Unclaimed Regrets

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Unclaimed Regrets Page 17

by Stacy M Wray

She’s grinning ear to ear. “See, I wasn’t lying that day in the library when I said I mistook your phone for mine.”

  I think about this for a minute and laugh. “I thought you just wanted an excuse to talk to me,” I tell her.

  She grabs her phone out of my hand and says, “You wish!”

  She looks down at my waist and her eyes get big. “Oh, my God, you still have that?”

  “What can I say? You bought me a good one – still going strong.” Then in a more serious tone, I add, “Putting this on every day made me think of you. I would never replace it.”

  Her hand goes to my waist as she feels the supple leather of my tool belt. “It always did look good on you,” she says.

  I look at her – really look at her and say, “You look happy.”

  She looks up at me, scrunching one eye to keep the sun out, and says, “I am happy.”

  “What have you been up to today? Snooping through all of my drawers and cabinets?” I know Addie – it’s probably the first thing she did.

  Her cheeks turn pink and she says innocently, “Maybe.”

  Just then my cell phone rings and I look down to see who it is. “I’ve got to take this call, baby. I’ll be home as soon as I can.” I give her a chaste kiss.

  “I’m good, Trey. See you later.” She pinches me on the butt just as I answer my call, making my voice jump. She’s so going to pay for that tonight.


  I don’t end up getting away from work until around five-thirty. I really wanted to be done sooner, but it couldn’t be helped.

  I’m halfway relieved to see Addie’s car parked next to the house when I get home. I know she’s not here for good, and we have a lot to talk about, but for now I think we’re both content with getting to know each other again before we move on to any heavy stuff.

  An amazing aroma hits me as soon as I enter the cabin. Addie sees me and smiles. “Welcome home, honey.” She’s trying to be cute and it’s working. I walk up to her and take her in my arms, kissing her on her neck while she’s says, “I grocery shopped today and made us dinner. Can you smell what it is?” I finish sucking on her neck and say into her ear, “It’s chicken marsala – my favorite.”

  She looks up at me and repeats, “It’s chicken marsala – your favorite.”

  I kiss her on the forehead and say, “I’m going to grab a quick shower, okay?”

  “Sure, it won’t be ready for another twenty minutes anyway.” She turns to go back into the kitchen while I head towards the bedroom. The first thing I notice is that the bed is made; Addie could never leave her bed unmade, not even if she was running late. I smile, loving how all the familiarities are flooding back to me. Will it always be this easy with us? It’s probably unrealistic of me to think so, but part of me thinks it could be.

  After my shower, I join her in the kitchen. She hears me approach and says, “You know, it’s a good thing I checked your pots and pans before I left for the store. Do you not cook at all?”

  I chuckle and say, “It’s called take-out, Addie, why would I need pots and pans?”

  “Don’t you get tired of it?” she asks.

  “When I do I go home for a visit.” She turns back to the salad she’s making and shakes her head at me.

  “You are a spoiled man, Trey Masterson.” I come up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

  “Are you going to spoil me, Adelyn Winters?”

  “Looks like I already am.”

  “But I intend on showing you my gratitude for all that you do for me. Does that sound fair?”

  She sighs heavily for effect. “I guess I can live with that arrangement.” Turning in my arms, she says, “Now sit and let me finish getting dinner ready.”

  “Fine. I’m getting a beer. Want one?” I ask her, heading for the fridge.

  She looks up from the salad and says, “But I bought wine to go with dinner.”

  She looks like she’s ready to pout. “I don’t drink wine, Addie. Do you want me to open the bottle for you?”

  “Yeah, I guess,” she mumbles, turning back around.

  What did I just miss here? “Are you mad because I don’t drink wine?”

  “No, Trey, I’m not mad. I’m frustrated that I didn’t know that you don’t drink wine.”

  “Hey.” No response. “Addie, look at me.”

  She slowly turns around to face me. “This isn’t going to happen overnight. We knew each other so well in high school and we both have changed. There’s nothing wrong with starting over a little.”

