Dr. and Master Sha

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Dr. and Master Sha Page 6

by William Gladstone

  Although Rulin had been a top-notch string theorist expert at Berkeley in 1996, she was offered an opportunity to start a business, which she would run from Washington, D.C. with family members in China, that would produce and process nutritional herbs. This business became quite successful, and Rulin put on hold her academic dreams of working out the details of a grand unification theory. In 2003 Rulin relocated to Hawaii, where she continues to oversee a factory she set up to process Hawaiian-grown herbal supplements. It was at a retreat held by Dr. Sha in Hawaii a few years later on September 9, 2009, that Rulin first met Dr. Sha. This meeting changed her life forever.

  Rulin describes the meeting in this way: “My life was going very smoothly. My business was extremely successful and I had achieved every material desire I had ever had. I was living in one of the most beautiful places in the world and able to pursue my hobbies and intellectual interests. I went to Dr. Sha’s workshop not because of any specific desire I had for a personal healing but because of my general interest in healing itself. My herbal business was directly related to the healing properties of our products, and it was intellectual curiosity that piqued my interest in attending the workshop. Besides, the workshop was quite close to where I was living, so it was not a great effort on my part to attend and was a nice change of pace from my daily routine. Of course there was a spiritual element to my decision to attend as well. I had befriended two Hawaiian kahunas, and each of them told me it was important for me to attend the workshop.

  “I was impressed by Dr. Sha’s healing power and inspired by his dedication to serving humanity. By the end of the workshop when he was signing books for me, I told him I wanted to become his student. I did not realize this in that moment, but his acceptance of me as his student altered my life in ways that I could never have imagined. I continue to prosper in my business, but his teachings have taken my life to a much higher level. From Dr. Sha I have learned how to truly live and how to serve humanity. In that process I have connected with my higher purpose and am now able to unleash my true potential. For me, since meeting and working with Dr. Sha, I now live a life full of love on multiple levels, a life of joy of unlimited possibilities.”

  Intrigued by this high praise I asked, “Without going into details, what is the single most important lesson you have learned from Dr. Sha?”

  Rulin smiled as she answered, “That’s an easy question. Dr. Sha teaches the meaning of and serves as a catalyst to experience divine love. Divine love is the true basis of all reality, and once you understand the basis of divine love, you understand the true nature of not just who you are but why you are and how you can best interact with others.”

  “Are you saying this as a scientist or someone who has personally experienced Dr. Sha’s soul miracles?” I asked.

  “Both. I am still a scientist and have actually spent the last several years writing research papers on the science behind the efficacy of soul healing miracles, but there is no doubt that my continued interest in the scientific investigations of this healing phenomenon are influenced by my own personal experiences with Dr. Sha, his healing energies, and through the healing energies with the divine itself,” Rulin explained.

  “Doesn’t this level of personal involvement interfere with your scientific objectivity?” I queried.

  “I don’t think so. Science is changing. We already know that the observer is constantly impacting the outcome of scientific experiments. I am not doing actual experiments but investigating the physics behind soul healing miracles. The model from string theory and quantum physics is completely aligned with my own personal experiences. In fact, these personal experiences are enabling me to better understand the physics on both an intellectual and soul level. My work is showing that soul and mind are linked, and that the very nature of reality is based on the principles of soul that Dr. Sha teaches and uses in his healing. My goal is to develop the mathematical equations that will explain for scientists the connections between soul and matter. Up to now scientists have ignored soul in their attempts to measure the energies and universal laws that have created our universe and govern our existence,” Rulin explained, warming to what clearly was a subject she enjoyed and had investigated in depth.

  “Let’s start at the beginning and keep this simple,” I suggested. “Are you saying that as a scientist you can actually measure ‘soul’?”

