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Dr. and Master Sha

Page 20

by William Gladstone

  My health seemed to be stabilizing. I still had occasional bouts of abdominal pain and breathing issues, but nothing that couldn’t be managed through the self-healing practices. I received many new treasures as Master Sha was now offering Soul Mind Body Transplants for all kinds of conditions, organs, and systems. These very high-level treasures were bringing relief to thousands of people, and I was one of them.

  In 2009 I was even more honored to become a Divine Channel, Disciple, and Worldwide Representative of Master Sha. With this came the authority to offer karma cleansing. I was truly taken aback by this. I had never dreamed that this was possible for me, but I had never dreamed that my karma could be cleared or that my Third Eye would be open. It was all very exciting and I felt humbled to be in such a position. I had the sense of having come home. I was serving in an incredibly powerful way. I was working with the most powerful teacher and healer on the planet. It was truly a dream come true.

  In 2010 I left the corporate world and was asked by Master Sha to open a Healing Centre in Toronto. I saw this as a great opportunity. We could help so many more people by having a physical center.

  At the same time that I was coming out of the business world and more fully into the healing world, I started to experience health problems again. Shortness of breath, abdominal pain, bouts of bleeding internally. I was never incapacitated, but it was obvious to me that the more I was trying to serve, the more layers of karma were starting to manifest. I had lots of karma cleared but I could see that as Master Sha advanced and evolved and as we, his Disciples, evolved, our karma, previously unseen, was being activated. This was new wisdom for all of us, and I was not the only one experiencing blockages. They could be physical, emotional, or mental. Sometimes I also felt depressed and anxious. No traditional psychotherapy methods could help this kind of experience, it was too deep. . . . I knew it was karmic.

  Master Sha continued to help me when I sought his help and I thought things were fairly balanced until the spring of 2011. I had a major Crohn’s attack and respiratory issues. The pain was excruciating and I started to bleed profusely. My breathing was very shallow and difficult. I thought about going to the hospital but I did a reading myself and knew that it was a higher level of karma manifesting. I also knew very quickly that I was going to die. I could literally feel the life force leaving my body. Unless you have experienced this it is hard to describe. It was all happening very, very quickly. I was able to contact Master Sha, who was in Europe at the time. When I spoke with him I was alone, on the floor of my bedroom, crawling to get to the washroom. I was that weak. I had begun to prepare myself to die. I asked for forgiveness over and over. I was very sad to leave my family, but most of all I was sad because I would not be able to complete my soul journey. I knew I still had tasks to perform . . . people to serve.

  Master Sha gave me his love and I felt his determination to save my life. There were other Divine Channels there with him, and they did readings so that we could understand what was happening to me. There was a huge amount of karma, and the dark souls who were present were committed to take my life.

  He cleared the blockages quickly and I could see myself that there was great resistance. He gave me many Soul Mind Body Transplants for all the damaged systems and organs. I was still weak. I was told that my life force—my qi and jing (energy and matter)—had depleted to almost zero. At that point Master Sha offered his own life force from what is called the Jin Dan. I felt the power come in immediately. Then I was able to sit up and move a little. The Divine Channels on the phone said my voice changed and I knew clearly that I was saved.

  This is miraculous. I was going to die, I have absolutely no doubt about this. Master Sha put himself at risk to save me. I had seen over the years that karma was darkness, yes, but this darkness was full of souls whose express purpose is to exact retribution for the harm we have done to others in past lives. They do not like to be thwarted. This is their task. When Master Sha cleared the karma for me, they became very angry. They resisted and they tried to attack him as well. He did it all anyway. That is his love, his generosity . . . it has no bounds. I felt this in my heart and cannot, even now, think about it without tears coming.

  I recovered well that time but since then the karma has manifested again at higher levels. Without any hesitation Master Sha saved my life. This is true service. This is amazing.

  In 2012 and 2013 I suffered two more powerful karmic attacks. I was taken aback at how quickly they came upon me, and other people witnessed this. I was literally fine and healthy one minute and the next I was flat-out writhing in pain, not able to breathe and bleeding. They saw me sinking. My sister tried to help me during one attack, realized that I was close to death and she was helpless. We are all helpless when the karma comes. That is why soul healing . . . Master Sha . . . is the greatest healing power on Mother Earth.

  He didn’t hesitate to help me again and again. Every time he did, I was literally just hours away from death. He brought me back. He risked his own life to do it.

  I am not alone. Many people have experienced this power. Master Sha is a generous and most loving divine servant.

  When I was a young girl and became ill so many times, I knew in my heart I would not have a long life. Probably that is why I tried to pack so much in and experience everything I could. Above and beyond it all has been the knowledge that this human life is truly only the vehicle for the soul journey. Without this body I can’t learn what I have to learn and do what I have to do so I can move forward. I have carried a lot of karma from one human lifetime to another. So have we all. The reason that my family suffered in the Holocaust is clear to me now. The fact that so many people are suffering—good people—is clear to me now. It is all about karma.

