Dr. and Master Sha

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Dr. and Master Sha Page 11

by William Gladstone

  The problem I was having as I approached Encinitas was that I really wanted to get home, and going forty miles per hour was just a little too slow. As I rolled through the last of too many stop signs going through Encinitas I breathed a sigh of relief. “Only a mile to go,” I thought as I speeded up just a little bit down the final stretch along the San Elijo State Beach on Pacific Coast Highway. “Home free,” I thought. Just then I heard a police siren and saw the flashing lights of a police car behind me. “Oh no, with so much work to do in the coming weeks this is not a good time for me to have my license suspended. What am I going to do?”

  As is common in California for nighttime stops, the police officer took his time getting out of his patrol car before approaching me. It was probably only a minute or two, and during that brief moment I looked at the copy of Dr. Sha’s Soul Healing Miracles on the seat beside me. For some reason I opened to the calligraphy pages and just sent out a thought, “Oh, please, Dr. Sha, if there is any healing power in this calligraphy, please use it to help me get out of this ticket.” When the police officer rapped on my window asking for my license and registration, I was pleased to see that it was a female police officer. She had a stern but approachable look on her face when she asked me, “Do you know why I stopped you?”

  “I guess I was going over the speed limit by five or ten miles. I really apologize, but my home is less than a mile away and I have been up almost eighteen hours after a long workday and just wanted to get home before I became too tired to drive,” I started to explain.

  “You were speeding a little, but that is not why I stopped you,” the officer explained. “I was monitoring the last stop sign in Encinitas and you never came to a complete stop. There are lots of young people drinking at the bar on the corner and we have had accidents at that crossing. You need to come to a complete stop, especially at night. People could be injured.”

  “I am so sorry. I rarely go to Encinitas at night and thought I came to a complete stop,” I stammered.

  “You slowed and almost stopped, but the law is you must come to a complete stop. We call those rolling almost stops ‘California stops’ but they are not legal stops, and we will ticket you if you ever do such an incomplete stop. I am mainly here to arrest those who are drinking and driving, so just be careful going home and I will let you off this one time,” the officer told me as she went back to her patrol car.

  I will never know if my entreaty through Dr. Sha’s calligraphy had anything to do with a police officer stopping me but not giving me a ticket for the first time in my life, but it made me think that perhaps the book Soul Healing Miracles might have some magic in it after all. I soon got a chance to find out.

  I am an avid golfer. I am self-taught and my swing is far from ideal. I hit down on the ball with too much force and take huge divots on almost every shot. I have been told by golf pros that I have plenty of raw talent and that they could help me become a scratch golfer if I would be willing to work with them to change my swing. For me golf is just a game, and these golf pros have told me they would need to work with me for six months or more on the range and that during that time I would not be able to play matches with any positive results. I like playing matches and am fine keeping my 16 handicap and just having fun on the golf course. The downside is I can only play once or at most twice a week since my unconventional and violent swing creates sharp pain in my left elbow if I play more than twice a week. It’s known as golfer’s elbow and I have had this affliction three or four times in the last ten years when I have overindulged in golf, usually around end-of-year-tournament time. Every time I have had golfer’s elbow it has taken me at least four to six weeks to heal before I could play golf again.

  In December 2013, I was in contention to win the year-end golf tournament at my home course of Encinitas Ranch Golf Course. My birthday is also in December and my best buddies invite me to their clubs as birthday presents every December. I played Bel-Air, the Farms Golf Club in Rancho, Santa Fe, and some other nice courses the week before the final tournament. Unfortunately I overdid things and woke up just three days before the year-end tournament with golfer’s elbow. No way I would be able to play. But that was also the day of the birthday party at which Dr. Sha was giving healing blessings. I felt embarrassed that evening over dinner when I told Dr. Sha that I wanted a blessing for such a small ailment as golfer’s elbow, but Dr. Sha just laughed and told me, “You do not need my blessing. You just need my book. Tonight you recite one of the chants from the book and put the calligraphy on your elbow, and in the morning you do this again, and in two days you will be able to golf, no golfer’s elbow.”

  I was in disbelief, but I did as Dr. Sha had told me, and to my surprise two days later my elbow was fine and although I only came in second in the final match of the year, I had no pain in my elbow. I am writing this chapter six months later and there has been no reoccurrence of my golfer’s elbow despite a more active than usual golf schedule. I am reluctant to call this a miracle healing, but at least for me it was a minor miracle that has made my life more enjoyable. But even more remarkably, the book was useful with a more significant problem that I encountered just three months ago.

