Dr. and Master Sha

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Dr. and Master Sha Page 3

by William Gladstone

  Master Sha learned special techniques from a professor of acupuncture. He studied traditional Chinese medicine with his full love and effort. He learned and mastered a few special healing techniques including acupuncture for strokes, deafness, slipped discs, and serious back pain.


  AFTER GRADUATING FROM medical college, Dr. and Master Sha had an opportunity to go to the University of the Philippines to study and receive a master’s degree in hospital administration. Before he went to the Philippines he received one year of English training at the Beijing Foreign Language Institute. One day in 1984 his classmates were playing basketball. A senior physician of the hospital with expertise in traditional Chinese medicine in Shanghai jumped up and fell down. Instantly he could not move. Master Sha went to him and said, “Can I help you?” This traditional Chinese medicine doctor said, “Do not touch me.” Ten students took him from the basketball court to his home. At dinner Master Sha went to this doctor’s room to deliver a newspaper. The doctor asked, “Can you help me?” Master Sha said, “I offered my service to you when you were injured six to seven hours ago. You told me not to touch you.” The man said, “I apologize.” He continued and said, “I received acupuncture and Chinese massage from some experts. No one helped me. I still cannot move at all.” The doctor then continued, “Dr. Sha, I fell down a few years ago and I lay in bed for a few months. This time I feel the same injury and pain.” Dr. Sha went to his bed and put his hands on his inner thigh asking him to inhale deeply; and then he pulled the tendon of his inner thigh. The doctor shouted in intense pain. Dr. Sha then asked him to try to sit up. The doctor said that he could not move at all. Dr. Sha continued and told him to try to sit up. The doctor then turned his body and sat up. Instantly he not only sat up but stood up and walked like a normal person. He said, “Wow!” Because this was a special training class for high-level senior doctors of traditional Chinese medicine to study English, this miracle case was instantly reported to the Ministry of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The leader of the Ministry of Traditional Chinese Medicine heard the story and kept Master Sha one year more in the Academy of Traditional Chinese medicine in Beijing, China. There was an international acupuncture training course for foreign physicians with three months of training. There were hundreds of foreign physicians from all over the world studying in this institute. Master Sha offered his Tai Chi and Qi Gong training. He also offered special healing for those who were deaf and for stroke victims. There was a man who suffered a stroke. After one year he was still unable to move his arm. This patient was the relative of the institute office manager. Master Sha placed a few needles. The man instantly was able to move his arm. This happened in the top institute of traditional Chinese medicine in China. The top professor of acupuncture could not make this man’s arm go up. They gave a deaf patient one year of acupuncture treatment to restore his hearing. Dr. and Master Sha’s unique acupuncture, which is called Sha’s Acupuncture, combines energy and spiritual healing with the acupuncture technique. Usually you put the needles in the acupuncture point and they remain there for fifteen to thirty minutes. Dr. Sha’s acupuncture technique was to quickly insert the needle and make a healing sound of “Ha!” and then instantly remove the needle. Many people felt instant results. Within one or a few sessions, many deaf cases received remarkable healing. People were moved, cried, and were shocked. Therefore, Dr. Sha’s name as a “miracle healer” was known in one of Beijing’s top institutes of acupuncture in China, as well as in the Ministry of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

  Ten years later when Dr. and Master Sha visited the International Acupuncture Training Center for Foreign Physicians under the World Health Organization, the president of the institute told Dr. Sha, “Dr. Sha, come back. I will create a hospital for the deaf for you. The way you treat the deaf is amazing.” Master Sha smiled and said, “Thank you so much for the offer. I have my unique mission for the world. I cannot accept your kind offer now.”

  In 1985, Dr. and Master Sha’s miracle healing story had reached the top Chinese government officials. A vice prime minister and a top military general had invited Dr. Sha to the Chinese leader’s residence to give him acupuncture. In one session this senior man with his back and leg issues could walk much better. He said, “Dr. Sha, you are so young and have excellent healing abilities. Why don’t you come to 301 Hospital?” The 301 Hospital was the top hospital in China for Chinese leaders. Dr. Sha wanted to go abroad to gain more knowledge. Dr. Sha asked the secretary of this leader to please let him go abroad. This secretary helped. Otherwise, this leader in one sentence could have ordered Dr. Sha to be permanently stationed at 301 Hospital.

