Zombies! Rising from the Dead

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Zombies! Rising from the Dead Page 6

by Richard Palmer

  We were both religious being raised in Christian homes, even before meeting on those porch steps of the Barkley church. We had both backslid a bit but we never forgot what we learned and how we came to know Jesus and were saved by the grace of God. I knew that “thing” wasn't Mrs. Martinez; but to see the soulless monstrosity that had been her up and walking about on the other side of death seemed not only an abomination against God, but disrespectful to the sweet old lady she had once been.

  As we sped away Rick turned in his seat gazing out the back window until Mrs. Martinez faded into the distance.

  Perhaps the stress of the situation became too much for her. Heart attack? Stroke? Who knows? Worse still, maybe one of those things got to her and she lacked the strength to fend it off. It could be simpler than that; maybe she decided to end it thinking the end of days was upon us. Yet again, maybe she was just lonely and simply wanted to go be with Ed after being alone for so very long.

  We will never know exactly what happened to that dear sweet woman and that's what haunts us the most. She deserved so much better.

  Chapter Four:

  Be It Ever So Humble

  Rick and I both knew that the infection was quickly spreading. It would overtake the area soon, but luckily we were only minutes from home. The vision of Mrs. Martinez was still fresh, haunting us as it replayed itself in our minds. It was different than the accident we had happened upon earlier. When it’s someone you know the pain runs deeper, strikes closer to home. It makes you want to lash out in vengeance, to right the wrong and meek out justice on

  the perpetrator, but there was no one to strike out against; no one to dispense justice on. There was nothing physical to lash out against; Intangible.

  “Rick, what are you all going to do? Do you all want to get over to my place or what?” I asked.

  “I dunno, it's a thought, but I have to get Amanda calmed down and explain things to her and I have to get the house taken care of. If it comes down to it we will come down to your place.” Rick was still shaken from the sight of Mrs. Martinez, but holding it together well enough.

  I reached my arm behind the driver seat and fumbled with some bags. “Hey man, would you grab those radios we bought and get the batteries in them? Start getting ready... I don't want to be outside any longer than we have to.”

  Rick started rambling through the various sacks that we had acquired on our trip and began divvying up the supplies.

  We were less than a mile from Rick's when we saw yet another “infected.” As we rounded a sharp curve, off in the distance we could see what appeared to be a person stumbling about aimlessly in an empty cattle field. The cattle had sensed danger and had long since fled. When we saw it there was no mistaking what it was.

  Shit man, there's another one....” Rick yelled as he pointed to the thing.

  Unlike the man we saw on our way back from Panatauk and then poor Mrs. Martinez, other than standing upright and having the vaguest impression of the human stature, you could barely tell that this was a person at all . . . it was heavily decayed. By the way it walked one could tell that the body was almost petrified from years in the grave. Most of its heavy black suit was already disintegrated, having been eaten away by a host of various insects throughout the long years of internment. What remnants remained looked like they were only loosely draped over the body as an afterthought, and seemed as if it could shed itself at any moment. From the way it was shuffling about, it didn't seem possible that there would have been

  enough to “come back”, there was no face to speak of, nothing grotesque or gross about it because anything that would have been nauseating or disgusting had long since rotted away. There had to be sinew holding the bones together but as we looked at it we couldn't see any evidence of it. It stumbled through the cattle field, its featureless, bleached white skull in stark contrast to the black suit it had once worn respectfully to the grave. It was hard to believe looking at this thing that once it had been a real living person. It had once been a living, breathing soul with a head full of hopes, dreams and aspirations. Now the only thing filling its head was rotting maggots. It shambled around aimlessly, rotting in its own skin; and

  we left it there.

  We should have done something; no telling what problems it could cause later. There simply wasn’t time to deal with it, every moment was precious.

  It didn't dawn on me where these things were coming from till I recalled an old cemetery up the road apiece. In these parts there were little cemeteries scattered all about the green country side, and who knows yet how many more might be about? Over the years there's no telling how many are simply “forgotten” and left to fall into decay, only to be reclaimed by nature and time till they eventually fade from any living persons memory till they are wholly

  forgotten to have existed at all.

  “We have to get back, shit is really starting to hit the fan,” I told Rick.

  Moments later I pulled up in his circular drive. Taking no chances and pulled right up to his front door, as close as I could get without making an impromptu drive-thru. It was a good thing that he had already gotten the majority of his supplies together; there was no time to spare now.

  Amanda must have been riveted to the upstairs window as no sooner had we pulled up to the door she came running down the stairs damn near falling and breaking her neck in the process. I was taken aback by her demeanor when I first saw her and felt quite sorry for her as she came running out of the house. Her pale, light face contrasted by deep blotches of strawberry red from where hours of tears had irritated her skin; her hair was matted back by sweat. It reminded me of an inconsolable child watching as a parent leaves for work. Rick hardly had the chance to exit the truck as she came running. He stepped out just as she collapsed into him, catching her as she fell to the ground trembling and shaking uncontrollably. There was nothing I could do as he tried fruitlessly to calm her. It was one of those rare situations when you knew words would be of absolutely no use.