  Without Master Sha I would not understand the depths of this profound wisdom. Karma truly is the root cause of everything—success and failure, physical conditions, financial blockages, relationship issues . . . everything. I am so blessed to have his teachings.

  Without Master Sha I would not be here at all. Because of him I am able to continue serving as a Divine Channel. I can teach and offer soul healing. I can work with people in every walk of life and with all kinds of issues. I can see how karma is affecting their lives, their businesses, their families.

  When I saw how selfless Master Sha was and how willing to sacrifice even his own life for me, I finally got the biggest teaching. It is one that he had shared many times but I really, really saw it when I got up off the floor where I had been moments away from death. Love truly heals all blockages and transforms all life. Master Sha’s love has healed me and I now am offering my love and my life to heal others.

  Thank you, Master Sha. . . . I truly cannot thank you enough.

  That is my journey. Thank you.

  Master Lynne Nusyna

  Master Mirva Inkeri

  From Corporate Leader to Divine Channel

  HELLO. MY NAME is Master Mirva Inkeri. I was born in Helsinki, Finland. When I was born, my father was a young police officer, very early in his career. He had switched from being a radio engineer to becoming a policeman. My mother was working in retail, in different aspects of retail. They were earning a decent living, working hard to make a good life for themselves and for their children. They loved to travel, see the world, and experience different cultures and different perspectives. I studied languages and also traveled and moved overseas.

  I had been on a spiritual journey for fifteen years when I met Master Sha on March 29, 2008, in Sydney, Australia. He came for a one-day workshop, which was followed by private consultations, one of which I was very fortunate to secure. I can say that this meeting with Master Sha changed my life for good. Good in two ways, i.e., for the better as well as permanently. I started studying with Master Sha immediately. I discovered that his teachings took nothing away from all the previous spiritual teachings as well as alternative medicine disciplines that I had learnt earlier. On the contrary, Dr. Sha’s techniques enhanced and
deepened all of my previous learning greatly. I was amazed. Every single teaching Master Sha offered was a new revelation. He taught topics I had never heard anyone else teach before, and the depth and detail he went into was completely amazing. I experienced my consciousness expanding by the minute. He moved from one topic to another in an amazingly rapid flow. I had been looking for a spiritual teacher for a long time, and when he told me in my private appointment that my soul wanted to learn and study, I was listening. He told me he’d send one of his top teachers to Sydney to continue to teach us and asked me to study everything he was going to teach. This I did. Master Peter Hudoba was the first teacher to accompany Master Sha in Sydney, and he returned several times. I learned everything that was presented. My soul was hungry, and everything was so fresh and produced immediate and rapid results. Every day I would study Soul Mind Body Medicine and learn the practices from the book.

  I was in the corporate world. I had studied traveling and tourism, but I also was a certified executive coach. I was a certified administrator of different psychometric personality assessment tools as well as a Certified Master Black Belt in Six Sigma business and process transformation methodologies. I worked in different aspects of the corporate world with some of the largest international corporations as an internal consultant, helping different aspects of companies to function better, more effectively, more efficiently, serving their customers better, producing better-quality work. I often found myself dealing with deep interpersonal issues and deep human-being-related issues. Master Sha teaches that your soul is your best counselor and you can tap into the experiences, wisdom, and knowledge from all of your lifetimes by communicating with your soul. This was highly appealing to me. Once I learned to open my Soul Language and how to translate it, every morning as part of my morning practice, I would ask my soul for guidance on deep, complex, and challenging business situations. Then I’d translate my Soul Language. This was so unbelievable. I would be moved to tears, I would have huge revelations. I experienced joy, delight, and freedom. I received incredibly deep wisdom that I could have never thought of with my mind. Then I would leave for the office with incredible inspiration and grounding, as I knew I had received solutions and answers that were one of a kind. I could see before my eyes how by applying the answers I had received, I was resolving situations in different ways than I had done before. Things were much easier! It was amazing.

  Two years after I started to study with Master Sha and he started to formally teach the Tao, I came to realize that the purpose of life is to serve. To serve is to make others happier and healthier. Master Sha said this to me in my private consultation with him but I didn’t realize it fully at the time. I didn’t really or truly know what it meant or how it would translate practically into life situations. Early in 2010 when I did the very first Tao retreat with Master Sha, I came back from this retreat realizing I had no need to climb the ladder any further. I had no need for my own agenda. I realized I was there to serve my leaders, my boss, my customers, my stakeholders, whatever agenda they had for me. I was fully in service. This was a very freeing experience. This was my first experience of freedom from the ego.

  I now work for Master Sha as the business coordinator of his mission. I have been in Canada working for the mission for the last two years, first as the director of customer services, then moving into overall operational management, and now coordinating every department, every aspect of the mission for Master Sha. This is a unique organization. All that I have learned in the corporate world has served me well and continues to do so. Yet there is a different dimension, different way, and different element to how this mission, how the Institute operates. There is a higher-level agenda beyond the logical agenda. Everything is done with both the yin and yang aspect, i.e., the logical rationalization as well as the soul level guidance. Master Sha teaches to heal and transform the soul of the company first, then the consciousness, and the physical level, will transform.