  “As a scientist I can give soul a mathematical definition or formulation. From my mathematical formulation of soul, I can derive mathematically the relationships among soul, energy, and matter, and information; I can use my mathematical formula of soul to explain the nature of our existence. From my mathematical formulation of soul, I can prove scientifically that soul, energy, and matter are one. Interestingly this concept of soul, energy, and matter being one is the basis of the ancient beliefs in Tao, which are the basis not just for Dr. Sha’s soul healing miracles but also for all energy medicine as developed by Chinese and other Asian masters over the last several thousand years,” Rulin explained.

  “Our mind is always processing information and energy. We are living in what has been called the information era. The reality is that what we call information is really contained within the soul. Every entity in the universe has information. This information is carried by matter and energy, and the ultimate information is contained in every being, both animate and inanimate. At first it may seem paradoxical to say that the soul of each being contains soul, energy, and matter but it is correct since the soul is primary to the other components of existence, and as I show in my scientific papers, the origin of all matter, information, and energy actually comes from what can best be described as the divine soul of creation. The theory of grand unification that Einstein and other physicists have contemplated is going to be revealed once we understand the true nature and properties of the divine soul. This reality is why karma cleansing is effective,” Dr. Rulin asserted.

  “This is a lot to comprehend. Let’s take this one step at a time. What are the givens that readers must accept to understand your grand unification theory that the divine soul is the basis of reality and provides the scientific evidence that Dr. Sha’s soul healing practices are based on sound scientific thinking and not wish fulfillment or the placebo effect?” I asked.

  “The first given is to accept that every one of us in the universe comes from the same source. We are connected by the source. Each one of us can tap into the infinite power, energy and matter, infinite wisdom and knowledge, and infinite love when we connect with the source,” Dr. Rulin began.

  “Well, that seems obvious to me though I am sure some scientists will disagree,” I commented.

  “Well, I can actually demonstrate from my mathematical formulation of soul that this statement is not just a faith or belief system. It can be scientifically proven. The next given is to understand that what we think, what we say, what we hear, what we taste, what we feel, and what we do creates our karma. Our karma determines our individual soul. It determines the information, matter, energy, mind, and heart inside us. Our individual soul determines our reality. The reality we created through our karma separates us from the source. When we clear our karma, we connect with the source again. When we are connected with the source or Divine Soul, we are healed in every aspect. We restore our natural powerful, wise, healthy, and loving self.

  “Soul healing is to remove karma. It is to change the information inside us. By changing our karma and the information inside us, we can be healed in every aspect of our lives.

  “Soul healing is based on the fact that all souls are connected and beyond space-time. Soul healing may happen over distances, and also instantly. A soul healer can give healings to one person or simultaneously to many people anywhere in the universe.”

  “I have seen the reality of what you are suggesting but many scientists do not believe in karma,” I opined.

  Dr. Rulin eagerly explained, “In my research paper, I give karma a mathematical formulation using quantum physics. From my
mathematical formulation of soul and karma, I show that karma determines our individual soul, which in turn determines our reality. To clear karma is to heal our soul. When we heal our soul, we heal our mind, our heart, our body, and every aspect of our reality.”

  “Okay. Let’s accept that karma affects our soul. What additional givens must readers accept?” I asked.

  “The final and perhaps most important given is to accept that our soul determines our mind and heart. In my scientific paper, I also give a mathematical formulation for the mind, heart, and consciousness. I show that mind and heart are two aspects of our soul. Our mind is the aspect of the soul that processes information. The heart is the aspect of the soul that perceives and is aware of the possibilities and different vibrations inside the soul. Our consciousness is the awareness of our mind activities. It takes both mind and heart to have consciousness. Soul, mind, heart, and consciousness are one.”

  “Well, this is where I am afraid you are going to lose most mainstream scientists. Even those who believe in karma and the soul will not necessarily believe that soul is primary to matter. Scientists like to measure time, space, and matter. When you introduce the concepts of the vacuum, zero-point energy, and the primacy of the soul above all other elements, I think we drift from hard science to belief-based science. But, of course, I could be wrong. Explain to me again the relationship between the zero-point energy and Tao, as my understanding of Tao is that Tao is emptiness,” I asked.