  In 1986 Dr. Sha went to the Philippines to study at the University of the Philippines to gain a master’s degree in hospital administration. Because of Master Sha’s miracle healing name in the Ministry of Health, this opportunity for studying at the University of the Philippines was granted him. One leader introduced Master Sha to a Philippine traditional Chinese medical doctor who was the doctor for the president of the Philippines. One day the Chinese embassy called this doctor and said, “The driver of the Chinese ambassador fell and has been lying on his stomach in bed for ten hours and cannot move.” The Chinese embassy thought about sending a private airplane to take the driver back to China. When this doctor received the call from the Chinese embassy, he asked Dr. Sha to go with him. Master Sha said yes and went to the embassy with the doctor. When they went to the room, the driver of the ambassador was lying flat on the bed. This traditional Chinese medicine doctor held both ankles and he wanted to push. Master Sha stopped him and said, “If you do not mind, let me do it.” The doctor said, “Please.” Master Sha used his unique technique for this man’s back on the internal thigh. Master Sha asked him to breathe and he adjusted his tendon on his inner thigh. Master Sha did not tell him that it could be painful. He yelled out in pain. Master Sha then asked him to get up. The driver said, “I cannot get up.” Master Sha said, “Please give it a try.” He turned his body slowly and had no pain. He sat up and had no pain. He also got up and walked and had no pain. It shocked the Chinese ambassador. Right away, twenty to thirty Chinese embassy officials formed a line and received healing. Many officials and their wives received amazing healings. This miracle healing of the ambassador’s driver astonished everyone at the embassy.

  About one month later the Chinese embassy called the renowned overseas Chinese ballet troupe. The Chinese ballet had an event, and they invited the most important families to attend. A prominent Chinese woman called the embassy saying, “I am truly sorry, I cannot go tonight. My daughter has a slipped disc. She has such difficulty and cannot stand, sit, or lie down. She is suffering with excruciating pain. She may need an operation.” The Chinese embassy instantly shared the story of the ambassador’s driver. The family called Dr. Sha and asked if he could come to them. Dr. and Master Sha went to this family. Master Sha used his unique technique and adjusted her back and inner thigh. After the adjustment he asked the daughter to get up. She said, “I cannot move.” The same thing happened again. She then sat up, stood up, and walked normally. She was the sister of the wealthiest person in the Philippines. The Chinese in the Philippines controlled the economy at the time. Then Dr. and Master Sha became the doctor and healer for their whole family and for all of their renowned friends. The news quickly came to the attention of the Philippine government. The mother-in-law of the president, the speaker of the house, Senate president, military top generals, and many millionaires and billionaires invited Dr. and Master Sha to heal them. There were so many miracles. He became known as a miracle healer in the Philippines. Many newspapers and magazines wrote about these healings.

  Dr. Sha not only treated the government officials, millionaires, and billionaires, but he treated the poor. On weekends, he would give hundreds of the poor free healing. Dr. Sha could treat more than one hundred patients a day. He was a miracle healer in the Philippines from 1986 to 1990. He was so popular that even today
many people, rich and poor, hold Dr. Sha in the highest regard and gratitude for the healings they received.


  IN 1989 A Chinese friend and client who Dr. Sha had met in the Philippines invited Dr. Sha to visit his family in Canada. Dr. Sha went to the Canadian embassy in the Philippines. His tourist visa was refused. The reason was simple. Dr. Sha held a Chinese passport. In 1989 Chinese passports were not popular. Some people told Dr. Sha that he would never have a chance to go to Canada because the word “refused” would be in the computer system within Immigration. They said that he would have a difficult time getting to Canada and it would affect his going to the United States and other countries. Dr. Sha was concerned.

