Dr. and Master Sha

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Dr. and Master Sha Page 21

by William Gladstone

  I now teach others how to access these teachings as well through my blog, and it is so inspiring. I see many business leaders benefiting and companies transforming with great success. The role of a leader is to bring oneness, alignment in teams and departments. This is also needed on the overall company level. The products, services, and offerings must align with humanity as well as spiritually. Otherwise the company will not thrive. When this alignment, balance is not in place, companies can struggle greatly. This can manifest internally or externally as challenges.

  Master Sha teaches that everything is made out of jing, qi, and shen. Jing is energy and matter, the physical manifestation aspect. Qi represents consciousness, and shen is the soul, the message. Everything in life is made out of jing qi shen or can be divided into these three elements. Every organization has a soul, consciousness, and physical manifestation. When one aspect is not balanced and well, the whole organization suffers. This is why the soul is the boss. This is why we address everything on the soul level first and the rest will follow afterward. This is a powerful yet extremely simple recipe for every organization and for every person for every aspect of life.

  I feel I am extremely blessed and privileged to have found Master Sha in this life and received his teachings. Whatever I can share with others by sharing my story, how I can help to serve others through what I can share with you, I am most honored and delighted to be of service in that way if that is of help. I am very grateful. I offer my greatest love and greatest gratitude to my teacher, beloved Master Sha. I cannot serve enough in return for what I have received from him. Thus my life today is completely dedicated to serving others to the best of my ability. For this, I am very honored. I have found the meaning and purpose of life which I searched for with great desire.

  With greatest love,

  Divine Channel, Worldwide Representative,

  and Disciple of Dr. and Master Sha,

  Master Mirva Inkeri

  Master David Lusch

  Suffering from OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) to Divine Channel

  EVERY ASPECT OF my life has transformed through Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha.

  Growing up in Fremont, California, USA, I was extremely loved by my parents, Roger and Diane Lusch, and my grandparents Richard and Marilyn Delfs and Joseph and Anne Lusch. I also had a loving and great sister, Erica. I had a very caring and loving extended family with my aunts, uncles, and cousins. Our family also had a dog named Belle, who I loved deeply and who taught me unconditional love in profound ways. I love all of them more than words.

  My father is a dentist by profession. My mom has been a stay-at-home mother and an office manager for my dad’s practice. My Grandpa Delfs was one of the original staff of doctors at Washington Hospital in Fremont. My Grandpa Lusch was in upper management at Bethlehem Steel. My sister is a dental hygienist and mother. My extended family has various professions, including dentist, nurse, lawyer, and sales representative.

  At the age of eight, I became Catholic. I was raised in this faith as I grew up.

  Like many young boys, I loved sports. I played baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, golf, team handball, and I wrestled. After high school, I did some training in submission fighting. I also loved to dance. I could dance nonstop for hours.

  I also actively started working out, lifting weights and engaging in cardiovascular activities, right before I turned fifteen years old. This continued as a major part of my life until I met Master Sha in June 2004. I used to read many books about lifting weights, working out, nutrition, supplements, and more. I was even a personal trainer for a while. I loved the challenge, the mental focus, and all of the aspects of lifting weights, pushing yourself further, and achieving higher goals. At my peak, I could squat and do Romanian deadlifts of about 450 pounds, three to five repetitions. I could bench press about 325 pounds, three to five repetitions.

  I also had a diverse range of public and private educational experiences from kindergarten to high school. I went to Moreau Catholic High School. I graduated from California State University, Hayward (now East Bay), with a B.S. in business administration with focus on marketing and a minor in economics. I received good grades in school, mainly As and Bs. I was close to or was an honor student throughout all levels of education.

  One of my passions was to do volunteer work in high school and at university. At California State University, Hayward, I was part of a coed fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega, which focused on teaching the qualities of leadership, friendship, and service. It was a fraternity focused on serving others, not primarily social. It was non-alcoholic and drug-free. I served as the membership vice president and co-membership vice president for two years. Some of my favorite volunteer projects were Special Olympics and Easter Egg hunts for orphaned children.

  From the age of fifteen, I had various jobs working in clothing stores, restaurants, sales, gyms, and technology companies. I was a website coordinator at Twinhead Corporation and a website manager for the Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment.

  I did my best to live a normal and active life. However, it was far from normal.

  Starting at the age of ten, I developed negative, obsessive thoughts, fears, worry, and anxiety that drove me to compulsions of counting and touching things in the number of four or a multiple of four. It started with thoughts such as “If you don’t touch this, then the other team will score a run or get a base hit.” It quickly turned into thoughts such as “You’re going to die” or “You’re going to be kidnapped, molested, and killed.”

  These thoughts would trigger such an incredibly powerful emotional response of fear, worry, and anxiety that it would drive me to count or touch things. It literally felt so real within me emotionally, mentally, and physically.

