Band of Bachelors: Jake2: Book 4 (SEAL Brotherhood)

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Band of Bachelors: Jake2: Book 4 (SEAL Brotherhood) Page 2

by Sharon Hamilton

  His SEAL buddies were giving him a wide berth, and maintained their little enclave near the alcohol. He knew exactly what was going on too as they scanned the crowd for pretty girls. It was just a SEAL thing. Just something you did at weddings, funerals, or celebrations. It would always be the same.

  Belinda and Gerud approached. Gerud was struggling, his eyes red, and his chest heaving. Jake had noted a slight argument with Monica earlier as they’d left the church when she’d tried to give him a hug. Something in Gerud’s demeanor told Jake all was not well with his brother. But Belinda Matheson brought him over and he was dealing with it.

  “Jake, I thought that was a beautiful message. I think your father would have loved it,” Belinda said sweetly. “If there’s anything I can do for you, please let me know.”

  Gerud opened his mouth and took a deep breath, then blurted out, “Jake, you did him proud. I couldn’t have said it any better.” His gaze darted to the side in nervousness and then finally landed on Jake’s face. Jake held his attention for just a few seconds before Gerud looked away.

  “You okay, man?” he asked as he placed a hand on Gerud’s left shoulder.

  “Sure. Just emotional. That’s all. This was harder than I thought it would be. So final. I can’t get out of my head I’ll never see him again. I feel like he’ll just walk back in here and laugh at all of us.”

  “Now that’s a frightening picture, bro.” Jake welcomed the chuckle he managed to elicit from his brother, which seemed to break the tension.

  Belinda’s ripple of laughter worked like glue, connecting all of them. She nudged Gerud. “Come on, let’s get something in your stomach.” She took Gerud’s arm and pulled him around and away.

  He looked down at little Jasmine. “How are you holding up, Jaz?”

  “I don’t know all these people.”

  “That makes two of us.” He tussled her hair and caught a glimpse of Ginger smiling at him across the room as she talked with an elderly couple. “I’d say we go out for pizza afterwards, just the four of us. And maybe some ice cream. You up for that kiddo?”

  “Awesome, Daddy! I’m going to go tell mom.”

  She ran to deliver the news to Ginger.

  A very frail older man walked up to Jake, resting his weight on a cane, having difficulty with his gait. He held out his hand, which was shaking in an involuntary tremor.

  “Jake, I’m not sure if you remember me. Last time I saw you was over twenty years ago.”

  Jake took his cool hand, more to steady the man. “I’m sorry, I don’t remember, sir.”

  “I’m Rob Peterson. I used to work for your father way back then. I just wanted to pay my respects. Burt was a fair boss and I learned a lot working under him.”

  “Thank you for saying so. I appreciate you coming.”

  Peterson turned with difficulty and searched the room. “Your mother was such a help to him in those days. I used to tell her she was a better salesman than Burt was.”

  Jake chuckled at that. New information about his parents and a slice of life he’d never encountered before.

  “I don’t imagine he’d like hearing that.”

  “Oh, most definitely not. I never told him this. I wanted to pay my respects, but I don’t see her anywhere.”

  Peterson adjusted his stance carefully.

  “I’m not well, so I’m afraid I can’t stay, but you give her my regards, will you?”

  “Sure. Rob Peterson?”

  “That’s right.”

  Jake watched him shuffle across the room and out the sunny glass doors, where an attendant was waiting with a wheelchair. They departed from view.

  Monica saddled up to him and didn’t stop until her large breasts brushed against his upper arm. Samantha was grabbing for her hair and then smiled as she noticed her daddy and raised her arms up to be held. Jake took her and bounced her up and down, which made the happy child giggle.

  “Look at you, little princess. So pretty.”

  “She sure knows her daddy all right. No mistaking that smile. It’s reserved only for you.” Monica’s big eyes and oversized plump lips attempted a major flirt in front of the whole group. All it did was make Jake uncomfortable.