  I had been driving from Sedona, Arizona, to Cardiff, California. This is a six-hour trip (seven if you stay below the speed limit, which I don’t) and I was driving from 1 P.M. to 7 P.M., which included the last hour at dusk and sunset. Those last two hours I was driving west looking directly into the sun. As soon as I got to my home office I went to my computer, where I had six hundred e-mails waiting for me. Most of them were work related, and as I had been out of the office for a week I felt it important to go through as many of the e-mails as I possibly could. I completed my task around midnight, and by then my right eye was throbbing and my vision blurry. I had overdone it and stressed out my eye. Not knowing what to do, I took my copy of Soul Healing Miracles to bed with me that night, held the calligraphy images against my right eye, said a chant, and went to bed. The next morning I repeated the process, holding the book to my eye, and since it was Saturday I went to the beach for a walk. By the time I came back from the beach to check on my e-mail, my eye was totally healed. I had no pain and my eye has been fine ever since.

  Again we might just say this is a coincidence or that the stress in my eye would have just gone away naturally. Perhaps that is the case, but then I started checking with other people who have been using their copies of Soul Healing Miracles to heal minor ailments and have found to my surprise that the book does actually seem to heal them as well. One woman reported that she was able to heal her digestive problems, another explained to me how she puts the book under her pillow at night and for the first time in twenty years she no longer suffers from insomnia. Can all these anecdotal reports just be coincidences or is this book itself actually a healing tool and not just a book?

  Having had such positive experiences with the book myself, I decided to be bold when speaking at an Author 101 conference organized by Rick Frishman, who had been the person to introduce me to Dr. Sha. While onstage I held up a copy of Soul Healing Miracles and reported to the five hundred authors in the audience that I strongly recommended they purchase copies of the book. I explained that Dr. Sha had inserted calligraphy that had healing energy and that the book was not just a book but also a healing tool. I concluded my remarks with the comment, “From what I have observed, you do not even need to read the book to benefit from the book’s healing energy, just hold the calligraphy next to the body part that is hurting and you may feel better.”

  When I got off the stage I felt a little sheepish. Perhaps I had gone overboard. Just because the book had helped me and some of my friends did not mean I had any scientific proof of my assertion that you did not even need to read the book to experience the healing energy of the book. As I was walking away from the event room, a well-dressed woman in her mid-fifties approached me and asked me to let her examine the calligraphy in the copy of Soul Healing Miracles that I had had with me on
stage. She opened the book to the calligraphy, put her hands on the calligraphy, and turned to me and said, “Wow, do you have any idea how much energy this calligraphy holds? I am a medical doctor and a medical intuitive. I deal with healing energy every day and this book is a powerful healing tool.”

  I was so shocked by this medical doctor’s response that I did not think to get her name and address. I was not planning on writing this book at the time or I would have done so. I am still skeptical that Soul Healing Miracles is an actual healing tool and not just a book, but when credentialed people I have never met and who have no interest in promoting Dr. Sha give me such reports, it makes me think that it might be possible that even a book can be a healing agent. As Allyn Reid concluded in a previous chapter, “Keep an open mind and be open to all possibilities. Then check your experience and find out what is true for you.” At this moment it is May 2014. Soul Healing Miracles has been published for just over six months. There are over five hundred soul healing miracles stories that have been uploaded to YouTube. All of them use the Soul Healing Miracles book to create soul healing miracles.

  Sample Self-Healing Exercise

  WHAT WE HAVE learned and are continuing to learn about Dr. Sha and his ability to touch into the Divine to create healing miracles has extraordinary meaning for all of us. If you are not comfortable with the notion of the Divine, think of Dr. Sha’s abilities as tapping into an invisible but real source of energy that is constantly present and constantly influencing our daily reality even if we are unaware of it. Perhaps this energy is like radio waves, constantly beaming but undetectable unless we have the right radio equipment to receive it.

  Dr. Sha has fine-tuned his soul, heart, mind, and body so that he can receive this energy at will. I am sure that Dr. Sha would emphasize that for him, above all, he has fine-tuned his soul. Even if you do not believe you have a soul, you can use Dr. Sha’s techniques to fine-tune your mind and body and essence so that you too can become a receiver for this energy. The basic premise seems too simple to be true, but it is.

  Even more confounding from a skeptic’s perspective is that the basic requirements for this fine-tuning are so simple. In what is perhaps the ultimate oversimplification of Dr. Sha’s teachings, all that is required is to seek forgiveness for all the wrongs you have ever done to others and to express gratitude that you will be forgiven and your desire for optimal health granted. From an intellectual perspective it is really this simple. It seems too simple to be effective. But there is no reason not to try. Of course, to fully benefit from Dr. Sha’s teaching requires constant practice and devotion with daily exercises and constant connecting to these principles.

  I asked Dr. Sha if we could include one of his most simple exercises in this book just as an example for readers to get a sense of the practices he teaches. I have modified this exercise slightly to reduce to a minimum the use of Chinese terms and to create a version of this exercise that hopefully will resonate with those who do not necessarily believe in the divine. The actual exercise itself was published in a special edition of Self Healing with Dr. and Master Sha published in December 2011 through Dr. Sha’s Heaven’s Library Publication Corp. in Toronto, Canada. The exercise comes from chapter four of that book, “Tao Oneness Practice.” This is a basic practice that is part of Dr. Sha’s Four Power Techniques®, which includes Body Power, Soul Power, Mind Power, and Sound Power. In modified form the exercise is as follows:

  You start by putting your mind power on your lower abdomen. It is within your lower abdomen that your essence resides. It is from your lower abdomen that you access power. There is a reason this part of the body is called the solar plexus. For those who believe in soul, this is where your soul resides. The great meditation teacher Charles Haanel in The Master Key System also told his students to always focus on the lower abdomen throughout all meditation practices. Dr. Sha believes you should always focus on the lower abdomen to stay connected to the Divine throughout the day and not just while meditating or doing forgiveness exercises.