  I knelt down and whispered to him just out of her earshot. “Take her in the house and take care of her, I will get your things...”

  He nodded and took her inside.

  As he disappeared into the walkway with Amanda I went around to the back of the truck and lowered the tailgate. I was running on pure adrenaline, as I had been for hours now. This was the first time I had gotten out of the truck since we had left Panatauk, I was exposed and vulnerable. I could hear every sound, and keenly listened to them all, every rustle of the trees drew my gaze. Even the smells that filled my nose gave me notice. I was functioning on a

  level that I had never known before; it was a surreal experience.

  I watched my surroundings closely, constantly looking over my shoulder as I gathered up Rick's supplies and packed them into his house. As I sat his items down in the hallway, I could see him sitting on the sofa trying to comfort Amanda. I had no time to say anything time was of the essence as things began to accelerate. I made several trips back and forth to the truck, careful each time I stepped out of the doorway watching for signs of trouble. I fully

  expected some undead thing to be there, waiting to drag me down to the depths of hell.

  As I unloaded the supplies I looked up at his house; it was as if I was looking at it for the first time. I analyzed it in a perspective that I never had before, noticed things I hadn't noticed prior. I realized just how exposed he really was and it greatly concerned me. His place did not have the natural barrier mine did. Granted it was two stories, but it was on a flat parcel of land with windows on each corner of the home and there was no basement or attic. The staircase lead directly upstairs to an open hallway and there was no way to seal it off, if those things got in and could manage their way upstairs, Rick and Amanda would be done for.

  Finally with the last of his supplies unloaded, I stood in the corner of the hallway and motioned Rick over. He left Amanda lying on the sofa with a cold rag on her face and it seemed to be working; she was breat
hing deeply and seemed like she might drift off to sleep shortly. He walked into the kitchen where we began to speak in hushed tones.

  “Rick, you have to get this place boarded up. I would stay to help, but I have to get started too, I don't think you’re going to be safe here...” I told him

  “I'm going to start in as soon as you leave, we are going to be fine, beside, Amanda is in no shape to leave right now anyway; she can't handle this,” He whispered.

  “I don't know if you’re thinking this thing through, listen, if they get in here what the fuck are you going to do? You’re going to be stuck here. What if the power goes out? You know that's going to happen sooner or later, have you even thought about that? Everything you have is electric! What the fuck are you going to do if this stretches on to winter? Think about this, really...” I tried to get through to him but I knew it wouldn't work. Once Rick makes up his mind nothing is going to change it; he had the tenacity of an old mule when it came to such matters. “Listen, if you don't think you can handle it here get down to my place before it gets out of hand, now promise me you will okay...” I asked.

  “Okay, okay, I promise” He replied.

  “Okay, but....” I was interrupted for as we stood there talking my attention was drawn out the kitchen window by movement off in the distance, it was the same creature we had seen less than an hour ago; it limped slowly along but was on a direct path towards Rick's house. Then the words of Dr. Bassett came ringing back in my ears, “They are drawn to homes and population centers.”

  “SHITTTTT!!!!” I cursed under my breath.

  Rick looked over... “Fuckkkkk! I can't let Amanda see this; she will lose her fucking mind!”

  I remained calm but realized that if I was going to go I had to go now. I tried to walk casually to the door as so not to wake Amanda, who had finally drifted off to sleep.

  As I got to the door I turned to Rick, “Please man, please!!!” I pleaded, “Just get the hell outta here!”


  “Alright, I GOTTA GO, I GOTTA GO! Just keep your fucking radio ON, you hear me you son of a bitch? Don't make me risk my ass to come down here to check on you...” I screamed at him as I rushed out the door.

  “I will, I will, get your ass out of here!” he said as he ushered me out.

  I left the safety of structure, I was only feet away from my truck but remember thinking about how at any second that thing was going to pop up out of nowhere and sink its teeth into me. It was still headed in our direction but moving so slowly it would take it an hour

  just to get up to the door; if it didn't fall to pieces before it got here. Until I was safely in my truck with the door closed and locked, I knew it was going to get me somehow.

  For a moment I sat in his driveway and thought about my situation. Rick and Amanda were now home and safe...for the moment at least. Frankie and Brit were in Panatauk, and who knew if they were even still alive? I was out of options, I had done everything I could for the moment; I had taken care of everyone else; it was time to get home and take care of myself.

  Inside the cab of my truck I gazed out the windshield at the horrible thing lumbering towards me, and thought to myself “It’s just me now...just me”. I revved up the engine and headed towards home not knowing if, or when I would ever see any of my friends again.

  Finally I came around the bend at the top of the hill and could see my home off in the distance, there it sat peacefully nestled in the midst thick Oaks and surrounded by heavy thickets; my undisturbed fortress of solitude. Never in my life had I felt such a sigh of relief as I did that day.