  In my leadership position, every day I do what is called soul conferencing and soul marketing. It is just like in the physical world, except this takes place on the soul level. It is called soul-to-soul connection. I speak to the soul of humanity and different teams. Every meeting we start, we speak to the soul of the different teams, employees on all levels, first to bring them into alignment, to work together as one, to be guided and to be shown the ways in which to work in love, peace, and harmony so as to transform all aspects of our own agenda, any aspect of the ego to become humble servants. This is Master Sha’s teaching. In this mission we deflate job titles. This provides the platform to have no attachment to what your role is called. You just serve.

  As a leader, my task is to support, guide everyone else to do their role, to do their tasks well. My role is to be an enabler for them, a facilitator if that is what they need. I need to embody Master Sha’s teachings and lead by example to the best of my ability. One of Master Sha’s key teachings is unconditional universal service. To serve unconditionally is to expect nothing in return. Therefore, the concept of the corporate business world “reward and recognition” doesn’t exist here the same way.

  What we deal with on a daily basis is the effects of our service on a soul level. How does it help others to come in better alignment for their whole spiritual journey, their whole life purpose? How do our services and products enhance the quality of everyone’s life on all levels: spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical? Are we guiding them appropriately to enhance their lives? Everything is to be done with love, peace, and harmony.

  There is no room to rule by power, by control. Our work enables a platform for everyone to transform these aspects of our personality, our ego—in other words our karma—as part of the working process. Everyone is equal. No one is better or worse. We are all one. Master Sha teaches the concept of “Bao Yuan Shou Yi” (pronounced bao ywen sho yee), which literally translated means “hold both hands in a circle below the navel and concentrate on the Jin Dan, which is this area.” This is the literal translation as well as a spiritual practice.

  How this translates into working as a team is literally “working as one team.” Truly collaborating, truly working as a team in which nobody is a winner. All are equal. All are transformed and delivered with humility, in service together for the same outcome, which is always the higher purpose of serving humanity, making others happier and healthier. If this purpose isn’t achieved, then we are not providing the right outcomes, results, and services.

  Every thought, every word, every action we take counts. Everyone is to self-assess every day continuously, “Are my thoughts, words, and actions contributing toward love, peace, and harmony, or are they causing negative effects on others?” These are our operating principles. These are also the way in which we conduct the business. Everyone is held with love and forgiveness, compassion, and light. This is what we focus on every day, day in, day out. It doesn’t mean we are perfect at this, as we are all, each and every one of us, human beings still on our own spiritual journey. We are all transforming together, we hold each other tenderly with love and compassion and forgiveness in the process of transformation.

  These are our company values, if you like, that we hold each other accountable to and support each other with love and forgiveness to call on these as an accountability when we experience or witness that we are not, that somebody is not in alignment. I am so deeply honored to be in this position, to be part of this way of working, this way of enhancing other’s lives and this way of serving. I couldn’t have imagined this in all those years when I was searching for the deeper meaning of life. I always held in my heart the knowing, the search that there must be more to life than what was in front of me. I just didn’t know what it was.

  Through Master Sha’s teachings, I have found that. I have not been searching ever since I met Master Sha. This way of operating is truly different and truly unique and is extremely transforming for every single person, and to work on a level of the soul first is unique wisdom, unique know
ledge that Master Sha brings to everyone at this time. Very simple, very easy, very practical and makes a huge, huge difference to the quality of the day-to-day work. Every decision or new strategy is assessed logically, rationally from the physical world perspective as well as checked spiritually whether it is the right decision. This is the balance of yin and yang. It is a universal principle. This brings balance, harmony, and oneness. There is no balance if one only focuses on one aspect. Neither is right nor wrong. Both are equal, and you only have balance if you consider and apply both aspects.

  This is accessible and available to everyone. I’m privileged to have these teachings, to have been able to apply these teachings to every aspect of my life. I am deeply, deeply grateful to have met Master Sha, to have been given the opportunity to become his Disciple, his Worldwide Representative, and to be certified as a Divine Channel on Mother Earth. I truly hold in my heart today the example Master Sha provides me every single day. Every day he teaches me more on how to offer deeper compassion for another soul and their journey of transformation. He has infinite patience. He is teaching me to grow mine daily, experience by experience, situation by situation. When I align myself with his teachings, every single situation is teaching me more and providing me the opportunity to grow further as a soul as well as a leader. Every single situation stretches my capacity and capabilities further and further. Every challenge is to be assessed on the soul level first. This brings much much deeper understanding of others. It provides the perspective of why others are suffering, which is what is manifesting in the physical-world reality when they struggle at work. I help to resolve countless challenges at work by offering blessings. This clears mind blockages for those who are working on projects. It clears relationship situations. They can release negative emotions and change instantly. Soul healing blessings only take seconds or minutes. Sometimes it feels like “magic” how instantaneously it provides relief and resolves situations. It is powerful! I feel so incredibly blessed to have these tools and this wisdom to work with in the business environment.


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