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Hard Hit: IceCats series

Page 17

by Toni Aleo

  “Hey. What’s up?”

  “Hey. Are you home yet?”

  “I am. Just arrived.”

  “Can you chat for a bit?”

  I’d rather not talk about Lilly, but I know I need to. “Yeah, just hanging with my baby girl.”

  “Okay. Listen, her lawyer is saying she isn’t coming on Friday. Nor has she signed the papers. But I’m not entirely sure if the witness reports, emails, texts, and everything else we have will be able to resolve this. According to her lawyer, she is wanting to push this back until after Christmas.”

  My stomach drops. “What? Why?”

  “I don’t know. I am going to fight it. If we can’t get it settled Friday, then I’ll make the next court date sooner. I just wanted to give you an update.”

  “Okay,” I say through my teeth. Fuck, I hate Lilly.

  “Let me know if you hear from her. Though, I doubt you will. Have you tried calling or texting lately?”

  “Not since you told me not to.”

  “All right. Maybe send her a text, saying you’ll see her Friday, and see what she says. But in no way fight with her or call her names or allow her to get under your skin. We have to stay smart about this, but maybe you can urge her to sign the papers or show up.”

  “I can do that.”

  “Great. Keep me in the loop.”

  “Will do,” I agree, and then we hang up. I am so annoyed, and I don’t understand what the hell Lilly is thinking right now. She wants to push this to December? For what? What will happen in a couple months that she’ll be ready to give up her rights? She gave them up the moment she dropped Celeste off and decided she wanted to go to Italy instead of being a mother. I know she can be a piece of shit most of the time, but this is downright ridiculous.

  Against my better judgment, I dial her number. To my surprise, and maybe by the grace of God, someone answers.

  “Hello?” It’s a male voice. I assume, her boyfriend.

  “Hey, is Lilly there?”

  “Who’s this?”

  “Kirby Litman. Her daughter’s father.”

  “Ah, yeah. Hold on, man.”

  I wait a moment. I hear her say something along the lines of “Why did you answer?” but then she comes on the line. “Kirby, it’s late.”

  “Okay, I apologize. But what the hell, Lilly? Why are you dragging ass with this? You said you didn’t want Celeste. Why are you putting me through this and wasting my money?”

  “Because I’m not ready to give up my rights.”

  “Why? You have had no contact, haven’t even asked how she is—”

  “How is she?”

  I try so hard to keep calm. “No, don’t do that. You don’t care. You’re being like this to take a hit on me.”

  “Maybe so, but I don’t see what the rush is.”

  “I want sole custody of my daughter.”

  “Why? I’ll always be her mother.”

  “I am aware, but you’ll also always be the mother who didn’t want her. Sign the papers—or hell, I’ll pay for you to fly in just to be done.”

  She pauses, and I think I might have reached her, but then she says, “My mom doesn’t want me to.”

  Fuck. My. Life. “No disrespect to her, but she hasn’t reached out either, Lilly. It’s obvious you guys don’t want anything to do with my child, and that’s fine. I will love her, and there are plenty of people who will love her more. Sign the papers.”

  “Oh, so you have someone else?”

  “What the hell? Why does that matter? You’re with someone, moved with him, so why does it matter if I am?”

  “It’s the black lawyer, isn’t it? The one you were obsessed with and probably cheated on me with.”

  “I didn’t. I’m not like you.”

  “But it’s her.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Sign the papers, or get on a plane.”

  “No. I’m not ready.”

  “Fine. We’re going to present all your emails and texts, so if you aren’t here to defend yourself or whatever you’re trying to do, I will win.”

  “Then why are you calling me?”


  “Because you know they won’t let you have custody. Why would they? No one ever wants you. You weren’t good enough for your parents or me, and you sure as hell aren’t good enough for Celeste.”

  I freeze. I know what’s going on when she gets nasty like that. She feels trapped, and there is nothing else I can say. I hang up the phone, throwing it across the couch, and I cuddle Celeste in my chest. She strokes her fingers along my neck and jaw as I close my eyes, nuzzling my nose in her hair.