  The baby grabbed Jake’s tie and tried to pull it into her drooling mouth.

  “Whoa there, darlin’. That’s not exactly on your menu.” He pried her arm loose, turned the child around so she faced the room and just bounced her.

  “So how’ve you been, Jake? You should stop by, now that you’re home.”

  “I will, Monica. I’m doing fine.”

  “You staying with Mom?”

  “No, I’m over at Ginger’s. I’m sure you know we’re getting back together.”

  “Yes, incredible as it is, Gerud told me this. So, you’re gonna make the same mistake one more time?”

  Jake knew the mistake had been leaving her in the first place. “I think this time I’ve learned my lesson. If she’ll have me.”

  She responded to the baby’s searching arms again and pulled her to her ample chest. “Well, when that doesn’t work out, my door is open. For now. But I wouldn’t wait too long. We had some good times, Jake. Not exactly cheating if you’re screwing your ex-wife now is it?”


  “Whoa there! Jake! Where’ve you been hiding this lovely lady?”

  Teammate Ollie Culbertson was holding a long-necked beer and knew it wasn’t improper to give Monica the attention she wasn’t getting from Jake. Two other Team guys stood by in case he needed assistance.

  “And she makes pretty babies, too,” said one of the other Team guys. “This one of yours?” he said as the baby outstretched her arms to him. “Hey there little angel.”

  The baby was coddled and bounced around amongst a handful of SEALs, which drew Monica over to the group and left Jake alone.

  Adele made her way over. Jake threw his arm around her shoulder and she leaned into his chest. “Ah, Jake, I can’t believe he’s gone. I spent so many years fighting with him, and now, I’ve just got this big empty house. Why don’t you move on home, honey, and spend a few days with your dear old mom?”

  Jake wanted to say yes, but he knew it wouldn’t be good for either of them.

  “I’ve already promised Ginger, Mom. But we’ll come over and visit. The girls would love to swim. We’ll make it a family thing.”

  “Very well.” She detached from him. “I’m getting tired. I hope people start to leave.”

  “Mom, this is for them. A chance for them to pay their respects. Let’s let them do this.”

  She tilted her head from side to side.

  “Hey, there was a guy here who said to say hello to you. You used to work with him at Dad’s office before you retired.”

  Adele’s head flipped up quickly. “Who?”

  “Said his name was Rob Peterson.”

  Her eyes widened. “Rob Peterson was here?”

  “Yes, mom. He said he was looking for you. But he asked me to tell you he stopped by.”

  She searched the crowd.

  “He’s gone, mom. Someone with a wheelchair took him just outside that door.” He pointed to the glass doors that led to the parking lot.

  Adele left him without saying a word and stood at the door, examining the parking lot. But she didn’t go out. Standing with her face and hands pressed against the glass, Jake thought his mother looked like a little girl lost, poised somewhere between her past and her future.

  Chapter 2

  GINGER WAS LETTING Jake banter back and forth with the girls, who were taking turns with silly jokes from the second seat of the car. The funeral for Jake’s dad was longer than she expected. Although Burt Green had selected the order of service and what would be read, Adele Green made insertions the reverend was loath to reject.

  There were so many stories there, personalities that clashed, friends, lovers and who knew what else. Jake’s father had slept with many women, Jake had told her when they were first married. It left her
with a warning sign that lodged itself in her gut and never went away. She blamed her distrust of Jake on his dad’s history. It affected her so much that when she thought Jake been unfaithful to her, she took the step to ask him to leave. It had been a difficult decision, and it had been a horrible mistake. But Jake hadn’t fought it much, and before she could catch her breath, before logic and sense crept in, Karlene was there and before just a few weeks, she was already announcing her pregnancy and another wedding.

  Jake had grown up a lot since those days. He didn’t handle the relationship thing well at all. But he didn’t mind fathering babies, and this wasn’t something she knew before. He just didn’t do the confrontation with his women very well, so he went along. The big tough SEAL could never say no to a woman.

