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Dr. and Master Sha

Page 31

by William Gladstone

  Ascended Masters, 151


  Bao Yuan Shou Yi (meditation), 105, 200

  Barton, Richard Shunya (Master), 169–76

  Craig and the Circle of Love, 173

  Divine Channel; Worldwide Representative, 176

  healing clinic at Unity Church in Honolulu, 175

  HIV/AIDS, 169–74, 176

  Master Sha’s events manager, 175

  Master Sha’s healing, 175–76

  meditation and Tibetan Buddhism, 173–74

  reincarnation, 171

  Soul Healing Center, San Francisco, 175

  Soul Healing Miracle Blessings, gives, 176

  soul wisdom, 171

  BenBella, 10, 58

  Soul Healing Miracles, 10–11, 84, 97–102, 109–13, 145, 149, 152, 155, 159, 242, 244, 255, 261, 301

  Soul Mind Body Science System, 58, 91, 153, 156–57, 159, 301

  blockages. See also karma

  body blockages (energy/matter blockages), 89

  cause of all sickness, 89

  clearing, 194, 231–32, 251, 255–56

  Divine light removes, 68

  divine soul readings and, 47

  energy blockages, 89, 120

  energy healing removes, 45

  I Ching symbols heal, 231

  karma and, 195

  lessons in life are, 145

  love heals/melts, 95, 115, 195, 253

  mind blockages (negative beliefs, ego), 89, 201

  qi blockages, 45, 156

  soul blockage (negative karma), 89, 192

  soul mind body blockages, 47, 89, 95, 231–32

  Source Ling Guang Calligraphies, 255–56, 309

  Blog:, 301

  bodhisattvas, 151

  body blockages (energy and matter blockages), 89

  Body Power, Soul Power, Mind Power, and Sound Power

  Body Power healing technique, 111–12, 121

  Four Power Techniques, 104, 111, 113, 121

  Mind Power visualization, 121

  Soul Power, 121 (See also Say Hello technique)

  Sound Power chant/mantra, 113–14, 121

  Buddha(s), 33, 60, 145–46, 151, 212, 230, 269

  buddha, golden, 272–73

  Buddha chant, 158

  Buddha mantra: Na Mo A Mi Tuo Fo, 158

  Buddhist teaching, 158

  Buddhist temples, 24, 33, 185

  Butterfield, Heather (editor), 296



  comment by medical intuitive, 102

  for self–healing: Source Ling Guang Calligraphy (Soul Light), 111–12, 154, 309

  soul healing miracles, over 500, 102

  soul healing miracles and blessings, 111

  in Soul Healing Miracles book, 97–99, 101–2

  Source Ling Guang Calligraphy Da Ai (Greatest Love), 155

  Source Ling Guang Calligraphy (Soul Light), 111–12, 309

  Catholic (faith), 61, 126, 128, 203

  Catholic Church/school, 61–62, 80, 119, 204

  Chen, Sylvia

  1992: multimillionaire business entrepreneur; Dr. Sha provided healing for Sylvia and her relatives; she arranged 4 events at the Buddhist society and other spiritual organizations for Dr. Sha, 24–25

  1993 October: Master Sha and Sylvia went to Master Guo’s healing center in China, 34

  1993: workshops arranged for Dr. Sha in Los Angeles; teaching in Taiwan, 33–34

  1994 October: Master Sha and Sylvia returned to Master Guo’s healing center in China: Master Guo gave healing to twenty, 34

  2013: operated an export/import and food manufacturing and real estate businesses; philanthropist helping Women’s Hospital, 25 children’s hospitals (Circle of Care), 27

  2013: met Dr. Sha at soul healing miracle event; appointed CEO of Dr. Sha’s organization; vision of expanding Dr. Sha’s services worldwide, 27–28

  comments about Dr. Sha, 28–29

  Chitty, John (prostate cancer), 75–78

  Chuck, Allan (Master), 219–27

  2000 April 8: met Dr. Sha in San Francisco, who treated his wife Mimi, 219, 221–23

  2000-2001: Dr. Sha’s only assistant, 223

  2001: Dr. Sha’s first healer training course in America, 224

  2002–2012: editor for Sha’s book Power Healing and other books; business manager for Heaven’s Library Publication Corp, 223