  “Tao is where everything comes from. Tao is the source. Tao is the emptiness in the sense that it does not depend on personal likes or dislikes. But Tao has its own soul, energy, and matter. It is not equal to complete emptiness. The soul, energy, and matter of Tao is not zero. In this sense, our grand unification theory is different from the popular zero-point energy theory out there. In fact, I have calculated the total energy of vacuum energy of our universe, and it is not zero. It is equal to the critical energy, which can explain why our universe is observed to be flat for the most part,” Dr. Rulin explained.

  “This seems quite complex. What are the keys to your findings?” I asked.

  “Most likely this will be explained by the nature of negative entropy and the principle of Tao creation and balance throughout the universe. Soul, energy, and matter are constantly created out of Tao. There are no limits to the space time, energy, matter, and information of Tao. Although on the level of human awareness there is constant change moment to moment, at the level of the Tao there is perfect balance and harmony in every moment. What we experience as change is change in form, thought, and substance, but not change at the level of Tao energy. This is why soul healing miracles work. They are grounded in the infinite and deeper reality of Tao, which actually governs all human experience and all creation,” Dr. Rulin further explained.

  “I am not sure all readers will be able to follow this line of scientific conjecture. Let’s just discuss the basic concepts of soul, mind, and body. Before moving to the concept of soul healing miracles, Dr. Sha introduced the concept of body, mind, and soul healing. Please define each of these terms as used by Dr. Sha,” I suggested.

  “Soul is the essence of everything. Every human being, every animal, and every animate and inanimate entity in the universe has a soul. According to quantum physics, everything is made of vibration. Therefore in essence everything is soul. Body is the physical measurement of soul by senses and detecting equipment of measurements such as length, width, height, weight, spin, electric current. Energy is part of the body because the measurement of energy is part of the measurement by our senses and equipment. Mind is the system that processes information. Mind is part of the soul. Everything is part of the soul. The three components—body, mind, and spirit—are all part of the soul,” were the definitions Dr. Rulin provided.

  “Okay. I think I understand these principles. Earlier you discussed the importance of information and energy in the healing practices. Explain the difference between energy and information.”

  “Energy is a physical quantity that is defined as how much work an object or system can do. Information consists of two aspects: one is the amount of possibilities in a system, the other is the choice made by the system. Once you understand these principles you can begin to understand why karma cleansing is effective. Each individual has access to infinite energy. The information that Dr. Sha and other miracle soul healers bring to each individual during a healing allows the individual to choose what aspects of their soul connection they choose to send energy to. It is this choice and sending of energy which has the ability to alter the soul imprint. The soul exists outside of time, so healing past imperfections in the soul can have immediate impact on the present situation of any individual. The soul directs the experience of the body and accounts for what are being called ‘miracle healings’ by medical doctors and the patients themselves. Someday, I predict, when everyday people have a better understanding of the true nature of the universe, there will be no need to call these healings soul healing miracles. They will just be accepted as the most logical way to take advantage of the knowledge we are developing of the interconnections between the past, present, and future,” Dr. Rulin explained confidently and from her perspective as simply as she could.

  I was not sure I was totally satisfied with the scientific explanation of why karma cleansings work, but I was certainly intrigued. I thanked Dr. Rulin for the interview and thought I should explore what other researchers and scholars have considered “miracle healings” and what we mean when we contemplate the notion of miracles in our lives.

  For those scientists among you who wish to explore scientific concepts I strongly recommend you purchase a copy of Dr. and Master Sha and Dr. Rulin Xiu’s co-authored book Soul Mind Body Science System (BenBella Books, 2014).


  THROUGHOUT RECORDED HISTORY, the concept of miracles has been at the core of both religious and political movements. The claim of miracles has been essential to the establishment of many religions and has been used to gain and exert political power. As many scholars have been adamant that miracles cannot exist as those who have “sworn” they do.

  In common usage, the term miracle is applied to any event that is not explainable through natural observable laws. Even critics of miracles will accept that unusual events can occur that seem miraculous, but they are certain that upon further investigation, natural laws could be uncovered that would explain the miracle. The belief of those who accept miracles is that a divine force exists that can override natural laws at any time, creating unexplainable outcomes or at least outcomes unexplainable by any evidence other than the existence of the divine.