  I knew something was wrong. I knew what I was doing made no sense. However, I was unwilling to share any of this with anyone for a few years. It got so bad that it could take me an hour to get ready in the morning as a twelve-year-old. I was consumed with these obsessions and compulsions.

  After it got noticeably bad, my parents took me to a psychiatrist. I had to take a multiple-choice test. Question after question I knew the correct answer. Question after question I saw a pattern. Question after question I got angrier and angrier because I knew I had a condition about to be diagnosed.

  Shortly afterward, I was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). I was angry beyond words. I had so many emotions and thoughts running through me. It was devastating and relieving at the same time.

  I resisted taking medication for some time. Then I decided to give it a try. The first two medications did not work. The last one they gave me was Anafranil. It began to help some. I had not heard of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) at that time. Therefore, I forced behavior changes to not perform the counting or thinking obsessions through willpower and self-therapy. Initially as I started to stop the counting and touching, it got much worse and more intense. After two to three months, it lightened. Within nine months, the negative, obsessive thoughts, the fear, worry, anxiety, and the counting and touching stopped. I felt like I had gone to war. It was to this day the hardest thing I have ever done.

  I was supposed to be on medication every day for the rest of my life. At that young age, I was okay with it. I never wanted to go back to that other type of life where I suffered uncontrollably and constantly every waking moment of my day. I would rather die than live that way.

  Over the years, I suffered from the side effects of the medication, which included being constantly tired and having dry mouth. I was always tired. It did not matter if I slept six, eight, ten, or twelve hours. I also often needed two- to three-hour naps as well. Because my mouth was dry, I always drank a lot of water. This caused me to go to the bathroom very frequently. Doing this day after day took a great toll on me.

  Even with such great success, many other obsessions and compulsions continued, such as not being able to let things go, always wanting to face fear, ego, pride, and a rigid min
d, that created a lot of suffering in every aspect of my life.

  My relationships were challenged due to the fact I would obsess about things that occurred or I thought had occurred and be compelled to speak out about them, often in an angry, yelling, and confrontational way. Some friendships ended. Some never were the same. My family could not understand my behavior. I had a good heart and a lot of love. I also had a lot of anger, bitterness, and pain. This was all dumped into my relationships, as it is difficult not to bring your personal successes and pains into close relationships.

  Financially and career-wise, it was very hard and challenging. It felt like you get up, go to work, go to the gym, go home, and go to sleep. Then do it again. This routine all happened while being incredibly tired.

  Throughout this time, I had the most loving and supporting parents. They would help me in every aspect of my life. They were loving and compassionate with my behavior, activities, dreams, and more. They always encouraged me to do the best I could in everything. I cannot thank them enough for all of their support. I might not have made it if they were not so great.

  As I came into my mid-twenties, I was getting angrier and unhappier with life. I felt out of control. I felt controlled by my medication and OCD. No matter what I did, where I went, or what I tried to achieve, OCD, my medication, and the side effects were always there. I could not see a future, enjoyable life this way. I no longer wanted to live this way. I wanted to be healed and off all medication.

  However, there is no cure in conventional modern medicine for OCD. They teach you how to manage it.

  I knew deeply within myself that I would be healed and off all medication. I did not know how or when. Where to go? What to do?

  One day in 2004, I was at a pool party. I was thrown into the pool. When I landed in the water, one of my ears clogged up. I could not hear very much out of it. I could not get the water out. I tried everything I could at that moment. It did not work.

  I went home and did a search on the Internet and found a spiritual and energetic healer who offered an ear candling service. I had seen it before and wanted to try it. I left a message to schedule an appointment.

  The next day I was able to use a squirting suction rubber syringe to remove a chunk of wax from my ear. The relief came. However, I still wanted to have the ear candling done.

  The next week I went to see this beautiful soul healer. She had an amazing Third Eye (this energy center when developed gives the ability to see spiritual images) and soul communication abilities, and was a powerful soul healer.

  My whole life I was someone who would ask a lot of questions. I was not easy to accept anything just because someone told me to do so. I always looked for holes or fault in things and people. I could be very skeptical. I also loved to learn new wisdom and information.

  I asked her many questions. She graciously answered them. I was convinced she knew what she was doing. It helped that I had to decrease the volume on my mobile by half immediately after the first session.

  She also kept telling me about her beloved teacher, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha. I had resistance to get involved with anything else at that time. Ear candling and this spiritual and energetic healing I was experiencing was enough to stretch my comfort zone and mind.

  However, in the third session I attended with her, she handed me a handout from Master Sha. The lightbulb turned on in my head. I was literally reading many things that I had always believed in. I also felt an incredible force urging me to find out more information and attend an event with Master Sha. I had never experienced anything like this before. I never have since.