  “It kills me that others know you better than me,” she admits.

  So that’s what this is all about. “Hey, don’t go there, Addie. I’m not doing this tonight.”

  “I know. I know. I’m sorry.” She gives me a faint smile. “Be patient with me, huh?”

  “I will, baby. Just don’t go trying to pick a fight, okay?” I walk over and stand beside her, leaning against the counter as she finishes the salad. She’s trying not to smile as she avoids my eyes.

  “You know, you let me get away with a lot more when we were in high school. Was it because I was cuter back then? Have I outgrown my cuteness?” Playful Addie is back.

  “You haven’t outgrown anything, Snowflake. You’ve still got it all.”

  She winks at me and says, “Don’t you forget it, Mister.”

  chapter eighteen


  I’ve been at Trey’s for four days now and we’re settling into a nice, little groove. We haven’t talked about anything important yet, just keeping it light. I know neither of us wants to rock the boat so to speak.

  Each day I know I made the right choice to come with him. I’m certain that we can make this all work somehow. We’re both so thankful that we’ve reunited and being apart just isn’t an option.

  While Trey was at work today, I called Wade and filled him in on everything. He was so shocked that I’m living with Trey for a while, but I assured him nothing is permanent yet, and we haven’t discussed things that far. Wade was worried that we hadn’t talked about our pasts yet, knowing the situation I’m currently in. I assured him I would tell him everything very soon.

  We talked about the upcoming wedding, but he said no date has been set yet. I’m so glad I’ll be able to bring Trey. It’ll be nice not having to be the third wheel when it comes to Wade and Angie. I’m still so excited about them getting married. Wade and I talked for so long that my phone went completely dead.

  Trey took me out to dinner tonight, even though I really enjoy cooking for him. We went to his favorite Mexican restaurant - a place he frequents so much they all know him by name. The food was excellent, but the best part was when we were serenaded at our table; that has never happened to me before. Trey and I couldn’t stop talking about it all the way home.

  Trey pulls into his long drive and as we come up to the house, there is a red Volkswagen parked beside my car. I notice Trey stiffen immediately as he pulls the truck in behind mine.

  “Looks like you’ve got company,” I say, and then I see a woman stand up from the chair that sits on his front porch.

  Trey mutters, “Shit!” under his breath. He grabs my arm when I start to get out and says, “I’m sorry about this, Addie. I’ll get rid of her.”

  I bristle at his comment, my jealousy rearing its ugly head. “Are you seeing her?” I ask with a tone.

  “No, but we use to hang out a bit. I haven’t seen her for a couple of months. Just let me talk to her and I’ll be right in.”

  I don’t answer him and get out, waiting for him to come around and join me, wanting us to look very much together. Trey grabs my hand as we walk to the house. The lady on the porch looks really uncomfortable, as she should.

  “Hi, Trey,” she says, avoiding my eyes.

  “Lacey. What are you doing here? Better yet, how did you get my address?” Okay, this surprises me. How do you hang out with someone and they don’t know where you live? Then I figure out what she is to him and my b
lood boils.

  “It doesn’t matter. I just wanted to talk,” she tells him.

  He turns to me and kisses me on the forehead, saying, “Go on inside, Addie, I’ll be there in a minute.” He hands me the key.

  It pisses me off that I’m being dismissed, but I start up the steps, glaring at her in the process. Dammit, she still won’t meet my eyes. I unlock the door and let myself in, but purposely don’t shut the door all the way so I can try to listen to what they say.

  They aren’t talking very loud and I have a hard time making out every word. I hear the things like “miss you” and “you don’t answer calls” from her. I hear words like “busy” and “out of town” from him. Then I hear her ask if we’re together, and he says yes and that she shouldn’t try to contact him anymore. After a few more mumbled sentences, she starts heading towards her car. This is so unbelievably awkward.