  A few months later another family friend went to a top lawyer in Canada and an immigration expert. One family member met this lawyer to be interviewed. This family friend asked Dr. Sha to go with him. When Dr. Sha was interviewed by the lawyer he asked, “What are you doing?” Dr. Sha replied, “I am an acupuncturist.” The family friend then shared that Dr. Sha was a doctor for the wealthiest family in the Philippines. The lawyer’s office building was on the property of this wealthy family. The lawyer asked again, “What more can you do?” Dr. Sha answered, “I can do Tai Chi.” The lawyer asked him to demonstrate. Dr. Sha then did Tai Chi. The lawyer said, “Give your passport to me. I will make sure you go to Canada.” The next day Dr. Sha gave the passport to the lawyer. He went to the Canadian embassy, which was in the same building. The lawyer was the godfather of one of the consulates and he took Dr. Sha’s passport to the consulate and said that he was personally inviting Dr. Sha to Canada as his guest with his guarantee. The consulate stamped Dr. Sha’s visa and gave Dr. Sha permission to visit Canada.

  After Dr. Sha arrived in Canada the lawyer arranged for him to do acupuncture for the Stroke Foundation. The president of the Stroke Foundation’s left hand and fingers were stiff and could not open. Dr. Sha placed one needle on the palm area and his hand instantly opened. This was such a miracle that no one could believe the result unless they had seen it with their own eyes. Dr. Sha received a letter of support from the Stroke Foundation. Other letters were received from different organizations. With this support Dr. Sha received a work permit. His status within Immigration was as an acupuncturist.

  After Master Sha received his work permit he started to give healings. Because of his unique technique, in a short time he had many patients and great success. The CBC News, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, interviewed Dr. Sha in his office and broadcast to the public. This program announced that Dr. Sha was a new immigrant with acupuncture skills. This broadcast brought great attention to his practice.

  In 1992 a multimillionaire business entrepreneur, Sylvia Chen, was visiting Toronto. She had sprained her ankle and asked one of the Chinese leaders who the best doctor was in Toronto. The Chinese leader said, “Dr. Sha.” It was 9 P.M. Sylvia felt it was too late to visit Dr. Sha. The Chinese leader said, “Dr. Sha will serve patients at any time,” and then he called. Dr. Sha accepted the appointment and gave Sylvia acupuncture and Chinese special massage for the ankle injury. She received instant release and continued to receive healing for a few more days.

  During the weekend, Dr. and Master Sha gave a speech at one of the largest Buddhist temples in Toronto. Sylvia attended. At the end of the workshop she stayed until almost everyone left and then came to Dr. Sha and said, “Congratulations, great lecture.” They then had a short conversation. After the workshop a few days later, Sylvia returned to Vancouver. One of Sylvia’s relatives developed complications from a medical operation. Sylvia explained to her that she had met Dr. and Master Sha, who was an expert in acupuncture, also a Qi Gong Master, and could offer remote energy healing. The relative could not believe it. Sylvia right away called Dr. Sha. He then offered remote Qi Gong energy healing. The relative instantly felt better. Another one of Sylvia’s employees also received great results through remote energy healing. Master Sha then requested that Sylvia arrange for him to go to Vancouver. He said that he could come within a few days. Sylvia had great connections in Vancouver. She organized three or four events at the Buddhist society and other spiritual organizations. Every session was attended by more than one hundred participants.

  Sylvia also shared her office as a temporary acupuncture place for healing. One older gentleman was deaf and needed two hearing aids. Master Sha gave him an acupuncture treatment and he could hear. The man picked up the phone and called his daughter and started to cry. He had not ever heard his daughter before without his hearing aids. After the acupuncture treatment he could hear his daughter clearly.

  Another man suffered from serious back pain and had had quite a few acupuncture treatments from other doctors. He had received no relief from his pain. He heard of Dr. Sha through a major radio interview. This radio interview generated more than one hundred patients a day for Dr. Sha to offer acupuncture. Because of the great results from Dr. and Master Sha’s acupuncture treatment, one of the major radio stations interviewed Dr. Sha regularly. Dr. Sha became one of the most visible and renowned acupuncturists in Vancouver. His practice was extremely successful and he had achieved all of the material success he needed.

  Dr. and Master Sha visited Vancouver regularly, three times a year. Each visit was for one month. Every time he had numerous patients. They would tell Dr. Sha that he was the “typhoon master,” drawing attention to the storm of energy and success that Dr. Sha brought to his acupuncture treatments.

