Dr. and Master Sha

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by William Gladstone

  Dr. and Master Sha:

  Miracle Soul Healer

  Dr. and Master Sha:

  Miracle Soul Healer

  Exploring a Mystery

  William Gladstone



  The information contained in this book is intended to be educational and not for diagnosis, prescription, or treatment of any health disorder whatsoever. This information should not replace consultation with a competent healthcare professional. The content of the book is intended to be used as an adjunct to a rational and responsible healthcare program prescribed by a healthcare practitioner. The author and publisher are in no way liable for any misuse of the material.

  Copyright © 2014 by William Gladstone

  Lotus image courtesy of Heaven’s Library Publication Corp.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  BenBella Books, Inc.

  10300 N. Central Expressway

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  First e-book edition: September 2014

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Gladstone, William, 1949- author.

  Dr. and Master Sha, miracle soul healer : exploring a mystery / by William Gladstone.

  pages cm

  ISBN 978-1-940363-71-4 (hardback)—ISBN 978-1-940363-72-1 (electronic) 1. Spiritual healing. 2. Healing—Religious aspects. 3. Medicine—Religious aspects. 4. Miracles. 5. Sha, Zhi Gang. I. Title.

  BL65.M4G53 2014



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  Part One: Beginning My Journey with Dr. and Master Sha


  Chapter 1: My First Encounter with Dr. and Master Sha

  Chapter 2: Who Is Dr. and Master Sha?

  Chapter 3: 1984–1989

  Chapter 4: Canada

  Chapter 5: Sylvia Chen

  Chapter 6: Dr. and Master Zhi Chen Guo

  Chapter 7: Dr. Sha’s Divine Encounter

  Chapter 8: What Is Energy Medicine?

  Chapter 9: Karma Cleansing

  Chapter 10: Dr. Rulin Xiu

  Chapter 11: Miracles

  Chapter 12: The Evidence

  Chapter 13: Even Skeptics and Non-Believers Can Be Healed

  Chapter 14: The Importance of Belief and Emotion

  Chapter 15: Purity and Divine Love

  Chapter 16: Can a Book Heal?

  Chapter 17: Sample Self-Healing Exercise

  Chapter 18: Can Calligraphy Heal?

  Chapter 19: Can Sound and Music Heal?

  Chapter 20: The Company We Keep

  Chapter 21: An Enlightening Conversation

  Chapter 22: Preliminary Conclusions

  Part Two: Exploring Master Sha’s Service

  Chapter 23: My Current Journey with Dr. and Master Sha

  Chapter 24: Further Conversations with Dr. and Master Sha

  Chapter 25: Say Hello

  Chapter 26: Energy, Matter, and Soul

  Chapter 27: Scientific Evidence

  Part Three: Stories from Divine Channels and Divine Soul Healers

  Chapter 28: Master Richard Shunya Barton

  Chapter 29: Master Sabine Parlow

  Chapter 30: Master Lynne Nusyna

  Chapter 31: Master Mirva Inkeri

  Chapter 32: Master David Lusch

  Chapter 33: Master Maya Mackie

  Chapter 34: Master Allan Chuck

  Chapter 35: Master Francisco Quintero

  Chapter 36: Interview with Dr. Sha’s Personal Assistant, Master Cynthia Deveraux

  Chapter 37: Master Peter Hudoba’s Enlightenment Experience

  Chapter 38: Divine Healing Hands

  Chapter 39: Final Thoughts


  About the Author

  Other Books by William Gladstone

  Other Titles by Dr. and Master Sha from BenBella Books


  Ling Guang Calligraphy


  JULES: I just been sittin’ here thinkin’.

  VINCENT: About what?

  JULES: The miracle we witnessed.

  VINCENT: The miracle you witnessed. I witnessed a freak occurrence.

  JULES: Do you know what a miracle is?

  VINCENT: An act of God.

  JULES: What’s an act of God?

  VINCENT: I guess it’s when God makes the impossible possible.

  —Pulp Fiction. Dir. Quentin Tarantino. Perf. John Travolta,

  Samuel L. Jackson. Miramax, 1994.


  Beginning My Journey with Dr. and Master Sha


  IN 1973, AS a young man and recent graduate from Yale College, I was chosen by Rod Serling, the creator of the fabulously provocative and successful television series The Twilight Zone, as his researcher and production coordinator for the NBC television documentary In Search of Ancient Mysteries. In my capacity as researcher I traveled from the Nazca Lines in the deserts of Peru to the primitive art caves of Lascaux in France to the ancient astrological observatory outside of Delhi, India, and to locations in the Middle East and all parts of the globe. In all those travels I never encountered a mystery more puzzling than that of Dr. and Master Sha. How could reports of instant healings of deafness, cancer, lupus, back injuries, and knee injuries be true? How could the reports of his ability to empower others to also perform such healings be true?