  I hear him walking up the steps and run like crazy to get to the kitchen. I open the refrigerator door as soon as he walks in, wearing a smirk on his face.

  “Did you have fun eavesdropping?” he asks me.

  I put on my most innocent face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Trey. I’ve been in the kitchen.”

  He shakes his head at me, saying, “Sure you have.”

  I hop up on the kitchen counter, and he walks in and leans against the counter opposite me. An uncomfortable silence ensues. Finally, I ask, “Friend with benefits?”

  He winces a bit and looks down, nodding just once.

  “Should I be expecting more to show up?” I ask this a little more snippy than I mean to.

  His head snaps up and he says, “I’m sorry that she showed up here, Addie, but I’m not about to apologize for how I’ve lived my life for the past ten years – that’s my business. Just like your life is your business.”

  Wow. I think about what I want to say. “I realize that, Trey, but put yourself in my shoes. How would you like it if we were at my house and some guy that had fucked me shows up with you there?”

  It’s so quiet that I can hear the ticking of the clock hanging above the sink. I see his hands balling into fists as he simply says, “Point received.”

  “Good, because I don’t want to discuss this anymore.” I hop off the counter and start to leave the kitchen when Trey grabs my arm and spins me around, devouring me with a kiss that I won’t soon forget – like he’s staking claim in front of some phantom man who’s fucked me.

  Our hands are all over each other as things escalate from that kiss - lots of grinding taking place. In a raspy voice, Trey says, “You drive me wild, Addie. I can’t be inside you quick enough.” He picks me up and my legs straddle his waist as he carries me to the bedroom, our lips never losing contact. His words have me believing this is about to be quick and dirty and I can’t wait.


  I wake up in the middle of the night having to go to the bathroom. Trey is in a dead sleep. I smile thinking about our earlier escapades – that was some of the best sex we’ve ever had. Maybe I should send Lacey a thank-you note. Yeah, maybe not.

  Finishing up in the bathroom, I go the kitchen for a bottle of water and see Trey’s phone on the counter, charging. It reminds me that mine’s completely dead from the long chat with Wade earlier. I go in search of it and go back to the kitchen to charge it beside Trey’s.

  As soon as I plug it in, it starts coming to life with missed calls and missed texts – all from Rex’s family members. I read some of the texts and I freeze. Shit! Shit! Shit! How could I have gotten my dates so mixed up? I thought I had another week! Shit! I’m not prepared for any of this.

  Frantically searching for something to write on, I find a take-out menu. I flip it over and sprawl out a note for Trey, explaining there was an emergency back home, and I will contact him as soon as I can to explain everything.

  I quietly try to gather some things in the dark, throwing them in my bag, praying I don’t wake Trey. I have no time to go into anything with him.

  Walking to the living area, I grab my laptop and purse, and then quickly snatch my keys and phone before quietly going out the front door. My emotions are all over the place, and I pray I get home safely since I have quite a drive in front of me.

  chapter nineteen


  My hand is reaching for the sound of my alarm, desperately searching for the snooze button. Knowing I need to get up, I allow myself to lie there for a few minutes longer. I reach beside me for Addie, wondering if I can interest her in sleepy sex. Her spot beside me is cold. I jerk up and immediately call out, “Addie?”

  The early morning sun is peering through the window, giving me enough light to see that Addie isn’t in the room. Getting out of bed, I look in the bathroom – no Addie. “Addie?” I call, moving into the living area and kitchen. Nothing. I flip on the kitchen light and there on the counter is a note she left. Relief washes over me, thinking maybe she just ran to the store for breakfast items.

  Sliding the note over to me, I read it and a sick feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. Fuck! She went home? Home to Northfield or home to Connecticut?

  Grabbing my phone to call her, I realize my password doesn’t work. I try again. Shit! This must be Addie’s phone. I wonder if she realizes she took the wrong phone. I try different passwords but none are working. I’m getting more worked up by the second. Think, Trey. Think!