  Sylvia Chen

  SYLVIA CHEN IS and was a key person in helping to support Dr. Sha especially in the early years beginning in 1992, when Dr. and Master Sha was “just” a miracle acupuncturist. I was introduced to Sylvia in September 2013 as the CEO of Dr. Sha’s organization. Sylvia also runs her own export/import and food manufacturing and real estate businesses. Sylvia is quite busy in her own life, but she still enjoys giving service to humanity while being a leading philanthropist in several communities; her vision and guidance are a valuable inspiration for more than a few major organizations. Sylvia was given many honorary titles, but she still says that her contribution is limited. So, she is concentrating on helping Women’s Hospital, twenty-five children’s hospitals in North America (a program called Circle of Care), and world disasters humanitarian relief for tsunami, earthquakes, floods, and hunger (helping in China, Taiwan, Turkey, and South Asia).

  I immediately appreciated that Sylvia was a straightforward and honest person who speaks from her heart. She also revealed her sense of humor and her wisdom. “Let me tell you a kind of joke which illustrates my view of life,” she suggested. “When a baby is born the baby, after having suffered through the trauma of birth, is crying but everyone else—the mother, the father, the other family members—is laughing with joy. They see the innocent child and the goodness in that child, and just the existence of that child makes everyone smile. Now think about that child when the child is old and dies. At the funeral the child is not the one crying. It is the family and friends who are crying. The child, now old and gone, is as peaceful as can be. This is the course of nature. Birth and death. Laughter and tears. Follow nature and the cycles of nature and you will learn how to live a life of virtue and success.”

  In 2011, she was invited to Dr. Sha’s soul healing miracle event held at Niagara Falls in Ontario, Canada and unexpectedly Dr. Sha said that he received a Heaven’s message and his decision was to appoint her as the CEO of his mission. As Sylvia explained, for twenty-two years, what keeps her involved and helping Dr. Sha is the joy of giving while seeing with her own eyes how people are healed and how their lives are becoming happier and healthier, transforming from clients to students and later on becoming masters. To Sylvia, this is extremely important and she also trusts that Dr. Sha is a very well “equipped” doctor and master, and one of the top healers in the world. Sylvia already helped establish a few compassion funds within the mission globally (San Francisco, Netherlands, India, Toronto, and Vancouver). Sylvia told me, “I
have deep and total respect and motivation for Dr. and Master Sha because over these twenty-two years, since day one, he hasn’t changed at all! He is still the same passionate, kindhearted, loving doctor and master. He always treats the patients and students with the same compassion and love! His passion, wisdom, and healing abilities are growing every day, and that is something that motivates me to help his mission tremendously.”

  I was impressed when I met Sylvia that such a grounded woman was supporting Dr. Sha in this role. Sylvia is petite and dresses impeccably. Everything she does exudes an air of precision and success. Sylvia is not a lightweight when it comes to business. She is very careful and an experienced negotiator and insists on protecting Dr. Sha whenever possible. She has a vision for the expansion of Dr. Sha’s services throughout the world that requires impeccable execution from all who work for and with Dr. Sha. Since first meeting her, I have felt that she has very good intentions for the maximum benefit of Dr. Sha’s mission.

  Sylvia wanted to know exactly what I was proposing in my representation of Dr. Sha as his literary agent. She had many questions, and although she was always polite and friendly, I knew that I had to be open-minded. She wanted to make sure I understood that I was now representing a very special, heavenly gifted doctor and master. “Make sure you connect him with top-level people able to help this special doctor and master bring his healing abilities to benefit as many people as possible. As long as you do this well you will earn my gratitude for helping Dr. and Master Sha.”

  Sylvia doesn’t like to waste time, and she wants Dr. and Master Sha to be associated with the right people. As part of my due diligence into the integrity of Dr. Sha, Sylvia was an additional indicator that we were dealing with not just a man of integrity but an organization of integrity. As I entered more deeply into my representation of Dr. Sha and interacted more with Sylvia, I learned that I had a formidable business master in Sylvia. As a Canadian of Taiwanese heritage living in Vancouver, Sylvia had built her own business through hard work and careful assessment of business opportunities. She is not a person who ever took anyone or any situation for granted.


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