table. Kara thought he looked like a young gladiator. With a zap, a hologram of a woman, scaled down to about two feet, sprouted from a hole in the middle of the desk. Light spilled from the hole and surrounded the hologram, like a semitransparent cylinder. Kara took a step forward. She realized the woman looked terrified.

  “S—s—sir,” said a scratchy voice, as though it was coming from an old radio box. “We’re under a—attack. The new breed killed…” The voice was breaking up—and suddenly lost. Catherine’s mouth moved but no sound came out.

  “Catherine!” yelled Cassiel. “Catherine, we’re losing you!”

  The hologram lost its brilliance for a moment, as a wave passed through it, and then came back, bringing along Catherine’s voice.

  “—all dead—couldn’t fight them—” said Catherine, her face horrified. Brilliant light spilled out of her many wounds. “—too powerful—” She swung her head around behind her is if she had heard something. She drew her sword. But she wasn’t fast enough.

  Catherine’s body was propelled backwards with frightening force. Kara heard a horrible scream. Then nothing.

  The hologram quivered and disappeared.

  Chapter 7

  Saving Catherine

  SILENCE SPREAD ALONG THE GREAT TABLE. No one moved until Cassiel finally spoke.

  “I want three teams to go after Catherine,” his voice shook. “Jenny. Peter. Amit. Take your partners and go! Now! Pick up your weapons on the way—and be careful. Just retrieve her. I don’t want any more losses.”

  “But sir—I don’t think she made it,” said the guardians who had given Kara a nasty look before. “You’re risking more lives.”

  Cassiel’s shoulders tensed. His face darkened, and he pulled himself straight. “We’re not leaving any angel behind!” His handsome face grimaced, and Kara took an involuntary step back. “Would you like to be left behind—Samuel?”

  Samuel lowered his eyes. “No sir. I was just—”

  “Right then.” Cassiel turned his head and looked at each guardian. “Demons—” he slammed his fist on the table, “—we kill them!”

  “Here here!” cried the guardians around the table. Cassiel grinned, and Kara felt as if she were watching a football coach prepping up his team before a game.

  “Okay! Let’s get moving people! Let’s get Catherine and bring her home!”

  The Field Division all jumped to their feet and scattered away like rats. Kara fidgeted on the spot as she watched them go. She wondered if any would make it back. A new breed demon had nearly finished her off. She hoped their special talents would save them.


  Kara flinched and looked up at a smiling Jenny.

  “You’re with me, girl. You’re my new partner.”

  “All right, partner.” Kara offered a faint smile. She was happy to be paired with Jenny. She liked her, and she believed Jenny liked her, too. Her mind wandered for a moment. She remembered the first time she was paired with David, and how they had escaped the shadow demons by plunging into an old woman’s dirty toilet. She found herself wondering if David was still upset that he was overlooked for a promotion to level five. He probably was. But she also remembered the sadness in his eyes.

  “You’re in good hands, Jenny.” Cassiel walked over to them. “Kara is an exceptional guardian. She saved us from Asmodeus. And Gabriel tells me that she has incredible powers. If anyone can bring Catherine back to us, it’ll be you, Kara.”

  Guilt fluttered inside Kara. She felt a wave of panic. How could she tell him he was mistaken? She wasn’t a great guardian, and she didn’t know how to yield her powers.

  “Well, I can’t wait to see her kick some new breed ass.”

  Jenny pulled on a sleeveless black bomber jacket.

  “Quickly—I’ll explain all the procedures when we get there, but first we need to fill you up with weapons.” She opened her jacket and revealed the pockets. “You should already have a few things inside your jacket pockets.”

  “Yes,” answered Kara. She watched Cassiel march away back to the table. “I noticed when I put it on. What are these?” She held out her hand and showed Jenny the marbles.

  Jenny took a marble and lifted it up. “These babies are hiloglobes. They connect you directly with CDD headquarters. You activate them like this—” Jenny held a hiloglobe between her thumb and index finger. Then she pressed down on it. The top of the marble opened and lifted like a hat, showing a metal device within. “Then you put it on the ground at your feet and step back a little. It gives a hologram of yourself and direct communication with CDD.”

  Kara stared at the tiny ball. “Like what we saw with Catherine.”

  “Exactly.” Jenny pressed on it again, and the top part of the marble fastened itself back. “Here—quickly, we have to go.” She handed the hiloglobe back to Kara. “Follow me.”

  Jenny dashed towards the left side of the hall, her skinny legs kicking up behind her like a gazelle. Kara ran to catch up. Jenny pressed her palm on a screen, and a door in the metal wall in front of her lifted. Hundreds of different weapons rested on shelves.

  “Can you use these?” Jenny reached inside and pulled out a silver bow and a quiver packed with silver arrows with light blue feather fletching at the ends.

  Kara ignored Jenny and wrapped her hand around a gleaming silver sword, a Soul Blade. “I’m much better with a blade.” She twisted it with her wrist. It felt nice and cool in her hand. She would do some damage with this.

  “Good, then. Take four!”

  Kara took three other Soul Blades, while Jenny took two and pulled the quiver over her shoulders.

  “Okay—there’s one more thing we need to do.” Jenny stepped to her right and picked up a glass jar. She held the jar out and shook it for Kara to see. Tiny transparent creatures moved inside.

  Kara grew uneasy. “Um…what are those?” She had watched many science fiction movies in her mortal days, and wondered if these little creepy crawlers were more dangerous than they looked.

  Jenny unscrewed the top of the jar easily. “These are tracker mites. You can easily track any CDD guardian with these—and we can communicate using t
hem. Look—”

  Kara watched Jenny grab a tracker mite by one of its legs and drop it near her ear. The bug crawled around and settled on the outside of her ear. It looked exactly like a beetle, except it was transparent, and its shell gave off a soft silver glow. It looked like a comfortable hearing aid.

  “Here, take yours.” Jenny handed Kara another tracker mite.

  With her face twisted in disgust, Kara grabbed the mite by one of its legs and brought it towards her ear. She shivered as she felt little pricks as it crawled inside her ear. She sensed the bug settle, and then she realized she hardly felt it anymore. A slight beep every once in a while was the only indication that it was still there.

  “You ready?” asked Jenny with a reassuring grin.

  “I’m ready.”

  “Let’s go.” Jenny jogged to the far end of the round chamber, to a back area Kara hadn’t noticed yet. They passed more cubicles and holographic screens along the way. Each time Kara would meet the stares of the angels looking up from their desks. She heard murmurs as she passed by. Some actually pointed, as though she couldn’t see them. She felt like her first day at a new school, when the teacher plants you in front of the class and forces you to talk about yourself and your tongue gets pasty and sticks in your mouth. If all they did was stare, she could live with that.

  Jenny stopped suddenly, and with Kara looking all around, bumped into her.

  “Sorry. I didn’t see you—what the—?” Kara walked slowly away from Jenny with her mouth open.

  At the back of the chamber four giant rectangular blocks of greenish water that looked like toxic waste sat on a great table. They looked like aquarium tanks without the glass walls.

  “Vega tanks,” said Jenny, mater-of-factly.

  Kara stepped to the side and watched as two other guardians, Peter and his ginormous and muscled partner stepped to either side of one of the vega tanks and turned to face everyone. Then they took another side step, and with a bright light—they vanished.


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