  2003: Mimi developed ovarian cancer and died despite healing treatments, 224

  2013: Dr. Sha’s business manager in India, 225 background and education, 219–21, 226

  comments about Dr. Sha, 225–26

  karma cleansing, 225

  unconditional love and forgiveness, 224

  unconditional universal service, 226

  Clayton, Harold (Nobel Prize winner), 91

  Cult of Mary, 62


  Deveraux, Cynthia (Master), 237–61

  2006: met Dr. Sha at retreat, 239

  Akashic Records reading, 83, 259–60

  background and employment, 237–39

  comments about Dr. Sha, 239–61

  karma cleansing, 243, 245, 253, 261

  reincarnation and karma, 239

  unconditional love, 242, 254

  Divine Liver chant, 42


  Einstein, Albert (physicist), 47, 51, 54

  emotional body, 147

  energy, matter, soul relationship. See also Soul Mind Body Science System

  about, 154, 157–58

  Akashic Records, 144

  emotional body, 147

  Hun Dun (blurred condition), 143

  jing (matter), 89–90, 143, 156, 194, 202

  jing qi shen (matter, energy, soul), 90, 114, 143

  karma law, 144–45

  Ling Dao Yi Dao, 154

  mental body, 147

  physical body, 147

  qi (energy), 89–90, 143–44, 156–57, 194, 202

  qi blockages, 45, 156

  Qi Dao Xue Dao, 153–54

  Qing Qi (light energy), 143

  shen (soul), 89–90, 114, 143, 156, 202

  spiritual body, 147

  Tao jing qi shen, 143

  Tao Normal Creation, 144

  Tao Reverse Creation, 146

  wellness and spiritual enlightenment, 147–48

  Yi Dao Qi Dao, 154

  yin yang, 90

  Zhuo Qi (disturbed light), 144

  energy blockages, 89, 120

  energy healing, remote, 25

  energy medicine, 45–47


  Facebook:, 301

  forgiveness. See also self-healing about, 40, 72, 103, 106–7, 114, 200

  chants, 88, 115

  Dr. Sha and, 124, 128, 132, 181, 208–9

  Ling Guang Calligraphy, 111–12

  practice, 71, 78, 89, 95, 104, 129–30

  practice exercise (forgiving ancestors), 113–14

  in self-healing exercise, 104–5, 107

  song, 92

  Soul Song blessing, 117

  Tao song, 114, 115

  Four Power Techniques, 104, 111, 113, 121. See also Body Power, Soul Power, Mind Power, and Sound Power

  Frishman, Rick (Planned Television Arts), 7, 101


  Gavino, Ximena (Master), 118–24

  2011: Divine Channel, chosen as a, 123

  background and workshops with Dr. Sha, 118–24

  manager of the Teaching and Training Department, Events, and Marketing, 123

  Givens, Diane, 289

  Givens, Michelle, 289

  Givens, Roger (Master), 289

  Gladstone, William (author) about, 3–6, 297

  2013 September: met Dr. Sha at healing retreat, Asilomar, CA, 10–11

  author/agent agreement for Dr. Sha’s book, 7–8

  books by, 92, 110–11, 299

  Dr. Sha, preliminary conclusions on, 6, 131–33

  Gayle Newhouse (fiancée/wife), 10–12, 80, 82, 98, 137, 295–97

  Simon & Schuster, 7–10

  golden buddha, 272–73

  Guan Yin, 39

  Guerra, Naada (left eye injury), 4–5, 259–61

  Guo, Zhi Chen (Dr. and Master)

  1978: received number 3396815 from Divine: 1000’s of soul healing miracles occurred, 35

  1988: Xin Jiang Province event with over 15,000 people; Dr. Sha accepted as a disciple, 32–33

  1993/1994 October: Dr. Sha saw Master Guo’s healing treatments to 20,000 people; learned sacred soul language, 34–35

  1999: Dr. Sha witnessed soul healing at Master Guo’s clinic, 35

  2005: Dr. Sha’s fourth visit to Master Guo in China; made film called Soul Masters: Dr. Guo and Dr. Sha, 35

  2005: daily teaching to Dr. Sha on secrets of the soul and soul power for healing, 36