  And thank God, he couldn’t say no to her again. This time, she intended to keep him forever at her side. She was grateful for her second chance, and promised never to doubt him again.

  So she took the attention the other two wives (well, one wife and one live-in that resulted in pregnancy) garnered with their offspring, and tried as best she could to accept them, the children and to make sure there wasn’t a wall or barrier between her family and theirs. After all, Jake was a part of it. It didn’t matter that his DNA was spread all over the world. She shuddered to think if that could really be true. Could Jake have fathered more children she didn’t know about?

  She took a deep breath and let it all out, watching the landscapes whoosh by as her former husband and their two daughters sang and joked and laughed. As the houses and trees, cars and dogs, people outside watering their brown lawns, kids playing at the school yard danced by the picture frame of her car window, she saw the streaming that was life all around her. And she felt blessed. It wasn’t perfect, but it all was a blessing. Her problem was that there was so much life, it was nearly too much to handle.

  Drop that thought. Be thankful for everything you’ve been given. Because in it came the gift of Jake coming back to you. And that is worth every ounce of pain, worry and stress.

  Jake gently touched her hand and she discovered he was smiling at her. Those blue eyes, ingrained laugh lines at the top of his cheeks bringing his promise of secrets and desires he couldn’t hide.

  “You okay, sweetheart?” he asked.

  “I’m fine. Just tired.”

  “I think when you get home, we’ll all go down for a nap. Then perhaps later we can go have pizza, and some ice cream. How about that?”

  The girls, with ears that would hear those comments a mile away cheered. Jake was making big brownie points today.

  She leaned back into the headrest and winked at him. “I’m game.” And with that little signal, she let him know she was open for a nap with benefits.

  He drew her knuckles to his lips and kissed her softly.

  “Who was that woman sitting with Belinda?” she asked.

  “I think it was her mother.”

  “I’ve never seen her before.”

  “Neither have I. Mom knew her, though. I think someone from the club, but I’m not sure.” Ginger knew he wanted to say something more.

  “Go ahead, out with it.”

  Jake chuckled. “Am I so transparent?”

  “Totally.” Ginger was happy that Jake’s serious mood during the funeral was over with. She suspected he was relieved the whole ordeal was finished.

  “Mom had a mystery man show up at the funeral.”

  “Mystery man?”


  “Who was he?”

  “Someone who used to work at the office when Mom was an agent there. He knew me when I was a boy. Seemed like a nice guy. He told me to tell her hello, and Mom freaked.”

  “Wow. Another mystery. Your family has more secrets than a spy novel.”

  “You can say that again. I suppose we’ll learn more when we do the reading of the will next week. I want you there, Ginger.”

  “Of course I’ll be there.”

  “The other—” he winced mid sentence and Ginger saw he was still uncomfortable with her acceptance of his past relationships.

  “Jake, I signed on for this. I knew full well what I was getting myself into this time. Just call them your wives. We don’t have to keep bringing up the fact that Monica was never official. You made a baby. She was your wife. End of story.”

  She scanned the street, checking her insides, and discovered she really was okay with it.

  “You’re too good for me.”

  “Only if you cheat on me.”

  “I never did—”

  “Would you stop it? The girls are in the back seat.”

  It had gotten very quiet back there and their big ears had no doubt picked up everything.

  “We’re not going to hide anything, Jake. Best thing is to just be honest with them, with all of the kids and the wives. I am not a fan of labels.” She delivered this without looking at him.

  He took her fingers again and kissed her tenderly. “Except, sweet Ginger, you’re mine. That’s a label you’ll wear for the rest of your life, honey.”

  Ginger couldn’t wait to get home.

  WITH THE PROMISE of ice cream and pizza for dinner, the girls went right to bed, shedding their dark dresses and patent leather shoes, and sleeping in their long slips.

  After settling them down and opening the windows, Ginger entered the master bedroom and found Jake naked on the bed, waiting for her.

  “Now that’s a picture I won’t soon forget,” she whispered as she closed the door.