  I spent some days going back and forth in my head as to whether I wanted to do this or not. I could not shake this force. I could not outthink this force. It was always there and pushing me.

  So I decided to join a free teleconference of Master Sha where he offered free teachings and soul healing. During the teleconference, I was questioning and not sure I believed what I was hearing. However, I was 100 percent sure that Master Sha believed everything he was saying and teaching. This was actually very important for me, as I knew that I could not learn or follow anyone in any capacity who had self-doubt in what they were doing.

  I decided to attend Master Sha’s Soul Retreat on June 8–14, 2004, at the Santa Sabina Center, in San Rafael, California. I felt that I needed to explore this further in order to determine if I wanted to learn from Master Sha.

  Shortly before the retreat, I knew I was going to be healed of OCD through Master Sha. I could not tell you why, how, or when it would occur. It did not make any logical sense. I just knew it would happen somehow.

  When Master Sha walked into the room on the first evening of the Soul Retreat, the unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, and light that radiated from Master Sha was unbelievable. I had never felt anything like this in this life. I could literally experience Heaven and being in the presence of a great being in ways that I had only read about in holy or sacred texts previously.

  Nevertheless, I was still skeptical. The whole first twenty-four hours I tried to find something wrong. I could not do so. Everything inside me said yes, this was real and right. On the second evening, I surrendered to God. If this was where I was supposed to be, then I was going to go with it.

  At this retreat, it was like I was a dirty car being taken through a divine car wash. I received Divine Karma Cleansing, Divine Soul Downloads, and Soul Enlightenment. I was empowered to do self-practice afterward. I felt so different in so many ways. So much of the anger, emotional imbalances, and negative thinking were gone. I could literally see the world differently than before the retreat. It was so fascinating how such a deep healing and transformation could take place in one week with Master Sha.

  I jumped into the teleclasses, some training programs, and made it my job to heal my OCD. I attended more events. I received more divine blessings. When Master Sha received the authority and offered Divine Soul Operations for the first time in January 2005, I knew I was healed. I worked with my Western medical doctor to get off of my medication over the following months. On June 8, 2005, I stopped taking my OCD medication! This is absolutely a soul healing miracle.

  In February 2009, I was approved for normal medical health insurance coverage as given to a healthy person! I was previously paying about $6,000 per year in health insurance premiums just to have coverage, not to use it, due to my medical history. This was a very special moment in my life. It was also an incredible financial blessing.

  The truth is I found much more than my healing journey. I found my soul journey. I have found my beloved spiritual teacher and spiritual father, Master Sha. This is the greatest gift.

  Master Sha has given me a direct connection to the Divine, the Tao, and the Source in ways that are beyond a dream. My spiritual channels have opened. My healing power has exponentially and monumentally increased. I have experienced the most amazing joys, love, forgiveness, compassion, light, gratitude, and inner freedom. I have learned that the purpose of life is to serve others to make them healthier and happier. I am now living a life of service to others.

  As I have dedicated my life to this path, I have been given the honor, privilege, and authority to be a Disciple and Worldwide Representative of Master Sha, which I believe is the greatest honor anyone could ever receive. I have become a Divine, Tao, and Da Tao Channel empowered to share in Master Sha’s Divine, Tao, and Source Channel to offer Divine and Tao soul healing services. There are no words for what I have been given. It is all priceless.

  In 2009, I moved to Frankfurt am Main, Germany, to help spread Master Sha’s Soul Mind Body Medicine and divine soul healing system to the students and people in Germany and Europe. In June 2011, I moved to Berlin, Germany, where I currently reside, to help establish a permanent center for Master Sha. It is an honor for me to serve others in similar ways that Master Sha has served me and so many people.

  I am literally and deeply touched in all levels of my being by how much unconditional love,
forgiveness, compassion, and light Master Sha constantly gives to others, my family, and me. I have seen Master Sha behind closed doors working morning to night, serving emergency blessings in the middle of the night, and always creating and finding new ways to serve humanity on a larger scale nonstop, 24/7.

  I will always remember a time in November 2008 when Master Sha offered me acupuncture and soul healing services at 2 A.M. after a day of fifteen hours of nonstop meetings. Even after a day like this, Master Sha stayed to assist and offer soul healing to me for some pain I had been experiencing over the last months. This service given to me has been one of the greatest teachings of unconditional universal service for my life and soul journey.

  I believe Master Sha to be the greatest healer, teacher, Soul Leader, servant of humanity, the Divine, the Tao, and the Source alive. I have tried to model my life after Master Sha. If you want to be your best and achieve your highest potential, then you need to be like the best and those living the highest potential. I have personally found Master Sha to be the best at serving others to remove their suffering, assisting them to live their dreams, and find the true meaning and purpose of their lives in serving others. Master Sha lives the highest potential of anyone I have ever known in this lifetime. It is an honor to learn and be trained directly by such a rare and special being.


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