  I grab my laptop off of the coffee table, knowing there’s an app on my phone so I can find it if I lose it. I pull it up and enter all of the information to locate it. It takes a few minutes for everything to load and it starts to show me a path to my phone. Technology is so fabulous!

  It shows she’s not in Northfield but in Hartford, Connecticut. I pinpoint the address and see that it’s a major hospital. What the hell? I write down the address to the hospital. I need to think about this before I do anything.

  First, if it’s an emergency and she fled out of here, then I need to be with her. I love her more than anything and she’s going to need my support – it’s my job to be there for her, no matter what. She’s always thinking she can handle everything on her own. I’m trying to tap my anger down as to why she didn’t wake me up so I could drive her myself.

  Second, I just got her back and I’m not about to let her go. Whatever this is, we can deal with it together.

  That’s it – my mind is made up and I’m going after her.

  Since I can’t call Jake, I shoot off an email to him to let him know what’s going on, and I will call as soon as I know anything. Timing couldn’t be worse with finishing up the home in Shelburne, but it can’t be helped. I trust Jake a hundred percent to make the decisions that need to be made.

  I head to my room, throwing some things in a bag and then do the same from my bathroom. I grab my laptop, keys and Addie’s phone and head to my truck. I punch in the address to the hospital in Connecticut into my GPS and start this journey to God knows what.


  I’ve been driving for three and a half hours, and I’m almost to the hospital. My nerves are frazzled, trying to figure out what ‘s going on, but I just don’t have a clue. I still don’t understand why she wouldn’t wake me up.

  Seeing the hospital up ahead, I get in the right lane and pull into the parking lot. I take my laptop with me since I need it to find Addie.

  Entering into the main lobby, I take a seat and pull out my computer. I find the website to locate my phone and enter my information in again. As soon as it retrieves the information, I see the phone show up on my screen. I get up and follow the map on my computer, hoping to find Addie with my phone.

  It takes me on a wild goose chase of sorts since it can’t really tell me which floor I need to be on. I finally end up on the fourth floor and this seems to be it. I walk slowly down the hall of rooms, stopping in front of the room that my computer tells me to. I look in the slender window in the door and see Addie in the room with a lot of other people. I can’t see who is in the bed since there are
so many people in there blocking my view. Why wouldn’t she mention any of this to me?

  I don’t want to barge in, so I go back down to the nurse’s station to see if I can get some information. There’s a young girl sitting behind the desk, so young that she must be fresh out of nursing school – perfect.

  “Excuse me, my friend is in Room 418, but I don’t want to disturb them. Her name is Adelyn – ”

  “Oh, you mean Addie? She’s such a sweetheart!” the nurse tells me.

  “You know Addie?” I ask, a little surprised.

  “Sure, everyone on this floor knows Addie. Such a shame, you know?”

  “And she comes here a lot?” I ask, fishing for anything.

  “About once a week,” she says.

  “To see…”

  “To see her husband, of course,” she tells me, wondering why I wouldn’t know this.

  My heart almost stops when she conveys this to me. Did she just say Addie has a husband? She’s been sleeping in my bed and she has a fucking husband? A husband who is in the hospital?

  “Sir? Sir? Are you alright?” I see the nurse’s lips moving, like she’s saying something to me, but my brain can’t function at the moment.

  I need to get out of here. I can’t do this. I shake myself out of my stupor and say, “I’ll, um…I’ll just, um…catch up to her later,” and practically run down the hallway. I don’t think I stop until I reach my truck.

  God, how could she have played me like that? I feel so stupid. Getting in my truck, I need to put as much distance as possible between this hospital and me as quickly as possible. I drive all the way home in a complete daze.

  chapter twenty


  One year ago

  Still in shock from the events that transpired today, I sit beside Rex’s bed, overwhelmed by the amount of machines, tubes and monitors that are keeping him alive. The aroma of antiseptic seeps into my pores as I try to wrap my head around the events that landed me in this chair, watching Rex cling to a life that probably would have been so much better had he not married me.


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