  I know Lilly was just being hateful, I know what she said isn’t true, but it hurts. Her words feel as if they’re knives, stabbing me everywhere. I know I shouldn’t believe her or even think she is correct. I know she isn’t. But the problem is, I have those kinds of thoughts daily. And hearing them from someone else’s mouth, even it belongs to a cunt like my ex, really does a number on me.

  So, I hold my daughter close, my eyes closed as she touches my jaw in such a loving way. I remember that she thinks I hung the moon, the stars, and probably the sun. I remind myself that I’m in a really incredible relationship with a bomb-ass chick who thinks highly of me. My teammates, who are my brothers, love me, and I’m helping a young man with the same issues I struggle with. Over and over again, I remind myself of those things and try so damn hard to convince myself what Lilly said isn’t true.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  * * *

  Feliciana is a gorgeous woman.

  She is older than me, wiser, but she looks my age. She has dark skin that is flawless and stunning. Her hair is in tight braids that she has styled into a high bun. I’ve thought over and over again about wearing my hair like that, but I’ve gotten so used to doing my hair natural, and I’m really good at it. I also don’t have the time to sit for hours on end for braids. I have a lot of hair; it would take all day. Since my mom is the only one allowed to touch my hair and that’s a lot of time with my mom, I’m good with my natural hair. Even though the braids do look amazing on Feliciana. I could add extensions for longer hair. I’d look incredible with them. This is why I don’t like hanging with my boss. I start getting hair envy.

  I watch as she takes a nice long sip of her wine, and I sit back with my glass leaning on my forearm. She usually doesn’t drink at lunch, but I’m ignoring the idea that she might be nervous about what she needs to say to me and have decided she just wants to cut loose with her favorite employee. It’s honestly the only reason I’m able to sit here still sipping my first glass.

  I don’t want to get reprimanded for the whole episode with Willa. I also don’t want to talk about it. I’m embarrassed for how Willa acted and the things she said. I know Feliciana, and I know she’ll have an opinion about me dating someone Willa is representing. Problem is, I’m unsure if she’ll be upset or supportive. I may have worked for her for a while and I may know her well, but I’ve never been in a situation when I’m falling very hard and very fast for someone who is being represented by the firm.

  Way to go, Jay. Fall for the first time in years, and it’s worthy of being a “complicated” kind of relationship.

  That bothers me greatly, too. There is nothing complicated about Kirby. He’s so easygoing, so supportive and kind. Beyond hot and extremely successful in his career. Great dad, great man, and he cares. Not just about his child or me, but others. He has gone above and beyond for Evan Adler, and the more he talks about it, the more irresistible I find him. He makes it incredibly easy to be with him, so dealing with this other shit is aggravating.

  “How’s your current caseload?”

  I place my glass on the table. “It’s okay. I have one that is stressful. Dealing with an heiress to a multimillion-dollar company isn’t always easy. Her father has everything so locked down, and it’s all so clearly spelled out. No loopholes that I can find. One of his demands is that she h
as to be married by the time she’s thirty in order for her to get the rest of the money.” Feliciana’s brows come in, and I nod. “Exactly. It’s not like twenty percent either. It’s a solid 85%, so it’s been kind of crazy. She wants to marry someone off the street, but her father said she has to be with him for a year before she can divorce. I’m telling you, it’s all so crazy and so eighteenth century,” I add with a chuckle, and she grins.

  “That sounds like a blast.”

  “It really is. I don’t envy her, that’s for sure.”

  “I doubt you would, but then women like us wouldn’t find ourselves in that kind of situation.”

  I know what she means. We are very much women who don’t depend on anyone, but still, I say, “Right? If only my mom had married a prince from Dubai.”

  “Very true,” she says with a grin as her laughter subsides. “How are your parents?”

  “Great. My dad is on a golfing trip, and my mom is considering divorce because he didn’t get her tires checked before he left like she’d asked.”

  Still smiling wide, she nods. “Your mother is something.”

  “That’s the truth. Have you had time for spades lately?”