  I was determined to discover the truth or falsehood of this mystery. I left no stone unturned. I have a degree in anthropology from Harvard University. I studied medical anthropology with the foremost authorities in this subject area. I knew what to look for. I was not going to be fooled or easily convinced. I interviewed dozens of Dr. Sha’s students, scores of those whom he had claimed to heal. The following is my report on this incredible mystery and my own journey of discovery. But let’s start our story at the beginning.

  I was driving to the Polo Lounge at the Beverly Hills Hotel to meet with my new client Dr. and Master Sha. Dr. and Master are both terms of respect. Dr. Sha did not achieve them without effort. Dr. Sha had studied and earned a medical degree in Western medicine, a doctorate of traditional Chinese medicine, including Chinese herbs, acupuncture, and Chinese massage (Tui Na) in his native country of China, as well as a certified doctorate of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture in British Columbia, Canada. Dr. Sha was also a grandmaster of Tai Chi, Qi Gong, kung fu, I Ching, and feng shui. In China such experts are given the honorific of Master. Dr. Sha was therefore both Dr. and Master Sha. He was not born with either title but merited both. As I was approaching Beverly Hills, I received a phone call
from a colleague, Amish Shah, who would be attending the meeting. His name ironically was also Shah, but spelled with an extra “h.” Amish Shah is an internet marketing executive. I had asked him to join the meeting to advise Dr. Sha on developing a more accessible website and internet strategy to reach the wide general audience for whom he was writing his books.

  Amish apologized as he asked me, “Bill, I know this is short notice, but I have a friend, Naada Guerra, who was in a terrible bus accident a month ago. She has heard about Dr. Sha and would like to know if she could join us for lunch.”

  “We are scheduled to meet Dr. Sha in twenty minutes, and I am not sure I can get a bigger table since we are already ten people for lunch, but bring your friend. Knowing Dr. Sha, I’m sure he will meet with her even if only in the lobby of the hotel,” I replied.

  I turned out to be correct. Dr. Sha told the others to go ahead and sit down, and he would meet with Amish’s friend and give her a healing right there in the lobby of the plush Beverly Hills Hotel. He had never met this woman before. Since I was the one setting up the meeting, I knew that neither she nor Dr. Sha could have had any idea that they would be meeting that day.

  When I met Naada, I saw a lovely young woman with a hideous Frankenstein-like left eye. She had been riding in a two-deck open-air bus a month previously. A tree branch had struck her left eye and shattered her eye socket. The left side of her face was somewhat deformed and she had no movement whatsoever in her left eye. Her doctors had explained that they had done all they could to save the eye but that it would take at least six months before the eye would heal sufficiently for movement and the possibility of a second operation to restore her vision. I am somewhat squeamish and could hardly bear to look at Naada’s deformed eye and stood to the side while Dr. Sha began his healing.

  He placed his hands over her head and began a chant. He put his hands over her damaged eye and continued to chant. The entire healing took less than twenty minutes. When the procedure was complete I looked at this young woman and her eye was able to move. Her face was no longer stiff and deformed. Dr. Sha explained that she was not yet healed but that he had been able to release the paralysis of the eye and neighboring area in one short session. He suggested that she return to her doctors and see what the prognosis would be for recovering her vision and for accelerating the operation that they had suggested could not be considered for at least six months.

  Before leaving, Naada confirmed that she felt better than she had since her accident and that she could feel her face and eye for the first time since then. While I was prepared to accept that Master Sha might be a genuine healer, it was still somewhat shocking. Did I witness a freak occurrence or a genuine miracle? (In Part Three I will provide a more detailed analysis of Naada’s experience, as well as a progress report.)

  There are many so-called healers making extraordinary claims. Some generate millions of dollars from such claims only to fail to perform the cures for which well-intentioned but gullible patients and their families spend tens of thousands of dollars. I am no more skeptical than the average person, but on first encountering Dr. Sha’s claims, my scientific mind immediately wanted proof. Having studied medical anthropology at Harvard University, the concept of spiritual healing and self-healing was not unknown to me. I was aware of the experiments that have been done authenticating the positive impact of prayer on successful medical surgeries performed by mainstream medical doctors. I was also aware that the placebo effect and the belief of a patient in a doctor, healer, or shaman can have a strong positive impact on the effectiveness of any therapeutic intervention. Still, if I have an illness I am going to rely on traditional Western medicine and seek out the most prestigious medical doctors and hospitals I can find.

  But as Dr. Sha’s literary agent and now friend, I have witnessed with my own eyes miracle healings that defy Western scientific principles and all that I know of traditional medicine. I have since witnessed dozens of healings. Over a thousand healings are available for viewing on YouTube. I am beginning to falter in my conviction that Western medical science is superior to the “soul healing” techniques Dr. Sha has mastered. Perhaps it is time for Western medicine and spiritual healing to enter a dialogue so that the best of both traditions can be utilized. Given the health-care crisis in America and throughout the world, this is more than just a passing interest. If soul healing can be taught to others as Dr. Sha claims it can, if patients themselves can learn to perform their own “soul healing miracles,” then this is a pursuit that demands our immediate attention and scientific exploration.