  Guo family, 37

  herbal and energy movement therapies, 46

  his book: Dong Yi Gong, 31

  gurus, 12, 151, 175


  Haanel, Charles, 42–43

  healing angels, 151, 230

  Hill, Napoleon, 42–43, 80

  holy saints, 151, 230

  Hudoba, Peter (Master), 263–75

  2000: met Dr. Sha in San Francisco airport, 267–68

  background and education, 263–67

  karma cleansing, 267–68

  scientific evidence for Sha’s healing, 161–65

  soul enlightenment, 268–75


  In Search of Ancient Mysteries (NBC special), 3, 297

  Inkeri, Mirva (Master), 197–202

  2009 March: met Dr. Sha in Sydney; teachings expanded her consciousness, 197–98

  2010: Toronto retreat with Dr. Sha, 199

  blog, 202

  business coordinator, 199

  comments about Dr. Sha, 199–202

  Disciple, Worldwide Representative and Divine Channel, 201

  family background, 197

  purpose of life is to serve, 198

  soul conferencing and soul marketing, 199

  Soul Language, 198

  unconditional universal service, 199–200


  Jampolsky, Gerald, 171

  Jesus, 60–61, 81, 109, 128–29, 158, 212

  Jin Dan (life force), 105, 107, 194, 200

  jing (matter), 89, 156, 194, 202

  jing qi shen (matter, energy, soul), 89–90, 114, 143, 202


  kahunas, 52, 151

  karma. See also Akashic Records; blockages

  forgiveness practice clears negative karma, 78, 89

  individual soul and reality, determines, 55

  law, 144–45

  located on Heaven and Mother Earth level, 144

  negative, 49–50, 89, 91, 130, 146, 165, 224, 241, 245

  root cause of success and failure, 146, 195

  karma cleansing

  about, 49–50, 146

  Akashic Records, reading of, 83, 143–45, 259–60

  for blind man (Mumbai, India), 234

  Chuck, Master Allan, 225

  Deveraux, Master Cynthia, 243, 245, 253, 261

  Divine Channels and soul healers learn, 129

  Dr. Rulin Xiu and, 54, 57

  for Gladstone’s birthday party friends, 79–86

  for Greg and Allyn Reid, 80–86

  group soul operation and, 72

  Hudoba, Master Peter, 267–68

  Lusch, Master David, 208

  for mother with leukemia, 114

  Nusyna, Master Lynne, 190, 193

  Parlow, Master Sabine, 180

  past-life, 133

  for psychologist (lymphoma), 162–63

  Quintero, Master Francisco, 230, 233–34, 238

  as root of the healing practice, 133

  for Sharon Lawrence and her family, 282, 285

  for soul blockages, 89

  soul healing and, 69–70

  unconditional service and, 50

  for woman with MS, 163–64

  for Zakary (hydrocephalus), 78

  Karma law, 144–45


  lamas, 151

  Land of Medicine Buddha workshop (Soquel, California), 39, 230

  Lao Zi (Chinese philosopher), 141–43

  Tao De Jing (book), 141–43

  Lawrence, Michael, 287–89

  Lawrence, Sharon, 284–87

  Little Buddha (movie), 275

  Livestream:, 301

  Lord’s Prayer, 107

  Love, Medicine & Miracles (Siegel), 171

  Lusch, David (Master), 203–10

  2004 June 8–14: Dr. Sha’s Soul Retreat; received Divine Karma Cleansing, Divine Soul Downloads, and Soul Enlightenment, 208