  She shakes her head. “Actually, no. Not with the girls. I’ve been very busy.”

  I hold out my glass to her. “What else is new?”

  She smiles, nodding since it’s the truth. We’re always busy. But something moves across her face, and she says, “This may be surprising, but I’m dating someone.”

  That catches me off guard. “Really? When did this happen?”

  “Almost a year now.”

  “A year!” I say, shocked. “No way! How did I not know?”

  She grins. “Well, I’ve kept it very quiet, but I am no longer able to do that.”


  “No, my—” She hesitates, much to my confusion. I have never seen her struggle with her words or even what she wants to say. “My girlfriend has given me an ultimatum. I either include her, or I watch her walk out of my life.”

  I try so hard not to seem surprised or even shocked by this revelation, but my face does what it wants. I almost can’t believe I heard her right. I have seen her date men, I seem to recall she almost married a man at some point, but then I remember this isn’t about me. This is about her. “Well, I can’t blame her. No one wants to be hidden or even put on the back burner. I know good and well you’d throw a fit if you felt like you weren’t included.”

  She nods, her lips curving. “You’re absolutely right.”

  “Exactly. What’s her name? Do I know her?”

  Feliciana smiles so widely at me. “Actually, you do. Landry Maltin, from accounting.”

  “She did my taxes last year,” I say, grinning at her. “Are you happy?”


  I take her hand in mine. “That’s wonderful. Don’t forget, they say the significant other trumps work.”

  Her eyes widen jokingly as she squeezes my hand. “From experience, I can assure you that’s the God’s honest truth.”

  We share a laugh, and I hope she feels supported. I want nothing more than for Feliciana to be happy. She is such a great boss, such a powerful lawyer and mentor. I adore her.

  As lunch continues with no mention of the Willa shit or her client whom I am currently sleeping with, I’m relieved, but I do feel some guilt. Maybe I should have told her about Kirby. Share my own happiness with her, but I convince myself I don’t because I didn’t want to overshadow her happiness.

  No, I wanted to let her shine because once I start speaking of Kirby, I’ll be as bright as Celeste’s gorgeous grin.

  When I arrive at Kirby’s place, I am thankful for two things.

  One, it’s Celeste’s nap time.

  And two, that I came in what I did.

  My little detour to my place to change into the smuttiest lingerie set that I own, which is crotchless and doesn’t hide my nipples, was probably the best decision I’ve made in a long time. Because when I walk through the door, my eyes locking with Kirby’s, he doesn’t even have time to get off the couch before I drop my knitted cardigan to the floor, revealing the scraps of lace that adorn my body.

  “Jesus Christ,” he growls, the deep tenor of his voice dropping so many octaves as my pussy clenches.

  I wanted to surprise him, just as he did with the roses he sent to my office. My lips turn up at the side as he prowls toward me, his eyes going so dark before he captures me, both in his arms and with his mouth. I am flush against his body as he slides his hands down my back to my ass, squeezing and molding my cheeks as he devours my mouth. I wrap my arms around his neck, needing him close since I’ve missed him so damn much. When he lifts me to his height, I wrap my legs around his waist, my center hitting the roughness of the shorts he wears. Even through those shorts, I can feel the thickness of him, and boy, it makes me wild.

  He parts from my lips, drawing in deep breaths as he gazes into my eyes. I move my mouth along his, not kissing him but not ready to go without the feel of those lips on mine as my eyes stay trapped in his gaze. “I missed you. So damn much.”

  “Same, Kirb. Same. Thank you for my roses.”

  “Did they make you happy?”

  “Almost as happy as I am right now in your arms.” He nips at my mouth, and I demand, “Now, take me to bed.”

  He scoffs. “I can’t make it that far.”

  I giggle as he carries me to the couch, laying me down before covering my body with his. He kisses, sucks, and runs his teeth along my jaw, down my neck, before kissing down the valley of my breasts as I arch up against his thick cock. He draws in a deep breath, shaking his head when he looks down at me. Taking me in. “You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my life.”

  “Your whole life, huh?”