  Miracles are sometimes attributed to technological developments that were unimagined prior to their existence. Four hundred years ago, the concept of jumbo jets flying hundreds of thousands of people around the world on a daily basis would have seemed a claim that could only be realized through a “miracle.” A colorful example of this is the ad by Xerox of monks discovering that ancient texts that took months and years to be created one at a time by artist calligraphers could be reproduced instantly with a Xerox copy machine. The monks look at each other at the end of the commercial and then look upward as they exclaim, “It’s a miracle!”

  This lighthearted dismissal of the possibility of true miracles and the reliance on the laws of science, nature, and human genius to create once-in-a-lifetime achievements is important to our discussion of Dr. Sha and his claims of soul healing miracles. It is also important to an examination of other miracle healers as we attempt not only to document the possibility of true medical miracles but also to understand if the laws of nature and the laws of the divine are actually working together to create these miracles. My early conclusion is that we do not need to create an either/or scenario. The laws of nature do in fact determine all that we observe. The reason we have had recorded miracles for centuries is that we have never completely understood the relationship between the divine and natural laws. I would go eve
n further and suggest that the ability to fully understand the divine will in the future reveal that true miracles from past prophets and saints were based on a deeper understanding of the true nature of reality, a reality that is created at a level that transcends our everyday perception of time and space and that incorporates the concept of divine and individual “soul” as explained and theorized by Dr. and Master Sha, Dr. Rulin Xiu, and others who have been making scientific investigations into the nature of soul healing miracles.

  But before we explore the possible scientific explanations for miracles, let’s consider some of the ways in which miracles have shaped human history and present world culture. For those who have no belief whatsoever in the possibility of divine intervention or the divine itself even existing, I encourage you to explore the nature of string theory and quantum mechanics, as within the realm of science we can recreate the scenarios, circumstances, and qualities that those who believe in the divine attribute to the divine causation of miracles. Since the majority of readers are open to the possibility of the divine, for simplicity and clarity I will invoke the belief in divine intervention in discussing the following miracles. I do not personally believe in the divine in the sense that followers of Jesus, Muhammad, or Buddha believe, but I do believe in an all-knowing, self-organizing principle that governs all creation, including events both human and nonhuman on planet Earth.

  The second most famous miracle of Western civilization is the birth of Jesus. Jesus was said to have been conceived of a virgin. There is no scientific explanation that would explain this birth. Those who believe in the immaculate conception accept that a divine creator God engineered this conception. Those who do not believe in Jesus just assume that the immaculate conception is a story and not based on fact. The greatest miracle attributed to Jesus is the belief in his resurrection. The belief that Jesus was killed on the cross and then emerged three days later fully alive is the basis for Christian faith, a religion that inspires and governs more than a billion individuals on planet Earth at this time. In addition to these two major miracles Jesus is said to have turned water into wine, walked on water, healed the sick, given sight to the blind, and in the case of Lazarus, raised the dead. Those who believe, believe. Those who don’t, don’t. There were no video cameras on earth at the time of Jesus. There were no scientific studies of his healings. Did they take place or didn’t they? Scientists for the most part assume they did not and could not. Scientists who believe in Jesus explain away the miracles as metaphors or illustrative stories that are not to be accepted literally. Jesus himself throughout the New Testament is reported to have explained to his followers that ordinary mortals can perform miracles. All that is necessary is faith in God. To quote the Gospel of Matthew 17:20, Jesus says, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there,’ and it will move.” Dr. Sha, when he tells people that he can do soul healing miracles and that they can do soul healing miracles, is echoing a similar belief, though in the case of Dr. Sha, his claim is that, based on natural laws rather than belief, you can achieve these results. We will save for a later chapter the discussion of whether or not faith in the divine is in fact, as I believe thus far in my investigation, necessary to achieve soul healing miracles.


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