  As I’ve said, I am increasingly convinced that Dr. Sha is providing genuine healing. But how? What does Dr. Sha do to help these people? How does he do it? What are the limits on his ability to heal?

  This book is my journey and exploration to answer these questions. Dr. and Master Sha looks and acts like an ordinary human, but the results he achieves are far from ordinary. My goal in this book is to explore how and why Dr. and Master Sha generates the results and adoration from those whom he has trained. The most extraordinary finding may be that Dr. and Master Sha believes he can train others to perform even greater soul healing miracles than he can perform.

  In this book I am going to explore the basic principles upon which Dr. Sha has created his program, and I am also going to introduce you to the man himself, as well as to many of his students and advocates. I will also explore the science behind Dr. Sha’s claims and methods. I do not understand everything that Dr. Sha has attempted to teach me about his healing technique, but I am impressed by his results and his obvious sincerity and commitment to helping heal individuals and our planet. I encourage you to be skeptical as you read this book but to also be open. As Dr. Sha says, “If you want to know if a pear is sweet, taste it.” Keep an open mind, and if you like what you hear, try the exercises at the end. Decide for yourself whether you agree with my findings.

  My First Encounter with Dr. and Master Sha

  IN NOVEMBER 2012 I received a phone call from my good friend Rick Frishman, who was formerly the head of Planned Television Arts, a major New York City–based publicity firm. “Bill, I have a wonderful new client for you. His name is Dr. and Master Sha. Have you ever heard of him?”

  “No, I am not aware of Dr. Sha or his books,” I replied. “Have his previous books sold well?”

  “Yes. I think they have all been New York Times best sellers. Simon & Schuster has published his last nine or ten books, but I just spoke with him and he is thinking of working with a literary agent if he can find the right one. I think you are probably the right one,” Rick continued.

  “Well, I will be happy to speak with him. We can use the Waterside conference line. Just let me know when it will be convenient,” I offered.

  A few days later I was on the phone with Dr. and Master Sha, his attorney, Rick, and the CEO of Dr. Sha’s company. Dr. Sha asked a few questions, his attorney asked additional questions, and I explained how my literary agency operates. The call seemed to go well and the first action step was for me to send my standard author/agent agreement to Dr. Sha’s attorney for review. The attorney reviewed the agreement and said he would present the agreement to Dr. Sha to sign.

  I heard nothing for seven months, and then in late June 2013 Rick called again and said that Dr. Sha was ready to sign and engage my services as his literary agent. I had almost forgotten about Dr. Sha and had assumed that he had decided that he did not really need an agent. I told Rick that I needed to look at Dr. Sha’s present book-publishing contract with Simon & Schuster since I wanted to know the terms of that agreement and to also check to see if there was the standard option clause that requires authors to submit their next book project to their present book publisher.

  After going through the Simon & Schuster contract I was uncertain whether or not Dr. Sha actually needed my services. His contract was one of the best I had ever seen, with terms far superior to standard author/publisher contracts from major New York houses. By now Dr.
Sha had signed my literary representation agreement and we had set up a time for a phone call. I was not sure why, but that call was scheduled for 9 P.M. Apparently Dr. Sha was in the middle of a major conference, and that was the only time he was free to speak.

  Although I found the call somewhat tedious since I had to explain many basic book publishing definitions, I found myself laughing almost every five minutes at the enthusiasm and attitude Dr. Sha was expressing through both his questions and his asides. Dr. Sha had consulted with his divine sources before choosing me as his literary agent. I was pleased that I had received good marks even though I was still unsure whether I subscribed to the idea of consulting angels and heavenly guardians on business matters.

  The longer the dialogue continued, the merrier it became. I was not sure exactly why, but the energy of the call was very light even when I explained that despite the wonderful terms Simon & Schuster was offering, I knew I could obtain much better terms if he was willing to explore non–New York City–based book publishers whose overheads were less than those of the large New York houses. I explained that we would honor the option clause and attempt to improve terms with Simon & Schuster, but that I could only be effective if he might be ready to switch publishers. We agreed that this was a viable option and then I asked, “So how much of the new book have you written?”

  “Oh, I have not started on the new book yet. I have a big conference that will start in November and we need at least five hundred printed books to give to my students in early November,” he replied.

  “Except in rare instances, big publishers require a minimum of nine months’ advance notice to publish a book. It is already early July, and without a manuscript it is going to be impossible to have your book published for November, at least if we publish in the usual way,” I explained.

  “There is nothing to worry about. I do this all the time with Simon & Schuster. They know how I work. They will make sure we have books in November if we ask,” Dr. Sha assured me.


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