  I don’t know how he can undress me with his eyes when I’m barely wearing anything, but I swear he is. I feel flawless under his gaze. With his voice so low, so dangerous, he says, “Shit, this life, past lives, future lives—all of them, Jaylin. You’re absolutely stunning.”

  My lips start to curve into a grin, but then his mouth is there, drawing the kisses out of me with such beautiful need. He cups my breasts in his hands, squeezing them before running his palms down my waist to my hips. I stroke my fingers down his back, catching his shirt to bring it up and pull it over his head. Once he’s free of the shirt, he takes me by my hips, bringing me hard and fast against his thighs as he ogles me. “I want to do so many things to you, but all of them need more stamina than I have right now.”

  I snort as I trace my fingers along his pecs and the number of abs that I can’t count at this moment because my vision is a little shaky from how hard my heart is beating. I arch my back so that I press hard against him and give him one hell of a view. “Do whatever you want.”

  “Whatever?” he asks with a gleam in those dark eyes.

  “I’m yours.” I don’t know if I’ve lost my damn mind. If I’m so deep in my need for him that I’m not thinking correctly. Or if those words are my truth. Either way, something shifts in his eyes, and it’s not sexual at all. It’s sweet and full of appreciation for me. Maybe even love and that little something that makes me feel like I’m flying. A smirk moves across his lips, and then he lifts me, placing me on the coffee table.

  He drops to his knees, parting my legs completely before dropping his mouth to me. He sucks my pussy between his lips, and I cry out, arching into his mouth as I cup my breasts. He holds my thighs open as his tongue glides up my slit and back down, ever so slowly. He isn’t even anywhere near my clit, but I feel my orgasm building. I feel it at the tips of my toes and my fingers. I feel him everywhere. He licks, nibbles, and takes his time on just my lips before he opens me and devours me fully and with no warning whatsoever. I dig my heels into his shoulders, arching way up off the table so he can suck me farther into that risqué mouth of his. I know I am playing with fire, because when I come, I’m going to come super hard. But I don�
��t care. I need it. I need him. I start to ride his mouth, grinding my pussy against his lips. He hasn’t shaved, and it feels glorious against me. I’m almost there, I’m about to break, but he stops.

  Just stops.

  I gawk at him, sucking in air as if the next breath won’t come, and he laughs.

  “Fucking ass,” I accuse, and he grins down at me as he removes his pants, kicking them to the side.

  “I won’t apologize for wanting you to come all over my cock.”

  “Oh my,” I say, licking my lips. “I love it when you say ‘cock.’”

  He grins as he cups my center. “Sweetheart, I love your pussy.”

  I can’t breathe. After putting on a condom, he picks me up and puts me back on the couch, entering me effortlessly. Completely. He’s so hard, so thick inside me, and I squeeze him as he thrusts into me and then back out, repeating the motion as he positions my legs the way he wants. One up against his chest, the other held in his hand at the back of my knee, pressing into the couch. I’m open and exposed, and he doesn’t hold back. He pounds into me, hard and without restraint. I watch him, in awe, as my blood tingles in my body. I feel like I’m going numb everywhere except my pussy where his cock clobbers me just right. I love how hard he goes; I love how his eyes devour me as his body does. I love it. I love how he makes love to me.

  When he sits back on his haunches, my thighs against his as he holds me in place by my hip, I cry out at the different sensation of his cock inside me. But no sound comes out when he finds my clit with his thumb. He presses into me hard as I grip the couch, sucking in breath after breath as he fucks and fingers me at the same time. It’s all too much, too incredible, and when I come, I come so hard, I can’t see. I squeeze my eyes shut, spasming around him. I am only barely holding on. I grip his wrist and the couch as he pounds harder and harder into me. When he roars, his cock throbbing inside me as he stills, I squeeze him as tight as I can to further his orgasm. His fingers bite into my skin as he grunts, his thrusts slowing before he stills completely. When I open my eyes, his head is tilted back as he sucks in air, and sweat drips down that astonishing chest of his. I’m in awe of him, so totally taken by him that when he drops his head so his eyes meet mine, I can only stare.


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