  I backed slowly into the drive; so close in fact that the door and the tailgate nearly met. I didn't want to take any unnecessary risks, granted it would have only taken a few extra minutes to unload but it was time I couldn't afford to waste. Plus, I didn't want to turn my back to whatever might be making its way through the tree line. Backing in as I did ensured that I had a clear line of sight and a straight path. I unloaded my supplies in what only took minutes; but it seemed like hours.

  I made my last trip and after securing the truck I ran inside and hastily fastened the front door behind me. My back slammed against the wall. As I leaned there with only the wall holding me up I looked out upon my living room, from in here nothing seemed out of

  Place; all was as it should be, nothing seemed amiss. It was dark and quiet, a peace and serenity I hadn't been privy to all day.

  I breathed a huge sigh of relief, my adrenaline supplies spent my legs buckled and I slowly slid down until my ass was squarely on the floor with my legs outstretched before me, the linoleum was cool and soothing. The adrenaline rush faded and was replaced by exhaustion...I inadvertently drifted off to sleep. I awakened thirty minutes later startled by the fact that I had allowed myself to pass out in such a precarious situation. I did my best to shake it off and got to my feet. I took a cursory look around the house, “time to get busy.” I thought.

  I separated my supplies and set to task. I started with the outlying rooms first, rooms that would be the first point of entry if any of those things managed to get through. The bedrooms, living room and kitchen were first; boarding them up, sealing cracks; all the while checking outside from time to time to see if any of these hellish monstrosities headed my way. Luckily I had seen nothing other than what Rick and I had run into. Funny thing . . . you don't realize how big most homes are until you have to go through them room by room like this. I had all the windows and doors boarded up in a day, but it took several days before I felt the place was truly secure.

  I talked with Rick on the radio throughout the next few days, just to keep check on him and find out how things were going on his end. As expected Amanda was a mess and not really able to do much of anything; it was all going to be up to Rick to do what needed to be done.

  A few nights later I was awakened from something that I guess could be called sleep, although as lite as it was most wouldn't consider it as such. It was 3 in the morning when Rick’s frantic voice came over the radio.

  “Alex pick up, you there? I really need to talk to you, please man, pick up!”

  “Hey, I'm here, what’s going on?” I said

  “Fuck man, they are here! They’re fucking here! Awww shhitttt, what do we do now?”

  He was on the verge of losing it.

  I thought he was mistaken, after-all there had been that creature skulking about when I had left only days earlier; I thought perhaps that was what he was seeing. “Slow down, slow down, what’s going on?”

  “Fuck dude, they're outside, they're outside. We...we...were asleep upstairs, and I started hearing things . . . 'thought maybe it was an animal or something. I went to check it out, and I saw six of 'em at the door. They know were here man, I don't know how, but they know.” His voice trembled over the radio.

  I tried not to show my alarm. “Listen, listen...Stay calm, STAY CALM DAMNIT! They DON'T know your there, okay? They're probably just acting out of instinct, you heard that guy on the radio remember, RIGHT? Your safe, those things are weak, they can't get in. Just calm the fuck down. Besides you don't want to get Amanda worked up do you? It's going to be okay. You just have to hang tight.”

  The fact of the matter was I really didn't know what these things were capable of; no more so than Rick or anyone else. All I had to go on was what we had been told and what we had seen in person. I did know one thing; it wouldn't do any good for Rick to freak out. We had to try as best we could to keep our heads on straight.

  “You’re right, you’re right. I have the house all boarded up, ain't no way these fuckers can get to us. I'm sorry, I just lost my cool” came his reply.

  “It’s okay, I understand; just do what you can to stay calm. Relax and go take care of Amanda. Try not to listen to what’s happening out there, and if you need anything just call me”

  *From here I will leave off and pick up where my journal begins. You must remember for several days as this al
l went down Rick and I were running on nothing but adrenaline, our minds were racing a mile a minute with narrowly a thought as to what we were doing, so in reflection now some exact events in those early days were lost and I have to resort to my journal entries.. I will do my best to clarify as needed, between my memory, and my journal (plus Rick filling in a few gaps here and there) I will try to reconstruct the events over those next few months.

  Chapter Five:

  The Zombie Chronicles

  Day Five

  I have decided to write a log of the days as they pass, it gives me something to do. The house is all boarded up; this place is locked down tighter than Fort Knox. I don't think those things could get in here if they tried, but I certainly hope they don't; I don't want to test I decided to start writing a journal to keep track their resolve. I've done all I can for now. I'm exhausted; I’ve been working for days on this lace. I have to try as best I can to get some rest.

  Day Six

  Rick is home he is as trapped as I am, funny thing, I dropped him off only days ago, it just all happened so fast. We are staying in touch with 2-way radios. We use them sparingly to save the batteries. He was going to come down here if things got too bad, but now he can’t even get out his front door; those things have them surrounded.


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