  “Come here, Ginger. Let me take that dress off you.” His low sexy voice sent tingles down her spine. The whisper was meant for her ears only.

  She sat on the edge of the bed, feeling the covers shift. Soon his fingers were at the back of her neck, smoothing up and down the little twist she’d done with her hair. He removed her rhinestone wire clip and her hair fell loose. His fingers slid over her scalp, sifting through her hair, pulling slightly, as he angled her head to one side and placed a kiss on her exposed neck.

  “You have such a lovely neck. And the red hair drives me wild, Ginger. It always did.” His lips touched her ear as he continued, “I feel so lucky you came back to me, sweetheart. I would have missed all this.”

  His fingers worked the zipper down slowly. He kissed each inch. The heat of his massive frame and the groans he tempted her with had her ears buzzing. A driving need inside her had her bonfires stoked.

  With both hands, he slid the dress off her shoulders. He was kneeling at her back, unlatching her bra and looping the straps forward and down her arms. She let her dress and bra pool at her waist. He was behind her, pressing his chest against her back, his arms reaching around to tweak her nipples and fondle her flesh. She leaned back against him and turned to plant a sideways kiss on his cheek. He pulled her over, cradling her and then set her down on the bed as he pulled the rest of her clothes down her hips, taking her panties too.

  She arched as his head was buried between her legs, heightening her passion. His expert tongue did all the right things, but she wanted him deep inside her now, so pulled under his arms and begged him to crawl on top of her. With the taste of her own arousal on his lips, he kissed her deep, and found his way inside.

  As their bodies mated in tandem, Jake brought her to the brink of release and then slowed her down several times before their explosive finale. Sometime during that afternoon of lovemaking she knew they were bonded and mated forever. As his blue eyes searched her face afterwards, his fingers wiping the sweat from her brow, his lips still feeding off hers, she felt the glow of new life and all the possibility that meant. Everything was starting all over again. The cycles of life had just expanded to include yet one more reason to never leave this man’s protective arms.

  She curled up under his chin and hugged him close, their legs still entangled, as he pulled the light peach sheet up over both their bodies and let her doze off into a deep, contented sleep.

  Chapter 3

ED they’d be going back on deployment, back to Baja Mexico, in a week, which was way sooner than any of the Team had planned. They were to do a revisit of the Santiago gang, who, among other things, were running guns from the US to Mexico for use in their drug trade. But last deployment they discovered the gang was also responsible for kidnapping young girls and selling them into the sex slave business all over the world. By chance, Kyle’s squad had stumbled upon the three innocent girls, able to rescue only two of them. Jake had accidentally shot their teacher in the gunfight that broke out during the rescue.

  But the main reason Jake was uncomfortable going back was the fact that there was a certain General Cortez who nearly detained him, due to the shooting. He wasn’t looking forward to meeting him again. They’d been lucky the last time. The quick-thinking crew of their transport manufactured a letter on CIA stationery, forged the Director’s signature and presented it as evidence the entire SEAL team was due home on an emergency basis. By now, the Mexican authorities would know the letter was a ruse. Jake knew the General wasn’t the type to take these sorts of practical jokes very well. So he asked Kyle the obvious when he got the call.

  “You really think it’s a good idea I should go back down there, LT? I mean, my dad’s just died. We have the will reading, I’ve got all sorts of things to complete as executor. I’d be fine if you said I could skip this one.” Jake was hoping Kyle would agree with him.

  “Already asked and answered,” he said over the phone. We’re to show no fear in dealing with the authorities. Our liaison thinks they’ve been given the word to fully cooperate with us.”

  “In all fairness, Kyle, he’s gonna be pissed, and still pissed he didn’t grab me when he could. He might just do it out of spite, this time.”

  “Nope. You’re part of the package. We’re doing a show of force. Gonna work a joint operation to pick up these cretins, but let’s assume they want the mission to go as planned so they can get some reward the US is offering. That’s the carrot, Jake.”

  “I don’t like it, sir.”


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