  2005 January: Dr. Sha’s Divine Soul Operation stopped OCD, 208

  2009: World Wide Representative in Germany, 209

  background and family, 203–4

  comments about Dr. Sha, 208–10

  connected to the Divine, Tao, and Source, 209

  Divine, Tao, and Da Tao Channel, 209

  education and employment, 204

  karma cleansing, 208

  obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), 204–6

  soul healer, meeting with, 207

  teleconference with Master Sha, 207–8

  unconditional love, 203, 208–9

  unconditional universal service, 210


  Mackie, Maya (Master), 211–17

  2009 October: Soul Healing and Enlightenment Retreat in Hawaii, 214

  background and education, 212

  comments about Dr. Sha, 213–17

  Goodwill Ambassador in Belgium, 212–13

  importance of being a pure servant, 214–15

  importance of GOLD, 211, 213, 215–17

  meeting Master Sha’s Divine Channels, 214

  read Dr. Sha’s The Power of Soul, 213–14

  soul enlightenment, 214

  teach soul healing in Belgium, 212–13

  unconditional love, forgiveness, and compassion, 208, 212–13, 216–17

  unconditional universal service, 215

  man in his eighties with cancer, 11

  Mary, Cult of, 62

  The Master Key System (Haanel), 42–43

  Medicine Buddha, 39

  mental body, 147

  Milarepa, Jetsun (Tibetan yogi), 269

  Mind Power visualization, 121


  Catholic Church and, 61–62

  Divine intervention and, 62

  Dr. Sha teaches healing miracles techniques, 63

  Dr. Uwe Albrecht of Germany, 64

  Jake Ducey, 64–65

  of Jesus, 60–61

  laws of nature, 60

  laws of the divine, 60

  of prophets and saints, 60

  miracles of Christ, 128

  modern medicine, 91, 149, 156–59, 178, 206, 254

  Muhammad, 60


  negative karma, 49–50, 89, 91, 130, 146, 165, 224, 241, 245

  Newhouse, Gayle (Gladstone’s fiancée/wife), 10–12, 80, 82, 98, 137, 295–97

  Nusyna, Lynne (Master), 183–95

  2003 March: workshop with Dr. Sha; received karma cleansing, 189–90

  2003 July: met Dr. Sha; received several treatments; traveled to Soul Enlightenment Retreats and other events, 190–92

  2005: studied with Master Guo in China; received soul healing and Soul Mind Body Transplants, 192, 194

  2009: Divine Channel, Disciple, and Worldwide Representative of Master Sha, 183, 192–93

  2010: left corporate world; opened Healing Centre in Toronto, 193

  2012 and 2013: had two karmic attacks; received healing from Master Sha, 194–95

  asthma, gallbladder surgery, stroke and Crohn’s disease, 188–89, 193

  education and adult counseling, 185–87

  family background and Holocaust, 183–85,

  karma cleansing, 190, 193

  medical problems, 184–86


  Parlow, Sabine (Master), 177–81

  2007 July 7: met Dr. Sha at workshop; read Soul Mind Body Medicine, 179

  2011 February: Dr. Sha’s disciple, Divine Channel and Worldwide Representative, 180

  2012: European business responsibility, 181

  alternative healing methods, 178

  background and employment, 177–78, 180

  cancer, developed, 179

  comments about Dr. Sha, 179, 181

  inner peace, searched for, 179

  karma cleansing to her daughter, 180

  physical body, 147

  prayer, 5, 62, 106–7, 179


  qi (energy), 89, 156–57, 194, 202

  qi blockages, 45, 156

  Qi Gong, 31–34, 45

  Qi Gong energy healing, 24

  Quintero, Francisco (Master), 229–36

  2002 June: met Dr. Sha at Land of Medicine Buddha in Soquel, CA: karma cleansing and blessings for high blood pressure, 230

  2002: blockages from soul, heart, mind, and body, 232

  2008: traveled with Dr. Sha around the world; many healing miracles, 233–34

  2009: Worldwide Representative in Frankfurt, Germany, 235

  background, family, 233

  comments about Dr. Sha, 235–36

  karma cleansing, 230, 233–34, 238

  soul wisdom, 230

  unconditional love, 230–31


  Reid, Greg and Allyn, 80–86

  reincarnation, 76

  Barton, Master Richard Shunya, 171

  belief/non-belief in, 50, 80–81, 85, 108, 111, 114, 133

  Deveraux, Master Cynthia, 239

  karma cleansing and, 50, 86

  transitions and rebirths, 294


  San San Jiu Liu Ba Yao Wu (mantra), 74, 230

  Say Hello technique

  about, 74, 104, 121, 149–52, 157

  Ling Guang calligraphy and, 151–52, 309

  Tao, 151–52

  woman with psoriasis, 149–50

  Schwartz, Gary (University of Arizona professor), 88, 90–91, 161, 295

  scientific evidence of Sha’s techniques, 161–65

  psychologist with lymphoma, 162–63

  woman with multiple sclerosis, 163–64

  self-healing. See also forgiveness; Say Hello technique

  about, 78, 96, 118, 149, 154

  Bao Yuan Shou Yi (meditation), 105, 200

  chant, Da Ai, 155

  chant, Ling Guang, 154

  Divine Channels teach self-healing, 259

  Dr. Sha chanting and singing on YouTube, 115

  exercise, 103–8

  gratitude for healing, 112

  Jin Dan (life force), 105, 107, 194, 200

  One Hand Near, One Hand Far method, 230

  Power Healing: The Four Keys to Energizing Your Body, Mind & Spirit, 230

  Sharon Lawrence and, 277–78

  Source Ling Guang Calligraphy calligraphy, 111–12, 154, 309


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