  So with your mind focusing on your lower abdomen, sit up straight.

  Put the tip of your tongue as close as you can to the roof of your mouth without touching.

  Contract your anus slightly.

  Interlock your hands and place them on your lower abdomen.

  Say hello to your soul.

  Repeat the following:

  Dear Divine,

  Dear Oneness of the Universe,

  Dear Source of Energy,

  Dear soul, mind body of all spiritual fathers and mothers

  In all layers of Heaven and on Mother Earth,

  Dear countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes,

  Dear all of the people, animals, and environments that I have ever hurt,

  Harmed, taken advantage of, or made any kind of mistake against in past lifetimes and in this lifetime,

  I love, honor, and appreciate all of you.

  I sincerely apologize.

  Please forgive me.

  Dear all souls who have harmed me in past lifetimes and in this lifetime,

  I love, honor, and appreciate all of you.

  I forgive you totally.

  Please turn on all my Divine and Tao treasures for healing life transformation.

  (Master Sha has downloaded more than ten permanent divine treasures to all humanity and all souls, including countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes.)

  Please form and expand my essence and source of energy.

  Please heal my ___ (make a request to heal any aspect of your mental,

  emotional, or physical body).

  Please heal my relationship(s) with ___ (name the people you choose).

  Please bless my finances.

  Please bless my intelligence.

  Please bless my success.

  Please bless ___ (request any aspect of your life).

  I am extremely grateful.

  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  Now focus your mind on the bottom of your lower abdomen. Visualize a bright golden light ball forming, expanding, and rotating in your lower abdomen. This golden light ball is your Jin Dan or center of your being, your awareness, and your soul. Jin means gold. Dan means light ball. Jin Dan (pronounced jeen dahn) means golden light ball.

  Once you connect with this center you should chant for three to five minutes with whatever word is best for you to define this center.

  For Dr. Sha and his students, this concept is Jin Dan and they either silently or aloud repeat this name for the entire time they chant, and they do this every day and often many times a day.

  This is really all that is required to access the energies that will allow you to purify your body, mind, and soul and allow you to develop your own powers of self-healing. I strongly advise those interested to purchase copies of Dr. Sha’s books to learn the proper hand positions and the fully developed exercise. But if you just do even this modified version and experience any energy in your body at all, you will capture the essence of what Dr. Sha is doing and training others to do. It seems too simple, but the evidence is overwhelming that this simple meditation technique is effective.

  As someone who does not meditate on a regular basis and who does not believe in an anthropomorphic concept of God to whom we can pray, I have difficulty doing an exercise like this on a daily basis. I am willing to try almost anything once, and the first time I actually did this exercise was while I was writing it down just now. I have to admit that just doing the exercise has generated a tingling vibration throughout my body. It feels good and I feel connected with a source of energy that is both within and outside of my body. I hope you try this exercise and have a similar experience. It is a wonderful feeling and a feeling that you can create for yourself no matter the circumstances of your present everyday life.

  In analyzing this exercise, there are several phrases that struck me as revealing the deeper truths with which Dr. Sha is connecting.

  First I was struck by the way the e
xercise was constructed.

  Put your focus on the lower abdomen. The lower abdomen is the seat of power and at least figuratively the seat of the soul. It is not just Dr. Sha who believes this. Many great teachers from both Eastern and Western traditions place the lower abdomen as the power spot for their teachings as well.

  The next salient point was Dr. Sha’s willingness to entreat not just the Divine but Mother Earth, Heaven, and countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. Most prayers from other traditions limit themselves to God. Dr. Sha has no such limitations. He lives in a world that includes countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. Who would have the boldness to realize that all consciousness and all matter is infinite and interconnected and that only by including all that is can a prayer be truly effective? Dr. Sha calls this the outer soul, the soul that is connected outside of yourself and your own self-created world.

  Then the next part of the exercise has you address not just the people you have hurt, but animals and the environments in which you have interacted as well. Dr. Sha has you request forgiveness for mistakes not only in this lifetime but past lifetimes. I do not believe in past lifetimes but see no harm in asking for such forgiveness. It cannot hurt.

  Then Dr. Sha has us recognize and honor all those we have hurt and express our appreciation for them as well. Remember, we are honoring not just people and animals but the countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. We rarely think of how our actions may be harming such distant planets and galaxies, but of course our thoughts and actions reach out infinitely and impact all elements in all universes. We need to apologize to all of these entities, not just the animals and people whom we may have harmed on planet Earth.


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