Loving the Broken Man (The Cowboys of Katydid Farm Book 3)

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Loving the Broken Man (The Cowboys of Katydid Farm Book 3) Page 23

by Sam E. Kraemer

  As everyone settled into pews at the little funeral home in Holloway, Virginia, Jase looked around at the family and friends he'd accumulated. He turned to the back and saw DB Jeffers wink at him, which was a surprise. He thought his boss was in Syria.

  "On behalf of Jason, Daniel, and Kayley, thank you all for coming to support them in their time of grief. We never know when God's going to call us or our loved one’s home, and none of us could have predicted Virginia Langston's time would come so suddenly, but…" Pastor Stu began the sermon. Javier, their very good friend, actually sang Jase's mother's favorite hymn, "Ave Maria" in Italian. The man had an operatic voice which Jase planned to quiz him about at another time.

  After the song and a few readings from Pastor Stu about the love of family and the rewards of the afterlife, he motioned to Jase to read the eulogy. Danny leaned toward him to whisper, "I love you, Jason. I'm right here with you. Always."

  Kayley stood with him and walked up to the podium, which surprised him, but she held his hand and wouldn't let go. He actually appreciated the supportive touch.

  He pulled the note cards out of his jacket pocket and looked at them. They were full of family history and memories from his childhood he thought his mother would like him to share, but as he looked out at the people congregated there in support of him, he flipped them over and looked at Kayley with a smile.

  "Thank you all for coming. I know some of you didn't know my mother very well, but you all took her into the fold just like you took me in when I showed up here too many years ago as a kid of eighteen with no idea of his future. I found here what I never thought I'd find anywhere, which was acceptance," he looked at Miss Katie, Josh, Miss Jeri, and Marty with a smile; "friendship," he looked at the many hands from the various properties who had become friends over time and after misunderstandings were forgiven, especially Tim, Matt, Mickey, Jon, and Henry; "and love," he stated as he looked down at Kayley and then out at Danny.

  "There were ups and downs in Ginny Langston's life, but I can tell you she loved each and every one of you that she had the privilege of meeting. She found peace and happiness here with us, and she'd want us to all think about the good times we’ve had as a family. The Christmas celebrations, the birthdays, the barbecues. All of those were as special to Mom as they are to me, so let's not be sad.

  "She's still in our hearts, just as we are in each other's hearts. Love only expands. It doesn't constrict. Let's go to the house and celebrate the love we have in this remarkable family. I'm pretty sure Miss Ginny would have wanted it that way," he told those in attendance as he leaned forward and kissed Kayley on the forehead before he dried her tears.

  "Come on, Little Bit. Let's go to the Katydid and remember the good times with Grandma Ginny." He picked her up, which was something she didn't really like, but she let him. They all gave Ginny a final good-bye before they drove to the farm where Miss Katie had insisted they have a meal after the funeral.

  Later that night, Jase and Dan put Kayley to bed with hugs and kisses. She fell asleep pretty quickly because it had been a long day.

  Mickey and Jon put Meggie to bed in a guest room at the Circle C after a serious discussion regarding the loss of people in the family. They had to assure her several times her grandparents weren't going anywhere, anytime soon, but finally, she fell asleep.

  Tim and Matt sat at the kitchen table with their two grown sons and talked about how their lives were at their respective schools. They heard about girls each boy had dated, wanted to date, or had bagged, which brought forth another discussion regarding being gentlemen and using protection.

  After everyone was settled into their respective beds in Holloway, Virginia, they knew they were loved. There was a lot to living life centered around love, but the reward was more amazing than they'd ever imagined. And…it all started at Katydid Farm.



  I want to continue to thank my readers for their loyalty and support as I’ve embarked on each story I’ve written during my fanfiction days, and then my dabbling in original fiction while I tried to work up the courage to put myself out there and publish my first book. You’ve been supportive when I needed it; honest when I needed to hear it; and you always come back for more. Thank you ever so much.

  I’d also like to thank a reviewer of “Loving the Lawyer” who held me accountable for the quality of the books I write. I took her constructive criticism to heart, and it has made me a better author, so thank you, reviewer. I heard you and I will be much more careful with what I put out into the world henceforward.

  About the Author:

  I grew up in the rural Midwest around horses and cattle and cowboys, oh my! I met a dashing young man who swept me off my feet and to the East Coast where I currently reside. I have a loving, supportive family who kindly overlooks my addiction to writing, reading, and the extension of my hands…my computer to write, or my Kindle to read the stories others write. I’m old enough to know how to have fun but too old to care what others think. In my heart and soul, I believe I hit the cosmic jackpot with the life I live, and I try to be grateful for it every day. I’d rather count my karma chits than my money. Cheers!

  If you enjoyed this book, I’d appreciate you leaving a rating and/or a review with Amazon and maybe a kind word on Goodreads. If you have constructive criticism to help me evolve as an author, please pass it along to me. You can find me at:

  Website: www.samekraemer.com

  Facebook: Sam E. Kraemer

  I’d love to hear from you: [email protected]

  Also by Sam E. Kraemer

  Loving the Cowboy

  (The Cowboys of Katydid Farms-Book 1)

  Loving the Lawyer

  (The Cowboys of Katydid Farms-Book 2)

  A Valentine’s Choice

  (The Valentine’s Trilogy, Book 1)

  A Valentine’s Quest

  (The Valentine’s Trilogy, Book 2)

  Thank you for reading “Loving the Broken Man,” Book Three of ‘The Cowboys of Katydid Farm’ series. The third and final book of ‘The Valentine’s Trilogy’ is entitled: “A Valentine’s Loves,” will be published in July 2017.




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